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_W :`:; ;,:�5`�,:�sz� _ �.,�: :� : <br /> b`�ht._,.ti.. ' , ._,. , <br /> ---_._ �.;...,�...�..,�5�.,�., wuw nt�.,�� ..,:....,_...+iw..N,.__��. -- - - <br /> � 9�-�-�.a��z� <br /> 19.1YlInsRC o[th!li'opetiy o�A NHRlkllll�OkRSt In$ofi'owc�'.If all ar nny rytn of Oic Property or any Intcresi In It <br /> ' Is sold or vansfcrc�d(or If u bencllclal INC�CSI ln itnrrowcr Is sold or trensfcrral arM Durruner ix nm a namml perxon)witliout <br /> I.endcr's pdor wdnen conunt, t.ero1¢r nway, nt he ap�ion. �Cqidro Immcdlate plyn�cm in fnll af nll sunss s:cured by thls <br /> SSCUfI�Y In�4NnlCnt.}(ox'.vcr,Ihle iipllan shall nN hc cxerciscA liy I.cndcr if ezercise is prohibi�cd by fedcr�l Isa•as of thc dato <br />- of�his Sccudty�nsmunwl. -- - <br /> If I.cndcr cxcrciscs ihis optlnn,I.ctxlcr s6a11 givc IA�rmx�cr nntica ot ncccicrmfon.Thc cmicc�hall pro�•ide a periad of not <br /> Icu than 30 days tmm tlio dmo �ho nntico Is dcllvct�d or malh`�I wlt6ln which Oorm�rtr mnsi pny nll sumc stturcA by�his <br /> Sceudly(nsinimG�l. (f Oorrowor fnlls In pay ihcsc mm�s pdnr m iho expimilon of this prrial.LcnAer mar im•ote any remidics �;—. <br /> pemiluM by�his Sceud�y Insin�mrnt wi�hnut fnnher nmiro or dcmnnJ on 13arrowcr. = <br /> 18. Bcn'Mwc�'v Ili�l�l lo RClnslnta If Ifnrrowcr mccis cenofn condiiions, Ilorzo«er shall have �hr dght �o havc <br />- cnforccnxm of tl�is 8ccnmy Insmimcnt Jixominual m nny iLno prior�n �he carlier ot: ia�S .Lics (nr surh nihcr�xriod as �'':'T'. <br /> applicablc law may xpccify fnr rcins�memcnl) bctore snlc o!Iho Propctly pursuan� tu nny ry���er o(wtc contalncd in �hfs `—`'-"'— <br /> Sccurity ins�mmem:or(6)cmry of n JuJgment cnfnrc6ig thls Saurity ft�slrumcnt.Thusc:ondi[ions arc iha�Burrowcr.(a)pays �`�s;�:. <br />. I.cnder all sunu which�hcn would bo duc undcr�his 3crurl�y Im�nmknl nnd ihc Nac:c i!nn ncca4m�iun uccurreJ;(b) �ba .�- <br /> cures any defauh of any o�her mvcnnms m;igrcemrn�s;(c) pays nll cxpcnacs Inc�rra2 m rntnming�hia Secnd�y Insuuntcnt, J��v p= �-� <br /> Inciudlng,bm not Ilmiitd�o,rensonnhto nuomcYs' fcen:and(d)iaka such nctfon iu Lendr�mny rraconably� rcquut to aasurc �„_;,,:. <br /> thal the Ilen of this Securl� Instrumen6 lanJer s righ�s In�he Pro n anJ IfnrrowePs obli ation m Ihe aumq secucrd L '�•-'•`�•<�-� <br /> Y Ix Y F P�V' Y {�;°es,r.'-: <br />- this Security Insuumem shall amtinue unc6ang�ri. Upm rcinalulemtul 6y Aorrm��e�. �his S:curily lustnimcnt a:xt tiec _>-;;�,�,-.- <br /> 0611 ations sccurcd hcrcl+ chall n:maln fidl eff��clh•c us I(w accelcration had occumd.}lu��c��cr.�his righ�co rcins�mc sh;�il -��f"�r=`��� <br /> no�npply In�hc casa�itn colcrn�lon unJcr pa agraph I7. '�i�}a?i��� <br /> 19. Sate nt Nolci Clinnge at I.oan Senicen The No�e or n panill imenst in ilx fio�e (�ngcihrr �rid� �hi� Securi�y :;�r=�j' <br /> InstmmcnU may bo said onc nr more tlmes wl�ham pAnr nmim�n Ilarrmrcr.A salc nuy ns:dc in n.h;mFr in�h:rmip•Iknm.�n ,;rt:,;;��._.. <br /> as the'I.oan Scrvlccr")ihst mllccis momhly paytntNS Uue undcr Ihu Nnia nnJ�his Securiry�Gutram:m.Th.crc:Jso mnp be one ,,v:�,;,`•;�_-� <br /> or more changes af the Loan Serviccr unreiated lo n sale af Ihe Nn1a if�here ix n cliange o(tt:��Loz�Scr.�icer,l�orrnx�er�.�iil bc 'tr.z, <br /> given wriuen notice of�he change in occorAanee wiih paragrnph IA n6ove nnd npplicable law.T��c nu:ice��ill uve� und '?.4.i 1"�f�:. <br />- r.dAress of�he new Loan Scrcicer mW Ihe aAJrtu In ahicit paymems shnulJ 6c mada ll:e r.micc n�ili:dsu.-+xain any ulhCf �ys}}�t' .` <br /> InCom�atlon rcquind by applknblc I�w. + t/#�j'',i i� <br /> 20. Hmnrdo��s Snlulanccs. ftnrmwcr shall nol caum nr permfi �hc prcsence, use,, storage, ar rrlrace nf nny �,:'Nl�t;:�:-'- <br /> Hanr<lous Subsianees on nr in the Pm�xrly. Qorrnwer shall na1 do, nnr allaw nnyone el..e Ia clo, ang�hinF :Jkcling �he "{��°�*"+'. <br /> Propeny�hal Is ht vinla�lon of nny Cnvimnmental prettding Iwn sentences shatl n�K ap��'.c lo Ihe prexer.ct. uee. ur ,IU�'{;Y;'�:_�: <br /> srongc on�hc Pro rty af small quanlhla af Ila�ardntn Subsianccs iha�nrc cncmll reco nizc�i�n hc: ra riait In mimn�l `�'�"'""_ <br /> pc 6 Y 8 NP ? it.;.-,•;,:_,;;: <br /> resWential usa nnd to matntcnancc of�hc Propcny. ������'` <br /> i;i;.'r:ii.- <br /> Qorroxrr xhall pronepdy gl�•c I.andcr wfl�lcn no�in of nny Invcstlgallon,cl�ilm, dcmand. Inwsui� or oins:a�inn 6r any ii�rc!?.;��:A_ <br /> govemmental or regula�ory agency ar Prfva�u Pany involving the Pro{htly aixl any Haiaiduus Subs�asce or i:m�ironmrmai lnu� ,,.fk7�{3s,,. <br /> of which florrmvcr h,s acmal knmvlcJgc. If Iinrro�eer It,rns,or Is nnlfficJ liy nny gnvcrmtxnF:sl ��r regulatnn nmhorin, thm 4��;�;_::;_,__ <br />- any removal or o�her rcmedimlon of;tny Har.vdous Subs�ance aflecling the Properly I.i necessary, 8m�o���tr+hall prompdy IxCe a;�x. <br />- all neccssary rtmcdial nc�luns in nccorJancc wllh f:nvironmcmnl I.cnv. i � a+_ �- <br /> As used tn Ihis paragmph 70, 'Nar:uJous Subs�anai nrc Ihnie suM1slantta defineJ ac Inxic ur h.�rarAa.�e ,��bslnr.ces by % ?S;.'_"-_ <br />- (invironmental Law nnd Ihc Pollowing substnnccs: gasalin0. kcraxcnc, ollicr Il�anmabic or �oxic pcirnicum graiuc�s, mzic s:,-ti�sz�_;,;, <br /> pesiicides and herbicides.volntile solvems,makrials conlr.ining n�be�ms nr form;dJch•de,nnJ rndioxcdve matcrials.As u�.i in 1�`��•' ": <br /> %'s.j;�:_`r:-. <br />� �his pamgraph 20, 'Enviromncmal' mcans f�dcrnl I:�wa r.nd hnex of thc judsJ�c�lnn�rlrcrc thc Prnperq� is taca«d c�ca! ;f;,._;t•,� <br />- rclnte to Ireal�h,s�fc�y ar environmemal prmccilon. ''�° =��- <br /> �S'.:f. <br />� ti0Y-UNIPORM COVCNANTS.f3orro�ccr and l.cnJcr funhcr wvcnam�md n�rcc nc fnllows: 1-i:::_; <br /> 21.Accderxtlon;RemeAles. Lendcr shall gice nolice tn Oorroucr pdor!n ncceirroqan fnllon�ing[tur�rssrr`s brcarh ,�'i�;';"� <br /> of an covennnt or a rmmrnt In �his Securi� instrmnenl Nut nnt �dor In ncceiern�lon unJcr ua rxr 17 unlecs ��s'��'``^�' <br /> Y 6 Y 1 P� K ,� t: x•,.e.,.. <br /> appllcaLle Is�r �rovides olhenrise).71�e notice shnll+�x�cif�: (o) Ihe<Iefaullt (U)the atllm� reqnlred In rnre the drtault; �"��.'•_;.� <br /> (c)n daie,not� thm�}0 dnys from the dale Ihe nntlre is Flcen to Onrtm�er,by nhlrh�he defaul�mus� he cund:and � - - <br /> (d) ihnt fnllnrc tn curr Ihc defnull un or IKforc Ihc Anlc spcclllni lu tl�c nnllcc miq�rMUll in accctcrn�lon nI thc su�as �"�`''�r. . <br /> stturttl by Ihis Securll�'Insiruntent nnd saie nt the Praperl}�. '1'he nnilce shnll furlher Infnrm ISorroHCr uT the right �o �� a.`"'•� . <br /> rcf�sslete after nttelerntinn nnd tl�e righl ro bdng � cnurt nctlon In n+mrt lhr nm�•exlqence of n Jeu^anle nr nqs nther '�:`!`.,� <br /> defenm of IIorro��cr iu nrcelernllan nnd s�ir. ft tt�r defnull Is nnl cund un ar he(are Ihe da�r spttihicA i�n Ihe no�ice, �;;'�'�'�-'-� <br /> Lender. nt (ix opllnn. mnp rcquirc 6nmediatc p:qmrnl h� fall uf nll sunn sttarni 6��Ihis ticeurlly Inxuameut uiUiout ��i};,fif�i;..�� <br /> fw'lher demand nnd mep hn�ake Ihe pos+er ui vile nnJ nny olher rcme<Ilc��x�rmllkd b?�nppllrible�ax.Lrndrr s6n11 ic• g���i,k� .-�, <br />- enliiled mmllec�nll e�prnsix�ncurred In punuin�the remrelics pn�dd�d h�Ihl.pamgmph 21,hicluding.6w na IGni<a� �ytn�,'��,_. <br />- to,rensonnble nl�nrne��s'fcca nnd eosts of tflle eddcnre, la�s1-._•�. <br /> If thr �o w�er of sele Is Invoked, Trustm sholl ranrd n nntice nf drfmdt In ench cnuut}�In ��hkh.n�� pnn o!thr �,�!7?!.='. -.: <br /> Prnper�y is laceted m�d shnll mnll eaples nf sudi nnticr In Ihe mmmer prcacrll��•d 6} nppllenl1le U�e�lo Onrroner mid In !':'i'•i�,-"�-'� <br />.. the oiher}mrsons prescdbed by oppilrnblr la��.liter Ihe tlmr rcqnlrcd 6� nppllenhie Im�,7'ruNee x6a11 gire puh:�a nntSee '- 7�ifli`Ti"i` <br />.. of anle lo Ihe persons nnd In ihe mnmier prescNhed hp nppiirn6le 6na"ruNCe, ��Itlmut demnnd an liurru�rer,fiall s:l µit�g'"i,i;:t=`;'. <br />.. Ihe Properiy nt public aucllon to Ihc highe.t biddcr nt Ihc Ihnc nnd�ilncc nnd undcr Ihc�erms dexlgnatcd In�he nnifcr:u! T,4ti'e?,Sr;:;r <br /> sn�e in one or morc pnrcels m�d In on��ordrr dMennlnes." ru�In•mn� �Mnl�xme ude nf nll nr a�q-parcel nF ti�e ��i":ii.%,"� <br /> Yi•n rly by nUlic nnnoimrement nt ihe 16nr:md ilnce nt nip� �rcdnnQy .chedu�ed xde. Lcnder or Its desl nee mn�� �� �%.••,. <br /> P� P I I F tirtls�::. <br /> purcBnsc Ihr Properl,r m any r�nlc. �:�'i;l�!;}:, <br /> {.4'.�(..cY. <br />. �...�.% - <br /> �.j�: <br />, Form 3020 D�DO �} '���-: <br /> qF 5..�G }_::`['$: <br /> 3 �xij}?(i'-. <br /> �.,�,{ . <br /> ,....l.�.4. <br /> .O'l:n <br /> I% <br /> �+ - _. .np��f4Y�'.'.iAiT¢�xi�• ;ltt:. � �;Y. .. .. � Y'. .. - - . ...r . .. .'°{ .n ,-.'. . .�:�3:F6;{�+: :7,. <br /> i 7. �i <br /> - + '�.. i. ':!'. . <br /> ''�r <br /> _- - , '`�� '-');', <br /> � �l /-: � t �__" <br /> 1 c r.' <br /> � ,, yf . <br /> , � t., <br /> � 1 I <br /> � ` ` �f`4 ! - '` . . <br /> ' 1.F( ' - - �� <br /> r . .��:.' ' + . . <br /> ;%-;'��=.`� ..�y�f.r . . � <br /> � �il - : 4 !- �., . .. . . - � <br /> i'�] :!:- �I�.�.-. . . . . . .�:= " <br /> / � . . . . . _ .. <br /> t . ' +r _ tr.. <br /> \� } � t � - ! � � ' • <br /> \ -� -0`1 �- . . . e•tN �t ' ! <br /> ( � �j S? ` _ . . _ . . - . � } <br /> �t�3� 7�?(�.j i �,r- � � � . � , � �_ <br /> r Y <br /> ,d . ..tib�t� . .7f�e 1- Fn�(��i3 } .i..4..�.. . _. ... ' . . . . , � . ,..�! � _ :::.1' . .. .�ili'_.. _ . <br />