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<br /> - , I 9. Inspectlon. Lendcr or Its agent m�y make rcnconahlit enWea upon nnd inspccdone of U�o Properry. I..rsnAr.r ehnU g►vo
<br /> Bonower nodco ut tho dme of or prlor to an inspe���rn sRecifjring roanonn�lo cAUSO for tho inspecdon.
<br /> .. 10. Cottdannailost. 'Tl�e pcucecds ot any awnrd er cinf�n for d.ams3e�, dircct or consequencial, in cnnnar.tion with any ,
<br /> conAcmnadon or other taking of nny paR of tho N��o�:acry,or f�r conveynnce in licu of condemnetion,orc heraby assigucd dnd
<br /> � T- � shall bc patd to Lcnder. .. ,
<br /> ±. � In thc cvcnt of a total txking of thc Properry.tho�racccQo sh�ll ina appllcd to[hn aums accured by thi�acr.urlty lnavumcnt,
<br /> •� whether ur not then due. wi¢Y�any excan peid ta �3��rrawec. In Ut�ever►e of n pnrtinl m{cing of ttao Property In which the feir
<br /> I morket vatue of thc Property immcdtatcly before rha c�ttirtQ in cqu�l to or greater thon Uto nmount of td�c numn or.cured by thls . „
<br /> Seouriry Instrumcat immcdtauly beforc tho tn{sht�j,unli�sa Bnrrawcc end Lcndcr otharwlsrs ngrce in wridn�,tha aum�sccurcd ;':.r
<br /> by this Sccurity lnsvument shall be rcduced by�to a�nunc n�f U�a proceeds muidptiod by dia folDowing frnetion:(a)tho totel . __�,�`-
<br /> ..t.,,__:
<br /> nmaunt of thc sums sccwed immcdiately bcfirr:ttta rafdna,dEvided by (b)tho f�ir mnrket vnlue ofU�c I'roperry irnmediately �::•_,;,,._��_
<br /> baforc eho tssking.Any balance ahall bo peid ur G�rrm�wor• I��n U�a cvent of a pnrtinl tuldng of tho Property in which thc falr ,;'T,,_--
<br /> mnrkct value of the Peoperty immediatcly before Ut.a taldizQ in less tLinn the amount af tho sums securcd Immed(n�ely befare tho ,;� -•_
<br /> " t t�king,unless Bonower and Lender otherwIso uqrco ire wdt�aII or unless appltcabla Inw otherwise provides,Q�n procceAs shull -
<br /> � l be npplied to the suma eccured by this Securlty a�irtru�ontwknr.d�er or not thc eums t�m then due, �_�__��-
<br /> � ���
<br /> ' s If die Property is abandoned by Bonowcr,vr if aft�rr nadcc by Lcndcr to Donowcr thnt thc condcrnnor o/icrs to make an +r;�^.;:.
<br /> award or ceWc a claim for dama$es, Borcoaur f,311n ur ros�ond Go Landcr widiin 3Q days aftcr thc dAtc thr. notico is given, � - -
<br /> + � Lender ts authorized w callect and apply tha FraceeQu,at ir� optEon,cither to rostoradon or rcpair of�ho Pr.operty or to the A �ry.-
<br /> ' ; sums secu�ed by thic Security lnstrument,whmhor er n.�rt t�arn duo. •.. _�C
<br /> � Umlzss Lrnder and Borroaer otherwise agrec ue wci6rtII,any applicadon of procecda to principal shatl not cr.r.end or postponc :�,,v,�_�:-
<br /> > � • the due dnte of the monthly paymenta referre�f tn irn parsBrap}na I nnd 2 or chang�twc amount of such pnymnxita. --_
<br /> �!{�G.t
<br /> 1].Barrow�'Plot Re{eaaed;Forbearaoce �,� I�adee N�tt A Waiver.Extonsion of tha timc for paymant or maditicadon �
<br /> ..��� of amortlzaflon of the sums securcd by thts Socurir.j[�Trtiunrtonc gcunted by Lender to any succ�ssor in tnr,erest of Rorrower =�1--^4�,,
<br /> ahall not operate W rcleaee t�e llabUity ot tha artIIirtnl fEorrower or BOIfOWCC 5 EIICtESSOTS �II interesG Lender shaU noc be
<br /> rcqulred to commcncc procaedings agatnst an�aicacessrsr Iro inrcrest or rcfbsc to extend dmc for paymont or othenviac modify W�>��,,�
<br /> " 4� '.� amortizadon of thx suma aecured by tt►is Sacuci.ry Inctrumant by reason of any dcmand mada by tho rsr[ginal Borrowcr or �°�—`
<br /> „ ,. + Boaower s successora in InterasG Any forbonru��c:o by L,mtdcsr i�► cxercising any r1Eht or rcmedy aheQ not bc e walver of or - -
<br /> . ----.: � prxlude tY:�ex�r�Lc�f�!np �lvht or remedy.
<br /> �.� �y, §uc�sors and Asgi�Bound; Joint ata�E SeveraE Llzbility; Co-si�tei�►. Tho covent�nts nad ngrecmcnt� of Uds �
<br /> N Security Instrumcat shall biad and bene8t ti�e e�cacessore and assigas of Lcndcr nnd Rorrower, subject to the provisIon�of
<br /> }. �aragraph 17. Borcower's covenants S1t1G�jll':RRYCILS SFIaII LtC}O�tit Alftl ACVCTAI, Any Rorrotver v�ho co-sigrts this 3ecudry _
<br /> � Instrumrnt but dod not cxecute the Noto:(u)U�co�iIInlnII�lile Sccurity Insvumont only co mortguge�grant and convey that
<br /> � , 8oaowcr a interest in thc Property undcr tho tar�a af thio Sc�cudty Instrumcut;(b)is not personadly otaUgated to pay the sums —
<br /> sccured by this Secudry Instruinent;and(c)o�c•eas �[�at Lendor nnd nny other Bomo�ver may ngcE:c to extend,modlfy,fortxar
<br />_ � � or malce any accummodatioaa with regarcl cv tita turmo of t�ta Sccudry Inatrument or tho Nr�te without that Bonovver'a
<br />- � consen�
<br /> ' 13.Loa11 ChArge�.If tl►e loan secured by thin Sacurity Inmrument ts eubject to a law which Eotcs maximum baq charges.aad
<br /> that law b ttnnlly intcrpnt�d eo that tho tntcrast ar odtar lonn chncges coUcctcd or to bo collccseai in connecdon wlth the toan
<br /> excoed the pettnitted IImtta. tlicn:(n)any suoh larui charga shoA be reduced by tho amount necssaury to reduce the chnrge to w�
<br />- ' ' . . the permitted Itmir and(b) any eums atready catiucu3d froa�Bonower which oxcoeded pormil:t�ed limits wUl he refUnded to
<br /> , Borrowcr. l.eadcr may choosc to mako this reflutd by rad�s�inB thc principal o�vod undor tha Note or by meking a dlrect
<br />- . .. . paymcnt w Bonowcr. lf a rcftmd reduces prinai�.zl, dta rcdacdon will be tmnted as a pnr-tlal prepaymcat without eny
<br />�. , :; prepaymci►t charge under che Note. _
<br /> T� ': � 14.;�Iotkd.Any aodce to Bocrower provided for irn thin Scscuricy Instivment sBall bo given b}� deIIvering it or by ma[lIng U
<br /> by first clase maIl unlcss applicable law requires una Qf anotltcr�cdiod.Thc nodco ahaU bo dfi-pctcd to the Property Address
<br /> or any othcr addres� Borcower daignetcs by noHao oa l.endcr. My nodco to Londer shaU I�c glven by flroe clas� mail to
<br /> -" ':•�� Lcadcr'e address staud herein or auy other addreaa Lrsrtdur dcsigaates by nodco to Dorro�vor.Any nodce provlded for irr th[s
<br /> �-'t . � . Securety Inswmcnt ehall be decmed to have bcen gt�+an tm Bortowcr or Lender�vhon given aa pravided in this paragraph.
<br /> _ :, . 15.GOYE!'ll�llg I.AN�S!Yltl�Itty.Th[s Sacur[ry Ittatrumaret ehall be govcrrted by flederA!law and the lnw of the jurlsctiction =
<br /> ' . � � *. � tn which the Property i�s locaud.In th�ovcnt thnt any proviaion or dause of this Soaudry Inanvment or tho Note confltcts with _
<br /> �,.: _
<br /> -�'�'« .�•�l; �� appllcable(aw� euch con�ict ehall not affect othac F+•�vinioaa af thie S¢cudty InnuumeP►t or tho Note whlch can be given effect _
<br /> 9;;,��;�� �` wtthout tfio contllcting proviatoa.To this end tho ryrovicimua of th3n Security Instrumnnt nnd the Note are(�ecl�rcd to be _.,_-
<br /> � . ,��-., scvcralsle. _"_,."_ -
<br /> .! ]6,Borrower's Copy.Borrower shQll be gtvcn ono cmnfmr�od cdpy of d�e Noto and of this Sur.uriry Instrumen� _�_-_,___
<br /> � ` � 17.Transfer of the Pmperty or a BeneRc3aE fltr.�PSt im Bcrrowee. If all or any part of d►e Property or any intcresc In tc ;_�;�_
<br /> "�°�:;••`==
<br />-_ . � ;rr, � is sold or transferred(or if a bcncRdal lntcrest[n Hacrmwor in sol�t or transfemd and Qorrowor is not a nutural person)widiout •.,�-�.-
<br /> ,i,� ,i.. F •.,•:1�'v:
<br /> . :.`1'�i. . .
<br />- . � FORI�3�2D OolB�(D�yo�Ot 6 Pagta) `. -
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