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<br /> �'�� 18� eubordinatfan. Gondac and Aarrower acknovledge and agr.ee that this Deed
<br /> � oE Truat ia sub�ect and c�ubaxAinata !n r�ll red�ects to tt�e liene, ternse
<br /> '�.�,� covonants, and cond�tfonn of tho naaa of Tru�t (°Gixst Dced af Truot"1 sacuring
<br /> _-�=; a note payablv by Aorrownr t.o ,,,�inr o�t Mortaaae. Ln�,,,"Senlox Lien Holder") and
<br /> to ali advancea haxato�or� mado ox which mny hereaftor be made puxsuant to the
<br />'•� � FiraC DoQd o£ Txur►t inc�udlnry al.l auma advanced fox the purpose of (a)
<br />•--� pcotecting or furthvr ac,auxing �t1E� lien of the t'irst Deccl of T=ust, duriny
<br />_.=,� dofaults by Hoxxovor undoe rhn 1Tira1: Deed oE Truet� or for any ather purpose
<br />_��� expxessly per�nittad by tha Fix�t Uaed of Trust, ox (b) conatructing, xenovating,
<br /> - repairing, furnl�hing, Eixtuxing, ax equlppinq the Property. The terne and
<br />�^�� provisiona of thQ FSra� DcsaA af Trunt aze paramount and cont=olling, and they
<br />-�- suPorsede any othoY tornA and pxovitslons hereof in conflict therevith. In tho
<br /> ovent of a faxealonuxo ox dnad in lieu of foreclosucQ of the First Deed af
<br /> —__ ' Trunt, any provl�lono hncain roahclatinq the use of the k+roperty to low-or
<br /> __�, modorato-in�onu houaohaldA ar a�hsrwlae reRtxlcting Aorrowe=u abllity t� oell
<br /> ____� - the Ptogerty �hall havo no furthaz £orce or effect on su6sequent ovnets or
<br /> _— purchasers of the Peo�nxty. Hny peYSOn, including t�ls �uccessor� or assigns
<br /> —_ (other than Borrovox oz a XolaGad c�ntity of Borxovex), receiving title to thc
<br /> == Pxopmrty thraugh �� fox�clonuxa oY deed in lieu of foceclosnre o£ the Fizat Deed
<br /> -- o# Trust shall ieaoiva ti�lc► �o the Eroperty free and clear frow such
<br /> = testrictiona.
<br />�� _ Furthe=, if thQ 8eniax Lian llaldar acquires title to the Prope�ty pu=suant t�
<br /> a dee� ln llou oE fOYOC�.Ofll1YU� the lion of this Deed of Trust shall
<br /> automatically torninAta apon tho 8enio= Lien Noldez's acc�ulaition of title,
<br />--- pravided that li) Landox hr�a boen given vritten na�lce of a default under the
<br />_-= Ni�at Deed of Truat, and (i.1) I,endar shall not have cured the degault under the
<br /> First Deed oE Trust, or clillqantl� pursued curi�g �he default as determined by
<br /> --�� the Senl�x Lien Holdbr; vi�hin thrt 60-day nPrl�nl nrnylAnA �� gnrh n�,t3�c. aont tQ
<br /> - Lender,
<br />- IN PITNSB� SItI�R!E3�DF, Tzuator has executed th19 Deed of Trust aa of the date
<br /> _�° and yeaY �izat abovo �xibxan. /�
<br /> ar I
<br /> �nela L. Fritz,
<br /> Trastox/Borrove=
<br /> BTATE OP NS�Rl18KA 1
<br /> DBa.
<br /> Ca�11aTY OF HJ1L�L )
<br /> The .f�zegoiny 1119tiYU1LDp�: vae acknobledged be fore �ne this �6th day
<br /> Apxil, l.997 by Cauala G. Yri�z, a singie person.
<br /> - �MFial N�tt�RY W Dt al�tte�s)�
<br /> QIN(iEii WAf1A
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