��`n �if{1r�`i�it9if3��y��i+ .1+ r'- . �d . i'�
<br /> : •
<br /> i(i"-��,xria�'��<�/� lf �f • � �'. ' � • _�- i :' A .r.:.1✓ . ._..
<br /> �,j r�,:�. u.,w.....z,.,..a.o�r..�"1lY+I�d�MNYfMbYft'Ft=t?.• - . , ,.•••••ssE••••ti�,� -- . '
<br /> . 92�. �,c,sa�s�
<br />' , peflads ihat I.ender rcquiru. '[M Insunnca canicr pmviding thc insmana shall Iw chosen by llorcowcr subkcf�o nder�i
<br /> appiovai whkh shall not Ue unrcason+WY w�i�die�d. If Oorroaerlalls to maimaLi covcraFo descdlxd ubovc,Lendcr may,n� __ _ __
<br /> I.endar�eption,obt9ln cmoraSo�nproicet Lendcrk dghts in tho Propeny in accordnncn whh pangrapl�7. =
<br /> All fnfurnnce policles and renewals shsll Iw neceptnNlo to l.ender and chall ineludo n xinndard moitgago clause. Lender
<br /> shs11 havo tho dght ro 6old�ho policles and mnownis. If Lender rcquircs.Dorrower s6a11 prompily glvc ro Lenda oll rtccipts � •--.
<br /> oi paid premNms nnd renewal notices. In tho ovent of lose,Oorcower shall ivo om t notice�o the Insurxnce cnnier nnd � '�''�°'—'
<br /> I.ender. l.cndcr mny make proof of�oss If nm mndo prompqy by liorcowcr. 8 r� r � _
<br /> Unless Lender and Borcower ahenvise ngrce in wdtlng,insivanca Praecds shatl be applled�o rcuontlon or rcpair ot �r._' -� -='- .
<br /> iho Pro�rty dama�ed, it iho restornlios or rep,ir is cconomically feu�blo and Lcnder's security is not lusened. If�ho �j,::;.�,Myy;=:��_;_ _
<br /> rcstorot on or repa r Is not economicnlly leasibla or LenderS securi�y would be Iessened, �he insurance proceeds shall be _z,r „Q.. _y.=�.
<br /> applitd to �he sums secureJ by�hls 3anri�y GisuumcnL�vhether or na then dus,with eny excess paid ro Oo`rowec If ��� n i f,
<br /> f3orrou•cr nbnndons tho Property,or does not answer within 30 days n mtice from Lendcr that �ho insumnco cnrtier has ,��S�i�{ �' �,rP��,:_
<br /> otfercd�o senlo n cialm.then I.cnder ma�mllect iho Insur.v�ce procccds. Len�'i:r may ux the praecds�o rcpalr or rcstort r/�'.:ty<c'r �.- --
<br /> iho Pro�By o�Io pay sums secured by ih s Scendly lasuument,whether or r.a then dce. The 3Q+Lay yedod will6egin when !q;_ry �'y`�,� ���_'��
<br /> the no�co ts givcn. ' °,� ' � "'� .-.
<br /> Unless Lende�wi 6ottovret ott�envise agcea in writing,:uq application of poca�ds to prir.cipai shall aoe exterA or -•� +" �'t�,'}�- �
<br /> postpono ihc duu dato of tCr.muniGly paymertts refeRCd to in pangraphs I and 2 or chuige the ama�nt of thz p�ynKn�s. if ��'��`?-.•?'
<br /> undet parograph 2) �ho 1'ropef.y is ar.Guia.d by Le�er,Borrowerr righ��o any insurantt policics and p:aeeds rtsulting '' ''` � '�-s.t„�_;;_.
<br /> ��.
<br /> from dantago lo�ho Pro{xrly ptinr u�r:k acquisition sdall puc w Lender Io�he ex�an�of�he auns scenred by�his Saaritg �=���F;„3�.j'_r' �.
<br /> Ins�mmcnt Immcdiatcl Pdor to�he nc ais:aon, -
<br /> 6. Occupnncy,yl'acse�tiat3on.�1n'.Nxn�%cr mic] 3'rmec�lon oi 7he �T'snpeil�'1 6ota.nn�er*x annv tp.pllcation; s''�r�{�J�f�'�'�r �_�
<br /> [.tauholds. Rortower sh:dl occupy,establish,a^t u3+he Praycny u+Bo:roserl p:in;�p.�!residtnm wietun caiy days n(�er ,4s}•,>SJj}hg`".�i �'--
<br /> r.:� -'
<br /> �he exe<u!(on of ihls Secnri�y Instmmem and shall contin;�e to oecupy�ht Y`opern�aa Bn:co�.�er's prineip;il rcsidencx fur nt �-.i.: ��r � -,;,,:
<br /> Ieast o+e )'BP.f Afltf IIIC ome of ncer.�ancy, nnless I.en:kc o�heiwise �rees m uriting. ��hi;h conxm shnll mv, be ��y{���;_:-___
<br /> unrensombly wi�hlielA,or unlesx extena:emg circnmciances enisi«�hich nre hyond Rorr.�herk m�irol. Uonmrer s!:al!not f �3�=� �l�;.:
<br /> Aeslroy.Aamage or impnir the Propcn}•.+Ilow the Proprny m d:mrinm!e.or mmmit�vns�t ox tt�:Pro,{trty. IImrower>F:aU "'��i�,r���F T--�-;-_.
<br /> be in defnuli if nny forfeimre ne8on or proceeding,xfie�hrr ci�il or crimin�l.ia began�hal in Lender��,nal Faiih jedgmern ����7�. ..� .- �
<br /> could rcsnit In (arfeirore of the Propeny or o1L•ernis: maF:riaily� i:q^.tir�tx fu�created by �his SecnrFCy lasvv.r.em or �z�,�y1'}� �' . '-
<br /> LenderY securi�y intwesi. Aorrower mayeum sueh a ct:iauit nnd rein.ta�e,ns Q:ovided In paragraph I8,by enu<ing�ht action �">" �
<br /> or roceedin to be dismisseA wiih n tulin �hn4 in Lender� ood tnith Ae�clmi�atirn, recludes forfeimre of�he Borro���erB ���''"• `�'�'�2'='-��"
<br /> P G 8 6 P, ��:df;�:�t,f,=-..
<br /> intercst in �he 1'ropeny or o�her ma�erial impaimicnt of�he lien crented by ft�i,Sceun�y inswmeni or I.enJerk security yy�,.�r;'Ak__=:
<br /> IntentsL Oortower shnll also bo In defnull if 6ormwer, during �he loan :y�pli.a�lon proccss, gave ma�crially tatse or ��v;,'�,:,.--.
<br /> inaccurate Infomimion ars�alemems to Lcnder(orlaflcd�a provfdc Lender with nny matcrial in(omia�ion)in wnnectlon wi�h 1��:�:,�';,'t,N:'�:�-��
<br /> iho loan evldenced by tha No�o, Inciuding, bul nm Ifmited lo, re rcsenta�ions conceming �ortower� wcupancy of Ihe ��,r��<Y,=�,i,h.�_--�.-
<br /> Procenv ac a pdncipal residenco. If�his Securi�y Instn�mem is on a Penxehold,6orco�ver shall cnmpiy wi�h nll the prorislons ,a'H-,` -_—.
<br /> of I}ie leasa If Uorrowcr ncqutrcs fca tftlo to ihe Propcny,thc Icaschnld and�hc fce titic shnll nm mcrgc unlccs 4cndcragrcee i -'� � i � - -
<br /> �o thc nxrgcr In writlng. -`�I��•,`�. .--..
<br /> 7. Prolceilon ot I,endtr's Riqhis In lhe Properly. If I3orrower fails to perfami tlw covcnams ond agnemcn�s �Aix,� -�=�
<br /> conmined In �hl.c Security Ins�mmen6 or �herc in a Irgnl praeeJing �hat may signi0enntly uffect LenderS dgliu In the �,ir c h ��g
<br /> Ro{xny(such aa a procccJing in bankmptcy,probam,for condcmnallan or fnrfcimre or tu cnforcc�aw�or rcguiatlons),thcn E�4#«;,,,.,._,�_=
<br /> LenJer mny du nnJ pay(or whmerer i�isna.ury to�srute.� tlm.�Juc o(�he Propcny and l.ender�rlgh�s In�hc Pmp:ny. '��':'.;i���;";;��;;��=�-
<br /> I,: � r. ���r.�r.=.�
<br /> Lenderh nedons may include p�ying nny smns secur. by n Iien which has priodty over tl�ix Secnd�y InUrumeN,appearin6 a;�✓§;1���� .t'(;�'
<br /> d.;;�, .f...
<br /> In wut6 p,ry6�g rcasonablc miomcys fcc.nnA cmcring on d�c Protxny�o mako rcpairs.Alihough Lendcr mny�akc aciion � t, 7 �i��,�`�
<br /> anAcr�hls pnregrapL 7.l.cndcr dces nm have to Jo+u. -� q�y X? :
<br /> Any nmounts disburseJ 6y I.ender under�Ms pan�gnph 7 shall become nddidonal debt of Dorrower securcd by thls �'�:;,:�..,y fy�e.y:::�F
<br /> Sccuriiy Instrumcm. Unless 6orrowcr anA Lender ugmc�a o�her�enn.of poymem,�hesc amoums shall lxar Inrercst lrom thn F=;;:_%i.'_��,F;�:a:°`.
<br /> dale oi dfxbunemem m the Nore mie nr.A shall be payable,wiih intcros�,upon no�ice(rom Lender�o dorrower requesting ._•>-�;��p?tn'.s�-��
<br /> Niy0tcnl. ��it.i-c::!:i�:'i:,t.'':.s,...
<br /> 8. Morlgnge Insurence. If Lender mqufrcd mongage inaunnce as a condition ot m;:kinF�hc lain stcured by this (r'r,�.:•..+'t;S::�v�-'"-
<br /> b�SF,;_',a. !y.....`::..
<br /> 5ccuri�y Inslrwncnl.Oonowcr shall pay�h.prcmiama rcyuircd to maintain thc r.�ungaFc insumncc in cffacl. Il.(or any j�'/•t > fi�;���
<br /> rcason. Oie mortgage insurance coreragc re<piircA by I.end.r lapaes or ccaxes io 6e in e((ec6 6onowrr chal! p.ry �he F i i "x -:-.-
<br /> prcmiums rcquired lo oblain coveragt iubslanlialiy equiraitnl �o lhe mongage imunnce previously in e((aL ai n ms� �' r��;�'<'.'.:i.
<br /> wbsmn�ially equlvnlem to thr eost to 6orrm�•cr of the mongage in+�rance prcvioualy fn ef(ec�.Bom nn nitemaie mongage ��y�tth'�"'."':�"��==^:
<br /> t h��; y'cY1Yi>k�r.s.:
<br /> insurer,pproved hy LenAcr. If substnmially equiralem mang:�ge incurance coverage is nrn arailable.�ortmrer shnll pay m r��i �r�4 1�i���,
<br /> Lender cach month a c�m eqnal�o onrn�cl0h o(ihe��cady mongagc insurancc premium being paid b�•Bortotivcr�ehen�hc �s �t�� r i ,.:.
<br /> insunnce cm�en e la sed or ceamd to(+t in effetl. Lender will acce t,use ar.d rz�ain Ih.se ��mems as a loss resen�e in lieu �t���t.�i�+ ,��}y`
<br /> f 7 P P•5 ,t-; J�.� ��t�sr ...;?,'.:,.
<br />� o!itrongage inwraace. Loss raerve paymems mav no longer he n�uired,at the option of Lender. if mongage insurance ,�1;._ /�s x --'�
<br /> eoverage(in iht ninoum and for the period ihat Lender rcyuircs)provideJ hy an insurer approred by Lender ngain becoma t��;�f�y .�l5� an3, ��-
<br /> availabie nnA is o6lained.6nrro��er�h.ill pay Ihe pr.miums mquircd to mai:vain mongage inwrance in eflen.or to p:oridc a �•��� � �? :
<br /> loss rcscn'c,uNil Ihe requiremeN for motlgage insurance ends in:�ccord�nct w•i�L any���rillen agrectnenl t+cU��een IIarmcer ��.t.,,4 Y�:n�S./.:=:,5;::
<br /> and Lcndtrotappli:ablc law. _�� y t�r �5 _:�i�.,..
<br /> 9. InSpeeil�n. Le�er n�itc ugenl mny re,z:�_�«:nnnahle entriec ury•n:mJ im�clinn�nf�he 1'ropert�. Lendv shall '��+_ _ -.__"
<br /> givC Oortower nolice al ihc�inte o(o�prio�la nn in.qn.�ion.�.ih�ing rcawnahic c;mxc for ihe inspcclion. ;4::"{�`"i�_;�:i`,�:�<.-.
<br /> 10. t:ondemna�inn. 7Lc rceced.of an a�varJ ur claim fnr dam�•e�.Jircc�ur conse uemi:d,in connrciion wiih nn ""'-_�-if�'-;��"-'
<br /> P Y' b 4 Y >-i4�.'..::-.�..':"�'
<br /> s���i�r��n�_eo�mr+m�rt�dm��t��isieuu�tissree�iest-v��r��c�,<�un 9.➢0 �ryxeJqe��x�n v��=:'•:���`::�
<br /> u.aw�U�.ionormx��R _`,,i.r' `;:•
<br /> To1Nrc�➢91�N1VA19IIIiAlEli191-Itll '7�'.�L. �'."'::
<br /> . f,i�._ 'L�__."1.-'!, .
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