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<br /> S D�ED OF TRUST WITii Ft�Tl1RE AdVli►tdc��S ';�.� ��.;"
<br /> - �.
<br /> 3 --=-;�,�.
<br /> ,
<br /> . .' : �g_�_,by And am4�tip f,�� �-::_
<br /> ' 7HIS DEED QF TRUST,is made as of the ,�day of
<br /> �, �
<br /> ,� �• the Trustar� ' �, � �� r� �, ,� .� _ --
<br /> � r GranJ 1 .land '�r C�n�1� `���� � �---
<br /> 1,•�(, r� ,-�r,d �t (herr�in'Trusto�',w rt�.1�nr onn or mare, _
<br /> whosa mailing address is `
<br /> .. r .. , a:.,,, --
<br /> • lh8�RlStCB n�i�..-.�i,.: .rd.�----- L—.
<br /> ; � whose mailing address ts
<br /> ��.0. :3ox :`.C17v f.r-,r,ri T ' •,r��', nf: �.Ais::: (hera�n'Trustoo').and
<br /> �;,,
<br /> theBenefidary, � ��� ;�•:l:.ti= �`.�nk -
<br /> „ - - , t• ,1.. . , - ' (hareln'l.ondor').
<br /> � whose ma:;i�►p a�dress Is -
<br /> • FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Including Lender's extension of credit Identifl�id hflr�in to
<br /> �� � '"' Feln'Borrower;whether one ar mnro)and the trust herok�aroatud,tho mcetpt _
<br /> �„�-�� o t w h i c h f s h e re b y e c k n a wled ged,Trustor hereby irrevocably grants,trnnsters, convsyn end assigns to TrustQa. If�1 TRUST, tNITH
<br /> ' oQur���►�sp�F,fer the bene f it an d secud t y of Lendor,un der an d su b Jec t t o t h e t a r m�e n d c o n d i t t o n s h e r o i n aRor stit torth,thc�real
<br /> ,�,,., . ptopsrtydescribedasfollows: � � - F � G��Gi�:_:r,:` l,; �F•.f: C� tv t�t- GRANU =
<br /> �.C,? �NE i1), GF<A'J! 1:...�,JG 1AL.. :�:1.: ;1_R"4 +
<br /> ..� �_t!i.11, t 4RLL. COl� i l Y� •.^d�:H!t`,-1:iKf�. .-
<br /> '•',:. _i:. �.':
<br /> ;e..L�', ,,�. ,
<br />'�;�::,•: .. �f�nances
<br /> -" �• °• •�� � Together with ail buitdings.improvements,flxtures,sueets,alleys,passagavuaYR,ee�ements,dghts,privibg�s and aPP'1
<br /> ..,k,i�i
<br /> Y�tlUT
<br /> =_��; __;_;,�� �ocated Ihereon ar fn enywise perteining thereto,end the rents,issuos and proRt�,rover�bns and remaindore tharoot,ansl ssuc per-
<br /> °A''""f"'� that is attached to the Improvements so as to constitute e flxture,includinfl,but�ot Iimltod to,hoatir.e�and ew�nt�n9 equiP-
<br /> -_- ;t:, sonai propeAy
<br />=����•�� � men� and together with the homestead or marttal Interests,if any,which intoresta ora harrjby re�egsed end waivoal;o)I oi wf�ich�Inci - —
<br /> - _-��'�, - . �ng repls^,ements end edditiorts thereto,is hereby declared to be a part of the real e�tato securod by the lien oi th!�Deod ui Trust and
<br /> ���'.r:�� •• '� all ot the foregoing being referred to horeir+as the'Propert}r• ��iy�o ar credit agrea-
<br /> --- �, �::
<br /> - --`;,�;:"'•• Thls Deed of Trust shall secure(a)the payment o}the principal sum and intetnot evidence Y�P
<br />=�•_�:� : '`- ment dated ,having a matudty dato of , „
<br /> _�_ �. '•>, , -.
<br /> s,�-.x'�•:r:,..r, �.�; m _ end any and ail modiflcetions.extans3uns end renewals _
<br /> --��Y�„p;tir;�.<< � in the aiginal p�incipal amount of S � �� ��� �' --'
<br /> - ::�• ss 4�� thereoi or lhereto and any and all future advances end readvances to Borrower(or any af them Ii more than orw)F►mrounder pu�suan
<br /> -- '=�°�k� to one a more promissory notes or credit agreements(herein calted'Note�; (b)I�e poyment of other sums a�Anced'bYresont and
<br /> °:'=��'��;; protect ihe secudty of the Note;(c)the pertoemance ot afl covenants and agreemento oi Trustar sat forth horoin;ansl(d) p
<br /> `�'�Y'� future Indebtedness and obUgations of Bortower(or eny oi ihem It more than one)tn Lender whather diroct,lnd3roct.ebsolute or anntin-
<br />. ��.-4u�'�'�,
<br /> -�"'�+�� gent and whether arising by note,guarenty,overdraft or otharwlse.The P�ote,thts�Deed of Trust and eny and a�olher documents that
<br /> '�.�r_r�.;<<,:;��
<br /> ..-��.:_��� secure the Note or otherwise execuled In connection therewfth, fncluding without Ilmitation guarantoes,sa���f+iy agreements end
<br /> :.:�;;.�,�--W:.:,�— assignments of leases and rents,shall be referred to herein as the'Loan InSUumnnto'.
<br /> -;��.�,�:.:.• Trustor covenants anC agrees with Lender es tollows:
<br /> �'��:n a:... . �� 1.Pay�nent of Ind�btedn��.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be ppid when duo. enc�warrants that tho Ilon creat-
<br /> ---'"�'°`�; 2,TitN.Trustor Is tho awner of the Proporty,has the�ight and authoriry to cnnvey the Prope T��;or In vrriting end detivered to -
<br /> _°k':;-'�: ��
<br /> ed hereby is a flrst and prlor Iien on the Property,except tor Ilens end encumbrenaea set forth by
<br /> Lender befae execution of this Deed of Trust,end the execuUon and delivery ot thia Oeed of Trust daes not vbtpte eny oonVnct or
<br /> � othe�obli�atlon to whfch Trustor Is subject.
<br /> � „� 3.Tax��,Assessments.To pay betore delinquen�yr ail taxes,sQsclai essossmenta and ell other chargos against tho Property
<br />_ °'� � now orhereafter{evied. _
<br /> 4.Insurance.To keep the ProPerty(nsured agafnst damage by flre,hazardo inoluded within the term'e�fdenAed coverage',and -
<br /> � � such other hazerds as Lender may require, in amounts and with companles eaceptabla to Lender, naming Lendor as an addilional _
<br /> - ��' � named insured,with loss payable to the Lender. In case of loss under such pulla}u�,the Lender Is euthorf�atl Co adJust,oollect And -
<br /> a � campromise,all ciafms thereunder and shell have the option of apptying an or part at the insurFnce p�oceede(q to any indobteclnass
<br />- .i � ���1 P�ereby and in such aMer as Lender may determine,(0)to the Trusror to be uaad tor the repalr or rostatatbn of the ProAerty or -
<br /> _r�-•-}�.� •� (fii)fwany oiher puryose or obJect satisfacUory to Lendcu�ruonis o}proceedstohfnd bldQne'ss��t o�e�d o posu�tp°°e�etdu date _
<br /> ' ' hereby betore such paymant ever toolc place.Any app _
<br /> : ._ - -- - � �__.........,�..r���.,�ar cna ntoto.or cu��e anv defau:t thereunder or hereunder. _____ ,_,�,�,,,,,��,,,��. suHicient �
<br /> � -_._. �-----._,--.-...__._ - v�onl W7.......�_..__. . . _ .
<br /> _ _ , I 5. E�crow.Upon wdtten demand by Lender,Trustor shali pay to Lenqor,111 Uucn manna�a��o•�••,.. ••-, ---o - e
<br /> sumsla enableltL the p emlums on the property Insurance requirod here�un'der,a'nd'(I�rthe Premiumsnon any mortCaeoin u9rannce `
<br /> 90
<br /> the Propudy, () `
<br /> :, „ requLed by I-ender. ,�� ood cun�3aion nnd ropzir, shall
<br /> � � 8. Mafntenarsce, Repatro end Compli�ncs with Laws.Trustor shatl keep thu Nroparty 9 �
<br /> promp�ly repair,or replace any improvement which m2y be damageA or dostroyod;shull not comn�it or p�rrnii any wasto or cSeteriora- .
<br /> tion ol the Properhr:shall not remove,demoitsh or subsRantfally alter any ol the Impro��omonts on lhe Proporty:shall not oommit,su(for .
<br /> or pem�it any ect ta be done In or upon tha Property fn vf�lation�i any Inw, nrdinanco,or regulatian:and shall pay and prompo�r an =
<br /> chargo at Tn�stor's cast and oxoenso all Ilons,encumbrancas and chargos IevieA, imposed or eccQSSed egalr,st tho Property Y
<br /> =, --- _ partNQreot. �
<br /> -l"-- 7. Eminent Oomain. �ender Is horeby assigned all compensetion,ewards, dnmugos and othor paymonts or rQlini(heruina er
<br /> • N6C 3lS�INor�[��/YDI�EIILr�M
<br /> .� -� Ot98dMIer�9rrdCnnma7M�W5�rry�bsou�ml�oFN�d�w . . _
<br /> - ''_,.... ....__._.�-;.:
<br /> . . ......... ...'_'""'nii'i�� _ _. _
<br />