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Trustor shall, Immediately upon <br /> ,�,yx,,,,�.• demand therefor by I.ender,pay to Lendsr all costs end expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connection with the exer- <br /> cise by Londer o}the foregoing rights,together with interest thereon at the default rate provided In the Note,which sh�all be added to ,. <br /> the indebtedness flec�ued hereby.Lender shall not incur any Ilabillty because ot anylhirsg It may do or omit to do hereunder. ; <br /> 9.Hazardoua Ma3edals.Trustor shail keep the Propsrty�n compllance with all applicable laws, ordinances end r�agulations �:,3 <br /> relaUng to industrial hyplene or environmentel protection(callecilvety referred t�herein as"Environmentel Laws').Trustar ahal{kenp __ <br /> � � the Property tree t�a�r�all subsYancss deemed to ba haz�rdaus or toxic undar aTy Environmental I�v.�s(callectfvely reTerred to herein __.� <br /> as"Ir3azardaus PAatar"als'�.Trwstor hoTaby wa�n4s and roprasenia 1a Lender that there are no Hazardous A9aterials pe�or under th9 Ma�•- <br /> ProRorty.Tr�aWt horeby agrees fo in�omnify and hold harmiass LEniier,its diroctors,officer�,employees and egents,and�u�y succes• ��fy„_ <br /> • sors to Lenders Interest, from and agalnst eny and all clalms,damages,losses and Ilabil(des arising In cannection with the presence, y <br /> �, use, disposal or Vensport of a�y Hazardoua Materials on,under,from or about the Property.TME FOREGOING WARRANTIES AfdQ - <br /> � REPRESENTATIONS, AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOR[GOING INDEMNITY, SHALL SURV�VE r°:� <br /> � Ft�CaNVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. `'` <br /> � 10.Asslpnm�nt of Rsnb.Truator hereby asslgns to LenCer,end prente Lander a seourity Interest in, eil present, future end ��="._ <br /> efter arising ronte,Is�ues and protite oi the Property;provided that Zrustar shelf,unlil tho occurrence of an Event of Defauit,hereundor, <br /> have the rl�h1 to caltect end retaln such rents,Issues end proflts as they become duo end peyable.Upon tho occur�once of en Evant o! <br /> � -� qefsull,Lender mey,elther In pereon or by egent,wilh or without bringln8 eny ection or procoedlnp,or by a recelver eppointod by e �„=•'�' <br /> court anQ wllhoul reperd to Iha adequacy oi Its security,enter upon end tpke ponaesston oi the Property,or any part theroot,In ife own [ <br /> name or In the nem9 of the T�uetee,end do any acte whlch It deems nec�s�ory or dealrable to preserve tho valuo,marketablNty or !� ='- <br /> rentabllity of the Property,or any pan thereoi or Intereat thereln,vr to Increaee the Inr.ome theretrorn w protecl the sacurity hereof end, _ <br /> with or wlthout t�klnp poasesalon of the Property,s�e for or ott�ervrlse collact Ihe rents,laeue�and proflte lhenfof,Including those peat � <br /> . du�and unpatd,by notiyinp tenants to mske peyments to Lender.lender mey epply rente,lasuaa and proTita,less coste and expenn• _� <br /> ee of operatbn and colleclbn including ettomey's tees,to eny Indebtednese secured hereby,all fn euch order es Lender mey detor� <br /> mine.TM entedng upon end teklrsg possessfon oi the Properly, the coilectbn At such rents,lasue�end protits, end the appliostlon <br />� _ ;!rs�!se efasp�l�ehAlt„�,r ���rp nr walve any defauit or noUoe of default hereunder or invalidate any ect done U response to suctt <br /> T' def�uit or pursuunt to such notice ot default and, notwithstanding the continuance in possesslon of the property or the couecnon, <br /> recelpt and eppifcation of rents,Issues or profits,Trustee end Lender shall be onUiied to exercise every right provided for fn eny oi tho <br /> Loan Inatruments or 6y I�w upon occuRence of eny Event af Defauit,inctudinp without Ilmitetlon the rtght to exercise tha power of saln. <br /> �'',� � Furthor,Lenders rights and remedies under this paregraph shell be curttulative with,and in no way e Ilmitetlon on,Lend�re�ights and <br /> �r��: .. <br />=;rz� �•. � � remedies undes eny essignment oi leases end rents recorded against fhe Prope�ty.Lender,Trustee end the receivar shall be Ilab e a <br />-=Y� • . account onty for those renta actually receivad. <br />�nt�";� � <br /> :_�;,,-,�i.� 17.�venb of O�fauil.The fotbwing shall constitute an 5vent of Default under this Deed of Trust: <br /> �"�x"�' (a)Fallure to pay eny Insteliment of pri�cipal or(nterest or any other sum secured hereby whsn due; <br /> _,�.,� -:.,, <br /> ___�,.r,��� (b)A breach of or defauit undor any provJsion contatned in the Note,this Deed oi Trust,any of the Loan Instrumen s,or eny <br />�"k,,;...•,. ,,..,�� other Ilan o�encumbrance up�n the Proparty; <br />�'��b.:,r„:;�' (c)A writ of executlon or attachment or eny simiiar process shall be entered against Trustor which shall become a Iien on <br /> --�_-j�' ����� the Propc�rty or eny portlon thereof or interest therein; <br /> _-R:�;.?,_- <br /> ;�,_��=�=_�a (d)Shere sha116e filed by or agatnst Tnistor or Borrower an action under any present or future federal,stale or other statuto, <br />,y�._.���j law ar repute2lon reletlng to bankruptcy,insolvency or other rellef for debtors:or there shell be appointed any trustee,recatver or <br /> �. Iiquldator of Trustor or Borrower or of�II ar any part of the Propgrly,or the rents,issues or profitg thereot,or 7ruswr or Borrownr <br /> __-==��:'�='�' shall make eny general as�ignment for the benefit of creditors; <br />=-'='�=,` (e)'�he cale. trensfer,lease, assignment,conveyance or further encumbrence oi etl or any part of or eny intarest in tho <br /> - =�-s�' Property,etther voluntadly or Involuntarily,without the express wdtten consent of Lendar,provided that Trustor shali be pertnih <br /> - =-% ted to execute a lease ot the Propertyr thot does not cuntain an optlon to purchase and the term of which does not exceed one <br /> --�� � year, <br /> —��- (�Abandonment of the Prope�tyr;or <br />--=;,E,�;L;�,� (g)If Trustor ta not an Indlvidual,the tssuance,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more then pf o <br />-::�.�'= •� corporatlon)a tatal of percent of its issued and outstanding st�ck,or(if a partnership)e total of peM <br /> �•.:�'"�'a�` cent of partnership Interests,or(if e Iimited Ilability company)a totai oi percent of the Itmited ifability compa- <br />-- '�:°'�"'�l�'�- � ny interests or voting rights dutlng the perlod this Deed of Trust remains a Ilero on the properly. <br />- � ''"� 12.Remedles;Acaler�tlon Upon Oelaul�In the event of ony Event of Default Lender may,witi�out notEce except as requirod <br /> _ .�" by law,declare ail lndebtedness secured hereby to be duo and payable and the seme shall thereupon become duo and payable with- <br /> • out any presentment,deman�,protest or noUce of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: __ <br />--• � . '.. (a)Demand that Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,nnd 7n�stee shall thereaftor cause Trustors InteM = <br />-= ost in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be dlstHbuted,sil In the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Ach �_. <br />"� � (b) Exerclse any and ali rights provtded for in any of the Loan Instrum�nts or by law upon occurrence of any Event of � <br /> �� Defauit;and <br /> • (c)Commence an actlon to foreGose Yhts Deed ot 7rust es a mortgage,appoint e receiver,or spACificalty enfarce any oi the �:: <br /> �' covenents hereoi. <br /> " � No remody hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is lntended to be excluslve ot any other remedy heroin,in the Loan <br /> ' Instrumenta or by law provldad ar permltted,but each shail bo cumulaUve,shall be in eddition to every other remedy gtven hureundar, __ <br /> � -+��" �� In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute,and mey be exerclsed concurrentiy,Independentiy � <br /> - F� � <br /> or succesively. �• <br /> ' .-____-.__._-.-._,.__ '� .� ' w '._'_'"—'..�_�___`��..u�.�� e.vl l e�vin►mov n}anv t{ma antl WI}hfftlR tllISE1 flDDOIflt 8 SUC• - <br /> - --._-__.-___.-_-� 7J. IILiL��. Ittt�nua�ao���ar�oa�yn a�o��J w��o o...�...............�..........._.. ..._ <br /> �_._..� .....--"- -- � <br /> cessor or substltute Tnrstef,. Trusteo shall not be Ilable to any party,Including wllhout Itmitation Lender,Borcower,Trustor or eny pur- <br /> ch�ser of tho Property,for any ioas or damage untass due to recklesa or wtilful misconduct,and shell not be requtred to teke any action <br /> In cannectton with the eniorcement of this Deed of Trust unless indemnified,in wridng,for�all costs,compensatton or expenses which <br /> may be associated therewith.In eddition,Trustee may become a purcheser et any sale of the Propsrt�Qudiclal or under the power of <br /> sale grantad heroin);postpone the s�le of alt or any portion of the Property,as�rovided by law;or sell the Property as a whole,or in <br /> �. separ�te parcels or lots at Tn�stee's dlscreUon. � <br /> 14.Fees and the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise of power of sale,Trustee shall be entitled tn apply ; <br /> any eale praceeds flrst to payment of ali costs and expenses of exerclsing power of sale,Including ali Trustee's fees,and Lender's and <br /> � Trustee's attomey's fees, actually incurred to extent pertnittad by eppiicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right <br /> �• provlded by law to cure an Hvent of Detauit,Lend�r shall be entitled to recover from 7rustor all costs and exponses actualiy incurred as <br /> a reault oi Trustor's default,including without Ilmitation all Trustes's end attomey's fees,to tho extent pormitted by appticable law. <br /> 15. Future Advancea.Upon request of Bormwer, Lender may, at Its option,make additional and future edvances and�ead- <br /> vancoo to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with interest thereon,shall be secw�ed by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall the <br /> � <br /> = ' i <br /> ._ .. ....... .._.. ._... . - - -.._.____...---- - --�-_�.---------°-__._ ___ _.�.- -�--__,...--- —�-- -- _-_ -' <br /> _� _ ..,•.c. ..._ 1 <br /> _.....__ . . _. ., ... <br /> . _ ._......._e�.t' _. ... . .... . ... .. .. _. _ .. _ _ _. <br />