�� .. . i 5_ _" __T�ffrli .' � _ . r7, ,�'FS},c �:4 t. ei'{ �. virr�.
<br /> �s; -rt_. ri'�� -'i l�Jh« ,. f:i�JR`# i.�+w+_�3C3r1iij _.......... � ���r�.
<br /> h.,l...i..+:...-u.S.1�.a,efd.._r.r.�.nt._....:....caras.xku.a..u.w.u.rwa...m�> - .,.n4w::'�3�..�Y�l.rlff�[:C S� �
<br /> �i .i 9 � Y �.
<br /> w,s,��,... . C..I-�
<br /> Y�t�,_' �,'. � , ; : ;
<br /> t F ' -3 8orcqyK«�y curs wch a dMwN �nd rHnelli0.ee prorW�d N Mr�pMh 18. b�uwNy the ecllon or proceedinp lo be ��'�ti r,, � -.��f
<br /> �3�d n-� • tqmf��ed Milh��W'�p tMt,N L�nd�t's 800d bNh dblemthtlbn,pnciudit IMi/kw�Ot 1h�Hartow6r'a NI6r0.t In lhe MopMy ot {Y,�t�f 3k i�i � �' �`
<br /> , c�f� � cihw mHuW N'�irrrMl ol ih�Wn aa16d 6y thl� f3eewlly In�6um�nt a undKS ��axNy inlere�t. Oortowx ah�Y tl�o Ue �7<<i�� e�y �y .� .
<br /> I _�� N MNult M 9ortown�dHN9 ih�b�n�pp6c+ilion procet�,q�w rnIMSM/Wt�a In�uunl�Niomutlon or smtan[,�;�to lenda .w_t �,�;1f�y.�.r":.
<br /> r s'.'y_� (4i q:i�t tu WuY3a l:,dti uith i�ny rdiat:l NIOtR.tiC�)4� Go^�cCti'<n. rilh Ih� tavn r M:n c e d 6y l he Nole, I nc w J ng� I w 1� -__ e-s.?a •.--.
<br /> - not W�NW lo, nQmmlWons concanlnQ OORDVlW�E �CEUPNC/ OI Ih� P(0(IM'/ �S � (NY1t1(111 flSIOMCR. II Ihl6 BOWIIIy� "�j �5� ? . ;
<br /> ,_'�:_.r;rg�, F,- �(_�`-•
<br /> _r _ ,:_ IntWmml k an s IMtMoid, 6arowx eb�A wm�N�h O tlu proWbn�ol�h�Iw�e. H OmowK uquYr� 1N I1Ne lo me �F� �� _, � '�
<br /> j , �;,, PropMy ih�lae�hold md Ihs lee Utle ehd no1 merpe uNess Landx eprees lo the merpx In wrh�ip. -•' S ;{ '
<br /> � 7. Prol�ctlon of tand�r s Alyhte In th�Ptop�rly.�I Ooeown 1�n� to pafoim the uren�nls�nd�preanonta N c - y - �';� ,
<br /> '�'% '�z{� coma,nd M�m� s«aM in�wmen6 a there is a IepU procwdn0 tlul rrNy elynManUy�Xect Lendx't dOht�In Ih�Ropaty � s i1 ,i t����[�s' ^
<br /> ��f (suth ns a powMsO h benfavplcy,probale,lor condxmWOn or foifoNUro or lo mloree I�wa or ropulWOne). Ihen Lendd rn�y � ti?1f3�lyFj,��, ��,r
<br /> '� do�nd p�y lot wludxw Is nKeskry lo protal ihe vtlue oi the Propoly�ntl Lmdcr'a dghls In�ho P�opqty. londa'a �c�lons � � -� '
<br /> ��7'w t`r.;i nuy Indude pryNO�ny wms aecured 6y a 6en wh!eh hu pdo:Ny ora thls Sewrity InsWmenl, appwln0 In wurt, p�y^0 '^" ._, ''�.
<br /> ra5ara6ia allomeya'fas u�d enlMng a�U:x Pm�nTy to mtko tepeMa.Nihough Lenda mey Ieko actlon undtt thi¢ penpnph � -f i �- _ n,t ;
<br /> � tX-���� E Lr+XS�es not hae to do eo. ' - �:
<br /> {'�z }� Pt�y ancvnW Bsbumed hy Lxnv4r i:ndn F'�+9'�qh 7 shai Excme eddNonel debl ot Dortowtt socured by thls ` ^
<br /> ` �.„:�, 5�:�?y�s"n:r.ii+L lF=s;8c.'�'� �.�' Lax=x agea to c='cer tai:�ct�.vy.menl,those amounts shall Uoar In:rrost twm �`r':•- ;.
<br /> ` - -r. tha E:.�e:d.SS�,ySN•,>••t ay s*•t{p?+tS+,t ac�d 5hat C2 y�ya'-�a.r�h fitmest,upon no�oo from Lendtt lo Uonowlr fC9ue5'L•g � � `.'�
<br /> t •_ - .� -i t S
<br /> r��i . � D�Yt'tPnL t r n _,� _.-
<br /> 4� 8, h4u[4�g�ga InSUI�IICL n Unef��e�:ted mc�tW3e hsuraace as a teMJ.'Sao 01 rnaFNg iho loen aen:rt3 by iMS _
<br /> � }.� ��- Sxc�cti V+',�'rore^t, Barowa shat pay U2 R:tt�k;ms req�l•ed to rr.clntsr 1Ve rwi�y+o L�surance h ettecL If,for any roasm,tAa � _, , _ '
<br /> � r f�',���� mortr,+eg?SR3uMC7 COYM9�fOWYA1 L!L41ldN 1i73D3 ot CCdSC3 20 t�e 51 07I2t�. B:rtOWM SFA1 D3Y tF0 P�lfiY_MS rm�vFad to -- r � ; '
<br /> ; H:",Y
<br /> 7 i r� r� obLin wvere 9 e aubSk�IW�equN�iml l0 1ho eiaYStie Insurence�r�zva:el�h xYet al a eost subslutia4� ecpatiaFK:!to LM ;,Sff l
<br /> )�rr iP �ti eost to Borcowet ol Ne mortp�9e hsun�w prrrlcuxt;H e9e,.-1. Lnn an alemate ratge9e S+sura �pProvsd 6y lmd:r. i! � -(��d � �`,r_�< ,.
<br /> � ��.,y subsUn!t�:i EWNWmf morlg�go hsurs+ca eovdnpe F>not ere.nbk. D�rtowa s� ,r�y lo lender each momh a sum equal to ��;; z a `
<br /> � t� _�� onaixeYfi N lhe yeuy matq�9e Nsma�n.e prm9um beinp peld by Ea�axc�whcn ina CsurT.�cak—nyo Lpsed or ce�sed h f;fixS�T}Y .�',I [t,c: .
<br /> !�r'n ggg
<br /> �+�'� : yp H c5¢Ct. Lender xi�ae�il, use e�:�reuln Ihese qymml5 as e Nss ruserve �n feu cl r.sv�„Nsuranee. Loes resme ��c �y����rl�/�il'f-�
<br /> h ahiT'� k� .
<br /> - �p� paymzn':r vay no bnger Ee requYed..Y.tne op0an o�Lmder,H mortg�ge Nsun�ce ecrm9e (M�the unount and lor the pa�a7 a � y# j �
<br /> � 1 �, that Lendx�equires)povlded Ay an Insuer approved by Lmder agah becomes sva:�eNo ond Is o6lelned. Orzm_x1v she!pey �_Q+ n+-- ��� �T t'-
<br /> tyE..!. i V �W 9�9 }_• -. -.)i4�Ss�Ti� .
<br /> � .��,. Ihe premiums re��mr�e>m�Y�Uh morlg�ge hsuruiw N eflecl, or lo rorlde e toss resave,un11 the r Yement 7.r mo�l e
<br /> r 4�- �?1'�' Nsu(aue ends M mcu�anoe x4,h�ny xiitim�greemml bMveen Bortown and Lmax or�ppfuble kw. f 1'�� ���F�:��4 '_
<br /> . < t r,�k','�sr "
<br /> ��7���- 9. �spaLlYon.lender a Xs aqmt rcry m�ke rason+ble mtriea upon and Napeclions ol the Propttty. Lender sh�Y gNe {i�' � i ! r1 ?
<br /> �r tryi�, Oortm�xr oatkn at the tYne ot a plor to�n Nspeabn speUyNg rason�ble e�use lor Ihe Nspection. r{{ . � }y .--
<br /> i 1�S 10. Condlmna110n. The proueds ol�ny awud or c4Mn tor dun�0es, dral or wn¢equmii+l.N wnnecliai wrih nny - -.-� � �� i�
<br /> --��,���� eondamalion a othn Fildn o(�n ol the Pr e� or lor eonv anee N Seu ol wndermeJOn, ue herub assl ed ond �yi'.e 'r`- '-°...
<br /> �','<�i4� 9 v w� � N. �r r � / r , I,!
<br /> sh�9 be pald lo Lenda. li };, � 4 A �.?�Y
<br /> `'�'-'4f�b' In t�a event of� tolel Wdn of the Ro ed, fYq ro c e c ds a l u l be � G e d to I he aums seare d h 7 h% S a m ri ry ��a.-'j'�✓,; S>��'���s
<br /> .�;i't �- ��. G P f P PP Y i.,,;.;_.,,S��:�.:,,._-_.
<br /> '� ��-�'�=+r` : Inswm.es.wheiher a not lhen due. wfth any exceas Deid to Qorrcwtt. In lhe avenl of e pxra!WMg ol the RoperFj tn �,;; ,j;R(yY'{�C�'-��[.��_;'
<br /> ,tt�dl �p� whieh Ihc Rv mukN ralue ol lhe Propttly Immem+tey belore C+e tvdag Is equy to w graler Da� ice unoum oi tiie nvera -�•1 4cf�} 7�55 •��
<br /> �ll,�,� aearM ty fhls°enrly Irtnliumml Immed�aley betoro iho IakinO•unmss Oottowtt end Lender efhmNsa apree N WAYng, tho �F,� nl�:
<br /> � � �S, sums aearcd by vi,9aturfty InsWment ShU he reduced by Ihe nmcut.f ol 1.`a,ttoceMS mulGp9ed by Iha 9a71avMg lnctbn: (�j,'" � ������`?� ��'
<br /> ..5 .r;,!.l q
<br /> - 'S;;�� p)Ihe totJ�mcu�o:mx svms sewred Immtd'�alely belore the tnkfi6•�SvfUed ig �b)the fa4 markel value ai�he Roperry r � , '�
<br /> r. �yl!��Z�: ynmt�Gete}�bo!tte t5e lax:ng. My haknco ehd be P�d Io Boncwer.In Ihe evml o��patllel Wking ol�he f'repnfy N wFlch ���f 1i � � �i��r
<br /> �'Q Ihe IUr r+aiet vWim ol�he Prcpa:ry >rmeduldy Lofom ILa lekr3�s less Ihan Ihe a���nt et ihe :.�:a: seared!mr.:!��?; � i1 6 l ni ,_
<br /> ��"`_5� bNoro tha WWg. �nless Omarcr e��tl Lmder olhemise egree Fn writfng or unless appGCab:e kw clhmNSe Frov1Ge, the r�`:.'4r 'L�y�-3 -
<br /> tf -�Y� '.�. proceeds sh�1 6e aFps=U to�Te aums�nured by Ihls 6ea�ily InsWmml wlwlhq or nol lhe sums are Ihm due. I .� t tf:�yf.���'�
<br /> _ � ��,, Il lhe Propdry h e7.iac'ened by Dartowa, or N, eCer noUee by Lender lo UortowM(hat Ihe conderrnor ola:s to r.�ake an �- � 7
<br /> � ., ewud or s[ttle � din in denw�rs. Bortower faCs lo wspond lo Lendn wuhN 90 deys ofttt Ihe d�te tF.e noCro h �ren. =;i � � t �,y�;'-
<br /> i lt� :� LendM Is�ulhoiV.etl lo m6ec1 enA a;gH�ho p�oceeds, el Xs op7on. Ntha lo«stonPOn or«pW of the ProDerty u to �,� S _" �
<br /> . -,4 ��! �_� fhe sums aecurod 6y IF.!s 8ecuriy Ins�vmznl,whether or nol thm dua �-r, �����El��r_y -
<br /> Unless LendM s�0 Dorcower othmNse eflrco In vrtl:Ng, a�y nDPE���on ol proceeds lo prfntlpel shell nol ertend o: � o
<br /> i 1�f--�-`'f poslpone lho duo de�.e cl lhe moMhy paymenls rMerted lo N pera9mphs 1 antl 2 a ehange Ihe unoum ol sueh paymm�s. �� f�.�isk'rr6"a=��
<br /> .,.;r.,,��'� 11.Borrowor�ot Rele�eed; �orbearance B Lendor Not a VJnivar.Exlcnalon ol the tin:e tor paymmt or +?;� � "F:',..,.
<br /> Y • q.r 15t �
<br /> > .'�: modGwelion of emo:*zaYOn of Iha sums seared by thls Seatlry�nSWment gmi�6y Lendtt to eny SYGCa'35d in Ntnesl ., ;���r- ,��, •,e��.
<br /> � �t$+ -i'„ o�OortowK aheY no1 operate to�e�ense tha W4�Ety ol Iha oAg4�al(ionower or floaarcYS 6UCp!)SOfS N 101P!!SL LMdM ShLE '(� ft ��f}J�jd-;�
<br /> ' {x'� - not 6e �eQuBed to commmeo pmcee:f�gs againsl eny suae.sor In Nterest or rehiso lo ezlenc!S+�:e 1[�peymmt or othcmisa ., - n- � ��, e.
<br /> r- v:: � "
<br /> {r -�_!Z modAy emali7alion of Iha swns xewre! by this Seeudry Instmmeril hy reason ol any drvard mn�k 6y the orlgMal - .' „ dtr� =� ,
<br /> FS .£Af�i= Uortowtt a 6orcowds suaussore In hterest. My to�be.vanco by Lender in ezereis'ng a�y iigM or ¢meRy ehef not bo a - ;• r �<r �-_�<`'�-
<br /> - waNtt of or preUuda the ezerdse oi eny tlghl or«mCd/. :^ ,�.�t`i}�%,`��,�
<br /> �'��l �'fi� 12. 6uecsasws +nd Aaslgns 8ound; Joint end Severa! Llabillly; Co-sl�nors.Teo cc�enanis and yk; p;� -
<br /> ti� -ar�.l�':�, aqcemmfs ol this 3ewdy InsWmenf shafl bNd and bme(�lho suacssws and essl9ns ot lend¢r nnd Conower.suDkq to fhe ,; �A�;x,E :;.
<br /> �5 •:,, prevs:o.:s ol parug��py 17. Oortowers tove�anls end egreemmis shal bo�o5:t and 5weraL A:u E!cnaxer who co�n$n>:tis � '_ .t) i"�.
<br /> ��} ` -�t,: Sew�y InsWmmt bN does not exeale tho Nolr. (e)Is eoslgnNg Ih!s Securiry InsWmenl ony to moM1gego,grent and cc:�?y ��:. , ,_,�:�;�'
<br /> = �5���-]-;�< lhel6onower's intttcst in tho PropMy undn lho tercns ol lhis Sewry�nsWmmt: @)Is not personaly ob:igated to pay t:�e . .,
<br /> sums secured by t.`.s Seoudy Inswmm�: and(cJ egrees�hat Lenda and any o�her Oortorrer may a9reo to extend,mod�ly. _ -
<br /> -.`• loibenr or mnko an}a:ccmmodallons rmh regard to lhe lerms ol thls Sewdy Ins:::.�r.ent or lho Noto vr.IhoN lhal (iortowc+'s �.
<br /> r f--.��`. �
<br /> t � ;�'��: tonsenL �� _
<br /> � �, �.�.,,.;� 73. Loan Ch0/{J09. Ii Ihe!ca+sewrcd�y lhis Searity Insfrume�t is subjecl lo a Ww wMCh aels maximum loan �
<br /> '::t:��1i•_,,;,ry, eha�Ges.ase Ihnl la�n is fmaly Nterp-e:cd so�hat 1he in:eresl or aPe•kan eharges eoCected or lo be coCtttcd N coanecCCn �' �
<br />_..r.. -.';�� � wAh ihr�[xa exeeed lco permf.ted Nres.thm: (u)eny such loan ch.rr,e sha:l be reAUCed by t6o amanl necessnry to retluce
<br />, . Ihe rJ�a:�e lo lhe D�^��ed Lm:1: end(b) eny sums a4eady ccEec¢E Irom 13rnower which acceded peRn!fed Ivni:s wi0
<br /> . � ie �e:.mi�cd lo Bortower. Lendtt mey choose to rcaGe Ihis reh�tl Ly mduWg fhe pdndpal owM u�dc+ t�e Note or Uy
<br /> . • r� I-exr� n fiCCl paymMl�o �orcowcv. 11 a re.Lntl reNG:s p�'rc;n: Ihe rMUUion xvl be Ireatetl as o pari'a: prtpaymenl
<br /> w9r:u:a-y D«Paymmt charge und¢r�he Nole.
<br /> � tA,NOtIC�s.My no6ee lo Bonower p�oridetl Ic�N ttis:¢:,.r:�[-S�m*erl ehell 6e gken by de:4eMg n or 6y ma:'.ing il
<br /> - � by 6ef rass mnl uksa oppEwble Iaw�equues use ol enoiher ret�ce. ' _ ::¢e sha0 be d"ueded to C•e Fropttry Address
<br /> . l v nfnrc ndtlrPCi 6ertower desia�ales 6Y no'uc¢ Ic LenCM. !�f'�r.::.=':t _er.¢r Sha7 be gken tr� bst eq55 ma3 IO
<br /> l(rOH's Bddr¢55 S'1:td httCln m any o1hM a0dess le�dx des'p�a:es ty n:c:e r. Dortowtt. My NY.t p:Orided lor In - -
<br />- th:s Secur�ly InsWnxr:l sha7 be deemed to h3�e been giicn te @<r�uir o� Lendv whn SF��^�3 D�odh-0 in lhis pa�aryaph-
<br /> 75. OOVOfltina LAW; SOVO�abllity.lhrs Scra:riry ms;n-m�shan be goremed tr� 4nvai yw and lho Ww ol the
<br /> _ jxfsJCtion B wtixh Ihe RopM�y IS loceted- N Ne e�Ml tha: any prOrl5lon o! dause c�us ScW:ry InsWmenl w me
<br /> . thle ccnlY.ls rr:�h �;5firnble Hw. Euth eon:�l anal r,ol e1feU olhtt prwlsions ol th!s £ecvrr�I.:sWmMl a lhe Nole which
<br /> �ao Le y�m a.c��vout Ihe con:icGng pcnscn io m�s c+�d the provisions ol Ihis S�cv�xi Mcwmmt end 1he Au�e ere
<br /> � dx�td!o Ge sr.tt�Ne.
<br /> ' Lta.SOrJ�O�vDIB COpy.Oortorxtt sh�i 6e 4'�s�4�'��^'��wpy ol Ihe Noi+an2 c�[N5 Securi:y InsWmmt
<br /> (+,^
<br /> S'.!;
<br /> �' o�F' 1:r 1 �S_ �
<br />. " p:��� Ff)16W0110.91�
<br /> •f�
<br /> .. L%. !
<br /> 9l1<I LM I
<br /> )
<br />