Ye SH°!7^'R.�"^ y�'s !}`t ;�' �JA S, - l�_ �i
<br /> 3��4 tk }�� {f�$4s`�.. Jl / �-. 1 �4 SII�]ia.
<br /> .. -- 1:5,.;'.K�lf��lA���MM�I�i�'i.Es�"s�ai ' . . ... ..
<br /> ._"._ _ . .���._.�...w�..«as.tii+Yi��i2::.:.... . ..,.. .
<br /> �,.g2�� �.os��z
<br /> cnndemnuion ocatMr�rlins of any p�n of�ho Tropeny,or for convcyancc in Ilcu of condcmnmlon,nru hemby nssigncd and
<br /> P�Id 10�-Vll�ef�..
<br /> !n tbc evcnt o(a io�al taking ot dio Pm��:ny. �ht I�rtnteds almtl I�a npplicd lo �ho sums sccurcd 6y this 9cruriiy
<br /> instnimcatt whpihtr or na then due,wiih n�y oxass paid to Borto«cr. in�he ceem ot n panial taking oF�hc Propcny in
<br /> wh�ch tli^�nlr mzrkef valna ot tho P�operly Immedimcly hforo the taking Is eqnal�o or grcaier ihan the amouN of�ho sums
<br /> sCC¢rcd by�Ids Sccuflry Insin�mem immcdlaiely bctorc ehc iakfng,unlesx 6onower.nd 4cndcr othcnrise ngrce In wriiing,
<br /> tlw sums sccurcd by�Ids Sceudly Inslrum¢m shall lu rcdnced by�he nmount of tl�e prncccds muhiplicd 6y the following
<br /> fmciloh: la)iho lolal amounl of iho sums sccuroJ(mmcdiatcly bctoro�ho mking,dtvldcd by(b)�hc fatr mnrket valuc ot�hc —
<br />� Properly immcdiately 6eforo tho tnking. Any balance shall bo pafd to (3orrowcr. in ihe cvcm of u paeinl iaking of Aie -•�
<br /> Properly In which�hc fair market vniuo of qic Propcny Immcdimcly bcforu�ho tnking is Icss than�ho amoum of tho sums _
<br /> saurecl immedialely htfoN tho Ixking,unicss portowct nnd Lender oihenvise ngree in writing or untess applic,ble law -
<br /> al�envlx provides,�he proeeuis shall bo applied w�ho sums ucured by this Seeurity Instrumem wliether or not tlie snms arc _
<br /> Uien duc. __
<br /> If the Propeny is abandoned by Dorcouer,or IL a(ur notice by I.cndcr�o�ovox�er thal the condemnar otfers to make =
<br /> ui award or scllio n clatm fo[Jamages.Bo[mwzr faits to rrspond m Lcndcr within 30 diys aRcr the O.rx u`�notice G gir.^n.
<br /> [.er.dar i;amhorixed lo mitttt and app[y tt:e proa�eds.u is cpnott.eiif�c ro rcswra�ian ar repair af�he Prop.tty or co U�c „
<br /> sums secUxd ty t6is Securiry Ia:cvmr�u.wF.c�Iitr or d:e.0 due. -
<br /> Untess E.e�tder acrt QaC�rw�o:our.nriu apr:z in xrir.�F any appLication of pmcer;a m pcincipal slwll r.ot s�te:rl cr --
<br /> Qosrpoc��hsAued:unaFth@momhlyydyau:enn:�rredF�52�+x��aphslar.d2aehxzg:t,xanowrcaE.�ch�y��rrr.ic _ =
<br /> - 39. lP.atYa+�rr Nnt Relenxed Forbrnmmce By Lti.�'.zr \c�i s� 043s`.eRr, Ex�ension o:d�e t�zti Per pu�mcrt r: _
<br /> moiifiwiion af nmohiraflm�of the sumx s�roureA by ihis Securiry Ins�m�n.nt grnnted by Lsnder to�vry sacEe>yer i�te:=rax -
<br /> of Etonowtr shnll not o{IC7n�e to rrleace the Iin6iii�y ot ihe oriFin�l BoRmrer or porrowrr's svceesso�v in intem+.i�n•.+.e� __
<br /> sha:l nm be rcquired to commence pracedings ngninst any suece�sor In iNCrcs1 ar mfure la¢xlCr.d dme for nxynti'nc or =-
<br /> othcrwise malify amonizmion of�he snms secu�.d by thisSecuriry Ins�rumem by rcncon of nny damanA made by the oeiE�nai =
<br /> Dormwer or Oom�werk successors in interesi. Any forbeannce by Lende�in txcrcising�ny right or remedy shall nm be a
<br /> wniver of or pm Iud��he exercise ot nny rigM or rcmedy. _
<br /> 17. Siccessors en�Auigos Sound;Joiv�V end Seccrnl I.In6flilyi Q:u•slgners. "fhc covennms xnd agrcemenu of ihts -
<br /> Sen�ri�y lns�mment shall bind unA lwnefi� �Iro successors nnA nssfgns of Lender nnd 6nvnwer,su6ject�o�he provisians of
<br /> p�rograph 17.OortowerS coven�nts and agrcemeNs shall be Jo(m nnA se�•eraL Any Oortmver who co�signs ihts Securi�y _
<br /> i�uwmeN bm doos nm exaulo Ihe Nate: (a)Ix co-signing tliis Scenriiy Instmment only io mongnge,gmm nnd convey�ha� __
<br /> Uortowerk imertst in ihc Prop:tly under ihe temu of this Sccuri�y Ins�mmcnr, lb)is nol personnlly o611gatcd to pay�he snms _
<br /> sccured liy this Sccuriiy lnsm�mcm:nnd(c)agrces�hat Lender nnd nny ml�er Ronower may agrco m extcnJ,mudify,fodxar _,
<br /> or mnko nny ncwmmoda�lons wiih rcgard w �he �emu of dJs Secud�y Instmmem or�he Note �rithow ihat Oorco�ser� _
<br /> consem.
<br /> 13. I,oan Chatgcs. If�hc loan sccured by ihfs Sccuri�y Inslrunum is wbJecl to n lan� �shich scis maximum loan =
<br /> cfiugcs.and�hat law is(inaliy inic�m(cJ au liiai i{ic irdcrc;i cr ciMcr lo:�r:hi�i$ii tvll..l:d c;Ir.tx cc7k.t.^d In ccrtr,::tlu� --:.
<br /> with�he loan excccA�he�xmilucd Ilmi�s.�hen: (a)nny sucli loan charge.hall be rcJuceJ by�he nmoum necexsary�o mduce 1'�
<br /> the charg¢to�he pemilited limfl;and @)nny suros�drcady coll.cted lrom Dorro�scr whlch exccedeJpcnnliteA Ilmha wfll be °"
<br /> mPondcA�0 6orrowcr. I�ndcr may rhoosc Io makc ihix rcfund by rcJucing thc princip�l oxed undcr tho No1c or by making u :�
<br /> dlrcet paymenl lo pnrto�ver. If o refund reduces p�incl{u6�he reductlon wlll lk lrea�ed a�a panfal prt{uyment wl�hom any (
<br /> pr.paymem clmrgc undcr thc Notc.
<br /> IA. Notlres. Any no0ce Io Oonmr'cr provided!or In Ihis ticcurily Insuumrnt shall M given by delivering ft or by --
<br /> malling h 6y Ilrsl class mell unlas appllcnblc law rcyuircs us:of nnoiher mc�Lad.'Ihc naicc shall bc dircc�cd io�hc Pm�ny -
<br /> Addrcss o�my other address Oorro�rrr designa�es 6y nmice�o I.ender. Any nmfa m LmAer shall 6e given by first cl¢ss
<br /> mail�o Lcndcr�nddrcss sm�ed or nny mher adAnss LcnJcr Jcsigna�es by notice�0 6orrower. Any no�ice proviAed for _
<br /> in Ihla Securi�y InslrumeN shall bc dremed lo have Uecn gircn �o Oorro�rer or Lcnder whrn gf��cn:u provided in �his -.
<br /> pamgraph. '
<br /> I5. Ciocerafng Law;Serembllity. Tlii�: S.curiiy Insuumcro shall bc govemeJ by fttleral I:nr and the law of�hc
<br /> jndsdiction in which ihe Propeny is loca�e<I. In�he evem�hm any prorisioa nr clause o(�his Security Inswment onhe No�e =
<br /> con0leis with opplicnM.laa•,snch con(licl skdl not affa�othcr pmvi�ions of Ihis Sccuriiy Imtmment or Ihc Notc whieh can =-
<br /> tw given effec� wiilwm ihe mntliciing provicion. To ihix enJ ih..proviximu of ihis Securiiy Inswmem and the Note are -�
<br />- declarcd�o Ix uven6le. -
<br /> 16. Oorroo'er's Cupy. Rorcower sh;dl be�i��en one conformed copy of�he Nme nnd of�his Secnrity Instrumem. -
<br /> - 17. '6nnsfer of Ihe Properl�or a Oeneiicial INerest In 6orroxee I(ull or nny pan uf�he Pro,eny or any interest in "
<br /> i�is anld or uans(crted(nr i(a ben:ficial in:erest in do�row�er is sold or uansRrnrtd and 13orm�eer is not a nam�al person) -
<br /> �vi�hom Lendrr's prior wrivai eoment.LenJ.r may,ai i�s op�ion.require immediate paynxm in full of�ll aums..cured by _
<br /> �his Securi�y Inammrn�. Hmvever,�his option shall no�be e�crcised by Lender i(ezercice is prohihi�ed by Rd.ral lan�ns of _
<br /> !he da�e of this Securi�y Insimmcm. _
<br />, If LcnJer exerdus ihis opiion.I.cndcr�hall gir.Unrrmecr no�icc of xccicraiion. Thr no�ia ahali providc a period of _
<br />? nol lc�.s Ihan 90 day+from�hc da�c�hc nolia ia J.livercd or nmiltJ u�iihin uhich Bnrtmrtt mnq pay all sums xccurcd by Ihis �
<br />.- Securily Inslmmenl. I(Flurtmcer(ail�lo pay Ih.x wai. prior W ihe expira�ion of�his p.rind. I.cnd.r may invoke any =
<br />` rcmcdies permiucd by Ihis Securily Inqmmcm�siihaW fmther nolitt or demmd nn Hurrnuer. ^
<br /> = 18. Oorfo»cr's Highl to Rclminic. If Borrou.r mects ccnain condfuom. ffnrrmrcr .hali ha��c ihc righl lo harc '�
<br />.- enforcemem uf Ihis Srcurity Inarumcm Jiaontinu.d al any lime prior lo ihe cadicr oL (al S days lor.uch other�riod ac .
<br />— ' S�aFk1:�nI...FannklL<,}'reddkAful'SIlcIR�114SIRP�IEYf��PmfmnCmcryni. 9v0 �ryu+.{nryiu� _,
<br /> hh �lti.i r'�J?j�. �rx.'s*�'����Vi�r4- - � .a`[j'Y - u.�r:h?� � . Y : . e � r8���r��h1� ��2'� ( - . llil�tl�� r �.+- it
<br /> 1 fl- - p` ii . . . .
<br /> r�t�jA r i � j;n� . )��� - � - - . . - — - }'� .
<br /> ..l _l_. _
<br /> , y._�r� � . ..,. . — _._ ' -i -__ " -- - __ —_ _ -_
<br /> 1 �1 F_
<br /> y. f � � .s - . . . _ - _ -
<br /> i l rt-- �{�u1�ft��'�{��i F>� r � ��1( �s F� _. i.. ' f.:
<br /> '!�4 �%/t,rt ���S�i2�- ����tri Y�Ct_ �71� � <i� • � .- . . , i -
<br /> 9 61J -1 'Q t . 1 1 - % 1
<br /> 41S��p, �t - ., ���13Y}f� �� + � . � . � . . � . •
<br /> 4[?{iSY£3';k i � _- ` ft'yti (��G4(! '�J�'_ �� ' t t . � -_
<br /> �� L�l �s1 - ` � l�1 i i{i�"f� ; /�.. � ` f � , � � l�_
<br /> 1k rl'�fi ��i t ��YI( � .l l�r��Jq � � � - E�� r e � y}� �
<br /> !,tA re � � li{�_!� �! �S S�"� 1 - S\1 J.-_- - - {,� s- -• } r . i!'-�r L2� -
<br /> y�rnt - �� a�ih42�j� ,1wJis 5i � ,h'z3C,; � t �j� _ h
<br /> ���- �l{)��'y{v �`�7f�� r� � °1UU� � - r S�Irt�� � r �t.; � �- ' � � � 1 j� - :
<br /> ta�l! 31 � }5,��AIN]5_- ��}�Y�'\�'+�ryfy�����g!4� #}fi �l r;t � �l .� � _ �{ti Y��n M���S��,{ts L�L '
<br /> y� �}�f"P�f�'k � iJ $ rX lF�t{�! �ii�,y[ .}}�ftE{��� ( -.�2� ,� �j 1 a 1�' " '�L c��jt e 1` kf ,
<br /> .,idu.4�e:�tdY,tI2I,I 4��Ji.i". .�Ywt�1}!l�i�t 7.�5i`c. �` „�i�r�lsi.: 'iwr.i,. � �a . .`�1� ; 1 � � _ _. �� �.. ��:._�.
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