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<br /> 9. Remedieg No� Exclueive. The remadies pzovided Sn thia Agzeement shall not
<br /> be exclusive, Upon tihe default of the Tru�tor, tha �eneficiaey may seek relief �
<br /> F�w by any legal or equitablQ meana. The Heneficiary may 3e�k ta enforc� the
<br /> � ,�� agreententa here made in such ordlex and manner as eenof iclary sees fit No
<br /> remedy is intended to be exclusive but each shall be cumulalive. Every pover or +
<br /> =omedy under Che Doed of Ttust to the Trustee or eoneficlary or to which either
<br /> of them may otherwlse be entitled by laa nay be exarcised concurrently or �:'�_
<br /> , lndepen�ently as often as doemed necessary by tho Tzu�tee or the eeneflc�ary or
<br /> either of them and either nf them may pursue inGOnaiatr.nt remedies. The -
<br /> Beneficl.Ary or Trustee may proceed to puzsue a do�iciency judgment against the ���^-�
<br /> Trustor to the extent auch action is permitted by lav. � �;;-;;��
<br /> 1(1. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. No art oE tho � ��'"`""
<br /> intexest therein may be sold within 10 years of the date oi• the�dQedY � �.` �
<br /> transferxacl ar othexwlse convEyed by Trustor, unle�s Eull payment ia made upon ---�--
<br />_, note aecured by thie Deed of Tiust, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or � '-�°
<br /> ,� encumbrance subordinate to thla Deed of Trust; ot ;b) a trans£er by devise, °;;�;-�
<br /> � 9 descent ox by operation of la�r upon the death of L-he Trustor; auch action is a —
<br /> breach of this agreement, and He�eficlazy may, at Heneficiary's optlon declare
<br /> all su�ns secured by thia Deed of Trus�t to be lmmediately due and payable, or =—
<br /> � r,ause the 'Crustee to flle a nokice of deEault. - _
<br /> 11. Forbearanca by Beneficiary and FTaiver. Any forbearance by Beneficiary to
<br /> Trustee, Trustox oc an yone, i n e x e r c i s i n g a n y r i g h t or reme dy h�Yeunder, or =-
<br /> atl�Prvlse affozded by applicable l�v, shall not be a vaiver of or preclude the �'`,��
<br /> exexcise of any s�ch right or xemedy hereunder. Likewise, the waiver by =
<br /> , Heneficiary to Trustee oE any default of Trustor under this Deed of Tr�st shall -�
<br /> not be deemed to be a vaiver or any other or similar defaults 3ubsequently �
<br /> occuzring. No vaiver shall bo construed against the Beneficiary unless such dV�
<br /> waivpr ahaiZ �� Q��r`�� a;�� i►� �:�ii.ing signed by the Bene�iclary. �,
<br /> , 12. Reneflciar� s Povers, The Beneficiary vill cause to be released, the --
<br /> entlre amount secured by this Deed of Trust, after the 10 year term has explrsd,
<br /> beqinning from the date af the Deed, provided all other terms and conditions of �
<br /> �his Deed have been £ulfilled. Beneficiary may, in its sole discretlon (i) -
<br /> � • insper.t the premises at any reasonable time (11) reguire such additional
<br /> security as may be reasonablo; and (ili) substitute the Trustee herein vith any
<br />-•� person, entity, or corporatio:c qualified sa to ac�. The attorneys of the
<br /> �•���� � 8eneficiary or one of them may now or subsequently be designated tho 'Y'ruatee -
<br />. =��, hexein and may perform for the Beneficiary duties as counsel and 'Pruateo. All
<br />_ • . Truators ahall be jointly and severally obligated and bound by tho actions of
<br />_ the Beneficiary or the Trustur a� herein stated.
<br /> _ ,.�� "��'<'� • 13. Attor.ney's fees, Costs, and Expenses. Trustor agreos to pay ali fees,
<br /> ., ..,. .,.s
<br /> ..;-, :.. costc�, and expenses including attorney's fee expended by tho Beneficiaxy oz the
<br />=�;`��'�^. Trustee to collect any sums due hereunder or enforce thls aqreement. Such sums
<br /> ��:_�• �.� shall be deemed �n aclvancement to protect the secarity vhen paid by the
<br />_�;�--�;-;�--5,., Beneficiazy. provided fuxtlier, however, thaC this section does not aPply to the �
<br /> _ ' �� Trustea fee re�erred to in paragraph 6.1.B. --
<br /> .,�,._J}`_ �• 1�. Reconveyance by Trustee. U�on vritten request of the Bene£iciary stating
<br /> ,, . .!,
<br /> that all conditi�ns of thia note have been met, and upon susrender oE this Deed �
<br /> ;°''���°" of Truet and tha n9tes to the Trw�tee for cancellation and retention anc] upon
<br />'"'��'��''R.. � Truator by the Tt�stoY of the Tr�nstee's fees, the Trustee shall reconvey �:o the -
<br />�~�:_._�-;,;:�.`4 , or the peraon or peraons leqally entitled thereto vithout varrant ` "
<br /> � r any portion of the propQrty then held hezeundeY. The recitals and suct� Y�
<br /> , reconveyance of any matte�s or facts shall be conclusive proof of the ��'
<br /> ��°�'"'�`� truthfulnoss thezeof. The Ozantee f.n any reconveyance may be descr ibed as "the �
<br />_ ,,,,�,,. :•
<br /> �s:, ;•-••, person or persona legally entitled tliereto."
<br />�` •� • 15. Notices.
<br /> 15.1 Notice as raqulred by the Nebraska Trust Deeds nct shall be given.
<br />'�. � Except as provided herein and Wherever permissible by law Trustocs vaive notice. �
<br /> - . Notice may be sent to the partie� at their aadreas as listed in this agreement �°-
<br /> or as othervise chanqed. All notice3 required hereln shall be in writinq. Any '.�'�W'
<br /> party may at any time chanqe it s addzess for such notices by delitrering or
<br /> . , mailing to the othet parties hereto, a notice of such change. Any notice �
<br /> • hereunder shall be deemed to have been given when placed within the U.S. Mails,
<br />_ pastage prepald, addressed to the address of the par�y as liated herei�n or a9 �
<br /> •� properly changed.
<br /> • 15.2 Trustor, Henefir.iary, and Trustee request that a copy of any notice
<br /> provided hereunder, provided accordlny to applicable lav or provided by the '
<br /> tezms of any other secuzity agreement covering the securiev FIPtP1n_ ho aa� ,.,a 4� �
<br /> ..:.. ........-_— 1�M�� �L �L_ _aa, _
<br /> - -- - --,--� ., o ..ua aovicebs pzovaa@� dbOV@. - - • -- --_,.... �.. - -_---
<br /> ��16.�This Deec3 of Trust shall be governed by the lavs of �he StaCe of Nebraska.
<br /> ofiTzustccdulynexecutedeanduacknowledged,Uisemadecappublicsrecord,�asnprovidede�
<br /> _ •• by lav.
<br /> -� i
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