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<br /> � ' • p��p��TRUSY WITH FUTURE ADVANCES �n.�.
<br /> ' �_--- --_'��. ri't ,19,�Z--�by and among °--
<br /> TMIS DE�U ur iRUST,Ib m8de zt�of the '' ►Z—day of_ Ao � �-_,-
<br /> .._. .._. . 'ai.'��k.�� �
<br /> ���i..�f —>__.
<br /> �•;,11`tt�:�?��1 the Trustor, Jaines N� ����8 & Carol J. Srauss, husband ana wife
<br /> '� �"'��''`+::���5+ herefn"Trustor",whether ono ormore), `
<br /> •�� , � Gr�nd T�91�r7 NF' 68803�24L� �,, -
<br /> :,�� , :,;.� �� whase mailing adcdres� is�.,,"�{4 B�chm n�_— \
<br /> .'•:. '�;'i�kt..��E;,ti�s` QheTna5lee�'iivs� nin�.�3r3D • \_
<br /> , ' �.,;�;i,��} ;� (heretn'7rustee'),and
<br /> ,;;>,-��� whose mallira�sddrass is P O Box 1507 Grana - i--' NE 689Q2 1507
<br />- ' •�a� ' the eeneflcfaay, Fi e Pointa Benk
<br /> hereln"Lende�').
<br /> � w h o s e m a i l i n e a d d r e s s I s 2 0 1 5 N. Broadwell Ave. Grand Zsl.and NE 6Ei803 � __.
<br />'�;, L Rtnnna R ___
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATIQN,including Lendar's extenslon oi credit Identi8ed hereln to .�a
<br /> � � • Carol J. Stauss
<br />- . ,-f'� ihereln"BoRawer;whether one or more)end the trust herein�N RU W�TH
<br />�:.• �* -' of which Is hereby ecknowledgod, Trustor he�eby Irrevocabiy granta, trens4ere, conveys and esslgns to Tnrstea,
<br />=��;;:�r; �. .:E� . �uViicii Gr= oAL�,::th��n�!1'._!1d Gerairity o(Lendet.�ndor end subject to the terms end conditlons herelnaRer eet forth,lhe resl
<br /> y->� , propertyr desctlbESd os followa: ,
<br />-��E'•��°.� Eastoxly E`ifty-five and One �enrh feet (F,,55.1 ) of Lot 5ixt�een (16) anc7 Th�s Southerly
<br />'"�" '�` �' �. Onm N��� (S�) of the vacated alley ad jacent to Lo� Sixteen (16)� in 8l.ock One (1)� in
<br /> ��x�;� .=,:=' '°
<br />_�� . �
<br />-_x.j�;a-�?"- ' Cunninc�ham Subdivision, an Arldition to tle City of Grand Islancl� Hall County� Nebras
<br />"�L;` ''"'� � assa ewa s oasements,rlghts,privileges er►d appu►tenances
<br /> ""'z*�' Togotberwith etl bulldings,improvementc;,flxtures,streets,alleys,p 9 Y �
<br />-°'ury=';��� .
<br />�„�p�;�._,, locat�d th9raon or In anywlse pertalning thor�to,and the rents,issuea ertd profits,reverslons end remalndere thereol,and suc per-
<br /> ----s•��:���� sonal pro�afy thal Is attached to the Improvornents so ea ro consUtute e flxture,Including,but not Iim(ted to,heating and coo�fn9 eQufp-
<br /> °`'�''�-;.T,;.� menh,a�v3 Cc+Betherwith the homestead or marltel interests,ff any,which intorests are hereby released and waived:ell ot which,includ-
<br />�M,'�-<<T::�•��� Ing rap!acements end additions thereto,Is hareby declared ro be a part of the real estate secured by�se Ilen ot th[s Deed oT Trust end
<br /> __ ,�,.,;.r��.�� a11 of the toregoing boing reterred to hereln es the'Proporty�'. note or credit agree-
<br /> __—= Thls Deed of Trust shall securo(e)the paymer�t of the princlp having e m�tu�ity dote of Januyarv 15S 1998 —�
<br /> ---.:�>ry,::��,�� m@n;fl3t8d
<br />�"�'�- �'�'f�' 60,020.50 , and any and all modNicaUons, extens{ons and renewals
<br /> --__-;� in th�od�io�cl p�lndpal emount of$
<br />_���� thereof a tt�ereto end eny ond ell future advances anci readvances to Borcowsr�(or��ae Ya imenmof other susns dvanoed by�nderto
<br /> - to one a more pranissory notes or credit agreements(hernfn cailed'Note");O p Y
<br />--�-'_�-.,�.�;;;�� protect the secu�ily�f the Note;(c)the pedorrnance of all covenants end egreements ot Trustor&et forth herein;end(d)all pre9ent and
<br /> -- a��� �� fulure IndH2�tednass and obilgstlona ot Borrower(or any of them ii moro then one)to Lender whether direct,indirect,ebsoluie or contin-
<br /> ��••,r.,:
<br />�`��_'�� gent and whether erising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwiso.The Note,Ynis Deed of Trust end eny and all other documents a
<br /> �--—" secure the Note or otherwi�e executed In connectlon therewith, including without Ilmitation guarantoes, security agreoments end
<br /> '-'—�'� assignmentsof leases and rents,shall be referred ta hereln as the"Loan InsWments'.
<br /> "°AR"r`�`� Tmstor covenants and egrees with Lender as foltowa:
<br /> ...�,
<br />=.p�;.;aN-���. : 1. Paymento�indsbtednass.All Indebtedness secured hereby shell be paid when ue.
<br /> --��_-���''�`,;;,��` : 2.7itte.Trustor Is the owner of ihe Property,has the right and authoriiy to convey the Property.and warcents that the Ilen creat�
<br /> z�,`.�.:..-,�s�
<br />___._�^-;fx ed hereDy Is e flrct and prior Ilen on tha Property,excapt for Itans and encumbrances set forth by Trustor In writin�ond dellve o
<br /> ~.:: ';:�.; Lender before execution of this Deed of i rust,and the execuUon and de�ivery of this Deed of Trust does not violate any contract or
<br /> - ' � other obllgallon towhich Trustor Is subJoct.
<br /> - � � %�`� 3.Taxea. Assessmenta.To pay beto re delinquency ali texes,speclal assesaments and all other charges egainst the P�operty
<br /> �,� • now orhereafterlovted.
<br /> 4.IIi911fdRC8. To koop the Praparty Insurad egein3t damage by flro,hazards included withfro the torm'extended covsrege',end
<br /> - �,, such othe�hazaNs as Lender may requlre, In amounts and with companfes acceptable to Lender, naming Lender es an additional
<br /> _ named Insured.with loss payabte to d sheall havelthe optt n'of epply ngSall o ppalrt of the Insurance p uroceeds(�)tto�eny Indebted ess
<br /> •� compromise,all claims thoreunder en
<br /> - secured hereby und In such order as Lender may determine,(1►)to the Trustor to be used tor the ropalr or restoraUon of the Property or
<br /> ' (III)tor eny olher purposo or obJect sat�sfactory to Lender without aHocting the Ilen of this Qeed of T:ust tor the full amount secured
<br /> " .�•�. .
<br />_-: _
<br /> _- hereby betoro such payment ever took place.Any ep�iicattons of pmceeds to indebtodness shall not eMend or postpone the due e e
<br /> r . ��.��..,w�.a.. ...,.��.o o�..naraui�chereunder or hereunder.
<br /> ---�---°--__'--°- ' ---'---�-'- --..�_�i......�e c.�Nir�nnt
<br /> . ,. .,-- -,-} ot anypoy�um.w��..,a�.�.��......�........__.�--�--
<br />— � ' � 5.Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Tn�stor shell pay to �endor,In such manner as�enaar���dr�aaro•w•-,__...__...
<br />� � � sums to enabl�Lender to pay as they become due one or moro of the following:(I)ell taxes,essessments and ather charges against
<br /> the Property, (iq the promluma on the property inaurance requfred hereunder,and (iil)the premiums on any mort�age Insurence
<br />— � required bylender. in ood condition and repafr; Fhnll
<br /> - , 6.1Nlalntenance, Repalrs and Compllarsco wlth Laws.Trustor shall kQep the Property 9
<br /> .. promplly repalr,or replece eny improvement which may be damaged or destroyod;shall not commit or permit any waste or deteflore-
<br /> tlon of the Proparly:shall not remove,demolish or substantlally alter any of the Improvements on the Property;shaii not commlt,suffer
<br /> or pormlt any act tc�be done in or upon tho Property in vlolatlon of eny law,nrdinance,or regulatlon; and shall pay and promptly dis-
<br /> i;:; charge at Trustars cost and expense all Ifens, oncumbrances and charges levlod, Imposed or eccessed agalnst the Property or any
<br /> ;,•;��.;. : partthereoi.
<br /> - • • 7. Eminent Domaln. Lender is hereby a�slgned all compensation,awards,damages and other paymants or reliet(herelnc� or
<br />--. � . � NOC 3tStM�+aOnWralhMl Hn 5�W . .
<br /> ._ - . Ct9HLH�uonnlONdCwm*emlrvsleM6+vYq+b�oc+sW�.IKaM.Nab�Vw ,i .
<br />�i .
<br /> - �� � �3�'r.-.-._--.---,.--.-.-.�—_.__.
<br />