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„., ., , rtb�i�v: �u-�;f3�iki(idfr`�✓s3�; <br /> -- cxc3}... ►7G3: . ... . .._..�- :.�_"'- °�- -----�--.._ _.., <br /> �� ��".o'�.t}e��i� FNf22-3116••2 <br /> 1tI want tooaemisethe ComenlonOp�lon,1 must first mect certnin wndiHons.Those condidons aro that:(U i mnst <br /> -- -- gltrothoNotoiloldcrnMke�hatlwanttodoso:(IUon�hoConvcrsionDaialmustnotbc(ndefnuliundcrtheNoteor�ha _ <br /> Secudty InstrnmenR pll)by n date spcci0ed by tho Nmo Iioldcr,I nms�pay tho No�o Ifoidcr u mnvcrslon fea of U.S. <br /> S 300�OU t+�nd(iv)t must sign and givo iho No�o Holdcr nny documents�hc Note Holder 1�".iEx�aosa. <br /> regultvstooffecttLoconvereinn. 4�t�N '�Y�f,A . <br /> (D)CnlculnttaiotI+lxcdRatc �,3t ��� <br /> My new, fixed inleres�r�to wlll he eqnal m the Fcderal National Mortgagc Associntion's required net yielA ,�_�� <br /> ss o8 a dnto nnd Amo ot day a{�eclflcd Uy tho T�oto I�oldcr[or 0)if thc origlnal tcrm of�his Note is�rentar thnn IS �is,}_;4$ti-�a : <br /> ycnrs,30•yanr fixed ra�c mortgogcs covcred 6y nppllcaLlo 60•dny mnndatory dellvery commitmcros,pius five� ��.�� '„ <br /> cighq�s of one.percemege point(O.b2S�k),rounded to�ho ncarest onaoighth ot one perceningc point(0.125�h),or t;$„��� � <br /> Op 1f�he original tenn of thls Noto is IS ycnrs or Iess, IS•ycar fixed mte mortgnges covercd by npplfcnbie 60•dny �?'%'�;�;k����r;�i <br /> mnnddtaty dell0ery cammltmanis,plus flvo•cighths of ona peceenmge poiN(0.625%), rounded to�he nenros� ����sl�?�4H;__ <br /> one•ei�hlh of onQ Qercemago point(0.12570).If this required net yiclJ amnm bo determined because�he applb ,�,yu, ' <br /> cnblp cpmmi�monfs rre not availa6le, Iho Noto Holdor wlll Aelermine 3ny iNCrest rntc by ustng compnrnblo ��o4���t�kJ ; <br />= Inform�tlon.Mynewm�ecalculatedunderlhlsSection5(D)willnoibegrenterlhantheMnximumRalesmcedinScetion t=,�:„�}�tfx..- <br /> 4(p)nba�c. MY INTEREBT RAT£ WYL4 NCV&R HF AREATER TNAN 10. 25o p&CtCENT. `�^;e+?�i�=;�.;j-' <br /> �C tUr t°Te:. <br /> (d)New;Pxyment Amount and Etfectivo Dnte t�' � <br /> c a�,�(�;<lr ” <br /> If 1 chodse ro exercise�he Com•erslon Option,the Nae Holder will dc�erminc�hc amount ot the momhly .pi.� <br /> payment that woutd bc su(ficicnt to tcpay the unpaid principal 1 am axpectcd to o���e on thc Conversion Pa�e in ,,.�„: - <br /> full on the maturity datc at my new rxcA intwest mic in subsiemielly equal payments.The rcsuh of ihis calcu- ���� e <br /> latlon wlll bo ihe naw nmount of my munthly payment. Deginning with my firs�monthly paymcnt nfter�he �,,�tix�s,... <br /> Comerslon Date,l will p:ry thu ne�v amoum es my momhly pnyment umil�hc Mamrity data �y=?,,f,,pF+ • <br />'� C.TRANSFkROF'ffIEPROPP.RTYORAAINETICIALINTERESTINA0RR01YER �"S's�t�yxa�� <br />-- I,Un�it Dorrower exercises the Conversion Op�ion unAer �he condiilans s�ated in Senion II of tliis Ad'us�- !`"°^'�''�`-�_-��`�� <br /> ) .t,-•;r.;,,...,: <br /> ablo Rme Rider,Unifotm Covenant 17 of�hu Secud�y lnsernmem is nmended to read as folluws: �;�tji u;�':�;-_ <br /> = 1Yiinster oHhe Ih•uperly or a Bencticlal lntxrest 3n 33m•rowcr.lf nll or nn �rt of the Pro rty or an intercsl '�'�-;y���"�. <br /> _ r P• x r ;4..,,, ,,,_ <br /> In ibis sold or transferred(or i(a beneiicfal in[eres� in 8orrowcr is sold or uunsferred the 6orrower is not a :,;��c;;��`.-,�.� <br /> = oat�ra:Yer.on)•r.11hout!:�dC[?�ri^r wrif�en conscrtt.3.en;lcr may,at its option,rcquire (mmedime paymem in Y it; _ <br /> = full of all sums secured by this Security Instramer.t.Maa•ever.�his opiion shall noi be exercised by Lender if J;'s yg <br />'- exetcise is proh@Ited by kderal Imv as of�he daae d:;+is Srceriiy Insuument.Lender elso shall not excrcise tlds �},��k')•�•��>=�- <br /> I 5�5°i�::_.. <br />- opUon IC(a)IIorro��•er causes to be submiucd to 3.crtdar informa�ion requiced by l.cnder to evaluata the intendcd i�k����`,.,,,.,. <br /> uansfcrcc as if n new lonn wcrc being mndc ta�he transfcrcc;and(b)Lea�:drr rcasonably deizme:zes ihat Lend• �`4;,;y,,: <br /> - er's security wlll not be impalred by the loan asswnp�ion xnd �hnt thr risk of n hreach of any covenant or ""���`t _ <br /> - ngmement in this Sewrity Insirument is,ccep�abla to Lender. � <br /> t j�t4S�s�: <br /> To the extend permi�eed by npplicable lau,l.ender mny charge n rensonable fee,s n condi�iou m Lender's :�(�;�'�ri .: <br />'- � consent lo ihc loan assump�lon.Lendcr olso ma} requlrc�he vans(erce to sign on assumpilon,ger<mtnt ihat is ;;,?,.�4. ,._, <br /> - ncccptablc to Lendcr and�hat oblfga�es�hc trnn�irrce to kcep nll the promises and agrecments m,dc in�he Note t:l";!�f.'�"�'-�. <br /> = und in this Sewflty Instrument.fiorrower will cominue ro he obligated under the Ivote nnd�his Securiry Ins�no- ;`r,iht�Y""� <br />- ment unlcss lendcr relaases 6orrower in writing. %;Yi3++�:��s°.__�� <br />�(� �id::f;��2 C`n-;_. <br />-.� If Lcndcr execelses the optlon to requirc im�acdia�c pa��men�in full. Lender shall gire nn�ice ot i»;�,,<<�;_..... <br />��; actcleration.The no:i�.shall provide a parinA os not less than 30 An�s d�om�he date�ha notice is dclivered or {�y. �r� _._ <br /> maflad aithin which Uorwwer mnst pny nll sums secureJ by this Sewri�g in>trumem. If Dorrower faiis�o'�g �° �� ��,� <br /> these>umc pdor to the expiratinn ot ihis period, Lender may invoAe any rrmcdies permiued b��this Sceuri¢c 4 '� `�s':� <br /> - Instrumenl without furlhct noticc ordemand on 6orrowtir. �'��;t <br /> 2. If 6orrower exerclses the Com•ersion 6�tinn under the cmiditions sia:ed in Seciion B oC�hi�Adjusmble .-'e++r a ' <br /> �„j sN.-< <br /> ` Rute R(der,�he nmendment of Unifonn Corenan� 17 of the Securi�y Instrument con�ained in Sectiin C I aboee .,es'::�s;;: <br /> • shnll �hen cease �o be in effecL and�hc ru�is�ons of Uniform Covennnt 17 of the Securit Imtrumtnt shall ��7'iJ`,_'�:��9�- <br /> _ p Y �.,, _ <br /> (nstead Uc in cffcct,as(ollows: �-�' sT '�� �-- <br /> - 1Ynnsferof the Property or a Qencficial lmerest In Oarrox�en If nll or any part of thc Propeny or any imerr,� 'fjt`i i,_,,;-�t_;,.: <br /> In iI is sold or vansferred(or if a henefiei�l ine-res�in Uorrmcer is�old or�mnsferred and Rnrrm�er is not a :_f�-'-�S;;c�,� <br /> , nalural person)wilhom Lendcri prior w'riuen::ncenL Lendar may. m in np�ion,rcquire inunedia�e paymem in -`�s�5�5 :.- <br /> - tull of all swns sewred by thi�Se.uriq In.unmeN. Ho��-ecer.�his optiun shall nr!'+:turcised M�Lendrr if ��,:._ . ,�...,, <br />-- exercise i>p�ohibilcd Fy fedenl Ln�:�,nf ihe dz�e of�his Srcun�p Imvurccm. "•'�." ?_.;�y:_ <br /> �i': . <br /> -° 1f Lender exerci�ea ihis option. Lender ��il' ei�e llarro��cr nntice of aacleratinn. �fht noiice sh�ll prmiJ. "- <br /> ` a period of not lex>�h:c�30 days Gum ihe d.:ir�h: �mice i.Celicered or mailed�ci�hin w�hich Aorrm�rr mus�pay :`�:�}; <br /> = all sums secureA by ihfs Securiq•Insvumem. Ii Rmrm��rr faih to p�p�he e>um�p�ior �o�he ea��u.�iion of�his �'" :.- <br />-- period.lend.r may im�oke an�•remedie�penmurJ bc�hi�Securit� I n.irumen���i�hnm fu�ther no�ire or demanJ ,Y���,��• �". <br />-- on Borro,�er. % <br /> ,.t.- <br /> DY SIGNING �GLO\V. Rnrrn.�er acrept.:n:�agrct��n ihe�crm.aitd .�nenam>mntaineJ ir.�hn Adju.�able <br />`-' Rale Ridce � <br /> = ................ ...................... . ISca6 ��1�/����� � <br /> �s,,,„.« n.,�,�:':� <br /> - GARY DERN HAWTHOFNE ��� �� <br /> .F // C <br />" ��i�lk,� �`f��i�' <br />--�.:� .. I-(A HORN !.�—�...._�Scat� '- <br /> _��,,.c� � <br /> H..n�..a <br />..� . Form3tllLt9-a,v:...J.�.r... .� <br />"-! <br />:"..' <br />__ <br />_ > ... . <br />.i:i _. _ - .: ..:,... <br />