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<br /> e end all easemonts, appuRenencos, end � -r*��{,���._��
<br /> ' TO[3[THER WlTH ntl the Improvements now or herenftnr crectod on ts'�i �TaP ��Y• �„_;_�.�_._
<br /> • __,�.,..e.,,o„fn p.,�„danlu��� ahali Riso be covered by thls Security Inntrumen:. __
<br /> fixturas now orAereaRor a pan oi tne p�upo��y. ;;� .-r.--- - -- --___ .___.__. -
<br /> All ol tho foreQolnq is rQferted to In Ihfs Socurity Instrumont an lhv 'R�W��irkY,'
<br /> BORROWEA COVENANT9 Ihnt Bo�rtW Is Iunlc c�umFiercidP�cxcreptt(or anwmbm cos o1 rocorda Borrowerriwarrantsrnnd wldil
<br /> �> convey tho PropeAy and thnt tho Prop y
<br /> defend c�eneretrylha Idle lo tho Prope�ty nc�alnst ull r,lnims nnd d:monda, s+ata;ect t� any oncumbrnncos ol rncord -
<br /> THIS SECUAITY INSTFiUMENT combinos unitonn covenanG9 lor s•:itlonel uso end non•unilorm covennnts with Iim�ted
<br /> , � variatlons hy Jud�dicllon to conatituta�ruand Lender covannnt. M� a�l�+j'��fcllows:Pe� : . j
<br /> ' UNIFORM C(YVENANT8. sorrow m�lnt D;,nd (.ete Charg�s. Borrower shall promptly pey when
<br /> � 1. Pay�ent o4 Prinolpd �nd Int�nst; Prspwy
<br /> due the principel of and interost on tho dabt ovidancod by ih�3 NatR anrl r.�y prepeyment und leto ch�►rgoe due under tho Nota. -
<br /> I 2. Funde for PiX88 �11t� Iii81�Pa11CG. SubJect to P??�����hle he� or to n written walver by Lender. Borrower shell pay
<br /> to Lender on Ihe dey monthly payments ero due under thv Note, unril Ihe Note is paid fn Iuti, a sum ('Funds") tor. (n) yenrty
<br /> taxes and assESSrnents whlch may nttain prlority ovur thlo Secuticy InrtUument as n Ilen on ihn Property: (b) yearly leasehold
<br /> � „ � payments or ground�eas monUage�insurnnce F emluma�it�,an/�ancl i�}anYpgums payablaeby Bo owerto Lendorl�n accordance .
<br /> . premlums, 11 enr (e)y rhl � insuranco premtums. These items ere called 'Escrow
<br /> with the provislons o1 parugraPh 6, In Ileu o1 lho paymont ol mnrt�rr�.
<br /> � Items." Lender may, at any time. colloct end hold Fwids h c�n un'•ounl not to oxceed the meximum amounl a lender for e
<br /> 1 tederelly related mortguge loun may roqulre for Bonownr's eaa��N ac�ount under the lederal Real Estate Settlement Procedures `
<br /> Act o1 1874 es emended irom tlme to time, 12 U.S.C.�2Q01 ct sr.ra. ('RESPA'), unless anolher law thnt applies to the Funds , ` �,/'
<br /> ' � 4:'
<br /> sets e lessar cmount. If so. Lender may, at nny timo, collc�at nnr.1 ho!d Funds In en amount not to exceed the lesser amount. Id,��.—
<br /> Lender may esllrnate the nmount ot Funds due on'�b'�asva°t n�:aent date snd reasonable estimates of expenditures of tuture , -�. �:��
<br /> Escrow Items a otherwlse In accordance with apQ ���;.w_____
<br /> � The Fu1nd�shall be held In nn Institu8on whase dopositn or•��insurad by e federal agency,��g the Funds tor pay heinEscrow , �.�:�;._.�_°__°
<br /> LC��CI. N b�nw"t �s °-uch an Institutlonl or (n eny Federal Homrr Loan 8ank. Lender shali app y �,-�.
<br /> y`_ ...��
<br /> • Items. Lender mcay�w: chare3� 9ortorrer t8ortower�intac�t o"�'�''e Fundodandnappllcable aw9permftscLender to nmake suchna _ _ ___ _ -_
<br /> _. � the Escrow II¢ms, unloas Lender pays H anmhme charge for an independant real eatate tax reporting service _ ___ _
<br /> � charge. Howe+er, Lender may requlre Borrower to p a y _I....�,.
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan. unlesc <9slicnt�".4 law provides otherwise. Unless an agreemen t is m a d e or ;�-- -
<br /> . . � flAPflcabtoHndl ndersmnyragtee n�w UnflLhowever?attnt�intvestshzltbePpatd n�he Funds2eLendzr shaingtve to Bo ower. " -
<br /> ..� � Bortowo ";;:;';:�._
<br /> - ; without chargo, an annunl accounting of the fui�ds,��flg���Wtln�security fotr el�sumsFsecured by the Seudtyf Instrumentach ,S ' .+ ��a
<br /> debit to the Fun:.1s wns made. 7ho Funds aro p 9 ��p�e law. Lender shnll account to Bortower •; :..
<br /> �° It ihe Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts �emirnmi to bo held by npp i .:;�.� �"
<br /> .,�:. .,�
<br /> :� for the oxces�Funds In accordance with the requlrcmonts d•aPp•icablo law• If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any .f '�y
<br /> tlme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items whan due. l-�misr maY so notity Borrower In wtiting, and, In such case Borrower
<br /> .,r. �__�
<br /> shall pay to londer the nmount necesscry to mAke u�a th�t dtfir,lency. 6ortower shall mnke up the deficlency In no more than �!. ; Y
<br /> •• �. tweNe mon4hry PaYme�ts.at Lender s sole dlscretian. ��.
<br /> � Upon paymant in full of nll sums securod by thlo Sec�n+hf InsVUmsnt. Lender shail promptly refund to Borro�vor any Funds ' ' .
<br /> ;,rid hy Lar.'��°.'• !�. '!^dPr narfl4fapY1 21, Le+ider shnll acquii�e or sdl the Praperry. Lender, prlor to the acqulsition ar sele of tho '
<br /> � an Funds held by Lendor at th�3 tnn�t oi acqui�ii���� or :��� -� s `-'t°f�!! Aoalnst the sums secured by thls �t� y�'_ •.,;
<br /> � Property, shd aPPN Y �:
<br /> s'
<br /> <.�'•.. �- .�;� Seeudry Inswrnent ^
<br /> �''�' 3. Applicatlon of Paymeen4o. Unloos apl�llan��o law provides otherwise, all payments recelved by Lender under ,'. ,;�`'
<br />- ' �����' paregraphs 1 and 2 shall bo appfied: 4rst,to any prc�m,/ivnnt charges due under the Note: second,to amounts payable under
<br /> �'�) ;;`.
<br /> paregreph 2;Ihird,to Intevest due;fourth, to pr����p� �+uu: sn�1 last.ta uny late charges due under 1he Noto. , "�
<br /> 4' W�gmay nalennp do tyROVerr this Sec�'t y�nsttr+.ztiont end leasehold payments or g ound pentsf�if any.�Borrowershall �. ����
<br />" Property a
<br /> pay these obligatlons In the manner provided In pa�n.Ju4:�':2. or if not patd In that manner, Bartower s ha l i pa y them on time ij:;_
<br /> � directy to t�e person owed payment. Bortower shnll prc�n'D1�Y hu'n1.sh to Lender al�rtolsfho io f Lendern recelpts evidenc ng the
<br /> ;i+?;.
<br />__ , - peragmph. tl 6ortower makes these paymonts din*_aNy, 8corovre.r sfiall promptry '.
<br /> . . PaYments.
<br />- � Bortower shell promptly discharge any Ilan wldah hna P'�o��Y over thls Security Inatrument unless Borrower. (a) agrees in
<br />-,;,;:;�s;;, � writing to the payment of the obligatfon socurcd by thn tiim in a manner ecceptable to Lender, (G) contests In good fa.ith the ��
<br />` ' ' , , Ilen by, or defends ,enuln�`t cnfsecu es hom tho Ii holdet'a'�Iherli neannagr eroentis tisfactory to Len�der subo dl aUngPthePlten to
<br />- �• ��ti ;(��J..r entorcementof lhe I , (1 �� Is subect to a Ilen which may attain prfodty over thls
<br />�•'^+� ;;4��•• thls Securiry Insirument.If Lender determinns thnt am u�1 of the Property 1
<br /> - '' 4'�� Securlty InsYUSnent, Lender may give Bottower n noNco:d�tnttfying the Ilen. Borrower shall satisty the flen or take one or more of
<br /> tho actiona set forth abovo withln lU dnys of the gN'vi3 0'�roYice.
<br /> • • 5. Ha�ard or Property I�surflnce. 9arrow�tf°�'��II koep the Improvements now exlsting or hereafter erected on tho
<br /> r�' Property Insu�ed ug3lnst loss 6y flro, hc�zards Includad ta�hln the term 'extended coverege" and eny other hazards, Including ---
<br /> � Iloods ar 9ooding, tor which Lender requlres Inau�vnce. 'flin insuranca shail be mointained In the amounts and for the pertods -
<br />- - that neshel notube unreasonabtyncwithheld. PI1�Bor�a��r t Uu tocma nta'In coverage descdbed above,LenderLmaye a1 l.endarns �
<br /> '- - �� whic in accordance wfth pnregreph 7. -
<br /> �•'��:.-��%��� optlon, obWn coverac�e to protect Leodcr's riyhta In tr4 ��e►iY
<br /> ,y..':�.��,; AU tnsumnce policlxs end renowals shall b2 eoceFc�l�o to Lender and shall indude a stendard mortgaga clause. Lender _ _- - - -
<br />_ ",,�< � ; � shail havo the dght to hold the policlos and renewats. it U!nder requlres, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all recelpts ot _�-��
<br /> pald premlums end renewal notices. In tho event ot�osu.Bc�'rower shall give prompt notice to the Insurance.artier and lender. ��- .�V
<br /> � �;,., --
<br /> Lend�r may moke proof o1 loss fl not mado prompUy by Ettraner• p �r'_.N,�l_
<br /> Y� r Unles�Lendef ond Bortower olherwise agreo fn wR�tinyti tnsurance proceeds shall be applied to restorntion or re alr of the h'�� _'>
<br /> l.t;•�' ::
<br /> ..J \ ?L'„��
<br /> a property damuged, il the restomtion or repalr is econ�miaJiV feasible and LQnder s security Is not lessened. It the restoratlon or . •. M .n,.,
<br /> " �� j�� repalr is not Qwnomically teasihle or Lender'3 sacu�ily tiv�vdd�be lessened, the Insurance proceeds shall be applled to the sums =';•• b1 - •,
<br /> ,�:s�:�):;';.?;:. ..:. ,
<br /> •Y•}� , secured by this SeCUrity Instrument, whether or rn�t th�tn d'1�, with any excess pald to Bortower. It Borro�ver abandone the `�>.+••
<br /> �'�+i;• a does not answer withfn 30 daya n nuticn frr,m. 1.e�der that the Insurance carrier has oNered to ueriia a ciaim. then :
<br /> "�°�'ts�- P�Ope�' roceeds. Land�tr mny u:se the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> ,�,{1:�,ij�.` . Lender may couecl the insurance p : �f"�'�
<br /> � '';�' securod by this Secudty Instrument, whothnr or not thnn d�u'.� The 30-day pe�iod will begfn when the notice is given. ,.,=,,,C,:tr
<br /> ' , � Unieu Lendsr and Borrower otherwise agrr;a in �+�+ting, any application ot proceeds to pdncipal shall not ex►end or
<br /> � .. ��^. '.'
<br />- ''''�. .. '�,•'�
<br /> • postponotho hu 21d he�rohe m�stecqul¢d by lan(rhstfdB�+TOwer's right t�any�i suranceapolicles d d proceedser sultng from
<br /> , under paragrap P „1l
<br /> � dam¢ge to the Properly pdor to thu acquloillon shall p��a:s to Lender to the extent of the sums by this Security Instrument
<br /> .�
<br /> .,.
<br /> , • immedfatey pdor to the acquisiUon. B01'roWe�'S Q�11 :
<br /> •:�.� _ _.. .,____....a,�,.. �llaznt�nivl0fl and Protectfon of the Property:
<br /> ----- - ° 6. UCCUpancy� r�ow.........., -'--� ��a......e..,��nin _'_ - .-_----�-
<br /> :_:.. � -�-''--' .. _
<br /> • � ;.:^ eatablish, and use the Property es narrower'S p����..��xi� ��..���••-- -••--••� --
<br /> . "°�'�' qpplicotion; Leaseholds. Borro�ver shnll ocaupy.
<br /> „ sixry days'or'at leA teoneuyear eftqhlthu du1Q'ot'oa�r.up��ncygunle s81L nderno hervrisecag eeslnPw ti�g, which�conse t shall fnot
<br /> residenee
<br /> � � be unreasonabN withheld,or unloss e�danuuiiny Greu m a l a n io sdet ierlorate i cor ecommit wu�eoon he P operty. Borrowerrsh 18be fe�
<br /> I destroy.darnnge or Impair the Prop�srty allow thu RoR.dy
<br /> ' 1 delsult ilany lor4eiture action or prucuoding, whulAur ch� or criminai. is begun that in Lender's good laith judgment could resuit �
<br /> I in torteflwe ol the Property or otheM+lco moterially impAir Ihe Gen created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.
<br /> i
<br /> � t
<br /> . , � -
<br /> _ i r.�q„ Z�e 5 -
<br /> � F131G.LA1G 1��3�1
<br /> Y
<br /> ' 97013
<br /> - . I . _. • . , . . . . . -_� � _
<br /> . ,� .
<br />