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<br /> � THIS SECURITY�NS RUME 7'combiaes uniform covmann for nadonal use and non-uniform covenants with Iimited 1
<br /> i
<br /> .- "� variadoas by jurisdtcHon to consHtucc a uniform secvcity in�trument covertng real property. '
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Dorrowcr and Lcndet covenant and ag�ee as follows:
<br /> � 1. Paymer�t oi Principal attd Irtterest; Pre�tymeilt attd Iate Charges. eaarower ehaL prompdy pay when duc the . :
<br /> � princIpal of and Intercat on the debt evideaced by tt�c Note and any prepayment nnd tato chnrgd duc under thc Noce. •.-:;__'�
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and Insvrance. Subject to epplicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lmder, Bocrower shall pay to � ....,�
<br /> Lcndcr oa tho day monttdy payments are due under the �lote. until the Nota u paid in fuU. a surn('Funde')for:(a)ycarly ".' ,��,�r
<br /> taxee and asaessments wisIch may att�In priority over this Seeurlry Instrtam¢nt aa a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold '• -
<br /> a mrnts or round rents on the Pro e if an � c) yearl haza�d or ro c �nsurance remiums; (d) y�arl flood �t-�-
<br /> T.....'T�1C'W.
<br /> P Y 8 P �9• Y' � y P P rtY � P Y ,, �3r'�:"-
<br /> insurance premiums, if any; (e) yearly mortgaga insurana prcmiums. if any; and(� any sums payable by Borrowcr to �- i"'!!"���
<br /> Leader, in accordaace with the provisioas of pasagcaph 8,iu EIeu of the payment of mongage insurance premiums.7'hese . `;j'_�
<br /> itcros a�e called'Escrow Items.' Lender may,at aay time.coll�c[and hold Funds in an amount not w exceed the maximum '�
<br /> amount a lender for a federally rdaud mortgage loan may require for Bocruwer's escrow aaount undcr the federal Yteal �
<br /> Estate SeWement Procedurea Act of 1974 as amended&om drne to dme,12 U.S.C.Sectioa Z601 et seq.('RESPA'),��e►�ess ���""`�°"
<br /> �.;�..,.
<br /> ano[her taw thut applies to the Funds set�a tesscr amount 1F so, Lmder may, at any titne.mSlect and hold Fuads in an •;�,�.;; �-.
<br /> . amount not to excced the lesser amount Lendr.r may estimate the amo��nt of Funds due an�he basis of current data and • � � ����b� �•-�--•.
<br /> reasoaable esttmates of expeadltura of ftiture Eecrow lums or otherwi�e i�,accordana with ap�icabte Law. �-';:'�;,�'1-�--��„-..-:_="
<br /> :� The Funda shall bc held in an insHtuBon whose deposiU arc insured by a federal agency,instrvmentality,or rntity(ir�cluding �%
<br /> Lender,if Lender u such ssn iasticuflon)or in any Federal Hoine Loan Bank.Lender shail apply the Funds to pay the Escrow '�.'.. "�'j.��.� �-
<br /> ��, Itecns. Leader may noc charge Bonower for holding and applying the Fundti,annuaUy analpung the acrow accouat,or •,' r ::
<br /> vectfying the Escrow Items.unlas Leader paya Borrower interest on the Funds and applicnble law per.rnics Lcnder to ma{ce '�'' '�
<br /> � • ;,?�•,
<br /> such a c:harge.However, Leader may require Bortower to p�y a one•tIme charge for an independent rrtt9 atato tsu reporting � ' .:.
<br /> - � service used by Lrnda In connecdon with this laan,uale�s applicable law provides otherwiu. Clnksa an agreeatant i�made or y; , , *. �°l°
<br /> applIcable law requtrc�interat to be paid,Lrnder shaII noc be reqnired to pay Bonower any intaese or earninge on ths Funds. ti
<br /> . ' � Botrower aad Lender may agree ia wrltIng,howeva. that interat anatt oe paid on the�unas_ Lcrada shail give�u fiorroNer.
<br /> wlthout charge,an annunl accoundng of the�uade,showing credits and debits to the Funds and t2�e purpose for which each �c::
<br /> deNir to the Funds was made.The Funds are pled ged as addiiinnnl security for ail sums secured by ihis Security InstrumeaG � .� ..;t'�i�•''
<br /> . r.. _
<br /> ' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amount�pemnitted to be held by appltcable law, Lender�hall account to Borrower for .'� �.;
<br /> thv eacss Funds in accordance with tha nquiremrneS of applicable faw. If�Y►e amount of cho Fuads hcld by Lender at aay
<br /> timo is not sufficient w pay the E�aow ltems whm due.Lender may�o notify Botrowet en wrieing, and,in auch cuse�onower '
<br /> ehnll pay to Lender tho amouat aecasnry to make up tha deficiency.Bocrower�hall makc up�he deficiency in no more than •' ; '.:t,
<br /> twelvo montlily payments.at Lrnda's solc discreHon. �� '
<br /> Upon payment tn Nll of all suuu secured by this Security latoivmcnG Lcnder ahaU prornpdy nli�nd to Sorrower eny Fuads - _ - _
<br /> held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21. Lender shall ncquire or aeU the Property. Lenda,prior w the ncquiaiHon os ealo of :q��-_.
<br /> " tha Property,shali apply any Funds held by Lender at We tima of acqulsldon Ar sale as a credi[agaln�t the sums sscnred by jr�,�4��?�"'
<br />-. ' �� thIsSecuritylnstntmenG `'"
<br /> • 3.Application of Paymmts.Ualess applicable law provida oWerwisc,all payments received by l.rncicr under paragraphs 1 ,+-�,r,.�,�..�.:.
<br /> and Z sdall be applted:first,to aay prepayment charga due uader We�lotc;second,w amounn payablc uadcr paragraph 2: �,r,�.w--�—�°-°
<br /> . third,to interest due;fourth.to principal due;and les�to any Iaee charges due under the Note.
<br /> :�.i�.
<br /> �. , 4. Chsuges; Y.idu. Boerower shall pay aU taxes,as�ess=nrnts,charges, Mes and impo�idons aucibutable to the f'roperty
<br /> " which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any.Barrowa shall pay • --
<br />� these obtigatlons in thc maaner provided in pnragraph 2.or if noc'patd tn that manner,Bortowa shall pay them on time ____
<br />�; ' dircetly to the prnon owcd payment Borruwer shall pro�pUy t�mish to Lenda all notica of emounrs to bc paid undcr this
<br />� �- paragraph. If Borrower make3 thae payrnenu direetly, Eoaower shaU prompdy Nmuh to Lenda receipts avidencing t[ae �;=
<br />�, paymmt�. 1�.�e.-=
<br /> �: _ '�. '°-;.:�
<br />_ '� � Borrower shaU prompUy discharge any IIe� which ha�priority ovet this Securiry Insavmene unlds Boaower. (a) agrea tn '� �"=-�°�"_
<br /> >u..._,..
<br /> ��'.`• writing to the payment of tho obligadon secured by the lirn a a cnanner acceptable to Lender. (b)contests in good fatth the Gen •� —i
<br />_ ° � by, or defcnda agatnst enforcement of the Urn in,legal procecdinge wGich in the LenGn s apinion operace to prevmt the i��;�,::
<br /> enforcemrnt of the Iien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien aa agreement satisfactory to Lmder subordinating the Ilen to s�=�''-�`����-
<br /> -• this Secudty InswmcnG If Lrndrr determines that any part of the Properry is subject to a Gen which may attain prioriry over �y�` . _
<br />• • this 5ccurity lnstrummt,Lender may give Bonower a noeia identif�ing thc 4en.Borco�ver shall satIsfy the llen or takx onc or �•���.�,`.
<br /> ' '"��� . more of the acdons set forth above within 10 days of the giviug of noQce. �'.•�.�-�'�,^�}.•
<br />. � $,H�zard pr pe�caperty In,wrance. Borroaer shaU kcep the Improvemca�[a now e�cieting or hercattcr ercctod on the Property � ' ;�,,.
<br />- Insured ngainst toss by fira,dazards included tivithln the term'exter►ded xoverage' and any otl�a haznrds,tncludtng Qoode or " • �`~•
<br /> • flooding,for whicD Lender requites insurnnce. 'Il�is insuranct shaU be mauitained in tiio arnounts and for the periods that - +
<br /> _ � � Lender requires. The tnsurance carricr providing the iasvrance shall bo chosrn by Bono�ver�ubjcet to Lender's appmvat
<br /> .j�' , .
<br /> �
<br />-. _-_-.-���--111 -- --_�.: _--.-_ .-:...
<br /> � � Singl�Family FNMA/FHLMC UHIFORM IHSTRUAIFHT FORM 70�28 O9l80(Pag�2 of E Pages) [�
<br /> NEBRASKA EC899� R�v 09�i9i9t I �
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