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. •.4Y:t� � .. `•r(_ i th1�;. , =. <br /> �W+� <br /> , ��' • �l <br /> � .. .. � !� , M�i. . <br /> i <br /> _....... .ic_al-=�''__�._�Si.�, .. ._ . . . . . ... .� . . -.:•.. �.. <br /> ..._ . I •. ' 9 �V��,J ' . � .'.�r,q.s,�Wt.��— <br /> . . l ♦� T....__ � �• •�.., w...,... .. Rf... .ti..�..1 1«...+�rw Olw. �t �II .^.. .... ^.^.:! ,^.�i::: piC i."ti,' v ���. �f��' '.l`�rJ�=�_ <br /> I ony Interosi,in it g soid o►aansie�aa��o II a be olinlal Intorost•in Bortower b sold or transterrod and Bcrrowor Is not A nnturnl � , ^ <br /> person) wtthout Lender's prlor written consent, Leader mAy,nt Its optlon.requ'ta Immedleto pnyment In full of all sums so�urod by } <br /> I Ihls Socurity In3trument. Howaver,this opllon shall not ba oxercfsed by le�der II oxercfsn Is prohibited by loderal law ns ol iho <br /> dnto of Ihls Secunty Instrument. - <br /> II Londer exerclsos this optlon. Lender shnll pivo Dorrowor nolice ol accelereCon. The nullGe shell provido n perlod ol noi '�. <br /> ' lass thnn 30 d�ys (rom iho dsto tho notico is del�vered or maEled wllhin xhleh Borrowor must pay all sums securod by thls • � <br /> � Securlty I�almmen�. i1 Borrower lalls to pay lhoso sums prlor to the expir�lron ol thls period. Lender may Irvoke any remedlos ; � <br /> perrtnttod by ihi3 Security Insirument without turther notico or demund on B ortower. <br /> Y:f. <br /> � 18. Borrower'9 Rlght to Fielnatate. If Borrower meots cedain conditions, eorrower sholl huve the rlght to heva <br /> ,,i entorcement ol thls S'ecunty Instrument discontinued et eny pma prior lo Ihe ea�er ol: (a) 5 days (or such other period as � <br /> i applicablo law may specity tor relnstatement)beiore salo ol the Property pursuent lo any power o1 sale contalned In this Secudty ,. „y <br /> � ° � Instrument; or(b)entry of a judgment enlo�cing thla Secudty InstrumeN.Tf-ioee conditions are ihat 6onower. (e) pays Lender uil �'- <br /> • Isums whlch Ihen would be due under thls Security Instrument and the Note as II no acceleratlon had occurted; (b) cures any <br /> ; dotuult o} any other cov¢nant or agreemeMs; (c) pays all oxpenses incvrred N enforcing thls Securiry Instrument, including, but , - <br /> I not limited to,reasonable attomeys'fees; and (d)takes such action ns lender may reasonabty requlre to assure that the flen oi „ ` <br /> this Secu�ity Instrum2nt. Lnnder's rights In iha Property and Borrower's oDigatlon to pny the sums secured by this Security _ <br /> Instrument shall cont(nue unchanged. Upon reinstAtement by Borrower. tMs Securiry Instrument and the obligations secured ��� � - <br /> hereby shall remain tulty eHective as if no acceleretion had occurted. Howerer. this dght to reinetate shail not apply in the case ;,�{�!;4�y,,,�,��;,� <br /> o}acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. S819 Of �lOtB; Change of Loan S0NIC9►. The Nola or e a partlal fnterest in the Nolo (together w:th this � ��: ��._��,.. <br /> - �� SecudN Instrument) may be�old one or more t!m?s witho�l! p+!nr nnticn to M!!Owal.A sele may result In e change in the entin� ----- �-��"--_-- <br /> � _ - - <br /> (known as the "Loan Servicer') that collects monthty payments due u�der t he N ate and tms Secunry Instrument. i here also may �i�; �. - <br /> be one or moro chenges ai the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale ol t�e Note. If there Is e change of the Loan Servicer, _ <br /> Borrower will be gNen written notice c th� chenge � accordz�ce with pa ragre►ph 14 above and applicabla law. The notice wpl . _�� <br /> state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the�Jdr�;s lo w -h payments should be made. The notice wiil also .�-���'��" <br /> ,r ��1�� <br /> contaln any other Intortnetion requfred by eppiicable law. '�• <br /> 20. Haza�dous Substaneas. Bonawer shall not cause or permBih�presEnce, use, disposal, storage, or reiease of � �"��—� <br /> .%v�•1';�'" <br /> 'r.�`� .. ,�•� any Hazardous Substances on or fn the Properry. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do, anything af(ecting the '�:"°'�;---- <br /> , . ` � Property that Is In vlolatlon oi any Envfronmsntul Lew. The preceding N+o sentences shall not apply to the prosence, uso, or � - <br /> � �� �' storage on the Property of small quantitiea oi Hezardous Substances Ihet ae generally recagnized to be eppropriate to nortnal ~'�' <br /> i� � residential uses and to maintenance ot the Properry. ��,.�;� <br /> , Borcower shell promptty give Lender written natic2 of eny InvesGgation, claim, demond. lawsuit or other action by any -`� � <br /> 9 ry 9 Y P P nY 9 P nY Y � . <br /> • govemmental or re ulato a enc or rivate a Involvin the Pro e and an Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of <br /> + � whlch Bortower has actual knowledge. If Bortower leams, or is notlfied brany govemmental or reguletory authority, that any <br /> removal or other remediatlon ot any Hazardous Substaneo aifectfn?.7 PropMy Is nece�sary, Borru�ver shell promptly take elI �� <br /> +�,� � � necessary remediel ections in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> '' ,,; As used In thls paragreph 20, 'Hezardous Substances' are those subslanxes defined as toxic or hezardous substances by ' `- <br /> ' ` Environmentel Law and lha tollowing substancos: grtsoline, kerosene, olher ilammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic ;� "'=� �.'. <br /> � ';i �. <br /> � pesticides and he�bicides, volatile solvents,matedals contalning asbestos orbrrnaldehyde,and radloactive materlals. As used in ���� �� '� <br /> . � �''� paragraph 20. °Environmental Law' meAns lederal lews and laws of the Ju�sdietlOn where tho ProFarly Is located that relate to ej� <br />, � health, safoty or envlronmental protection. ' � -� <br />.r�� • NON-UNIFORM COVENAN78.Borrower und Le�der lurther covenant and agree as tollows: ,� � <br /> '1 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall gfva notica tm Borrower prior to acceleratlon K=' <br /> � followin� �orrower's breach of any covenant or agreernent fn thts Security Instrument (but not � <br />- prior to acceleratlon undor paragraph 17 unless ap�sllcable law provides atherwise). The nollcs� -�� <br /> �� shall specify: (a) the defau{t; (b)the action requfrec0 to cura the default; (c) a date, not less than '�— <br /> " ' 30 daya from the c3ate the notice Is g(ven to Borrower, by whl�On the default must be curecD; and 6 <br /> �• (d) that faflure to oare the defa�ult on or before the da�t� s eo�83od in tha notice ma result In &-��` <br />�.' � . , I acceleration of the sums secured by this Security Instrur�en!aroc� sale ot the Property. The notice �;���"—� <br /> • � � shall further Inform Borrower of the ri�ht to retnstate after acceleratior� a�m�1 the �Ight to bring A <br /> ��,"_' <br /> �:�;;y court actlon to assert the non•existence of a default or any other c7a�►nse of Borrower to =- <br /> �'� acceleration and eale. If the default (s not cured on or beforA t�u date apec(fled in the notice, ' _ <br /> ;� � Lender at Iis option may require Immediate payment In tull of ail sums secured by thu� Security <br />'7�? . . In r n wi h � r dam nd an m invok tha vwer of sale and an o4her romndles �,`,��'' <br /> st ume t t o�t furthe a d ay a p y <br />. ' �� permitted by eppltcable law. Lender shall be entitlocD to coll�ct all expenses incurred tn pursuing ; <br /> the remedles provided in thfs paragraph 21, including, but not limited to, �easonable attorn�ys' �=��=:_.�=�==�T��"�-- <br /> . feea and coste af 41t1e evidonce. .��--�""-�"`� <br /> '�r <br /> , If the power of sale Is Invoked, Trustoe shall record a notice of default in each county In �' �`. <br /> ;. which any part of the Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner !.'��;° �::y�� <br /> rescrl�rad b a licable law to Borrower and to the otF�er ersons rescra�ned b a Ilcable law. �'�����-==- '�'���`• <br /> P � Y PP P P Y PP •� r.:sp :�;:::,: ..:.�ti <br /> " � Afte� tha time requlred by applicable law, Trustee shall giva public notice � sale to the persons •' '?�''.•+•'s;(ti.;::�;,�;•:;•• <br /> �.1;,'.�1P��, � ;z.,,.. <br /> and In the mannor prescribed by applicable law. Tru�teo,w.thout demanai o� Borrower. shall sell ' r.,•H`:;1.';;rti".;. :. <br /> the Property at public auction to the hic�hest bldder at the tireao ar�d place and undor the terms ';:�t�'� `=�^�r_;=:. <br /> designated in the notice of 9ale in ono or more parce/s aa�d 3vo any order Trustes determines. <br /> Trustoa may postpone sale of all or any parcei of the propersy by pubifi� announcement at the `�'�"S` <br /> time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lemder or its desigroee mey purchase the •• <br /> _ � Property et any sale. <br /> ,, . Upon recelpt of payment of the prlce bld, Trustee shall cDellvor to the purchaser Trustee's " <br /> � __._J deed conveying the Property. The recftals In the Trustea's deed shAll be prima facle evideroce of _- <br /> :, _ -,___ <br /> � th9 truth of the statements made therofn. Trustee sh�ll apply the proceedE of the sale In the <br /> � { followtng order: (a) to all costs and expense3 of exarcfsing the powor of sale, and the sale, <br /> tncluding the payment of the Trustoe's foes actually tnc�srred,not to exceed threo ' <br /> �'o of the principal amount of the �. <br /> nute at the time of tha declaratlon of dofault. and raasonabt�attorney's feds as permFtted by law; <br /> � (b) 4o ail auins seaured by 4i�is Securify Iristrument; and (c) any excess ta the person or persona _ <br /> - iegaliy eniiiioti 4o ii. <br /> - F1J16-LA7V(try7) t�.�o�� d-1 •, . <br /> 97i113 <br /> ' I l <br />