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�.o; . . . •;:r..,,� <br /> ."�#" ,, T <br /> Y� ,� . <br /> ,-. � . `� . �..,.. ,. .�r� <br /> . � . , ��:,�.. <br /> , d� .. � ..����_ <br /> ,� , ' '. . . ',:"M7'i��lk4 <br /> - � � - '. .tt�1 .. •.o .a^u;KT: <br /> . 97-- , �(D�e�'�' <br /> �vJ�lch shaU not 6c unna��nnbly wichhcld. If Horrowcr fniln to mointntn covcrago dcac�lbed nbovc, Lcnder moy,at Lcndcr's - <br /> - � opdon,obtain coveraye to protect Lender'e�ights in the Property in accordu�ce wlxh paragcaph 7. �� <br /> • ? All insurnnco policies and «newals shull bo acceptablo to Lcnder and shalt inr.iudo e e[anderd mortgugu clauee. Lendcr shaU <br /> havc tho�ight to hold U�c poUcic� ond rencwals. If 4endcr rcqutecs. <br /> 0orcowcr ehnll promptly givc to l.cndcr all rccclpv of <br /> paid premiums and renewal noflcc�. In the evcnt of loss, sorrower shall gtva prompt nodco to thr. i�avranco carcicr and <br /> l.endc�,Lcndcr may mekc proof of losa if not modc prompUy by Borrowcr. � <br /> Unlcss Lcndtr nnd Borcower othcnvtsc ngrce in writin8, tnsurance procecds ehaU be applled to restort�rian or rcpair of tho ;.- .t.. <br /> Propecty damaged,tf tho re�toradon or repatr ta oconomically fensiblc and Lcndcr'e secu�ity ts not lcsscncd. I!'the rc�toradon . •, ;-;z.,� , <br /> or repalr is not economically fer►sible or Lenderb securlty would bo lasened.the tnsurance procada shall L�e app(ied eo tho . : ;.� �� � <br /> eums eccurcd by tl�ts Security InsvumenG whcther or not thcn due,with any exccss paid to Borrowcr. If Flonower abandoos . ,,����±� <br /> � the Property,or docs not answcr witkiln 30 daya a noucc from Lender thnt the insurance carcier haa offcred to scc[Ic e clatm, ;'..`�� <br /> then Lender may coUae ths insurance proceeds.Lendec may use the procceds ca repatr or ratore the P�•operry or to pay ';��:,��—=-_ <br /> � eums secured by tlils Savrlry Inswmrnt,whether or not then duc.Tho 30�day pedod witl be8in when che uoUCC is givm. , .,�y^zi"= �... <br /> .•��C,�.Y�F.-. <br /> Unlesa Lender amd Borcower othcrwLse egcec in writin8.s►ny pppllcadon of procacda to princlpal shnU not extand or postpone .�; ,,— <br /> � thc due date of the rnonthly paymer►u reCcrred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change I�ie amount of thc payments. If unaer <br /> � � paragraph 21 th�: Praperty[s acquired by Lcnder. Bonower's dght w any insuranco pollcles and proceed� result�ng from ,-,``,��� <br /> damnge to the Properry prior to the acquisidon shell pase to Lcnder to thc exunt of tho sums sccuecd by thia Sccurlty ��`. <br /> i. Instrumene immedlately prior eo the acquisiHon. �, , fr;. �_ <br /> , Horrower'a Loan Applics►tlae; :a�,,,�:_ --- <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservatfon, Maintmance and Protectton of the Praperty' .., <br /> I,easebolds�Borrower staaU occupy,establtsh,and use tt►e Properry a� Borrower's pdncipal re�idcnce withi�sfxty daya eRer �•.. <br /> the ezecuuon of thia Sece�riry Instrument and shaU conHnue w occupy the Propecty as Borcower's pdacipAl residence for at ,`F� __ <br /> �' lcast one year after che date of occupaacy,unless Lendcr othanvise agreca In wriHng,which coneent shnll not be unreasonably �. . <br /> withheld,or unless exunuating circumstanca exl+t which are beyond Borrower s convol. Bo�rower shall not desvoy,damage ;;�Ay�. : <br /> � or impair the P�operty,adlaw the Property to daurioracc,or commIt wastc on the Property.Borrowcr ehall be in default if any <br /> , forfaiwre acdon or proceeding, whether civU or cdminal. is 6egun thet u► Lender'e good fnith jud�mcnt could result in <br /> -- -----��� focfzl�!s' of thr Prooercy or otherwtse maurially impal:the Ilcn created by this Security Insuument or l.ender's secntity <br /> —;� ,.,... <br /> iauresG Bonower may cure such a default and reinstate.8s providCG tn pera8rapn I o,iry:.atwit:fi�:_-zL-f' -• Fs^`reding w J� <br />_ ,� bo dismissed witU a ruling[hat,in Lcnder's good faith detcrminaflon, prccludes forfetture of the Borrower's interest in tho '� : <br /> property or othe+r materi�I impairment of the lien crcated by this Securiry Inetrument or Lender e security inureat Borrower <br /> ahall aleo be in default Q!'Doaower.during the loan appticauon process,gave macesialty Calbe or te�.:ccurete informAtion or : <br /> �-�1 statemenu to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any matertal Wormadon)tn connecdon with the loan evidenced by the ' <br /> ;,�u�' Nou,including, but not ISmitcd to.representaSons concerntng Borrrwcr e occupancy o ons of t2►e leaaey If Borrower acqulres 4 <br /> . e rov�sl <br /> u�, � <br /> com l wlth a P . <br /> � If this Securiry Imtrument ia on a leasehold,Borrower shall p J <br />�i':�• . fee tIde to the Property,the lessehold and the fee title ehall not merge untess Lender ugrees to the mergc�in writin8• <br />-:�.. ii,:.f�� <br /> 7.Protoctlon o�Leodar'e Id�ghts in the ProQaty�f Burrower talls co perfora►the covenants und agramcnts contt�tned in _,__._ <br /> thls Security Instrument, or therc is a Iegal proaeding that may aignifir,andy affcct Leader e righta in the Property (such as a ��� <br /> proceedLng in baakrupecy,probate,for candmnnaflon or forfetwra or to enforee laws or regulaHons),then Lender may do ar�d �.�:�,,�.,-= <br />;,�.,,. pay for whatevcr ts necessery to proteci the valuc of the Property and Lcndcr's dghta tn t1�e Propertyr. Lcnder'e acdons may � <br />=,�;5 ;,�.. tncludc paying any aum� aecured by a lten whicY�ha� prior[ty over �hls Securiry In�trument, ePpearin8 in c�urt. PaY�B — - <br />� :•l�,. . . reasonablc uuorncye'fecs aad enteflng on the Property w make repairs. Although Lender muy talcc action under thta F'-- <br /> =. ' ,�,; pnragrnph 7,Lender does not have to do so. _ <br /> . ;�� . My amounta disburaed by Lender under this paragtaph 7 shnll become oddidonal debt of Bonower eecured by thi�Securlry <br /> ' Inswmen�Unless Borrower and Lendcr agrce to othcr terms of payment,thcsc emounta shall bcar interest from thc date of . �,; — <br />� . '. ,� disbursement at the Notc rnte nad skell bo payablc.with interest,upon noflce from Lendcr to Bonowcr requcstIng payment ,-N_ <br /> - ------------ <br />��s_ S.Mortgage Insu�allce.If Lender required morcgage tnsurance as a condidon of making thn loan accured by this Secwrlry ��cw�- <br />.�i• ,��,,• Instrumcnt,Bonower ahall pay thc premtums required co maintatn the:nortgage insurancc in�ftecG If,for any reason,the --� <br /> ��,tr� mortgage insueancc covcrege required by Lcnda tapses or ccssscs to bc in elTcct,Bonowcr shall pay thc premium�rtquirEd to ' „�� _ <br /> ?•5��� obtatn covera gt eubstandeUy equivatent to the mortgage insurance prc�viously in ef£ect,at a cost substantialiy equivalent ro the :_t,rY-�=II--_ <br />.'" �s�«1 cost to Borcowrr of the morigago instuance provioualy in etfcct,fYom an alternate mortgnga insurer approved by Lender. If ;:����� <br /> :r" ;�# substandally equlvalcnt mortgagc iasuranco covcrage is not availublc, Bonowcr ehall pay w Lender cach nnonth u sum cqual „•l,;,�.��_- �_ <br /> .� to onr,•tweltth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being patd by Bonowa when the insucance coverage lapsed or �;:r;� ' ��� . <br /> , .,;.,�,� ceasM to be in effca Lender will accepG use and retain these payments as a loss resecve tn tieu of�nongAge i�isurance.Loss ; '''� %;:_. <br /> '•.;i reserve pnyments may no longcr be requ[red. at the opflon of Lendcr,if mortgage Insurancc coverago(in the amount anA for =rL����:, ,y�. <br /> thc period that Lendcr requires) providcd by an insurer approvcd by Lendcr again becomes avaUuble and is obtnined. :�.;:.�•�� ^<< ;,,2 <br /> _ �.1 ...5::.c�.:��.;'�;:�,_- <br /> Donower shali pay�he premtums requlred to maintain mortgagc:nsurancc in efFect,or to provido a lose rescrve, undl thc ,, _,.;c,.��'�,\Y�"� " <br /> � � requirement for mortgage insurance end+ Ir► Accordance wlth nny writt�n agrecment betwem Borrower and Lendcr or ,_,.;, �•.:•,,�r•.;:��w�,: <br /> -i.i:r;, <br />-: � applicabte law. ... .. :;��;:,; <br /> . � ��,.�'.��{! YI <br /> ' .( <br /> 1.�� <br /> FORM 00lS 00190(Pag�3 of Q Dag�s) ,'.;..: � . <br />�� ' 31n91�Funity— FNMNFHLAAC UNIFORM INSTRlt1A�Ata "•: , <br />�; EC899L Rw 09103Rt <br /> ���. , <br /> ' � .. ----,�- YFfiR<41[� ---- .. ..__.• _._ _-- <br /> ._ <br /> __-...---�------- _�� ----'- __.��-.._.--_--'--n. - ' —"_.----�._.._._. �----.-'-""-•–. _...:.-- ----.-- --._---- _.._ . <br /> ,. � <br /> _ .-.--'_'.::,;.." � '°v��� TiA�1� <br /> —,._ <br /> _ ......_._ .-- .. <br /> - ,.._...__ .._.._ '_'__...--_ . <br /> � .. <br /> �.... . ."'_"' . . . .. <br /> 7 _ ,. <br />.�i - .. .,� .. . .. .. ' <br /> I <br /> � .,_ <br />