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0� �.�`-� ._�..: . <br /> �r. - - ii . • ,. •r.h,�.7pN- _ <br /> �p■ �„ i; . �1�,�, _ ,;�.'��"`-� _ <br /> .. ��SS�����f:�!�. rN4/Y� '1�'.4. . ..�.......A..�1. ..1�.��.:t..��;1C ..._ � ..•��:s�ti .._' .._-� ....... ....��Z-_ ..: .Sa'- ...v._a..�--�-.- -��'._ <br /> ..._-._. M _." . .. ,._. . . - � E._ <br /> :� . ;.�°� g?o �,o�e�� �..- <br /> ;�.� � _ <br /> ��' 'Praceedg")In connoctlon with condomnetlon or other Inklnp af thA('ropeAy or part thorooi,or for convoynnco In Ileu oi condemnation. ` <br /> Londor shnll bo vntltlad nl ita optlon to cainmc�nco, oppctt�r!�i c�nd proseeuto In Its own namo nny flcllon or procoodinga,nnd ahnll also <br /> be entftled to mekp�ny compromiso or suttic►mont In connncltan�vs;l�such taklnp or dam[+po. In tho ovont any portlon of the Property Is <br /> " so teken or damagod, Lender shall hava lhn optinn in itn salu and absoluto dlscrotlon, to ap�ly all suGh procoode, aftor doducting ` , <br /> thorofrom oll costs and expanses Incurrecl by it In connnatlpn wNl�r�uch Procoeds,upon any indobtodnoss secur�d horoby and in such <br /> ordet as Lender may dntermina,or to n�;��ty c�ll auch RraraadH,aftt�r such deductlons,to the rostorallon of tho Property upon auch con- r:� <br /> ,� �' dltluns as Lendor may datormine.Any app�icotlon oi Pn7c�ndt�tc� indebtedness ehall nol extand or postpone the duo dato of eny pAy- <br /> ments under thc�Notc�,or cure eny dafault th�roundar or harr�undirr Any unapplled funds shall be pald to Trustor. <br /> ' 8.Pe�tor�n�nco by Lendor.Upr,v� ihc�ocr,urr�ncF�ol�n Evant ot Dofault horounder, or Ii any act is takon or IRpal proceodinp '- <br /> �• .•' � commenced which materially etfects L�nder's Interr3at In 1hn Rvqpe�rty,Lender may In its own discretlon,but w�thout obliflation to do sa. a,. , <br /> - � and without notico to or demand upon 7rustor end withnul rr�lEiaai�g Trustor from any nbUgatlon,do any act whlch Trustor�as agreed •;�'r'-'` <br /> ��°"�� but}afled to do and may also do any olhar act It d�ioma nctcosHary to protect lh� sacurity hereoi. Trustor shall, Immediately upon <br /> �t'�F"4''�'�'� i demand theretor by Lendor,pAy to Lender nll costa nnd exgcsn�ee incurced and sums expended by Lender In connectlon wlth the exer- _J' <br /> • ' clse by Lender oi the foregoing�Ights,togather wl4h IntHrast tharrton at the default rete provided In the Note,which shall bo eddad ta ;,,,q <br /> " the indebtedness secured hereby.Lor�der shpll not Incur sny Siphility because oi enything It mey do or omit to do heraunder. . <br /> 9. Hacardous Matoriala. Tru:itor shall heap thR Frqportyr in compliencs with All applicable laws,ordinances and regulations �s;�: <br /> relating to Industrial hygiene or envirunmental protectian(colleatwely�eferced to hereln as "Environmenta�Lawa").Trustar shall keep =_ <br /> the Property freo from all substance�a dsemed to be hflxt3Mc�iifl ar toxic under any Environmental Laws(collectivoty referred to horeln ,__ <br /> a s'f l a z e r dous Mater(als").Trustor n�reby warrantt�and rop�c�sQnts to L�nder that there are no Hazardous Mate�ials an or under the _�_. <br /> Property.Trustor hereby agraes to irtdemnify and hald harml�sa l.ender,Its d irec tors,o ff i c e r s.e m p l o y e e s a n d a g e n t s,a n d a n y s u c c e s- ��� <br /> ,y�� sors to Lenders interest,from and agalnst any end all clolmt�,da►nages,losses and ifabUlties arising in connectlon with the presence, f:;==- <br /> � �� REPRESENTAT ONS. AND TRU.�3�TOR'S OBLIGATIDN�v' NURSUANT TO THE FOREGUING NDEMNITII, SHAIL SURVIVE _�_ <br /> RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. :v- <br />- . � 10.Asrignmant ot Ront+t.Trustor herob�� aaeigna ta Lender, and�rants Lender a security interest in,aii present,future and -_ <br /> after arising rents,issuos and prc�9i[s of the Propotty:pmvid�d thnt Trustor shall,untit the occuRence of an Event of Detault,hereunder, -_ <br />_ , Y� have the right to collect and retatn such rents,issues and pmflis as they b�mo due and payable.Upon the�ccurrence of an Event ot ___ <br /> � q qefeuit,Lender may,eithor in pr�rson or by aflant,with or w3the�ut bringfng eny action or proceeding,or by a receivar eppointed by a - <br /> caurt end without regard to the adaquacy of ita security, enler u��on end take possessfon of the Proparty,or any part thereof,in(ts own - <br /> name or in the name of the Tn�stoe,and do en�+ ects rhlch It deems necessary or desirablo to preserva the vatue,marketabiiity or <br />- rentability of the Propertyr,or en+�part theroof or Intero�t thar�in,or to increase the income therefrom or protect the security hereof and, � <br /> - �� wlth or without�iking possesslan of the Proporty, suo far or otl�erwise coliect the rents,issues and profits thereof,induding thoso past <br />- � � due and unpald,by notifying tenants to make payrnentx ta Lanc:er.Lender may apply rents,Issues and profits,less cosls and expens- <br />• es of operatlon end collection irtcluding attomey's faeR,tn any indebtedness secured hereby, all in s�ch order as Lender may deter- — <br /> � ' mine.The enter(ng upon and taking possession of th�t ProperRy,the collection oi such rents, issues and proflts,and the applicaUon <br /> , --- -- <br /> �: i, thereof as�toresaid shall not curo or waive any deieuit or naiir,a ui uniauY harsurdar as:r.:�s!!tlsis an�ar.t�1nnw In response to such <br /> ' � slefauit nr pursuant to such��tice ot d2tault and,not�vilhEtanding the cantinuance in possession of the property or the collection, <br />_ � �c. ructiipt a;s3 application of rents.issues or profits,Tru�tc►e end I.ender shatl be enGtled to exerciso every right provided for in�r,y af the <br />-"' -� �+; Loan Instruments or by law up�n occurrence oi eny Evqnl ot Oefault,�ncfumng without Iimitalion the dght to exerclse the po►+�ar a1 sale. <br /> �"''~":�'' � Further,Lender's dghts and rt�medies under thia par��aPh shslt be cumulative with,end in no way a Iimitation nn,Londer s ri�hts end <br />--,b's:�,��••'•:.�•� Lender,Trustee and the receiver shait be liable to <br /> ., �.�•�= remedios under any assignrr�ont of laases and ra�eG�sv:a�rdc�d egainst the Propertyr. <br />-��''`�'�'''� account only for those rents uctualiy recah�.ed. <br /> ��"�'�'�'y 11.Events of DeMutf.Tho fo�lowin�9hall constitula an Event of Default under this Deed of TrusY. <br />�3 A <br />�''��''�' . (a)Fallure to pay any Instaliment of princip�l a intenest or any other sum secured hereby when due; <br />�y���•°^„� (b)A breach ot w defauit under any p�visfon contalned in the Note,this Deed oi Trust,eny oi the Loan instruments,or eny <br /> �L?��:.�' other Ilen or encumbrt�nco upon thfl Property: <br />-•�•z (c)A writ of execution or attachmont or 2ip slmilAr p�ocoss shall be entered against Trustor which shall become e Ilon on <br /> -_--.� the Property or any portion thereoi or Intares:cheroin; <br /> -_= ._����1�-� (d)Thero shall tx3 filad by or agalnfit Tcustar or E�orrower en ectfon under any prosent or future federal,stete or other statute, <br />�"�'���.�'� taw or rogulatlon re�uiing to bankruptcy,Inoolvvncy o�other reifet for debtora;or there shall be appolnted any Wsteo,eoceiver or <br />�:-�^�-- - tiquidator of Trustor wr[iorrower or of ell or any pnrt ot the Property,or the renis,Issues or profits thereof.or Trustor or Borrower _ <br /> �'� shall make any genr�r21�ssfgnment tor the Imi'�°fll of creditors; <br /> - - (e)The sale,tr�nsfer,lease,assfgnment, conv�ayence or turther encumbranco ot all or eny paR oS or any interest in the <br /> �M Proparty,elther votuntorily or Involunt�dly,wfthaul thn express written consent of LencSar,yrovided that Trustor sha8 tre pem►it- <br />-�''-'�� ted to eaecute a laase of the Proporly that doo�not contain an opUon to purchase an8 ths tortn oi which does not�xcEed one <br /> --.�,_ <br />�_�� year, <br /> - "-�`� (�AbandonmRnt oi the Proporty;or <br /> ��:;;�x�',,,;X (g)N Trustor is noi an Individuol,tho i�su�nce, sele,transfer, essignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than(if a <br /> -,_'�...-�,`_:.�� corporation)a to�tl of percont of ite Issuod and outstanding stock,or(if a partnersh'.p)a total of Pe�• <br /> "�=v�.;�� - ercent of the limited liabilily campa- <br /> ._� •,s,�.. cent of partnershfp interosts,or(ii a limi3ed Ilr�bllity eompany)e totai oi P <br />=._�:i� . ;a. <br />_;_�Fti y ,f� ny interests or votinp rights during thp poriad this Deed of Traast remalns a Iien on the proy�rty. <br /> Y". ;: �:�•. 92.RQmedies;Axcoferation Upon DoMuH:In ihe event of any Event of Defauit Lendor may,without noUcA except as tequir�d _ <br /> y�;,.'�•`�. .� by law,doGaro alt Indebptdnoss secured h�rnb}�tn be due end payable and the same shall thereupon become due an�payable with- <br /> - • out any presentment,dontt�rtd,protes4 ar��otiCe mf onj+kind.Thereafter Lender may: _ <br />_ ' ,,.,"a '-: • (a}Demand th��t Tn.istee exarclso tlto f-'01f1'ER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee shall thereaftor cause Trustor's inter• ,;., <br /> °• est in the Proper4y to bo sold ancf ih�►pmceeds lo be distributed,all In the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; �; , <br />_ _ (b) ExerGse any and all rigN4s pruvidaQ far In any of tho Loan Instruments or by law upon occuaence of am� Event of i- <br />�- �-` Dofauit;and <br /> • •R: <br />��` �,;.'�... �_ (c)Cammonco an octfon to fornctas� ihin Deed oi Trust as e mortgage,appoint a receiver,or specifically enforce any of the } <br />�- -- covenants hereof. <br /> �=�: <br />= No rerteedy herein confemzd upon or ro,P�ved to Truslee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any ather remedy herein,in the Loan <br />-- - - ;�;�y' . � Instruments or by law providad or porm�ttod,but each shall be cumulative,shall be in additlon to every other remedy given hereunder, <br /> "'""•� ? In the Loan InsWments or naw or horaaRer oxisting at law or in er,uity or by statute,and may be exercised cortcurrenUy,irt�e,pandently <br /> :. _ <br />-' ' � - ' ...e.w.ncludu <br /> ...__.. ._._._-"_ .— . <br />_..__._._____.__,-;.-�-� v.ww.........�. <br /> ' 13.Trustee.The Trustee moy resign at eny time without causA,and Lender may at any tima end wimoui cr,u�a ap����a�:%v <br />- cossor or substitute Tn�stea.Tnastee shAil not bn liablo to nny party,Including without I:mitaUon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any pur <br /> • -• chasor ot the Propnrtyr,for any loss or damngo unlvcs due to reckless or wiliful misconduct,and shall not be requlrod to take a�y action <br /> In oonnection wlth thw Anforcemant nf thic flaACi nt Trust unless indemnified,in wnting.for all costs,�m udic al�or under�thespoweri of <br /> " may be assoclated therewith. In addition,Trustae m�y become a purchaser at any salo of the Property Q <br /> - sale grantod hereln�;postpono the sato oi all or eny pation of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the Property as a whote,or in <br /> -- • � separato parcols or lots at T►ustea's discretlon. <br /> - 14.Fees ond Exponsos.In the evant t�vstee solls the Property by exercise of power of sale.Trustee shall be entitled to apply <br /> - any sate procaeds first ro paymont of all costs and oxpunses of exerdsing power oi sale.Including a!I Trustee's tees,and Lender's and <br /> Trustee's altomoy's feos, actually fncurrod to extvnt pormitted by applicable law. In the event Borrowor or Trustor exeroises any right <br /> provided by taw to cure en Event of Default,Lender shall be entitled to recover(rom TrusQor all costs and expenses aclicab e�a,Nrred as <br /> ° a result ot YrustoYs detault,fncluding without limitation all Trustee's and attomey s fees,to the extent permitted by app <br /> 15. Future Advances.Upon ruquest o�Borrow�r,Lender may, at its option, make additional and future advances and read- <br /> ° vances to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shzll be secured by this Deed oi Tnist.At no timo shall the <br /> s <br /> . <br /> , � � <br />