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<br /> �� • • principal emount oi ihe Indebtedness socured by thfs Deed of Trust,nqt ir�dl�f�,pyrt45�•advancod to protect the agcurity ot this Deed o9
<br /> • Trust,excoed th4 origlnal princlpal amount stoted hereln,or S�Ql�l1.�1� ,whlchever Is gre�ter.
<br /> 18.Mlscellart�ouR Provtelons. _
<br /> (a)BorroMrer Not Reloased.Extenslon of the time for paymont or modiflcation ot emortizapon oi tho�um�socurod by Ihl� _
<br /> ' ' Qeed of Trust grantod by Lender to any successor in Intarest oi 8orrowar shall nat opereta to releat,e,In eny manner,lhe tlebili- _
<br /> ' ry oi thQ otlginal Borrowor ond Barrower's succr�asors In interest. Lender shall nat be required to commence proceedings -
<br /> , ��%' � agalnst s�ch succASSOr or rafuee to extend time for paymont or otherwise modify emortizetlon of the sums secured by this _
<br /> � Deed of Trust by reason o�any demands madA by the criginal Borrotivor and Borrowor's succossors In interest.
<br /> � (b)Lender'a Pawers.Wlthout effacting thQ Qebiiity ot any other peraon Ilable for the payment of any ablipatlon hareln men- _
<br /> � tioned,and without atiecGng the Ilen or char�n of thls poed ai Trust upon any poRian of the Proparty not then of theretofore —
<br /> :t,�,.,.�;.,ti;�,,{ released as secuNty for[he fuli emount of all unpaid obligations,Le��der may,frnm time to tlmo and►�lthout notice (q reloaso _
<br /> eny person so Ilable,(11)extend the maturity or alter any o}the tertns of eny such obtlgatians,(ili)grant other indulgences,(Iv) _
<br /> .,�,;b�„� , release or reconvey,or cauao to ba released or reconveyed et any time at Lender's optfon any parcel, portlon or ell af the
<br /> ,��,µ;��;�;r Property, (v)cake or rolease any other or additlonal oecurity tor any obligatlan hereln montioned,or(vi)make compositions or -
<br /> other arrangement y with debtars In eelation thereto.
<br /> (c)Forl�earanco by Lender Not a Walver.Any forbearance by Lender in axercising anry right or remedy herounder,or oth- _
<br /> erwise afforded by eppflc�able law,shalt not be e waiver af or precluda tha axaraise of eny such right or ramedy.The procure- _
<br /> • ment of insurance ar the payment of taxes ur othor Iier�s or chargos by Lendor shall not he a wafver or Lenders dyht to acceler- _-
<br /> ate the m:�turityof the Indebtodness secured bythis Deed of Trust =
<br /> � (d)Succesaors and Assigns Bound;Join!end Sevaral Ltebiltty;Captl�n�s.The covenants and agreemQnts herein con- —
<br /> tafned sh�ll I�ind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to,the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Trustor.Afl
<br /> D covenant�ond agreements of Trusror shail be joint end severel.The captfons and headings of th�paragraphs of this Deed oi =
<br /> +• T�ust are tor convenience onty and are no2 to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereoL =
<br /> �� (e)Request for NoUces.The p�rties hereby requost thet a capy of any noUoa of dofeult hereunder and a copy of any�oNce
<br /> ;, oi sale hereundor be maite�l to each party to this Deed ot Trust et the address set torth above in the manner prescribed by _
<br /> ,�, applicabte law.Excepl Por a�y other nottco tcquircd under applicable lavl to bg givon in another manner,any notice pravlded for _
<br /> i�this Deed ui Trust shali be g(ver�by mailing such notice by certiflod mail addretssed to the other parties,at U�e addrpss set F
<br /> �' forth abave.Any noUce provided for In this Deed of Trust shail be oftec8ve upon mailing in the manner designated herein. Ii p
<br /> 7' Trustor is more ihan one person,notice sent to Ihe address set forth ahove shall 6n notice to ali such persons.
<br /> • ,; (�Insprction. Lender may make or cause lo be mede reasonable ent►ies upan snd Inapections of tho Property,provided =
<br /> that Lender shall give Trustor noUce pdor to eny such insQectlon specifying rsasonable cause therefor related Eo lender's inter- _
<br /> est in the Property.
<br /> (g)Reconveyanca. Upon paymant of ali sums securod by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request TrusteE to reconvey the
<br /> ;;',,, Property and sh�eQ surrender this Daed of Trust and ail notes evidancing Indebtedness secured by this Deed oi Trust to
<br /> � ' Trustee. Trustee shail reconvey the Property,without wamanty anct without charpe to tho person or persons legalfy enUtled
<br /> - . � thsreto.TNStorshall pay alt costs of recordation,if any.
<br /> (h)Penon�l Property; Security Agnemmt As �clditionai security for the pnymant of the Note,Trustar hereby grants
<br /> Lender undsr the Nebraska Unifonn Commerclal Cod�a security interest fn ell fi�cturas,equipment,and other porsonal property
<br />_�� � , u..�;n�;��„r�.�yy�th the iBal estate or improuemen4s located thareon,and not atherv�iso declared or deemed to be e part of
<br />- , ,,;•�;•� tha real estate secured hereby.This instrument sha�I be consVued as a Secu�ity A,g�eoment under seid Code,and tne tendor
<br /> •:.�,c�y��� shall have eil the�ights and remedies of a secured parly under said�ode in additlpn lo the rights a�+d remedies created under
<br />•'f:� . �•:..�� .;:'� and accorded the Lendor pursuant to this Deed of Trush,proviAed that Lenders rinht�and remedi�under this paragrapfi sh�11
<br />-,�j:,-r�,... ,�., ; be cumulsGve with,end in no way a Iimitation on, Lendor's righfs and remedles under any other securily agreement signed by
<br /> ;.,;r.:.�. • Bortower w TNStor.
<br /> � (ij Ltent and Encumbranc�s.Trustor hereby warrants and representa thet there is no dafautt under the�rov'�,sions oi any
<br />��`,:'; �.� � mortgage,deed oi trust,lease or purchase coniract desalbing ali or any part of tha Praporty,or other cantraG,InsVument or
<br /> �-�_°-�� � +• reement canstituting a ilen or encumbranae agalnst all or any p��rt oi the Praperty(coUectivefy 'Llens'), existiray as of tb��
<br />�y�:�.�:�+. date of this Deed of Trust,and that any and all existing Uens remain unmod(fied except es dfsctpsed to Lender in Trustor's wrlr
<br /> :u y;.:
<br />--° ;��:�w-.,,,.,�: ten disclosure of Ileos �nd encumbrances provided for heretn. 1'rusror sh�it timoly perform all of Trustore obligations,
<br /> -",j��¢�:�.° covenants,representations and warranttes under any and ell existlng and future Llens,shail prompUy forvvard toLertder copies
<br /> ���,��'`l�� '�''� of all noSces of defauit sont In connectlon with eny and ail exlsting or future Weno,and shall not without Lenders prior written
<br /> -•-.�:,t•t.R;r.a,. :'.
<br />��^���?�r::,Jw;;� consent in eny manner modify the provisions of or allow eny future advanoes undor ony existing or future liens.
<br />_`--�=�'""k''' �*s �)Appl�atlon ol Paym�nb.Unless oihenvise requlred by taw,suma pAld to Lendor hereur�dcr,inciuding wiUwut limihation
<br /> — �`��� •�����"' a ments oi pdnct al and Int�rest,insurance pmceeds,condemnation {;tqceedo ond rents a�c��rofits,shall be epplied by
<br /> =�-:�W��., --:: :;� P Y p
<br /> ���=, >' Lender to iha amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in sucr�or�or as Lendor in tts sole di�aetlon de�ems deslr-
<br /> ��,;;�..��• �?�:.'�,
<br />�i;',,';n�,s.�;��;, : ebl(k'�v����.If any provlslon of this Deed of Tvs�st contlicts with applleable law or is deoiared invalid or o'.t�rwise unen-
<br /> �� forceab{e,suxh conAict or InvaOdity shall not effect the other provisians of thls I�ed of 7rust or the Note which can be glven
<br /> •`-��:`�:� �� effect without the confflctinp provision,end to ffiis end the provistonE of this Deed of Trust end the Note are dedared to be sev-
<br /> X�."°�_„� erable.
<br /> _ _ (I)Termc.fie tertns'Trustor and'Borrowe�'shali fnclude both sinputar end piural,and when the Trustor and Borrovverare
<br /> —__�`'' the seme person(s),lhose terms as used in this Deed oi Trust shafi k�e fnterchangoable.
<br /> ,..�";�v�i�•e� (m)Goveming L�w.This Dead of Tr�est shall be govemed by the laws ot the Stat�of Nebraske.
<br /> ___,L�...�,�,
<br /> ==��T��.�
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<br /> ' Tnastor has executadi.Ihis Dead of Trust as oi the date written above.
<br /> .. . � 1
<br /> � Y�as,dLv`�
<br /> ,��Y� Uidnc �inn;,M r,F Gr.�nd I_;:�1d__ ir+r�-
<br /> Trustor J, R�nan� president Tmstor
<br /> -.�� +�� � /_,.� . �.a..�.rt �.�,c�� '
<br /> - � T�-�stor Tu3d A. Car�pestter, Secretaty msi.�r °
<br />