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<br /> � 97-. 1028�0 _
<br /> �,� 17.'frunSPer of:he Pr��perty or n Iiaieficlal L►tcrest in Bnrro�ser. If ull or any p�irt��f che Propcily ��r uny interest in it
<br /> ' " . is s��ld ur cransfcrred(or ny�e`n��n���!��„Y t�BOTi,pt'►on�yrcquir r immcdintc uadmentin�full tof�ultt�zum.s yccurcd by this •
<br /> P'Y .
<br /> Lcndcr'� priar writtcn c I��
<br /> ,�w"•"��', Sccurity:nstrument. However,this option shall nut Uc uxcrciscci bp L.endcr if excrcise is prohibitcd by ti:dcral luw as uf thc dntc J-
<br /> of this Secunty Instrument. .`•r
<br /> -.� If Lender�xercises th�s option, Lender shall give Borro�ver notice of accelerntian. 'The notice shul!prc>vide u period of nat _
<br /> Icss tha�i 30 days from the dute the notice is delivered r�r mai�ed W�►hin which Borrower must pa9 all sums sccured by this
<br /> � ,� Sccurity Instrumcnt. lf Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lendcr may invol<e uny remedios :__
<br /> �.� permitteci by[his Security Instrument without farther notice or demand on Borrower. , :.
<br /> ��� 18. Borrower's itlght to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower sBnl[ have die right to hnve '�,,V
<br /> , •�;' enf�ablc law may Sp�:ify fors re'n tateroent)Ibefo e�sale of he Propertyt pu suant to�any p�W�4 y of sale con ainedc i►��this ���
<br />:��. ��.� �PP `�'
<br /> ,. Security Inst�ument:ar(b)entry of a judgment enfar�ing this Security Instrument.Those conditiam�are that�orrower:(a) pays �`•
<br /> � Lender all sums which then would be due under �his Secu�iiy� 3;�,t;?a„•rat ar.d the Nnte as if no ucceleration had occurr�l: (b)
<br /> V,�'is.,I..: '.. cures uny dei'ault of any other covenants or agreements; (c) paYs al7 expenses incurred in enforcing this Secur►ty Instrument, �';_—
<br /> ;r� ��. including, but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees: and(d)takes such action as I.ender may reusonubly requi�e to assure e�-
<br />:.::�';i�., �'� 1 that the lien of this Security Inst;umenc. Lender's rights �n the Propcny and Borrower's obligntion to pny the sums securul i�y �
<br /> � r�;� this Securlty Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the �•.
<br /> �'�', obligutions securer]hereby shall remain fully effective as �f no accelrration had occurred.Ho�vevcr, thiF right to reinstate shall �_
<br /> `����,' nat apply iu the case of ucceleration under paragraph l7. �(�-
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change ef II.oan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (tr�gether with this Security �
<br /> -..��` Insttument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a chun�e in die entity(known �"���
<br /> � '►' as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note und this Security Instrument.There:also may bc onc _
<br /> :.�..,:; or morc changcs of thc IA�an Sc e in uccordance wi h par:�gru�ph 14 ubi�vc and applh ablc I•awhThc�o►ts�•c will,�t thc nanto mu1 ��-
<br /> given wriuen notice of the chang
<br />:,�,�:;':�;�. addre�s c�f thc ncv+� I.oan Scrviccr and thc addres� t�� which puymcnt, tihc�uld bc madc.Thc noticc�vill als��contain anY oihr.r _
<br /> infbnnatic�n rcyuircd by appficable lnw.
<br />;°���tv;r.' Z0. Hnzurdous Substunces. Bi�rrowcr �hull nut c:+utic��r permit thc pre�cncc. u+c, dispusal. s�oragc. ��r rcicu+c a nn)' _
<br /> ;a,.•" '�% Hui.�rdous Substunccs un or in thc Propcny. Durruwcr yhall nt�t du. nur cdluw unyonc cl�c tu �la, unythin�: affccting thc
<br />=_'�;�''"� Properry thut is in viulution nf.►ny Envirmm�ental Law. Thc prcccdin�! two ,cntcticcs shull not iip�ly to tlic prc,cnrc, u�c. c�r
<br /> °':"``�: ,tarcr��:fr� tl�:P!'!)nnrtv�tf.mall quantitic� of H�ixurdous Substanccti thut arc gcncrally rcrognizc:d t��hc apprupriutc tu nurntad
<br /> b" r- •.
<br />�_'��?�=�;�i� residcnti:d uscs and tu maintcnancc af thc Properry•
<br />'':`.�+��,s�•i Borrower sliall promptly give Lendcr writtcn notice of uny inve+tiguticm, cluim, demund. 4iwsuit or�ther action by��ny
<br /> --.,r�,; ..:.•
<br />-.,;,,�t_�,j. govemmental or rcgulatory agency or privute party involving thc Propr.rty und uuy li:uardous Suh�,t�ince��r Fnvironmcntal t�w
<br /> 'G of which Bonower has acival knowledge. If Borrower leurns, ar is notificd hy xny govcrnmentul or regulatory authority.thm
<br />_.S_w1J4;��.1
<br /> ,;-.�,_.,.,�q�� any remuval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substunce xffec:ting the Property is necessary,Bi�rrower shuU promptly tn•o
<br /> all necessary remediul actions in accordance wich Environmencal Law.
<br /> ,`�Q;�� As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substunces defineci us tor,ic or hnrardous substances by
<br /> g�";�,� Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammablc or tnxic petroleum products, toxic
<br />:�±;.��,-�;�;,;E� pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containingasbestos or formaldehyde, and radiouctive materials.As used in
<br /> =^�.�:y?� this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" mcans federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whr.m the Propeny is located ttiat
<br /> relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> �� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.endcr tunher covenant and agme as follcrws:
<br /> -�-°— 21.Acceleratton;Remedtes. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration faltowing Borrower's breacl�
<br /> -- -- ot �ny covenant or agreenient in thts Security Instrument (but not prlor t(b�t�e act[on re�,uf�ed to et�i�re t�e defai ItS
<br /> , apFltcuble luw provides otharwise). The nottce shall specify: (a)the default;
<br /> .,._r._ _ (c)u dute, not Icss tuan�he def uult ontor beforchthe date�s�pec�fied in the notice mayiCmsutt d�fn celerution of the sume
<br />_-a_V�+� (ai) that failure to c
<br /> y secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Froperty. The notice shall fu�Kher in�ai�n Borrower of the right to
<br /> ���_,�.a reinstate 3fter acceleration and the rfght to bring a court action to assert the non-exlstence of a defuult or nny other
<br /> �v� c�c?ense of Borrower to nccelerntfon und ss�le. If the default is not cured on or before thu dute s��ecified in the nutice,
<br /> •`°-�r'�'�� !Lender, at Its option,may rer,ulre immediste payas�ent in fttll of all sums secured by thCe Security Instrurmeat wlthout
<br /> — --,.�� further demand and may invoke the pawer of sale and nny other remedles perrnitted by s�pplf.cntsle law.Lender siinll be
<br />_ �r��� • entitled to collect all expenses incurrecl an pursuing the iremedies provtded in this pAragrApi�zl.I�cluding,but not Ilmitecl
<br /> -- ==�?6� to,reasonable attorneys fees and costs oititte evidence.
<br /> �"'""°�;;;�$ IP t�e power of sale is invoked, Trustee shull record a notice of default in each county in wliich uny part of tho
<br /> =��'•"" property is located and shall mail copies of such r�otice[n tlie menner prescribed by uppifcu�sle lu�v to Borrower and to
<br />__y`�S�Y.ti
<br /> :"ti,;rw the other persons prescribed by apPlicable law.Attea tye tim[cable la�v.Trustee�vtthout�ctenu rtd onABoirowerb,shull s�ell
<br /> �':f•- .1
<br /> - ;A .� ,, of sule to the persons and in the manner prescribed b app
<br /> �'���:�?!•'.� • the PropertY ut public suction to the highest bidder ut the tlme and pluce and under the ca►m�designuted in tlie notica of
<br /> ;*���• °-••�: sale in one or mnre parcels and fn pny order Trustee determines. Trustcc may pustpun� sule of all or any parccl of tl�e
<br />'-'���� �'�• " ; pro�serty by public nnnouncement at the t[me und place of any previously scheduled sale. L,ender or [ts designee mny
<br />- �- � ° purchase the Property at any sale.
<br />_r,•
<br /> ° .. . Form 3028 91fl{I
<br />_ * Pt90 6 0l 6
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