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. .Y.��R�:d "'7.V'� .iA7p,�FllRrtm.umlrs:m::u�;<cs'n.�wNwx+w�...m�.wr.....+....,_... . —.. _ . .. _. . <br /> 92�. �,�rs�sz <br /> TOOii'(7itiR W!'I14nU the improvemenia nnw on c�ttnRu cmctat on tltio prop:uy,anA all cascmrnts,oppnncn;uiccs, <br /> nnd fixRUes now or hercafler a pan of�Iw propeny. Afi rcpinctmcros��d nddlllons shall nlso bc cavtnd dy tlds Scenrhy <br /> Ins��umeN. Allof�hoforcgolnS�srcfcrccd�oln�hisSecafl�yinstn�memnsiho"Propeny." <br /> IIORROWIcR COY4+NANTS that florrowcr Is Izwfully selseJ of tho csta�o Ir.rcby convcycd and has Ihe dght to gmN <br /> and rnmcy tCr.Pmpen:�asd U�at tLe l'topcny ts unencumlxred,exccp�for cncumb:anccs of rccord. portower wnnams and <br /> vril,tc@[rnh Qenerally fGe ti�'.o t»��o Propeny egalnst all claims and demnnds,subJtti eo any encumbrances of record. <br /> '4FttS SaCEJR€i'Y LNS7fI.;UMQN7'combines untform covenanls tor natlonal u:e and non•uniform covenan�s wf�h �.__ <br /> timited varivinns by joaisdiaion tocomtiiute e nniform securi�y ins�mment covering rail propeny. ,�,,. <br /> UNIL•'ORM COVf^'.NANtS. Borto'uee and I.cndu covenant and ngreo ns follows: __ <br /> ➢. PayrrsscraeClPctmct;7a:�s:uR C�cee+rast;Prepqmenl�nd i.nle Chargta. 6orcower shall promP�ly`iay when dua tho == <br /> �,rinet�ai oCanfl Ntemst oa ttrr.debt ev[dznced by�he Now and nny prepaymem and lato charges duo under tlie Nole. _ <br /> 2. FLrd.nfacT.".axesam9Co�evam.r. SvCjectaapPliwblotaworroawriuenwaiverbyl.ender,ROrcowers0allpayto �=; <br /> Lendu on�ho day mou�hty paYments are dus wvlcr Uie Ncte,un111 thc Note is pa!d In full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)ycady �`i, <br /> [szes and asscssmrnts whid�may aitnirt pflarity ot'zr thts Stcvrity ia;�uT..'�a=as a Ilen on the Propeny,(b)yearly Icasehold �• <br />- aymen�s or ground taits on tho Propecty,iF auy:(c) yeaity bazard or picpetty insurance promiums; (d) yeady floal �:�� <br /> Pnsuranco prcmlums, If any; (e) yead� mnrt�ge (ns�nee premtums,[f any: any snms payablo by Dortower to � <br /> Lenda,(n accordancu wi�h�he provis ons of daragap�8,fn tieu of Q:e pa.ymrttu of inenga�e insuran�prcmtums. '(Lese �,:_ <br /> � Ilems nru enlled"Cscrow Items: I.ender may,at any time,m¢ect ar.d Mtd FLuds in an azaoune not[o enc�!�`e ma�Jnwni e': <br /> amonm a Iender Por e kderally rclated n�nttgage[mn may req�For�oirovreeS escm•+r accouut w�er�e feCerat ftxet �=�"r=__: <br /> ' Psmto Sctttemcm.Ptncedures Act ot 1974 as amenrted from ose to rime,l2 fl.S_E.§ZEOL et seq.CRESPA"),w�Jess euoiter ;'_=•-. <br /> ' lew thal npplle�to the Mnds se�s a Iesser art:cvm. Itso.I.cmbrr any�ima,mltert ar.Q Iwtd E�Leds b�an amount nat to " `- <br /> ezcad 11{c Icsscr amoun6 may celima!e da:����d of IUnds due on �he basis of cvrrenc da�a and rensonable ��=- <br /> esiimnresofexpendituresottutweGscrowhtmsorott;erw�iseinnccordancewfthep�Ilcablelaw. <br /> The Ilmds ahnll bc htid in:u� inslltulion whatt deposits am insured by a federal agency, ins�mmentaiiey,or entity __ <br /> (induding I.ender,if Uender is snch nn instiwifoN or In nny FeQernl Home Loan Oan&. LenAer shxll epply ihe TimAs m pay --��� <br /> Ihe L•urorv Items. l.ender mny not chnrge IIosower for holding nnA uppiying Ihe Punds,nnnualiy nnalyeing�he escrow =_ <br /> acconn6 or verirymg the Cscrav Items, unless Lender pays Uortower interest on the �unds end r.pplicabic law pertnils °° <br />- I,ender to make such n rharge. Ho�vever,Lcndtt msy rec�uire Oorrower w pay n one-time charge for un IndependeN real _- <br /> estato tax rcponing service nsed 6y Lender in wnnce�ion wuh tM1is ioan,imtess npplicnblc law provides mhetwise. Unless an <br /> agreenunt Is madtor npplicnble law rcqnims imerrsl to W paid,Lendcr ahnll nm be required to pay Uovower�ny inieres�or _ <br /> enmings on the 3•Lnds. 6ortower and Latder may egrca In wri�ing,however,thnt Imerest>hall 6t on�hc('unds. Lender �^;_ <br />-- shall give lo Dortower,without chargo,nn nnnuxl xcmunting of�ho Ilmds,showing credlis end debi�s�o the Rmds nnA ihe �.�i`- <br /> puryose for whici�each debl�to�he I'unds tv,s made. 77ie I4nds nro ptedged ns addiifanal secud�y for all sums secured by t(„_- <br /> Ifis Sccudty Inswmcnt. �'-%-'- <br /> II Iho t2mds hcld Ly I.cnder oxcecd Ihu ani�mii6 yerrJiizd tu bi, t�efd ty a�.pllcatla la�. i.crder ahall acmonl Ie f.,.. <br /> Oorrower Por�ho exeess Nnds in eccordnnce with�he requtrements of npplica6le Inw. If iho nmoum of�Lo Punds Leld by <«.�` <br /> landcr a nny Iimo is not sufitcicm io pay il�o f!scrow Itcros�vhcn duc,Lcndcr may xo nmify 6ortmvcr in nriling,and,in `='��� <br />� such case Rottower shall pay m I.endcr Uio nmoum necessary to make up tlro deliclency. tlortowcr shall make up�he �??,'` <br /> delicicncy in no moru than twelve monildy paymenis,a�Lender4 soie discre�lon. �Y;�. <br /> Upon psyment In full ot uIl sums seeured hy�hlc Securiiy Inswmem.l.ender shall prompily refund to Uottower any I"-:-: <br /> FLnds held by tander. ff,under pamgreph 21,Lender shall acyutrm or scll�he Propeny.Lender,pdor io the ocqulsl�ion or ""` <br /> soic of thc Mopcity, shall appty any Nnds hcld by Lender m Uw timc of acqulii�lon or salc as n crcdl�.gainsi�hc sums �-:- <br /> sewn•d by thls Secudiy Insuumem. �;,•;;� <br /> 3. Appllcnlion of A�ymenfs. Unless applkabic la�r rovidcs oihcrnisc.oll paYmcros received by I.cndcr undcr �: • <br /> pungrephs I nnd 2 shall Uc nppllcd:firs4�o any�repaymcm cPargcs duc undcr�6c Nmc:sccond.�o nmoums payabta undcr ���- <br /> puagmph 2;third,io interesl dne;founh,to pdnc pal due;nnd Ins610 nny Imo charges duo under iho Naa �S'''-.-. <br /> 4. Chxrges{ L1rns. Oonowcr shnll pay all taxes,asscssmcros, charges,itnes nnd impositlons nudbumblc �o thc �+',�' <br /> Pro�rerty wLkh mey nualn priori�y over this Securiiy Instmment,nnd Icase6old paymems or ground rcnts,if any. I3ovo�eer �;;":_ <br /> s6�dl pay thcse obligatloas tn the m:mncr provided In 2,or if noi pafd In�ha�manncr,6ortower shall pay�hcm on - <br /> tlmc dircaly lo Ihe person owed paymem. 6onowcrshnll promptly fumish to Lendcr all nmlces of nmoums�o be pstd under �i�;"." <br /> tlils paragreph. If Qorrower mnkes�hese paymeNS directlp,Dottower si�all promp�ly furnish to Lender teceipis evidencing �r..,_. <br /> , thc paymems. :�: <br /> Dorcower shall promp�ly discharge nny lien whkh has prioriry over�his Security Ins�mmem unless Oortower.(a)ngrees ;�_� <br />" in wri�ing to the paymcn�of ihc obligetion sccureJ by thc licn in a manncr ncccptablc to Lendcr,(b)conles4s In gad faflh lhc ?'e��-- <br />-' Ilen by,or dcfrnds ngalns�enforeemem o(�hc lien in,lcgnl proceeJings�vhioh in�hc Lrndrrk opiNon opcm�c w ptevent tl�e Ft�•'+ <br />- enforcement of We tlen;or(c)setures from�he hotd.r of Ihe Iien an ngreement saiisfactory�o Lender subordine�ing tlie Ilen - <br />' ro�hB Secud�y Insvumem. If Lender detemilnes thai�iy pan of ihe Prope��y is su6Jec�m n lim��hich may allain priority '^� <br /> - orer tlds Sccudty Instrumem,Lender may give 6ortower a no�ice idcmifying the lien. Dovo�rer ahnll sntisfy�he lien or�ake }``� <br />