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M�. ...�.__ <br /> - ��::��:.:tx ...�., <br /> r 9�� �.aJsx3 r•NnR-sita-i <br /> � �38972p ' <br /> I <br /> � ADJU�uTAl1i.1:RATI:R1D�R <br />' (1 Yenr 9Yc�sury Index—Rnto Cnps--Fixcd Roto Canvcrafon Optlon) <br /> 7F116 AFS7USTADLR RATl3 RiDRR is mado this 2Nn dny of NDVkMUGR , 19 92 ,end 15 - <br /> IncorporateJ Into nnd shail be deemcd eo nmend and snpplement the MongaBe,Docd of 7tas�or Sccurily Deed _ <br /> (Il�e"3ecurhy InsttumrnY')of�ho snmo dnto gieen by tiio undersigned phe•'Oorro��•er")to securc Rorro��•erk f�' <br /> Adlustablo Row Noto Gho'•i�oto")to NpRWGH7 11pR7f�116�� ING. � A t9INNE8D7A <br /> LY)12PORAYIU�2 (tlio^Lendor")of the same deie and coverfng We praperty described in <br /> .._ <br /> tho Sccuriry insuumem anA loca�ed n�: <br /> i;: <br /> 435b MANGHESTL•R ROtIA GFiANA IBLAND� NE 68803 a <br /> [r�o�ny naar�s:� <br /> 7H�tl078 CONTAINS PRDY1510PIS A640WIN0 FOR CHAM�BS IN TN�INTEflE87 RA7E !` <br /> �ND 7HE MON7H4Y AAYM�NT.7li8 NOT�I.iMIYS 7HE AMOUNT 7N� 80RHOWkB'S ; <br /> AOJUS7ABLE INT@RC87 RA7E CAN GHAN�E AT ANY ONE 71ME ANp THF.MAXIMUM i: ' <br /> flATE 7HE BQRROWBN MUST AAV. 3'�!E NOTB A1.80 CONTAINB 7HH <br /> OP710N TO CONVERT TNE ADJU8TABl.E fiA7�70 A�lXEp HA7�. p;` <br /> ADAI"!'IONAl.COVENANT9.Inndditinntn�hecovenamsnndngrcememsmadein�heSecuritylnstrnmen�, _- <br /> Bmro��it and Lencler(urther covennnt and agrce ns tollows: - <br /> A.AiD3USTAIII.�RATE ARlB biONTfILY PAYM ENT CHANGBS �, <br /> The Note provides for an In1Ua1 intcrest rntc of 4.250�k,Thc Note providcs�hc changes in thc ndJusinblc _ <br /> interest rete nnd thc momhly paymems,ns follows: _ <br /> 4.ADJUSTAALII INTERFST RAfE AND 1110NTHLY PAY�tLrNTCHANGES - <br /> (A)Ct�ango Dptes ;, <br /> Tho ndJus�nblo intcrest rnte I wlll p�y may chnnge on the first day nf NQVEMBER ,i9 93 � : <br /> nnd on�6nt dny every 12�h momh thoron(tor. Cnch dnte on which my ndJuxtnble imerest mta conld change Is �• <br /> cnllcd o"Changc D2to." _- <br /> (D)1'he[ndex ,_ <br /> fleginning with Ihe first Chnngc Date,my nUjus�ablc intcres[racc will bc oa�e�i on un(nJcx.TF�o°ir�des"Is _ <br /> tho�veekly e��emge yleld on United Slates 7Yensury secarities aAJusteJ to n const;�m matudiy of 1 year,ns madc <br /> nvnllnble by thc Pederal Reserve Doard.The mos�recent Indre figare avnilnble os of the dnte M1S Jnys before ench =- <br /> Chango Dnte is called ihe"Curcem Index." ���: <br />. If�he Index is no longer nvaflable,thc Notc Hoider will choose a ncu•index �hnt is 6ascd upon comparaUlc - <br /> Informntlon.The Ivote Holder will gRro me nntice nf thix choic.. Ei; <br /> (C)Caiculnt�on otChanges :;; <br /> Defore ench Change Dnte,�he hoie Holder will cakulnce my newinteres� m�c by ndding 2.750 -- <br /> perceningc points( 2.750�,��o���e Currcn�h�dex.Thc Nme Holdcr�vill tl�cn rom�d�hc result ohhis addition �= <br /> tothc nenres�onvcighthof onc perceningc poim(0.125�4.>. Subjecl to Ihc limits stntcd in SectinnA(U)bclow,this ��, <br /> roundcd nmount will be my new imcres�ratc until ihe next Change Datc. F�� <br />- Thc Nmc Holder will�h.n Jetcrminc�hc mnount of Uw mont6ly pnyment �hai would be sufficient m rcpay <br /> the mipaid principnl that I nm expecteJ ta owe a��he Change Uate in tull on ihe Maiurity Date at my new Interes� - <br /> rnte in subs�nntinily equal payments.The resul�of�his cnlcula�ion a•ill be the ne�v nmount of my momhly pay- <br /> mem. <br /> (�)Lhnits on Intcrcst Retc Chnnges = <br /> The in�cresl ra�e 1 am rcquircd�o pay a��hc firs�Chan�e Date will not bc grca�er �hnn 6.250�k ur less = <br /> Ihan 2•25� !�r.?hercaRer,my aJjtis�ublc interesl mte���ill nererbe incr.:�ud ordecn:ucJ on any single Chuige Da�e ° <br /> p�.�R�7Y)D �;�ntagc poin�(s)( 2rk)fmm Ihc ratc of in:ercsl I havc bc.n p�ying(or thc prcceding 12 months. - <br /> �Sy intzrest ���ilf ne��r he grca�er thmd0.25C1S4.�chichise:�l)edihe"Maximum Ra�e." F�, <br /> C�1�fter�hr Ar.te of Oh�r.res = <br />�v inlerest ra�e���ilt be.ome ef(ec�i��e an.a.h Cham.r Date. 1 x'ill pay ihe amount of my r.ew nmmhly �.-. <br />.. payment b.ginning on�hc first momhly paymen� dare altrr ch. Changc Daie umil thc amnunt of my momhly = <br /> paynxn�chasft�<��ain. _. <br /> (P)Nollcc of Chnnges _ <br />- '!'he hn�e Hnlder will drlieer or mail �n ine a nn�irr oi am .hang.� in my adjustable imcres�rate and ihr -. <br />� ameunt nf my mnmhly paymrnt before �hc c(lerti�r d:u. nf�m�change The nmice will ineluAe in(nrma�inn - <br />� requited by lau tn h.girrn mr anJ alw�h. liUt auJ�clrphnr.r numhr of a p.non ahn will ansx�er a»� qctsilon .. <br />� I mac harc re,ardin�IF.c r.mire. . <br /> IS.F]YF.D IS'1'}72}3'7'12:1"I'li OI''t10S -� <br /> Thr Noie proefdes 1,r �h: 6orro�vcr:opGnn �n:nmrn(rnm .m aJiu.�.�Yd_ �n1erc5� ralc ��i�h inlrro•� r.�tc � <br />.. limiu�.a firrd imcrest,a,fnllrnr.: - <br />- C 41YCIl1X'fi:ie6l'PIlATF('OV\972.1'II!\OP'fl0\ <br />- G\I Optlon to Com�crt to Fised Ruic : <br />' I hare a Com�crsion Opuan�hat c�crciu ur.i.•�. 1�m in Jr(ault or�6i�Scctiun StA� ��ill r.-t �,rnni� . . <br />-- me io do so.Thc "Conrersion Optinn" i�m��aption to comcn Ou imen�� r,ve I am rc��aircJ m pa��h���hf�Sm. . <br />- fro:n an lujus�able raie�cith imere.t rate I:r.'�n�o tlie fi�eJ r:nr c�l vlaied umler Scaiun 9�I37 trlr•.. <br />= The com�ersion can unlr takr place on a Ja�c����pecificJ by Ihc`ulc Haldr:during thr{+r�nJ Meir.nin�on <br />- t.`c lin� Changc Ualc and crJing nn the (ifih Change DOIC L"dlll II:III un uCiah m�� aJjm�ablc intcrr.i ratr can <br />- comnn�o���•fi�eJ ra�e i>.alled the°Comcnion Uate.. <br />_ � <br />" 1lIM1TtSGiEC4�11EnT.'g�EAQI0STA0lEMTER:�EB-ARNPL�N51-S��;eh-y-tYeunaeluryi^LC��iann@M�eUMlormlmlrummlfamOtRtii <br />- f:4Ftef/3IRS0 _. <br />