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<br /> n .f
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<br />� � prinalpal afiount af the Indebtedneas escurod by thls Deed of Trust,nat fncludlrtg sums ecNaeced to proteet Na sec�oritY oi thls Deec!oi _
<br /> Tn�el,�xceed tha urlpinal�rinclpnl amount statad horeln, or$� _,whlchever is greater.
<br /> 1(l.Ml�a�ll�rs�ou�ProvlelQ�e�. �
<br /> (A)8a►r�w�r Not R�I�s��d.Ext�nsl�n of the time for paymenY or retacllficaZion o9 amonlzatlon o1 tico s�cvozs socured by lhls �
<br /> f��od�i T�us?�r�ntod Gy Londor!fl�ny successo�In interast of Borrower sh�ll e�ot operate to release,Ir� any onenner,the Ilablll• �
<br /> ty oi the orlpinel Borrower ond Qarro�voPs successors In intores4. Lortdar �hall noY be requirec9 to comrtasnce proceedings —
<br /> , . Apelnal Bur,h euccessor or refus�to extend tlme for payment or otherwise modify amortizaUon oi Ihe surtrns socurod by thls _
<br /> Dond ol T�ust by reasan ot eny damands mado by the original Borrower Fnd Borrower's successor.s In Intere�4. _
<br /> � "" (b)L�nd�►'�Pow�rs.Without att�ecting the Ilablllry oi any othor pers�a Uable for ths payment ot eny ob!loation hereln men- _.
<br /> � � tlonod,nnd witho�st nf'c�cting tt�o Uon or ch�rpo oi this Deed of Trust u�va�ny portion ot the Rrapedy rat Qfisn or lhoretofore ry
<br /> . �� refoosed ae securlty(or the hdt Amount of all unpaid ubligaUons,Lendas may, tram tim�to tlme:nd►^^�tho�nof!co(q relo�so �__
<br /> ,., any person eo�leble,(il)oxt�nd tfirr mahirlry or alter any of tho terms o?any such obligetlons,(Ilf) grent olher indulgences,(Iv)
<br /> � reteaeo or rnconvay,ar cause to be reloased or recanveyed at a�y Utme at Lender's optlon uny parcol,�nortion or all of lhe --.
<br /> �•-"""""� � Property, (v)take or releaso on7 athor or eddiUonal aecurity for any ob119ation herein mentfoned, or(vi)ma6c�composltions or —
<br /> • """�� other arrangaments wlt�deDtors In relaUon thereto.
<br /> � (c)Forbt�r�nc�by Ured�r P1o3�W�Iv�r.Any farbearance hy Lender in onerclsing any right�r reniedy P�ereunder,or oth- _
<br /> , � erwlse eifordad by appllcabte luw,sh�ll not bo a walver of or preclude the exorcise ot any such rcght mr rervea�y.The procura —_
<br /> - . • ment oi InauranCe ar the paymenC of taxes or othor Ilens or charges by L�nder shall not be a walver or Lendsv's dght to eccekir- �
<br /> ° ete the maturity of the Indebted�x�ss socured by thls Deed of Trust
<br /> (d)!lu�c�ston�nd Assl{bna Bo�c�d;Joint and 8overal Liabllity; Cep4in�s.'ft�o covenants and agros�ments hereln con- --
<br /> "� telned ehell bfnd, 8nd the�I�hts hereu�dor shall inure ta, the resQective s�accsssors�►nd es,�igrss of Len��r�nd Trustor.All _
<br /> � covenAr►ts�end egreementa oi Trustor shall be Joint and severel.l'he captlons and headirtgs ot the par.agre�?�R oi thls Deed of
<br /> Trust uro for convonlonca only ond ara not to be used to interpret or deftne Ihe provisions hereof.
<br /> ...�.► (e)R�quest fo►Notlai.Tho partios heroby request that a copy oi any notice of defa�lt hereunder and e oopy oi eny notice
<br /> of eete hareunder be malled to oach party to this Deed of Trust at the address set torth above in tha mau�roar prescdbed by
<br /> ��� appilsable law.Ex:.�pt for nny o��ar no�'c�requlred under applicabie laar to be 9iven ln another manner. any �odco provided tor
<br /> In thla Deed olTruat shali ke givvn by malling such notice by certifled tnail�ddreased to the othQr pav-Eies, al tho eddress set
<br /> ;, forth abave.Any R�otice pravlds�d for In thts Deed ot Trust shall ba efiectivo upon maliing in the rnenroerd�+gnated herein.ff
<br /> � .,';�. Truator Is more Ih�n on9 person,n�tice sent to tho address set forth above shail be notice to ell such parsorn�.
<br /> ,�;� (�(nsp�atlon. Lender may mulce or cauao to be made reasonable enMes upon and Inspecttons mff tho (Property,provided
<br /> that Lender ehell glve Trustor noti�e prior to any such Inspection epecifying reasonable cause theretor�Iat�Io Lender's Inter-
<br /> ' est In the Pro{�erty.
<br /> (p)R�conwyancs.Upon paycnr�nt of ell sums secured by this Deed of T�ist,Lendsr shrali request'�rosQ¢z tn reconvey the
<br /> Property and bhall eurrender thia Doaci of Trust end all notea evidencing Indebtedness secured b.�thi� peed oi Trust to
<br /> Truatee. Trustoe shell reconvey tM Property,wlthout warrenty and without charge to the person or werscrns legally entitled
<br /> t�iereto.Truator ehell pey ell costa of recordaGcn, tf any.
<br /> (h)P�nonal Prop�rty►; �eeavfty A�nsm�nt.As additianal security tor ihe payment o4 the Note.Tnc�t�r hensby granis
<br /> Lender under the Nebresko UnHt�rm Commerclal Code a security Interest In all flxtures,equipment,and athea�ersonal property
<br /> used►n cannec�on with the r�al mabto or Improvements located thereon,end not othen�vise declared or decv�►rL9 to be e paR ot
<br /> � the roel eatate eecur�a3 heroAy.Thlu h�atrument shall be construed as a Security Agreement unaar sai�si i;o�a,�na ifie i.ender
<br /> shall hava ell tM�t{�Rtu eRd remadlas of e secured parry under said Code In Addltlon to the riphts and memadses created under
<br /> � end eccordod Ihe Lertder puq�nrot to thln Dead of TrusF provided that Lender's righta and remediea urec�er4B�Es�aragreph shali
<br /> be cumulativa with,and Iro r.o wrey a IIi�ItaUon on,Lender's rights and romedles under any other seCUr+tyegreesment slgn$d by
<br /> • Borrower or TNStor.
<br /> (I)Ll�m�nd�ncumbran�s�e.Truetor hereby worrents and representa that there Is no dofeult underiteo pc�mvisions of any
<br /> •' � mortgage.deed o4 truat,lease or�ncheas contract desc►ibing all or any pazt of the Property,or othep ooro�8.instrument or
<br /> �.Y,;; . ,_;,., egreement conl'dtuUng a Iien ar encumbrance Aq�lnst all or eny part pt the Property(collectivety,'Llens'), exFSTing as of the
<br />_ . .,:{' date o f this De a d o 4 Trus t,an d t ha t eny and ell exiatlng Llens romain unmodifi�od except as di�closed to l.entEer fao Trustor's writ-
<br /> - ;,, ten disclosure of Ilens and eacumbrr�ncea provided for hereln. Trustor shall timely perform all oT Tnesta�'�obllgatlons,
<br /> " • �� covenants,representaUons artd wAm�ntlea under eny end all exlsting end futuro Llens,shali prompUy farwerrtl t�G.�ender ooples
<br />" ' -r�i� oi all notices of default senY i�s conmectlon wlth any and all existing or future Uens,and shall not v►+Ihaut lr�nd�s prior w�itten
<br /> _ic`.F....,.��..,�
<br />:��-s j ;. consent in eny menner modify Wr�provlalona of or eilow eny future advancas under any exlsHng�r future�eres.
<br /> �-Tt r Q)Appllc�tlon ot Paym�rtta.Unluas othervrtse required by law,sums paid to Lender heraunder,Incl�ilrrc�wil�out Ilmltation
<br /> _�-.�:�5,rr;,• � '
<br /> - _ pnyments of principal end Irteraot, livnm��nce proceeds, condemnaUon procaods and rents anei pr�tits,shaf9 Ibe epplied by
<br /> ::_F:���� Lender to the emounts due ertd owtitp fiom T�u3tor and Borrower in such order as Lendor in fts sole d�Cre@ore deems deslr-
<br /> �:.�;I?r.,.,, abl9.
<br /> �;vr:y�,:'t,
<br /> (k)S�wn0111ty.Ii any prcutulnn of thlh Deed of Truet contllcts wlth appticable Iaw or!s cleclared Invalid or esi�oarvvise unen-
<br /> "�"`;`^ torceable.such conAict or Inva(I�:aP�el�nll rsot eKect the other provis�ons of this Deed ot Trust or the t�ote whtcfo can be given
<br /> .r.=�a':`•�� effoct w(thout Iho contiicting pravi�lun,ce�td to thla end the provislons of this Doed of Trust and the Note are dec�ar�ed to be sew
<br />;`.,:i�i�tY;.j'; eraC�le. -
<br /> � ,�.,:,:.:,� (i)T�rm�. The terma"Trustor ond'��rcower"e�all InClude Doth singular and plural,and when tho Trustor end�orrower ere
<br /> �' '�'^• the same per^.,on(s),those terma es uaed In thls Oeed of Trust ahaq be interchengeable.
<br /> ��'-� '�r� (m)Gowrnlnp I.�w.Thls Deod�f Trust shnll ba Bovomod by the laws of the State of Nebraska.
<br /> ��.
<br />_��,,�..__..._..
<br /> y-:rt�
<br /> ,_ .j �
<br /> f
<br /> ` q_ Trustor hes executed thls Deed of Tru6t ao of tho dnte wrllten ebove.
<br />: . ., t �t'u���� .�.,��!�_-�.. �--�1'�.f.�, �.�.�,�=-•�
<br /> -:� > :
<br /> _., (Thomas L. Nawk�ins. husband) Truelar ('�helna M. Hawkins� wif�) rrustor
<br /> - : i
<br /> �� � 5'rueto� Trustor
<br /> : :, .� •
<br /> � 4:
<br /> ----�----- .._. . . . „ . . _.._ . ..__.__..--�,.,�..�r�•�--,T.,�.----n-
<br /> �
<br />