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<br /> :�•; a THIS DEED OF TRUST,(s made es ot tho 31"d_day oi A D�il ,19 97 .by and amonp �
<br /> .,�',,..,' . � -
<br /> '�� ''� theTn�stor, TNnmas L Hawkins ��{ � �`��r
<br /> a„n Thnlma M Hawki nc_ h,�.artd�ll].� fe - � .,„„�
<br /> 68803
<br /> '�� whose mailing eddress Is 1404 N. G ra n d I sla n d A v e.��r'dn d I sla n d. N�Qrein'Trusto�',whether one ar mnre), `�� =
<br /> , ,,. �� \C�
<br /> '`.`:'?;;i,, yY tho Trustee
<br /> ��':"l' � � whose malflng addross is P•0• Box 1507, Grand Island, N E 68802-1507 (herein•Trustee'),and
<br />_ ,.,�;.:;�'; . �:-�;, -
<br />-��.':�''" -• • thoBeneflciary,Five Points Bank
<br />�"`� �}��� ��' ,. 2Q15 N. Broadwell Ave., Grand Island, NE 68803 _(heroln`Lenderj.
<br /> '1c��-:' whose mailing address is _
<br /> RNY�
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Including Lendor's extensian of credit Identified herein to �-"
<br />_- • •� ThQma� L. Ha�wkitts a�d, Thelma M Hawkins __.
<br /> � (herein'Borrouver;whother nne or more)and the truat herein created,the recefpt
<br />- � of which is hereby acknowledgod, Trustor hereby irrevocably grenta, trenafera, conveys end assfgns to Trustee, I!J TRUST,WITH
<br /> , .s � R^vLY��O:�ALE,far ihs�nst?t sn��ra�rtty ot Londer.under and sub►ect ro the terma and conditions herelnafter set torth,the reai �
<br /> - proporty described ns follows:
<br />'`. �. ,� Lot Two hundred twenty (220�, Westlawn Additl�n to the City of
<br />�`�,`:,�: . : � ��, Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />�:.
<br /> '. Together with ail buildings,Improvements,flxtures,atroeta,ailQy�,passagoways,easements,righte,prtvlleges encl appuRenances �
<br />;-�u'1;�:.�,;. .+ loaated thereon or in enywise pertelniny thereto,and the ronta,Issuas And proflts,reverelons and remeinders thereaf, and such per-
<br /> �=�,.�. : d sonal properly that Is attached to the fmprovements so es to constituto a fizture,Including,but noY I{mlted to,hea4ing and cooling aqulp-
<br /> - t,,,�,�,� ' ment;and togethor with the homestead or merital Interests,if any, which Nlerests ere hereby released and waived;all of which,includ-
<br />= -•�:-�•n ing replacements and eddltions thoreto,Is heroby declared to bo a part otthe reai estete secured by the Ilen oi this Deed of Trust and
<br /> `='�='?� �"� all ot tha toregoing being referrod ta herein as the"Prope►t}�'.
<br /> .r_..,.,
<br /> '--��:1��= •^ Thls Deed of Trust shail secure(a)tfie payment oi the pdna!pal�urn ond Interest evldenced by apromisso�r note or credit agree-
<br />���;;..1�� ment dated, � 1997 ..._ ,hnving a maturity date oi MaY 10. 1997 �
<br />,:'.r<%�';�`"`.y�,,r,"'��. � end an end ali modiflcatlons, extensbns and renewets
<br /> �""t� In the odgMal principal amount of S 9�,1107 5(1 Y
<br />�ns�r::�, -4*i u
<br />.,;����'� thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvancea to Barovrer(or any of them if more than one)hereunder pursuan
<br /> �';?±;`.,�;�n � ta ono or more promissory notes or credit egreements(herein caliod "NMe");(b)the peyment of other sums advanced by Lender to
<br /> �`�$"= protect the security of the Note;(c)the performartce ot ell covenants end egreements of Trustor set forth herein;end(d)all present and
<br /> Y'������ future indebtedness and oDligations of Borrower(or any of them ff rr.�re than one)to Lender whether direaS,in�irect,absolute or contin-
<br />__-�R�:'!'_��� gont and whother erising by note,guaranty,overdreft or otherwise.The Note,Ihis Deed ot Trust end any end ail other documents that -
<br /> - ��..� secure tho Note or otherwise executed In connectlon therewith,Inciuding without Iimftation guarantees, secur(ty egreements and
<br /> -����'�'' asslgnments of leases end rents,ahall be referred to hereln as the'Loan Instmments'.
<br /> �-'�"'°�"` Trustor covonants end agrees with Lender ea tollows:
<br /> ����r� 1. Payment of Indubtedness.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> ' �w`� 2. Tttle.7rustor is the owner of the Property,has the right and auVarity to convey the Property,and wbmants that the Ifen croat-
<br /> _._,:�.^-. ^ ,
<br />--- �� ed hereby Is e flrst end prlor Iien on the Proparty,except for Iiena and encumbrances sot forth by Trustor tn writing and deliverod to
<br /> � � * Lersder betore execut!on oi this Deed of Trust,and the oxecution end delivery of this Deed of Trust does not violate any contract or
<br /> •� • other obltgaGon to whlch Trustor is subJoct.
<br /> � ' 3.Taxes,Assessmenta.To pay betore doltnquency all taxes, special assessments and ail other charges egafnst the Property
<br /> _� • • now or hereefter levied.
<br />- �� �"�• 4.Insurance.To keep the Property Insured egainst damage by flre, hezarde Inctuded wlthin tho term'extended coverage',and �
<br /> i�•�;::�f
<br /> ,,;; such othflr hazards as Lender may require, in amounts end with compenios acceptable to Lender,naming Londor as an additanal
<br /> �s� � named insured,with loss paya b te to t he Len d e r. I n c a s e o t l o s s u n d e r s u c h p o l i d e s, t h e L ender fs autho�izod to ed just, coU�ct and �-_;
<br /> compramiso, all ciaims thereunder end shall heve the option of appiying all or part af the tnsurance procee�s(i)to eny Indeb2odreess ��i
<br />_ „ w � secured hereby and In such order es Lender may determine,(fl)to the TNStor to be used for the repair or restoratEon oi the Property or �
<br /> � -�-:�-" } • (ili)for eny other purywse or obJect satlstactory to Lender without effacllng the Ilen of thl�Deed of Trust for the tull emount secured
<br /> ""'- '� hereby betire such payment ever took place.Any eppllcatlons oi proceeds to Indebtedness ehall not extend or pastpone the due date
<br /> _ __'-_ _- _�,_�-�� �_M.,.......,e.,�e.,.,.,...f�ti�fa nr r„rw anv default thereunder or horeunder.
<br /> _.—..-,�� v�o�.s wr�............,._._._..___. - -- - -
<br /> 5. Escrow. Upon w►itten demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lvnde�,In such manner as Lender may oesignate,sum�ieni
<br /> . � sums to enable Londer to pay as thoy tr�come duo one or more ot tho tollowing:(f)ell taxes,essessments and other charpes agatnst
<br /> „ the Property, (II) the pi�emlums on the property fnsuranco requlred herounder,and (ill)the premlums on any mortgage Insurance
<br /> � required by Lender.
<br /> ' � 6. Maintertance, Repalrs and Compliance with l.aws. Trusta shali keep the Property fn good condition and repair, shaii
<br /> promptly repalr,or ropiace any Improvorr,ent which mey be damaged a deslroyed;shall not comrnit or pertnit eny w�sto or deteHora-
<br /> -- �� tion of the Property:shell nut�emove,demolish or substentially alter any ot Ihe improvements on the Property;shall not commit,suNer
<br /> or permit any ect to be done in or upon the Proper4y In vlolation of any law,ordinance,or reguletlan;and shaU pay and pmmptty dis-
<br /> charye ot Trustor s cost and expense all Ilens,encumbrances and cf�ar�os levled, Imposed or accessed agafnst Ihe Propertyr or eny
<br /> part thereof.
<br /> . 7. Eminont Domain.Lender is heroby asslgned ell compensation, awards,damages end other peymonts ar reilef(herelnafter
<br /> ' rmc s�sr�u�+wwmr o..o�a..xa �
<br /> ; .. o�vee r+.oaw ow a camrK.�mi.oa s..,ro,�,wwwn�rom+.�+.a.a,
<br />