. ... �;i)s._ _ _ __y�..�:.i�S:a�r':R �tu _. . ._.._ .. . ,.._ _
<br /> ___ .....____" ____ .,_'_.__ __ '._'... . _.
<br /> ' ��,.� �,f��523 _
<br /> pnymems mny no Inngcr Iw requtrod,at q�o opAon of I.c�xlcr,if mnrigngo insurrmca mvcngo On�ho nmmm�nnd fnr�hc�xda!
<br /> �h5t 1.cnder rrquires)provlded by an Insurer upprovcd by Gcndcr agaln btenmcs uvnllndio nnd Is ni��alnttl. Onrrowcr diali�+ay
<br /> �Iw prcmiums rtq�drad to malmaln mongago huurana in etfecl,or lo pro��ida a losx rc�crvo,untll tho ray�dremcm fnr mmtgage
<br />. -.. insnroncecndx In accordnnco with any wd�ten agrecnxm he�wrcn Anrcnwer anl 4snJtr or�ppllcn6lo law. ---,-_--_
<br /> 9.Tnspeclion. Lender or I�s agent may makc rcasonab�a cNdex npon ond InspecUnns of the Pro�Mr�y. I.cndcr�Ir,dl glrc
<br /> Horrowcr nolicc at thc timo of or pflm a an liupecllon spocitying rcasonablc c�use for Ihc inspccilan.
<br /> 10.Condemnnqon.7'ho procceds of any award or clafm for damogcs, dlrai nr mn«�nemlal. In conm�crinn whh nny
<br /> condemna�lon or aher tnk(ng of nny pan of Ihe Property.or for rnnveynncc in Iiai nf condemnatlnn,are hcrchy n�dgn.d mxl
<br /> sAall bc pald lo Lendcr. _ , __._
<br />� In Ih:eeent of a totol Inking of ihe Pmpeny,�6�pra�eods shall bo npplle4 m�ho snmc sceund by ihiF 3ecmity Instrumem, - ...
<br /> whcihcr or not then duv, �v(d�any oscus pnid to Dorrowcr. (n�im evem af n pahlnl inking nf ilm Propctly(n ���hkh dic falr
<br /> markc�vatue nf ihu Propeny in�.mcdintely beforo�ho takfnp is equal to or grcntcr ihnn thc nmunnl of ilm unnx sceunvl by Ihla
<br /> Stcudty Ins�nmsnt Immediately befon the taking,untess Dorrowcr nnd I.cnder rnhcnvixo ngrco In wrillnp,dro Rmm 5ceural by _ __ _
<br /> �his Sccurity lnurument shaq be �ed¢ad hy the amount of the procccds mnlqpllal by �ho fnilnwing fmc�fnn: UU �he laial ----
<br /> nnx,un[oF lhe snms xrurecl im.r.ecT�teh beture tF.e�ahtng,divtded by(b)�ho tnir mnrkN vnlue nf�ho Prnperiy hnnxdlately - -
<br />- � - �before tho r,king. Any baiaptt shn14 ha paid to F�oao:vcr. In the evem of n pnnfN lnking of Iho Propeny In whlch tho Litr -- - � �--�
<br />�� - muka value uf iho Proper�y inur.cAin:ciy tw£ore chc�aking is Icss ihan thc nmaum nf t6o sums xccural innnodlmcly Iw(nro tlic .:::---__.
<br />- - � -iaking,unless Bortower no;l 1.erCer ahern�is:pgrce in wdting or unless appltcnblc Inw ahcrwiso providcs, dic pn�cc�dz shall - '_':; -_-
<br /> - 6:spplicd ro Ihe sums s2arcd hy this&ruri�lrtt!n:mer+whe�hcr or not�he sunu are t6en duo. �---� ,
<br /> If�ha Yr�ny is:�6nndoned 6y Donoaw,or if,afier notice by Lender a Borrower�hat the mndemnnr offers to mako nn �- ��� �_
<br /> nwnrJ qr se�tle a claim for damages,�Fbrr��rer faila to respnnd to Lender within 30 days nller�he J,tu tlie noii��. Is given, '.�t.�, '�
<br /> I.cndes is nu[hnrizrA In to11�C�and npplp�h�p:o:c.ds,a�I�s op�ion,ci�hcr m rcstoratian or rcpalr nf Om Propcny or tn thc sunts �t{�`:r't
<br /> seaircd by this S¢curily lostrunxpl,Lvhe�her or nie etRn dee. �:�'v`;':i�
<br /> Unlecx Lender anA Etnrrou•er o�hrnrisa ngree in wriiing, nny npplicminn of procmds tn principal shall nol ex�enJ or • "'"" `
<br /> ''`t'�;4::i�;s
<br /> gos�pone the dee date of�F.r nromhly pay�n�ems refeneJ�n in pangmphs I und 2 or change i6e mnnum of such p�ymenls. ' � • ��t'
<br /> ll.Prrrmrer hot Reicaud•Forbcarance D I.ender Not n\Ynirer.Cxtension af the iime for ��mem nr madilicatlun `%��'�t��
<br /> � Y P Y :�,.;.f;�F;::".
<br /> nf flmortlntian of the sunu zetured by�his Sauri�y Insuumem gr�nted by I.ender to any successor in interesi uf Uorro�ver xhall ` "';4�;{(.;1:;�
<br /> no�opere�e�o relwse�he liebility of the original Oorrower or Rorro�rer's sucecswn in imeres�. I.ender shall no�Ix nqulr.d�o �.;}._�r-�,;:_>
<br /> comnxnee procecdings ngatnst any snceessor in interes�or refuse lo exeend�ime for p.rymem or o�henrixe mudlfy amonlraiiun ����: o'.t..�l
<br /> nf the sunu securcd b �his Sttvril Insuumcnl b rcason of an demand mr.dc 6 the ori inal Uorrowcr or Rnrrowcr i ->���'-����%'-
<br /> Y Y Y Y Y 8 t..1.7�;,:•-.
<br /> suceessors in interes�. Any fnrbeamnce by l.�nder in exercising any righi or remedy shall noi be a waiver of or pnrlude�he ��i�-�,+;�;•,�__
<br />.. exercisc ot a�w dght or remedy. �i>?a.`;�;,:'�„'.
<br /> !2. Succeawrs nnd Assiens Bound: Jofnf nnd Serend Gabllitrt Co•sleners. The covenams and aurtememx of this .r+%.,:';7-�'
<br /> Secudly lnstnim.ent shall bind and benefi� �he w:�essors and ossigns of Lender nnd Oormwer, xubJect to the provisloni uf •�v'';'��-�
<br /> i„ .�}+y.•:
<br /> pnmgreph 17. Uorrmvcr'a coecnants and ngrcema�a. ehall bc joint and xcvemL Any Durrowet �vho �n-signs tlds Stturhy .2y5;��f:�;;'_
<br /> li�.alrwnem bin docs no� execwe�he No�e: (n) is co-siening this S.curi�y Insinimrnt unly w mungage, grani nnJ wnrey�hal 1t:�:�q`��`:,,.�
<br /> Iforrow•ePx ineertst in�hc Propeny undtt�he tenus of this Security Inarument:(b)is wt personally o611gatecl�u pay�he sunu -SSr;d�S"��:";:
<br />- sccurcd by�hls Sccuriq•tnsuument; and(c)asrtts�ha�Lcnder�nd any odrer 0orm�rcr may ngrcc��cx�cnd,mall(�•,for6car nr � '"'
<br /> make any accommalstlons whh regarJ m�he ienns of�hts Securi�y Insimment or the Nme wid�oui ihni Oorrower i consen�. � -�� ��
<br /> 13. [.oan Chnrges. If ihe loan secured by ih(s Stturily huuvn;.nt is subja��o o law�rhlch se�s maximum loan ch�rgex. '"�xfr'-p�ti�`.`
<br /> and �ha�law Is finally interprcted so thzt�he Intercst or nther luan charges collcetnl or m be callec�ed In connec�lon�vlih iLe �Y;}sy,(;;ix�-
<br /> loan exeeed the permfued Ilmiis,�hen: (al nny such loan charge shail Ir:nduced 6y�he amount necexsiry w rtvluce�he charge ��U;'!!';!�'ii�tSi:
<br /> lo ihe pemilucd IImO;mid(6)zny cumc.IrcaJy mllec�eJ from Darmwer which exceedttl permiu�d liinl�s will be refund�d�o �,;%S"o',;•�.:��:.
<br /> 6orrox�er. l.ender may chcwse m make �his rfur.d M ttducing �he principal owed unJer �he No�e or by makfng n Jir.rt -;:{�t:-�-`;-
<br /> a num �a Dorrowcr. if:� refund reA�sc+ nn� d ehe reJuc�ion will �: �reateJ u a anial rt � nnm wl�hau� nn .t; � '':��':"`.
<br /> P Y P��'F� • P P 'P�T Y .�•�:}1x•-�...
<br /> prepayment charge under�hr Notc. 'i;!q,�his•,\;-::
<br /> 14,tiotlas,Any noticc�0 6orroxrr providcd fm in�his Stru�iy Ins�mmcro shall bc giren hy dcll�•cring it or 6y mailfng "'�'(_;t-�.=�'
<br /> '+i'r -'
<br /> i�by(rsl cl:�tc matl unless applicablc law rcquires usc af anntlizr mcihnd.Thc notim shall bc Jinr�cd m th.Propcny AJJrcss ;�'.-,,}\:;•r'.
<br /> or �ny oi6cr eddress 6orrower dcstgnaecs hy nmice lo Lrndrr. Any nmi�r �o Lender shall be giv.n by fint dasx mail to ;.i::�tiYy'�
<br /> �� f!`�
<br /> nder's adJrcss sm�ed herein or nny o�her aJdress LenJer designa�es by�rolice to Oorm�ecr. Aiq•notice prorid�d !or in thii f_�iy.,,i����-�-
<br /> S;:udiy Insuument shall be dttmed to hare been givcn�o Uorrower nr Lender when given ac provlJeJ in thi.paragraph. �(t-.4v' �;;
<br /> lE,Gnscrning I.nw; Sc��ern6flity, This Seturi�y Instmreem shall bc goremcJ by fadcral law and tC. la�e uf tl�c �•1.�-•��;�_:�.
<br /> jurisdic�ion in��hich�hc Propcny is L:e�ced. In Ihc eccnt ihai nn}�provision nr claun of 1hi.Sciuri�y Insuumcm or ihc Nolc �,r';f}_%:j�';t.
<br /> mn0icls wi�h applicablc Imr,such cou0icl shall nn�affec�mh.r prnvi>ionc uf�hi5 Stturii� In+�mmcnt or W.M1otc x�hich ean 6c "�'�'!''f}r*k;S
<br /> given effecl �ciihnul�h.ron:lirting pinri.inn. Tr Ihi�cnJ 16c provi.inn.of�hiti Sccunry�I�utnunrnt�ml lhe Nnl.arc dttlaral ,•''^,1''�'!�::
<br /> '=?J�l.>_f-�
<br /> .�hscremblc. ���: �-
<br /> .�'-p�;:;�.,;.
<br />, 16.Rorracrr's Cap��.Bnr�a��rr.hall be Fi�rn onr mn(mn:rd cnpy„f�i:c?�nn•anJ ol ihi.tiavnty In.trwnenl. ��*�.�nStA. .
<br /> r�:)e, r:.
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