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<br /> .. I Se uri'�Inatn►m n�c�°f.�s�cr.vert�thJn QFd�rn,nflil!not be axcrcfsed iby l.enderi,lf oxerciso i� prohiblted,by5kdc�il aw as of tho .
<br /> . , j ry
<br /> -.� date oFthis Sceurlty laun+,ment
<br /> If Lender exercisa thi�opdon,l.endur�h:s:l give Dorrower nodse of accelcratlon.Tho nodee�h�Q pcovide a period oF not iese
<br /> thnn 30 daya Gom thz�data thc nodoa ta d�tSitvc�ed or maUed wlthin which 8ortower musc poy all eums secured by thte Securlry
<br /> In�wmen` It Borrot��r fnit� to R�y dntat eams P�ior to the exptradon of tht�pedod, Lenda may Invoko any �cmedics ,i:
<br /> permiaed by chis Sece.+rity Inst►vmrtnc wiiJ�ann Nrthec nodco or demsnd on BonowK. y�,y ��..
<br /> 18. BoROwer's Rig;ht tn ReiK:stwQ¢. t,( flonower meeu certeIn condidone, Borrowet shaA ha•ie the right to havo :,;:"��-_
<br /> cnforcommt of thia Rcsuriry la�suvmrtnr.d:�continuad at any dma pdo�to tho e:rUer o�:(a)5 dsys(or euch other pedod aa .�
<br /> applicablc law en�y sp�sitj� for reuinU�rR�snsnt) before salo of che Propercy purauent to any�ower of snle contained ln thl� a�� • _
<br /> , Securicy Instroment; or(t�)entry af u jit�G�mrnt eriforrtng chle 5ecuri[y Instru�►ent 'ihos�condidona aro that Bonower: (a) :,'�,a�,.:__
<br /> paya Lender ell sum�which then wculd br due under this Se�urity Instrument aad tke Note a Uao acceleraHon had occurred; :-.,���,
<br /> (b)cura any defaWt of as�y othnr covon.u:�.�or agccet�ents;(c)paya aU eaipea+cs inc�xrrod in eaforctng thls 3ecudh►�nsuvment :
<br /> tncluding,but not Ilmited to,rea�oa.�bla n�ttomey�fser,and(d)cakea such acdon as Lender may reaeonabty �equire te ess�ue `,;�t��.
<br /> thac the lien oF thU�.:esurity Insuwmm�t,L.enAer s rtghcs tn►hc Property and Borrower�obligadon to pay the aums secured by ,:,�f
<br /> this Security Inetrurnent ehull cantinua unchanged. Upon rctnstacemcnt by Borrower� this Securtty Inswmcnt and tho '� .: r,
<br /> obtigadons aecwed hcreby shaQ ram.�in.I.�UUy et�'ecdve as if no acceleradon had occurred•However.this dght to reinetace ahaU ��TF
<br /> � not apply in the cmc of acceleradan.unAa�c paragraph 17. '���R`'w
<br /> ;T�,�:-��
<br /> � 19. Salt ot NottS Change dF Lenmo '�trvicer. '1'he Note or a pactlal incerat in tiie hote (cogetha with tlil� Securiry o�
<br /> Insuvmene)may bs solcl one ar mnra Cunes witt►out pdor nocice to �onowar.A sale may rxsult in a change tn the eadry �;�,y$__=_�
<br /> ���:�
<br /> (known as the "Losv�Secvicer)dvrt cob�ects montlily paymencs due under the Note and tht+Security InstrumenG There also �v�_
<br /> '" ' may 6c one or mara chunges of dirt Loa.n Serviccr ucuelatcd to a sale of the Note. If there is a chenge of ehe Loan Servicar, _
<br /> � Bonowcc wilt be gi�Mn writtc:►nadce aF tho change in accordance with paragraph 14 above a�d appllcable law.'ihe nutIce
<br /> �.�o�u;h�;�;.,.,n,�w.tnrasa of dw nnw Loan Servicer and the addresa to w3dch paymenu should ba made.Tha nodce wUl
<br /> � also contiinany o�hez Infurmadan raquu�rd by appllcable law.
<br /> dispoeal, :torage, or relea�e of any
<br /> Zp, Hayardous�stbstuttces. Burrower shall not cause or permit the presonce, w�one else to do, anythin atFectin the ��.�
<br /> Hazardous Sub�tea�ccs on or in dia F1'operty} Bortower ehaU not do, no�allow any 8 � e'-:�.---
<br /> Property ehat is in violation of any Ensnronmen�al Laa►•'Tt►e Precedin8 a"'°Sen�°°ces shall not apply to the presence.we.or ,.-
<br />- , • storage on the ProF�my of�mall quuacJuies of Harardow Substances thae are generally reco8nu�d to be approprlate co normai
<br /> '" ' ' raidencial uses ancl•ro maintcnnnce of r;�e Propercy. '
<br /> � Borrowcr shall prompUy givo 4cndur wr'.tten nodce of any inJCStigation, claim, demand, L1wsuit or other acdon by any �
<br />- - governmental or rnpulacory agcncy or privatc partp involving ttie Property and any Ha�ardous Substance or Environmentai =
<br /> Law of which Borcox�r has actuni ks�riwledga. If Bonower learne.or is nodfixd by rsny goverame¢►isl or re}sulatory authoriry. �`
<br />_ thac any rcmoval or oti�cr ramadir�dun of any Hazardou� Substance atFecting the PropertY is �eca�arY, Borrower shall
<br />-= . prompdy take all necwaary cema d tn l ac t lons in n c c o r d a n c e w i t h E n v i r o n m e n t a!L aw. __
<br />=;�Y" -:r�• As used tn thie paragraph 20, 'F1��2ardous Substances' are those substsnces deMed as toutc or haasrdow substances by
<br />-r`�'��'�•°:;:�;�;.; Environsnental Law and tho falloaing substances: gasolioe, kerosene, other Ilammable or toxic pevoleum products, toxIc _
<br /> ; •,-.�.
<br />_.,;,. '� • i�';��� pesHcides and herbiddes�,volutllu solv�nts,matccials contulning asbestos or fortnaldehyde,and radiaactive materia�. As us _
<br />_ • :•� [n chis paragraph 20,'�nvironmonuil Law'means federal laws and lawa of che jurisdiction whe�e the Pcoperry is locaud that u"
<br />��f:'; � �`t� retate to health,�ofcry or cnvironmonr,tl protecflon. "`
<br /> _ � ' �s._�
<br /> ,�, -
<br /> ' NON-UNIFOMI C(DVCNANTS. BArrower and Lender f�rther covenant asid agree as follows: _
<br /> ._:�.,,'�y,�..•,i.'': _
<br />`.t'+''•(:"�:r �,�
<br /> - �4• � 21. ACCCleration; RCtitcdics• Lender shvl gire notice to Borrowe� prior to accduation following BorroweYa breach of anp �-,
<br />-�°•"'..."; covenant or agreemeM in thia Securtty Instrument (6ut not prior to ucelerntion under paragraph 17 unleu ngpltcsble law ��..
<br />-f?.�' , providet otherwise).TIv�notice shull specify:(a)the deGult;(b)the action requlred to cure the defYult;(c)a date, not less than __
<br />' � 30 day�tlrom the datt ths notice ia g'svm to Barrower,by which the default must be cured;and(d)that failure to cuve the detault �-
<br /> �� �! on or before the date specilfed(n lim natice may result in acceluatIan of the sums secured by this Security Inatrument and snle �1
<br /> :� ui the Property.The no4ice ahnll Nrther (nform Borrower of the right to re�nstate after acceleration �nd the right to bring a � _-
<br /> � court action to usert the non-exi�USnce of a defanit or any other defense of Barrowu to accYlaatton and sala Ii the defaalt is '.^�,.,_
<br /> '� • not curecf on or befarr. the datc spccitied in the no'tice, Lender at its apGon r�a4y require immediate pzyment in fhll oTdl sum� `__..
<br /> secured by thia Securi4y In�trumen2 anthout fl�rth�r demand and m4y invokc t3u power�o9'sale�ni any othev remedles permitted �;";Y-_
<br /> .�>.., '. by appli�able law. Lendtr ahnll 6e endtled to collect dt expenscs incurred in puraying th2�Er�4bles pruASri�ed�rt"thn'Paragraph ..:,;.r__;
<br /> ab : •�� ,
<br /> , . 21,including, but not ti�nitcd to,ra�nna6le attorneya`fees and cost�of 4itle evidenc�.�' , ,.. ,. .� y `'� � ;f•':�
<br /> � :�::
<br /> i ,,, t1^,., -.^'rM t�'" f' -
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