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<br /> � *� `� principel amaunt of the Indeblodneas sacrured by thls Qoad of 1Yust,nat Inr�udlmp suma edvanced fo protect the secudry ot this Deed of
<br /> ` ' "� Trust,exceed tho origlnal principal omount atfltod haroin,or S aQ,.i.,.��.oS�� ,whichever Is greator.
<br /> ' 18.Mtecollen�ous Providone.
<br /> " v R� (a)Borrovwr Not R�I��s�d.Extenslon of tho 8me fur pAymn�t or�nWrlillaatlon oi amortizaUon oP the sums secured by lhis
<br /> � Daed ot Tr�st pranted by Lender to any Successor!n IntorQ�t oi 8nm�w:�r ehflll not operate to release,in any manner,the Ilablll-
<br />_ • '� ty of the origlnal Borrower end BoROwsr's succossors In Intnm�4. La�dnr shall rtot be requlrad to cammenco praceedir�gs
<br /> " ' : agalnst such euccessor or refuse to oxtond t(me far pay�ncant or othnn��l�o modify amortizetlon oi the sums se,ured by this
<br /> :, Deed of T�ust by reason of eny demands made by tfia oripinc�l Bormw�,r t3nd sorrower's successors In interest.
<br /> " (b)Lsnd�r'4 Powen.Without aHectinp the Ilablliry of nny mthor�n�n Iiable for the payment of eny obllgaUan herein rt►en-
<br /> doned, and wfthout effocUng the Iten or charpe of thla Daad of Tiust upon nny aorilon of the Property not Qhen or theretntore -
<br /> . ,� released es securlty for the full amount ot ell unpald ob1l�aUons,Landar may,from tfine to time and without noUce(q release =
<br /> any person so Ilabte,(U)extend tho matudry or alter eny of th�tE►rms o9 f�ny such obligations,(iii)grant other tndul;�enres,(Iv)
<br /> ' - - retsase or rsoonvey, or causo to be reteasad or reoonvo/Fd et any t(rrto ai l.enc�or's option any parcei,portfon or�11 of the
<br /> Property,(v)take or rotease any other or addiUanal secunty for any obl�{�n6on Aerriin r�anitoned,ar(vi)make composidons or -
<br /> '�?tt;4��!! other arrangement�with deb:ors 9ro rmintion theroto. _
<br /> ' '''`�f (c)Forbeannc�by d�naser E�ott a Walver.My forlbc3an;�as by Lonti�r in exerdsin�an��Ight or resnedy here�*��}ar,or oth-
<br /> ,r:�<.:
<br /> • ""�'� envise affoMed by epplicabie Ia►v,shatl not tra A walver ai or preclude tire exercise oT ony such�3ght or remedy.Ti�procure- _
<br /> � ment oi insuranco or the payment of taxes or ott►er Ilens or c4��rgos by Lt�nder shatl not ba e uvaiver or Lenders right to acceler- _
<br /> '� ate the maturlty oi the indebtedness secured by this Oeed of TniEi -
<br /> (d)Succ�s=on�nd Aeslpn�f3ound;Jolnt and rtsvxr�i Lbi»Csi�p;i:apiions.Tne covanents and agreements hereln con-
<br /> tained shaii bind, and tl�e nghts hereundor shaii inure to, inF r�ope�iiva successors and asslgns oi Lender and Trustor.Al!
<br /> covenante and agreements of Trustor shall be Jolnt and ssove,ml.Thfl u�ptinns and headings oi the paragraphs of this Deed oi
<br /> Trust are(or wnvenle�r,e oniy and are not to be used fo int4�rprt�t or dt�flfle the provisfons hetaai.
<br /> (e)R�w�t iw Notia�.The pa�les hereby request thAt�a oapyr oi nny notke oi defauit hereunder and a copy of eny notice
<br /> �� oi eale heteunder be malled to each party to thls Deed ot Tnn.t at lhn eddreae aet torth ebove tn tho menner preacribed by
<br /> eppilr,ab{e law.�xcept tor eny olher natice raqulred undar appUaabla�knv to be piven in anothor manne�,any notke prov{ded tor
<br /> '� In thla Desd oi T►u�t shall be pivsn by malllnp euch natkie by aerti4lnd mall addressed to the other partlea, at the addross set
<br /> � foRh above. Any notice provWed for In thla Deed of Truot st►�!i be eifuctl�e upon malling in the manner designeted heretn.�f
<br /> Truator la mora liian ane peraon,notloa sent to lho eddr�ma�ai 1ohf��above shall be nptice to all ouch persons.
<br /> -�° :•._�-� (Q In�p�ct{on.LsnMr may m�ke or cauas to be made r��aonab4n entdes upon end InapecUona of Ihe Property,prov{ded
<br /> ' thet Lender shall plve Truator notice prior to eny such Innpectlan sp�c�fpinD reartonable cause theretor retoted to Lender's tnter- _
<br /> _ .. ,r� est In the Property.
<br /> '?'< �`"`` � (g)R�eo�v�yanc�.Upon poyment ot ali sums securnd by this O�ood otTrust,Ler�der shell request Tmstee to reconvay the
<br /> �;�,,x� Property►and shall suRender thls Deed of Trust and �II n�t�►s ev�lunclnp indebtedness secured by lhis Deed of Trust to
<br />- t • Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Proporty, without��an�nty and��Fii�aut charge to the petson or persons legalfy enUUed
<br />�•�{r���•':'`' : thereto.Trostor shaH pay all coste ot recordation,It any.
<br />-'°F°"�'�� (h) P�non�l prop�rty; S�cuHty A�n�men� As.rddiUAn�l sac��rity tor the payment of the Note,Tiustor hereby grants
<br />_. r• •. ,
<br /> =:,}'•:��-��_ Lender under the Nebraske Uniform Commercial Code o security�ntt�rost in atl fixturos,equipment,ar►df other personal properly
<br /> -':�� i3"oo�=ii i:�3riiia.i'�aii n �� �o�oa�oo v^BT�Rij3iCY8fi18"�:2�.^•CS�.`•t��!fllS:OR�8'!T�!��L`!.h�c,n�d«..°�..'�r°!..°�,.IIi�..°r°n`°.....'��II..�"'...'. `j..°ft II�
<br /> • `„aw� '�2'^2!'...,.... ....�t
<br /> _=:�.'���.;.. the real estete secured hereby.This Instrument shall b�oons,iruod ao e Securiry Agreornont under said Code,ond the Lender
<br /> . ��w. shall have etl ti�e�igh�.s and remediss of a securod pari.y undor sa1�1(bde In add(tbn to��D dghb and reme�dtes aeated under
<br /> ' �y'"�,ti-�� end ecc�roed the Lender pursuant to thfs Deed oi Tn+ah,prav;dod thflt Lenders rights an�l remedles�:nder th(s paragraph shall
<br /> �==:�-�'��'A!��.� be cumulative with,end in no way a I►mitatlon on,Lendora ric�ht�and remediea under any other security egreement slgned by
<br /> BoROwer or Trustor.
<br /> -` `� (q U�ns and EncumMances.Trustor hereby warr�nts and nt►prn6ente that there is no defautt under ihe provfsfons oi any
<br /> _::�_� moRgaAe,deed oi hust,lease or purchar,�contract doscdbii�D a11 or any pa�t of the Property,or other oontract,in�trument or
<br /> - -- egreement constitutlng a Ilsn or encumbrenre agafnst all or eny pfld of the Property(collecUvely,'Uens'�, existlng es of the
<br /> ;„;,°,�, date of thts Daed oi Trust,end that any and ell extstinp�ions rem�fri unmodiik+d exoept as disclosed to Lender in Trustors writ
<br /> _,�,_�� ten disclasure of Ilens end encumbrances provided tor hflrnin. Trustar shall timely perform all p1 Trustors obflgationa,
<br /> ___:_,�r�� covenanb,representaUons and warrentiea under eny and afl extatin�ansi future Liens,shall prompty fawaM to Lender oopies
<br /> --�— of ail notices of defau�t sent tn connectlon w(th any and all exlsti�D�r future Llens,and shAtl a�at wilhaut Lender'e prior written
<br /> -,:t ,. consent in eny manner rtrodify the prov[sbna of or eibw ony S��hir�advances under eny existing or tuture Ilens.
<br /> � Q)Appllaallon ot Payn�ntn.Unless otherwlse reQuired�y i�rw,�ums peid to Lender 4�oreundar,�nctirJtng wltho�t Ilmitetlon
<br /> �'�'_'� payments of prindpal end interest,Inssuance proceads,cnnclomnntlon proceeds an�l�ants end profita,shall be eppi{ed by
<br /> '""" "'""_��. Lender to the emounts due and owing from Tnjstor an�i 8orrowAr in such orcier as Lender in fts soie discreUon deems desfr-
<br /> -- —= eb{e.
<br /> ,`� (k)Sw�rablltty.it any provlsbn oi thls Deed of 7rust oant�ci9 wRh appl!csb!s la:r ar ls declared InvaYd or otherwise unen-
<br /> -�==.--_� Torceable,such conllk:t or inv�lldity sholl not affect tho otl�flr pmv�a.:ons oi this Deed oi Tnrst or the Note which can be glven
<br /> - -= eflsct without the confltcflng provision,and to thts end It��provlstonc ot this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be sev-
<br /> __- erable.
<br /> __._�- (I)T�rms.The terms'Tru�tor end'Borrower"shall indudo botE��Ing��lar and plural,and when the Trustor end�orrower are
<br /> --�-�-- the seme person(s),those tertns es used In this Deed of Tiu�t Shflf!be(nterch�ngeable.
<br /> �� (m)Gov�min�Law.Thio Deed oi Trust�hell be pov�m�d�y ft�fl laws ot the Stat�e ot Nebraska.
<br /> ti�_�
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<br /> � Trustor has executed this Deed oT Tnist as of the d0to wrltten a�ovo.
<br /> . '+� - �./I� -
<br /> ��,��-'� � (James A. Staun.n) Trustar Ir��-..� .T e s, a�� Trustor _
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