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., . .�•�..:' <br /> AiY 4� � <br /> .M....lil. r'1�� . <br /> , �h� <br /> • .•'.�1.. . . . . . . . . . . 1. . ..y�.. �}� t"!'� I� _' . . <br /> • '� .�.�� . .. ._ __.... ....._,.. ..._�.�._ � <br /> .. .. . ��iiR . . . . . - _. .._.. . '_ �W7�-..�.. <br /> . .� . . . .. . _,. .. <br /> .. . ��,__._.:L <br /> �.. <br /> - . . —`'.n-- <br /> 9�- �,0��� . <br /> . i <br /> . � <br /> .. �� 3.2 iE the security or any part thareof i� damaged b�► fire or other cause <br /> -��-""*� • lncludi ng conc7e�nnation, Trus�or shall give immed�ate wr itten notice of tho event <br /> ""'' to the Beneficlary. Trus�or ehall use any Qroceeds of compensation for tho , <br /> damagod fron the inaurance, condemnation avard oz otherwise to re3toXC or. <br /> replace the proceeda t:o tho Heneflcia=y at the option of tho eonoficiary. If <br /> patt oE the security ls daruaged, the Truator shall roatore, repair, or alter the <br /> remaining property in a mdnnex satisfactory of the Henefici�+ry. ,�,=�"'° <br /> 3.3 The eeneflciary or !t •a representative !s horeby authorized to make or • <br /> cau9e ta be made reasonable entries upon and Snspectiona of the premises . '�=' <br /> 3.9 The Trustee ahall pcomptly comply vith all present and future lava, ;,;� <br /> ordinancea , rulos and regulations of any governmental autharity affecting thn •- <br /> ' � ' preniaes or any part thereof . This shall apply to any construction upon the '-'�� <br /> .1 pcemises as well as the operation of any business upon the premises. ` <br /> ,�• . 4. 7�nsurance. isustor ehall keep C{ie secuxity insur.od aqain�t: tl) lo9s by AT�; <br /> � perilu covered by standard f ire polScy with standard extended coverage '4'° <br /> . �� endorsement, in an anount equal to 100a of the full rep lacernent value of the `� <br /> � � �ecuxitywithout deducL•lonfoz depreciatinn; (21 llability lnsu=ance for the <br /> benefit nf the Heneflciary and Trustee to pr.otect ths Seneficiary and Trustee �-��` <br /> from any and all claims of p�isonal in9uzy o= pzoperty damage asising fron or. <br /> �� out oE the premise6; and (3D other insurance normal anc] customa=y for avners and <br /> ��:- <br /> � of similar property. Furthez, Beneficlary may requf�re any other reasonabl� C�M� <br /> insurance to protect the security. All insuran�e shall be paid for by the �? <br /> 'Prustor, shall be in focm arnd by company approved by the Beneficiaxy, shall '" <br /> insure the Heneficiary, Truatee and Trustor as their interests appear, and <br /> shall pxovide that the insurance company shall notif.y the Beneficiary ici vriting <br /> • at least 30 days befare any cancellation or Y.ermittation becomes effective as ta <br />- the Beneticiazy. <br />- 5. Taxes, Assessments, anc3 charqes. Trustor shall pay all taxes, J►ssessments, — <br /> . liens, and other charges including utility ch�rges vhich may af£ect the security <br /> as they are due and before they are delinquent. Upon raquest, Trustor shall <br /> s,:•• •� • . show Heneflciary proo£ o£ payment. Ttustor shAll pay all taxes and AssQSSments <br /> ahicii may be leviec;l upon Heneficiary's interest herein or upon this Deed of <br /> ;���; . Trust without xeqa�� �o any law in effect or that may b� enacted imposing <br /> j�,. ,, , payment of the whole or any part of therefore upon the Heneficiary. <br /> - 6. Condemnatlon. The p=oc�eds of a condemnation avard are hereby assigned and _ <br />- " • � � shall bo paid to Lender and shall be Applied to the sums �ecuzed by this Deed of <br />- � . ' Txuat, vhethec or no� then due, vlth any excess tu be �paid to Borrower. <br /> _�.. 7. Additional Liens and P�cotection of 8ecurity and 5ubiogation. Senefi¢�r��ry <br /> -4:� � r in sole d iscsetion may make any payment, expend or advance any funds it dee:rns <br /> ��'`;•?``.:'.;,..: necessaxy to protect the security of this Deed of '�russt. Such payment, ' <br /> _��<.� .. . <br />���._ . � = expend it�:xes ot advancements vlth shall become secured here,by. <br />-° ";`„� •� �� 8. Default, RemediQS, �cc�leration, 3ale. If the Trustor does net: (1) pezfoYm <br /> '� '��-•'�' '� any of the covenants of the Deed of Trust; oc (21 if the Beneficiary has to <br /> '.�'� ` � expend sums to pxo�ect the security, then Trustoz has bzeached his ag=ee�ent, is <br /> =`�`�:.���' •�.G; in de£au l t an d t he mene f ic iaxy m a y d e c l a r e d e f a u l t a n d ma y declare all suas <br /> _ �--'1:• 'y� �• •�+ secured hereby SaRediately alue an� payable an8 such sums immediately beco�e due <br /> ��'- ��•�;.� and payable vlthout presen�taoant, demand, protest, or notice, of any kind except - - <br /> `'~` ' � as may be provided ln the Deed of Trust Note and may invoke the pover of sale <br /> ,Y�„��_.::.� and/o� any othes remedlen permitted by appllcabie law inciuding the right to _ <br /> =-''';,;�;;_;.'^ fo=eclase thie Deed of Trust in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure _ <br /> ._a�••• ••� of mortgaqes on real estate . Benef9ciacy aha11 be entiCled to collect all =_ <br /> •'t'?}-•. , reasonable costs and expenaea incurred in puzsuing such inc�uding, but <br /> -"''" ,t " not limitod to, reasonable pttorney'a fees. ' __ <br /> - n.. , f�.,, <br /> �' ' �'•��'��s'"� A. Zf the power n£ sale A� invokecl, the Trustee shal.l proceed �m sell the - <br /> - '�?���," . property complying vikh fihe Nebraska Trust beeds Act in regard to notice, t1me, <br /> . . �' and manncr vf sale. The Truatee may sell the property ln one oz moze pazcels <br /> � , � and ln such ordor as the Trustee may designate, at publlc auction to tho hiqhest _ <br /> �'r � �•,:.;'�::�:'� bidder, purchaae price payable in cash oz as othervise suitable Co the Tcustee <br /> s. ":���;,:�, at the t�1ne of 3ale. The Txustee may postporu�: the sale from tim� to time. Tho ir. <br /> �� Trustee shal l executQ and dollvQr to the pugc3�a,ser a Trustee's de�d cvnveying <br /> . ; the pzop�rty sold, but vittaout any r.ovena�� or vacranty, exp=esa or implied. �r <br /> The recitals in the deed o£ any mattezr� ox £acts shall be conclusive proof of �; <br /> " the trutt�fulness thereo�. Any persorrt, including without limitation, Bene£Sciary � <br /> -,. • ox Truatca, �nay purchase at the sale. <br /> ` B. �ihQn Trustee sells pursuant to the powea� herein, Trustee shall apply thQ �° <br /> • � <br /> `� proceeda of the sale to the Qaymen�: of the costs and expenses of exercising the <br /> -- -� - - <br /> - -- � powe= oe saie and oi tne saie, inciudinq, vitnout iimiiaiion, ine paymenc vi cne <br /> Trustee's fee� incurred_ Tcustee's fees hereunder uhall be deemed reasonable if <br /> - . they axe the g�eater oF elther the actual costs incurred by the Trustee's ot <br /> �t of tihe balance uf thQ oriqinal amount secu=ed hezeby. After the payment of <br /> _ the Trustee's feea, if the sale is by a 'Prustee, o= the proper court and oL-hez <br /> costs of foreclosure and aale pursuant to judicial foreclosure, the proceeds of <br /> the sale shall be ap�li�d in the order stated belov to the payment of: (11 <br /> Attorney•o fees and coste of collsction; (2l Cost of any evidence of title <br /> procure8 in connection with such sale and any revenue or tex requixod to be <br /> paid, 13 ) All obligations secured by this Deed of Trust, (�1 The zemaindeY, if <br /> any, to the person leqally entltled thereto. <br /> i <br />