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<br /> �,� rropsrly�'the fceiluk(n ItK'�rinledt dad s1Nil!re pr�ma fuk evldcme ot!ix tn�lh o!ihe M�lenirnts mwde tl�cteJn.
<br /> ��• _ TH�Mee s11�11/pply tlk o[ihs t#le in 1he ldio�f�onktts�)io All cacls�nd tzpcnses ot c:ccrdsing 1La powa of
<br /> � r�ts�and tht s�te,) h! mmt otths'iYiiila a hts�itiw�lq insurred,not to exceed �SfOO.oo '•5
<br /> ����K �{�(�) (�M�(d(�(�;y�{�yp{�p�tiY�4►EIWi1f)Gnd reawn�6te attomcys`tecs+u perniuted
<br /> -�.!!�Iew�l6)In�II wM11�nutnll�y Ihis Risudly fns4�xima�It And(c)any cxcess ro�he peraon or{Krsons�egnlly rnittlM to
<br /> �r� �1t; 1t4CONrEyI1NM, �1�11t pnymbn of�all �nms Eccnral Ny ihla Sccurl�y lnsimnxn4 lairJcr shnU ra�uut Trus�a to
<br /> �vconvcy Ilro�rol�S�ly nn�i q)ipJl turrom�or�Ida Sccurl�y Insinimrn� nnd nll notcs evidcixing dd�t secur�d Ly this Sccudry
<br /> Imi�i�xnu� +uNM�TNNr�,sllnll roconvey Iho Propctl9�elthoul wnrranly and without chsrge�p t6o person or{xrsons Icgally
<br /> tN l lo it �h�krxin of�e�pn chnll pny any r�oordaqon coiis.
<br /> 1,;�lW�MINW!TtMN4t� IkT�JOh al Ila oplinn, ntay from tlnb to timc renwvo 7tusteo ancl eppotnt a sucoessor t�ustes to
<br /> any"ftlutte N+pu�Mat ht�lundet8y nn imtnmunl recordod In tho munty in which thfs Suurity instrumenj is recoiaed.\Vl�lenut
<br /> amveyani ot tlw!'rey+itly,the►hpr��cor tnnico ahntl snccad to NI tho Nle.powcr and dmia conferrul upon Tmstco herein
<br /> �nJ b� ��c�61e t1�w�
<br /> ���{g�(Vo!lSey.Bo�roN�r rt�quesls�hm coplcs of�ho noilxs of dcfault and sale be scnt to Rorrower's adArtss
<br /> whlcNlithe ny Addre+�,
<br /> 25,A lo ihklittWMly 1nAtutacnL If ono or moro ridcn are ea,xvi�d.Ay Bonowcr and recoMed�ogGhcr wi�h this
<br /> SStu�ily lhti1�{I Ot,llK CovRilUnit�rht Af,'t�cmeNS of cnch xuct�rld¢r shaJt 6e tnmrC.orated Imo end shall ttmend and supplem:nt
<br /> tirornvonanle yrt�nKnlsohM1lfSecudlylnetmmuilaslfd�ortdee(s?wen>apartofihisSaurl�yinstn�mcm.
<br /> (Chak npplicobla box(ee)) NECb-302t3-C--•
<br /> AdJuFU6ts Rats Rldtr Condmnlnlum Rlder �I•4 Fnmily IiiAer
<br /> 4nduRlat Paynxnt Ridcr Plnnncd Unit a,vetopucea[Rider �➢ixxekly Pnymrni Ri<ter
<br /> tidloon Rlder Rnte improvcment Rtdcr �Second Flomc Riaer
<br /> V.A. Ridor Othcr(s)(s{kcify�
<br /> AVE. �� QtiAHR� N� 6p1370000 -
<br /> IIY SIONINO BRIAW.Borrower xeeqs a�d agrees�o tho�erms nnd covenams mntatr,ed in this Security InstNment and
<br /> in any ridsr(s)axccutecl by ISorrower arwl recorded wiih ii• �/
<br />� Wiincsus: �wy(��f��
<br /> �°('��J�J=(s!�����k��'d-LP (Seaq
<br />� - 11f�,t',4T UCfll`I itti'siiriLit[ric -�'�^" ^••
<br /> , ___� .�_.... �LW4�CS!_LSLJGS'�T.����Q� �Sl'i1�J -.
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<br />- (Scal) _ �../�A)
<br />'._ .no«,,,« �eo.,�,.._�
<br />... S'fA3'a;OFNSdRASKA, HFill. CouNyss: -
<br />-- 77�e foregaing Instmmem wu acknowlcdged before me�his 2ND day of ROVEt1BER , 1992 . -�
<br /> Wimcss my hmid and notadal ual a� GRAHD IBGAND, NE /, fn said County,thc date afoces�i�. _
<br /> i
<br /> hfy Conmilssion Qxpires: d=/J'•%.5 ��/� r�-�` �`�'^ �' f'� -
<br /> Noury Publi�
<br />_ �SLw�H10tMYS1i1tNiPruli =
<br /> M G�ftl.IK IR 1994
<br /> r.reae Fo�m30]0 8i00 _�
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