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,t�,.�Ui� . . . . .r1,..�,r.. <br /> ... .. . y� .. . . _ .I�1�' 7;r:r� -� tii��i S3'RTi Y 7•' . <br /> '_`M'; � . i� ' _ <br /> ..`�Y�tl<F- . . . .� i � ,`,'1,'•�'�',,�,1 �I��tr, . . ....Y•�•``� <br /> . <br /> ..���r ., . .. - - rvMy{f . <br /> .t+ik+2VNItY��[ " ' ...__..... . . .. "_.... .. . .. ...... . ..... ___. .. <br /> . . .. ......._ ....�......._.._. �}� __ �... <br /> .... ._ . _ � .. �_.�- <br /> .. . ..._. ..._... . ,.-.. <br /> • . ._. ... .x. <br /> � �aa__ <br /> . 97- ��28� -- -_ �;;��..-� <br /> .,.1� <br /> `�uiF:g,:�R. <br /> � :..•.�.., •.. <br /> 'Proceeds")In connectlon with condemnetlon or other taking of tho Proporty or part thoroof,ur tor convoynnco In I�ou of condemnation. h. <br /> � Londor shell be entitled at Its option lo commence,�ppoer in and prosacuta In Its own n�mo nny nctlan or proGOOdinpo,�nd�hall also <br /> be Antitled to make any compromiseor settlemont In connoction w4h;�uch taklnp or dnma(�o. In Iho ovont nny portlon of tho Property is • <br /> so takon or demaged, Lender shall have the option in Its solo and absofuto dfacrotlon, to npply nll nuch procnod�, aitar doducting <br /> theretrom all costs end expenses incurred by it In can�ocllon with suah Wroconds,upon nny Indobtodno�s nncura�d horaby end In such <br /> ( order as Lendor may determine,or lo apply all such Procoeds,altor such doductlons,to tho roatorntlan af tho Proporty upon such aon• <br /> j ditions es Lencler may determino. My appllcaqnn of Proc�eds to Indobte�noea shall not oxtond rn po:�q��na Ihe�duo dato of any pay •� <br /> • ( mQnts under tha Note,or cu�e eny default thereunder or hereundar.Any unt►ppifad fund�shall bo pnl�1 to 1 ruetor , � <br /> f il. Perfornianco by Londor.Upon tho occurrence oT nn Fvenl ot Doloult horuw�Cor, ar d nny ��ci io Inkt►n or lopal proceeding <br /> ;"1 commenced whlch materially aHocts Lendet's Interost In the Property,Lon�or mc�y In Ite own clldcrntinn,but witliout oqlipation to do so, <br /> - � and without notice to or demand upon Trustor end without relea�ing Tru�tar(rom nny obllpr� nny nr.i whlch Truotor hos egreed <br /> ' .�,� but fAlled to do ond may also do any other act It deems neceasery lo prolnct tho sacurity horool. Truntur nhnll, Immedlately upan <br /> • demand theretor by Lender, pay to Lender all costs and exponsas Incurred and eums us;pondoci by Londur In connoctlon wilh the exer- <br /> cise by Lender of the foregoing righls.together wlth fntarest thereon at the dofault rnto provided In Ilio Nata,wldch ahall bo addod to , <br /> the indebtedness secured hereby. Lender shell not Ineur eny IIablllty becauso of�nythinfl It m�y do or omll lo do hnroundor. <br /> � 9. Hezardous Materiais. Tmstor shall keep the Proporty In compllanca wlth oli nppllcablA Inwe, ordlnnncos and raputations ;',�,,..., . '..,_� <br /> reiating to Industriel hyglene or environmentel protection(coliectivety referrod to horoln ae"C•nvlrnnmentnl I.awe'). Truatar shell keep ;,;,t;�A�t�:�;.�=•°_- <br /> ���:'�:�j ; the Property iree from ail substances deemed tv be ha�erdous or toxlc under any Envlronment�l Lnwe(collactively referrod to hereln ��}�'i�'��;�;=a:. <br /> es'Hazardous Matedals'). Trustorh�reby wartants end represants to Lender that there aro no Hazordoua Materlale on or under the � :;,,�,, <br /> Property.Trustor hereby agrees to indemni}y and hold herrnless Lender,Its dlrectors,otilcors,omplo�ooa nnd n{�onta,nnd any succos• , ,�?`__��y <br /> ` sors to Lender's interest,from andagafnst eny and allclalms, damages, losses and IlabilltteaTHE FORE(301NC3 WARRANTIES AND ,���,:-"''� <br /> use,dispospl or transport of eny Hezardous Materlals on, under,from or about the Property. ._ -. <br /> REPRESENTATIONS,ANO TRUS�OR'S OBUGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOING IND�MNI7Y, SHALL SURVIVE ��"=�- — <br /> , ���t � <br /> ,. ;. �, RECONVEYANC�OF THIS D�EDOF TRUST. ` -- : <br /> . 10.Assignment ofi Rentss.Trustor hereby esslgns ro Lender,end grants Lander e security Intarest In, oll pr�yont,(uturo end � '� `,-f ='" <br /> 8 p �'' �, "�'`�� __. <br /> � after arisin rents,Issues and profita of the Pro e provEded that TNStor shall,untll the occurronce of an Event of Doleult,heroundor, ,;;,�},,. ._ <br /> . hava the rlght to collect and reta{n such rents,fssues and proflts es they bec�mo due and payable.Upan tho nccurronco of an EvQnt of ' �,,.:,.••- <br /> � ,:,..� c r <br /> � '�'��, �. qefeult,Lender may,either In person or by egent,wiN or without bringing any acSion or proceeding,or b�r a rocolvor appolntod by a �r����; <br /> . �'��'��: caurt end without regard to the adequacy of Ite security,enter upon and take possesslon of the Property,or nny pnrt thoreof,In Its own �,,n�;,•,; .:.— <br /> • namo or in the nemo of the Trustoe, and do any actswhlcl� it deems neces�ary or desirable to preseroa lhe valuo,mArko4ebiliry or ���'��:;.�i�r_; <br /> " ' ��. �'�.'. rentabUfty of the Property,or any pert thereoi or Intorest therein,or to Increase the Income therefrom or pratect tho aecurity horeol and, ���:;,����;�,- <br /> . with or without teking possesslon ol the Property,sue tor or othervvise co�tect the rnnts,Issues and proiits thoreof,Including Ihoee pael �'��• <br /> I ronts,Issues and roflte, les�coste end expene• �i'��_ <br /> ' due and unpaid,by notifying tenanls to make payments to I.ender.Lender may app y P �q���r <br /> , �' � es oi operation and collection Induding ettomey's fees,tm any Indebtedness secured heroby,ell In such order as Lender rrtay deter• i�,( <br /> ' ��"��` t• . mine.7he ente�ing upon and teking possesslon of the Pro e the cc�ltectlon of such rents, Issues end proYite, and lhe eppllcatlon <br /> P rty. ���,,� <br /> �' w a' thBfBOf 6s 8tOt88Hld shell 11ot Cu1'8 0�welve eny deieuii or noiicn ui unie�u�i t'i'v�ouAds�a��r,v�!!d:!�sr.,ect d�ne In rwRnnn�w to wuch _ <br /> �f';�`�• �. � datault or pursuant to such notice of default end, nolwithstending the continuanco In possession of tho property or lhe collectlan, <br /> receipt and appltcatlon of rents, issues or proflts,Truslee and Lender shzll be en2itted to exerclae every rlght provided(or In eny of the <br /> • '' Laan Instrumente or by law upon occurrence of eny Event oi Default,Including wlthout Ilmitatlon the rlght to etterclae lhe pawer oi�iAle. <br /> ��'�'�;�'� Further,Lender's rights and remedios undor thfs paragraph ehall be cumulative wlth,and In no way e Ilmltetlon on,Lendor's rlphte and <br /> . '�;�'"+' remedies under any assignment ot leases and rents recorded against th►e Property.Lender,Trustee and the recelver shell be Ilable to <br /> . .� account only tor those rents ectualty veceived. <br /> • •• 11.Ev�nts ai D�fault.The tollowing shall cons�tute en Evant oi Detault undar this Deod of Trust: <br />= • (a)Failure to pay any inatsllment oi principal or Interest or eny othar sum secured heteby when due; <br />- (b)A breach of or defautt under eny provision conteined in tho Note,this Deed of Trust,eny oi the l.oan Inetrumente,or eny <br /> � other Ifen or encumbrence upon the Proporly; <br />_�,;.: .�' ' � (c)A writ ot executio�or attechment or any simller pra;ess sh�ll be entered agatnst Trustor which ehall becoma o Ilqn on <br /> �•• � t .• r , the Property or eny porUon lhereot or In4erest thereln; ��� <br />..,:. .,-,....,, <br /> :i �,,,.,�. (d)Thore shall be filed by or agalnst Trustar or Borrow�r an actlon under any present or future federel,stnte or other�talulo, <br /> bn•,S.�.��.� . lew or regul�tlon relaling ta bankruptcy,insoivency or other rellef tor debtoro;ot thsro shell be sppoint�any tru�ta�,r�alv�or <br />- - �, • Iiquldator o4 Trustor or Borrower or ot ell or any paR ot the Propertyr,or the rents,Issues or proflte thersof,or Truttor or Borrower <br /> - ' �''`':� ehall make eny gsneral assignment for the beneflt oi creditors; __ <br /> -� ���-�`�'�'' f (e)The sale,tranafer,lease, essignment,conveyance or further encumbrence of ell or eny part of or eny intermet In lhe <br />- ���"��" — <br />--- ,_ Property,elther vofuntorily or Invoiuntarfly,�nrithout the express wdtten consent of Lender;provlded that Trueta ehail be petmlt• <br /> �`',+.. �•�� �' ted to execute e lease ot tha Properiy that cloes not conteln an opdon to purchaso and the tem►of whtch does not exc�ed orw _ _�_ <br />-,-. _. <br /> � -• � year, � <br />�,..;;J;�h.�'; '? (�Abandonment of tfie PPOperty;or `.: <br />- ' '� �± (g)if 7�ustor is not an Individusl,the Issuance,eate,transfer,essignment,conveyance or encumbranco of more lhen (ff p <br /> ��'�+��`;�`<;�'� corporation)e rotal oi percent oi lts Issued and outstending stock,or(Ii e pertnerehlp)a total ni,_ Uer• �_._ <br /> ,;,1,�, u <br /> : • :r• cent ot partnership Interests.or(If a Iimited Ilabllity company)a tote l o f porcent ot lho Ilmited Ilabllit y comps- _: <br /> ny Interests or voting dghte during the pedod Ws Deed of Trust rematns e Ilen an the property. ��o� <br /> ` � 12.Rerr�edies;Aaceleratlon Upon Default.In the event of eny Event of Defauit Lender may,v►lthout nolice oxcept ae requlrod <br /> „ � by lew,deciare all indebtedness securod hereby to ba due end payabla and the same shalt thereupon become due and payabta wlth- �'y�� <br /> . � ['.-�--�.-. <br />_ f out any presentmont,demand, proteat or nottce of any klnd.Theroafter Lender may: `,::______•� <br /> ' " (a)Demand that Trustoe exerclse the POW�Fi OF SALE granted hereln,und Trustee ehell theroafter cauae TruetoPs Inter� a•.-.----_. <br />_. � ost In the Property to be sotd and the proceeds to be dlstributed.all In the manner provided In the Nebreaka Trusl Deeda AcC -,:�J�"��--- <br /> , � (b) Exerclse any end ell rights provided(or In any of tho Loan Instruments or by law upon occurronco of nny F_vonl or �±�`,�'_s'"' <br /> Default;and ���- -'°' <br />� (C)Commenae an actlon to foreclose thE9 Deod of Truat es a mortgage,eppoint e recetv9r,or speciticefiy onforw any o1 Iho . _ <br /> � •.:. ,, covenants hereof. , • .. <br /> ��"'� • No remady fiereln conterred upon or reserved to Trusteo or Lendar is tntended to be exclusive of any othor remedy horoln,In iho l.00n � <br />- "'�'�.�;;,i, � Instruments or by law providect a permitted,but each shall bo cumuiative,ahall be In additlon to every other remedy glven heraundor. � . <br /> ' In tho Loan InsUuments or now or hereafter exlsting at law or In equity or by statute,end moy be exerclsed concurrondy,Indapendentiy " "' - <br /> ' ----' __, or succac(v�lv. •. <br /> --- .,,- -- -- . <br /> --- -- <br /> 13.Tru�tee.The Tmstee may reslgn at any tlme without causa,and Londer may ac eny cime and wimoui cauao aN�,in�d�a�;�,- - - <br /> - ceosor or subsUtute Trustee.Trusteo shall not be fiaCle to ony party,Including without Ifmitatlon Lnndor,Borrower,Trustor or nny pur- <br /> chaser of the Proporty,for eny loss or damage uniess due to reckless ur wtllful misconduct,and ehall not bo r�qulrod to tnko any oction . <br /> � in connection with tha enforcsrnen4 of this Deed of Trust unless Indem�ifind,In wdting,for ali costs,componsatlon ot expensas which <br /> ' � may be essociated thorewith. In edditlon,Trustee mey become a purcheser at any sele of the Property Qudiclal or undor tho p�wor o1 " ., <br /> = sato grented herein);poslpone the sale af all or eny portion oi the Proporty, es provlded by lew;or sell the Propartyr as a wholo,or In <br /> _ separato parceis or lots at Trustee's discredon. ., <br /> ' 1b.Fees and Facpenaea.In the event Trustee sens the Proporty by exerGse oi power oi salo,Trustoe shall be onUtted to apply <br /> any sale proceeds flrat to payment of all costs and ezpenses of exerclsing power of sele.Including all Trustoe's foes,and Lender's ond �� <br /> � Trustee's attomey's fees, ac:tually Incurred to extenl permitted by appliceble law.In the event Borrowor or Trustor oxorctsos nny ripht �� <br /> _ � provided by law to cure an Evenl oi Default,Lender shall bo entitled to rocover trom Trustor ell costs end oxpansoa actunity incurrad n3 <br /> - �result of Tnistor's default,Including without Ilmitatbn all Trustee's end ettorney's foes,to the oxtent pormilted by applicablo law. <br /> - 15.Future Advances.Upon request of Bortower, Londer may,et!ts option,moke addltlonol and futuro ndvances nnd roud- <br /> vances to Borrower.Such advances and readvences,with interest thereon, shall be secure�by thls Deod of Trust.At no tlmo ahnll tho <br /> _� <br /> . _. . .. . .. -.-..._. - -- <br />