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<br /> _ I1�n recelpt ot payment of the prtce bld, 'fcu,t��e sh�ill dul4ver to the puschuser Trustee'�+ deed conveying the
<br /> �,``-==_ i'roperty. The r�citals in tl�c Trustee'N deed shall G¢ primu fiicla cc•Idcncc of thc truth of the stutementx made therein.
<br /> r°' "�;� Trustec�huU apply the prc�ceec!5 of the salc in thc ec�llmvin�m•a1e�•: Enl to all costs imd expensc.v af exercising the�ower of _
<br />-_��==m sale,and the sate,including Iler puyu►ent of the Tr�irtc�'s f�.as ac�unl�y(ncurred,not N� eKCec�l "�a �
<br /> _;� of the prtacl{snl nmount�f the notc et 1he tlmc of the dcrinratlon oY.dcfnult, and rensonublc uttorneys' Pees as permitted
<br />- y p by luw;(b) to nll sums secured by this Securlty I►�:atnnucnh,nnd(c)�nny exce�.s ro the persnn or persons legally enHtled to
<br /> tt.
<br /> 22. Retonveyance. Upon payment of nll sutizr, secutr�d by tt�fai Security instrument, L,en�er shall request Trustee to
<br /> _.':,�� reconvey the Property and shaU surrender this Secu�ity Insuument �end all notes evid_ncing debt secueed by this Securiry —
<br /> Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Pr�FErty�vithout�varraniy and without charge to the person or persons legally
<br /> ;';�.":^, ' entitled to it.Such person or persons shull puy any recordalion co��cs.
<br />:•,�r�f•,S, 2i.Sz��bsTitute Trt�sta:e.f.ender, at its option, muy from timc tu time remove Trustee and��,paini a successor trust�ae to
<br />:;:::�.;��,,,�,..{. a n y T r d i s t e a a p p o i n t e c i h e r e u n d e r b y a n i n s t i v m e�t r e corded in dte count y in whieh this Security Instaun�en2 is recurded.Without
<br /> '����'!`•>'�;'�'r+ canvo ance af the Pro n the successor tnistee shall succe�:1 to aU the title,power and duties conferred upi�n Trustee herefn
<br /> ;�;,,�.,,�• Y Pe Y'•
<br />:����';'';�`:+ tu�d by aPpliCAl'ile law'.
<br /> ;�;��,� 24.Request for Notices. Bonower rcquests thiit copies of the notices of defaulc and sale be sent to Horrower's uddress
<br /> =-— which is thc Prop:rty Address.
<br /> ���'�` 25.Ftlders to thds S�urity !!ts���ment, If�ine or mnrr ridc�rr arc executed by Borrawer and recorded tagether wi[h this
<br /> —�� Security Instrument,the covenants tmd i�greements of c�ch su��h ridar shall bc incorpornted into and shall umend nnd supple�ntnt
<br /> the covenants nnd ugrecments of this Security Instruntem ns if 1he rid��r(s)a•cre n purt of this Securiry Instrument.
<br />------- [Chcck npplic;iblc hox(cs)I
<br /> - I~.�I AdJustc�blc Nulc Itedcr r ��:'•oui.londniuin l:kfr.r ,n I-4 PunZily Rldcr
<br /> ! Uruduuted Puyme��t Rl�lcr � I��Enntcd Unf�I�uvclupmrai Itidcr �--�lii�vcckly Piryment Itidcr
<br /> I �Ilulbwn Fiidar � Ituua Imp�rwcim�m Itidcr Second Homc Ridcr
<br /> - L.:�1 V.A�. 12idcr I_ Cltl�er(�,)�zipc�ifyl
<br /> gY SI(iNIN(i BELOW,Borrower uccepts and u�rees u�tlic�terms nn covenants conttuned in this Security Instcvment and
<br /> in uny rider(s)executed by Borrower and recarcied witl�ie.
<br /> — Witnesscs: �/ _
<br /> � (Seal)
<br /> KARO KAY S HWI SCiBA -9orrower
<br /> — . F/K/A KA L KAY IM
<br /> -..,.5�'. � 1 (Seal)
<br /> .
<br /> . -Borrower
<br /> -"'� (Seal} _(Scal)
<br /> —'�'� -Boimwcr •Borcowcr
<br /> STATE OF NE9RASKA, H.AI,L� County ss:
<br /> �� Th�forcgoing instrument was acknowledged f�efore mo this 15TH day of APRI L , 1997 .
<br /> ---- bY I11lOL [AI 9CRMIBGB4� il�/A IABQL IIAi aBIN, A!I UBI�AQflIHD PBR90A, •
<br /> Wltness my hand and notarial senl at a�tAND I6L.�1ND, RASKA ln said County,the date aforesaid.
<br /> My C �_
<br /> 6EMERAI NOT�AY-SUl!el Re6nsk� �owry bl�c
<br />-- `'y;3� ' IUTHLEEN A.SCHUICHTER
<br /> My Cqnm.Enp.M�y 21.Z000
<br />����
<br /> __'_�.--a �
<br /> —=°� P��oo 0 0�o Form 3028 9180
<br /> ���6Pi� '
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