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i. ,:-�. .. :' .. ' .. <br /> �� , <br /> ' -� - .. . . ...rt <br /> :n�i�4i <br /> , � � ., n' . <br /> ��., , � , ( , N'`.' <br /> - y ll . _1�:' . _.. <br /> .,�p�j�T. " .. . . .. .. _ ' ..{ ..y. ... <br /> , . ... . .. . . _ . ... �-� _ <br /> . ._ ..._..... . ... � <br /> " II 9�- ���i0 °� :-�:� <br /> .; - ar,�r�w�r mnv �ura �ur.h e �cptault and rWnstate, as provided In pareqrenh 10. bv causina the ectlon or proceedinry to be _ � � •-� <br /> dismissed wilh a rutlnq thnt, In Lander's good felth determinatlon, precludes torfetture o11he Bortower's intorost In tho Property or -� <br /> � olher matorlel Impelm�ent of iho Iien created by thls Sccurity Instniment or Lenders �ecurity Interest. Borrower ahall elso bo In . <br /> doinull If 9orrower,durinp tho loun nppllcntlon process, gavo rnatorially folso or Innccuraie In}ortnntfon or statemeni�to I.ender(or . <br /> I�Ilcd ta provlcla lender with eny mqtorial intormetlon) in connectlon wfth tho Ionn erldenced by ►ho IVoto, includfng. but not <br /> Ilmitod to, ropresentnilons r,onceminfl Borro�ver's occupancy ot Iho Proporty as n princlpal rosldonce. II thls 9ecurity <br /> Inalrument la on n loasuhold. Borrower shall compty with ull lho provlslone ol lho laaso. 11 Bonowor ncquiros foa titia to tha � <br /> Property.Iho leasehotd nnd tho feo tltle ehall not merge unfoss Lender agrees to tho mcrger In wrltln�. <br /> I 7. Protoctlon of Lendsr's Hights In thY P�Opalty.e Borrowur lafls io peHorm tho eovenants nnd ugroaments , <br /> contninad In thls Securiry Instrument. �r thare Is a legal procoeding thal may slgnllicanlly aHect Lender's �Ights In tho Properly <br /> (such ac a proceeding In banlwptCy, probnte.i�r r,ondemnatlon or Iorfeiture or to enforco laws or regulatfons), then Lender moy <br /> do end pey for whntever Is necessary to protnct tho volue o1 iho Property And Lender'e riflhta In tho PropeAy. Lender's acuons <br /> may Includo payinp eny sums secured by a Iien which hes prfo�ily ovor this Securiry Instrument, appearing in court, paying - <br /> . " reasonablo attomuys' tees and anlEring on the Property to mnko repalr�. Although Lender may teke nctlon under this paragraph <br /> '' 7. Lendor does not hnve to do ao. . , <br /> Any amounts dlabursed by Lender undflr paragreph 7 shall becorne additional debt of Bonower sctcured by this Seeurity <br /> Inslrument. Unless Borrower And Londor agree to other tertns of payment, these emants shall bear Interest from the date ot tt'';: <br /> dlsbursement at Ihe Noto rato and shnll bo puyab:e.Hith Interest, upon notice irom Lender to Borrower requesting payment. `_";'=� <br /> 8. MorEgapa Inaurance. 14 Lender requlred morlgnge Insurance us a condipon of making ihe loan secured by thls �'.4r-o�_��_� <br /> Security Instrument, Bortower shall pay the premlums roquired to m+ainteln the modgage hsurance In ettoct. N,for eny reason,tho ''•�;:_--- <br /> .�_,..___ <br /> mortgage insurance covnrage requlred by Lender IapsES or ceases to be In etfect, BoROwer shall pay the premiums requlred to <br />