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"''a "; } � � I .�� ��. y _ .� i f .�`�ifj'�:5. ;! <br /> . . 1!" _j "'Y� <br /> - :�F �' -, _ e t �. _._ "� - � " �. �' 'ri_ <br /> � ) t S�{,y� �. f . 1�1N .ef� L���tF, f � <br /> ...�.�r._,k�,,t.t.r.....a24..K�G_3......c-._ti..�..,,se.�. "__...�.u.....z�..w.{Ll3itJk�'li�• _ <br /> � <br /> Si M MM�ind�1 NeMtenu.�PPwIMNWY�Nd �'P��fi`�{a� <br /> ;w r,� • T0C3ETTFIER NTTH M lhe NprovanMlt now ot h�Rw wdM on Ihe a . v Y�iy f �. <br /> 0 E <br /> �r • pqWq npyi q hu�6K a pvl ot th�propuy.M npMwnr�ts�nd+ddtloa�shd pso Ue wverW by th��&arity InsW mm�. 4'���i"L i��r , -�. <br /> ; i A�s!�{ ' M d'fhe IonGo4'�p b M�nW Io tn thk B�nxxl�Y N�uwmr�t u ihe'I'�tM+MtY� (.�. �r?- Fs,�°�(�k �� . <br /> �f"�� conry�lhpi ProPKly��6 P�a���t�4�...-^.�aarC��:d, ao:MM tMt�mwmUrnce��ol noord s B�orcowAir'wumta r d� s4'f {�°}�,{� t.,: <br /> =i'�� wii defend yenx�ry Ih�WN to Ne Propwy ap�hil M dYms snd dem�nds,su6Jec1�o any enwmbrencss ol neord. ; �f�r._'�4� + - <br /> s,? ililII SECURfiV IN9TflUMEHf combY�ea unNmm cwerunle lor nnllonel use +nd non�unBOrm rar�n�nls w9h � t�l�y�y,4� 1 �_ <br /> fvMtod v��llona by Wdsdlotlon lo conNiMe�unNam eecurity MNrumenl eoveM9 ral prope:ry. y.1 C�^�� �) .' -- <br /> ,rX�+T; IINIFOAM COVENhNi9. Oarowx�nd Lender toven�nt end apreo ae fo6ows: ����j�� -„' f . <br /> �,��'� 1. P�ym�nt of Princip�i �nd Inbnat; Pnp�ymmt �nd Urt� Ch�rges.oonowa:�w a«mW n�rW��� � ` �f », ` <br /> r -� <luo t6o p�lncipet ol and Inittesl on tho de61 Mdeneed by tha Note end eny prep�ymmt and Yle ohuges due undor tho 'Y� 1 ,�� <br /> n -<j Nole. -�,-rf,s <br /> x*�} i�y 2. funds for 7a�s�nd Ineuranc��SubjeG to�ppic�bie Nw or lo t writlen vnker by Lenda. 8orrowa th�!pry �' � `_;Fq�,h,� �-. <br /> t. -� to tndcr on Iho day mm�lhy p3;rrrn(s e.rn c��o unda tho Note, unli lho No1e Is peid N 1ul,e sum('Funds')for. p)ya:N .. <br /> ��olz� tt+ces anU assossmmis whkh mrj z�h p�forily orx Ihls Bewr'ry InsWmenl ns�1im on Iho Mopdty,@1 Y�N loesehold r -• ���i + <br /> paymn:ts a gar.d rents on Yhe C'tcpnt� anY• (u)Yary I�verci or propary Insurcn�e preMums: (�Ya'ly Ilood Insuru�co ` - � �'�r`� .� <br /> �{��� �cy7iyns.7!�.y,(x)ytyt�mwtq�a hvxante p�emWms,H eny,antl(Q eny aums p�y��ix bi Borcowu lo lmdtt In�cwrduiw y E. ` �) �-: <br /> �.,e;.`��� M��I IY:R Lftl(IS{ORS N P1/A9f�q�}I 8.L'�T2V OI tI1R 6�YT'Gl�0� fiW1IflB98 Lt51aS'tt0 p:tt:�:l� fiesa An7a ua caP.ed '[aumv ' ' <br /> r� 'rv� ft2ms.• Le+rY�mze. ai any Yma. coir.t a.�+Q RMCI Funds N on amwi:ect ta uce:317:� mttl+xm am'r:nt a tmder 1or a _ � <br /> �_ htbCre?y reTa1M m7C�ye loai m:Y rech:h 9ar Ba.�rawars esttaw �etwni w�tr tAa fx�5aa!Rcvl Esqtx Sepf.vnent Procecl:res _ <br /> Ac2¢f 7974 as ar-+zr:�kJ haro r.r.x m tYne,12 V.SC.$260! ¢i sxq. ('RESoA').ur.Yrss ►aN.r 4w thN appfes to the F�nds � <br /> at25 n lesse+tnl0unt li so,l�on�m+y,n�a�y tine,ccL>c2 a+d hoSd Fund�In ai a-nm,nt nol to exceed the kssa+a�rmm. _ . - <br /> t!�t-�� LmAn nxy osthu;e the rtncunl rF iunds d�x a�tha W sfs o1 cunml d�la and re�sa�a;h esWalas oi�mdM1Utes ct _ : , <br /> ir� �, E¢aow fle:ns m cJ.homSSe N aaordence with r,�;.Ecable law. <br /> ?� The Funtls stial be hetd N�n hsliiulbn xhose deposHS ara NsurN by a teder:l a�e�ry.NsWm5nuGly,a entiy lydud^g �s .� �`�jI h�'- <br /> r"� Lenda,il Lrr:dcr�S such on hstilutfon)a b my Fedard Home Loen B�nk leod.v shn➢n�ply 1he Funds to pay lhe Esaow { ��ill��f�� � <br /> � -}l� items.Lmckv may nol diuge Ottrowur fa hoi��9 and app>�:�9 tho Fuads,W.w�:r z�.Yyr1z3 tha aaow aaount. a vuiyl+g �tI r�{� k-+ � <br /> �+rf' tha Esuow ftxns, unless p�ys Oortowtt Ntaosl a� IF.e Funds end �ppGUb!a ww pertAts Lendp to m�ke such a y�,y� ._��"�}�'h , <br /> � �„- eh�rga.Howcve�, lmdtt ma,i n�uYe Barowa lo qy a ono-timo ehmge for�n{ndependmt ral esirle Ux repoiGng aeMce r�ry` },�ixb ft', - <br /> ,,�,t �� used by Lmdtt i:� a�neeWn w7h thi, loan, unloss �ppiceble lew provides olhwvrise. Unlesa en ngreanent is rade or �� s �,?(1i _ -_ <br /> yr�z �p p ipble kw t:�qUrrs idorest lo Ue p�ld•Lenda shel nol 6e«qu1rM to pap Bcrrowa cny Nlaest a enrnhgs on tha Funds. i`fJ�/���f!y f,y�.,yi .: <br /> Bottowx end ler.:7ar cay ayro in writn9. howeva, th�l Intgest ahN be Pa�d on l he Fun ds. Lm dn s n-1 p ka to B w r o w e r, z }I-+/ �>�jt�i <br /> x=�'� wAhout chvge,M NI�VA ACLOS^.lNl)0�Ihp FVIIdS. 6IIOWkt$M'Mi15 LIIO fICNS t0 Ihe Funds end Iha purpose lor wh!ch mch °L���?�/q�t�y',,:�� <br /> ��` Y�y de67110 Ihe Funda was mad> qho Funds ue pled9M as a�tll5vd aew�fly la�1 surr xourcd by the Seariry Instrur-en:. ��i`- R : <br /> II ihe Funds hNd b/Lm7u exceed Ihe unounis pmrscnf to De hdd by ippllcabte rxr, Lendd sh�i aaounl l0 2�+oxw ` l;� }�t�.o,,,.- <br /> .`-s;:<'�: Srabio kw.Il the amoun!ol lhe Funds hdd 6y Lmdor�+'.ary ��1(t� ' <br /> � 't�;�� ,Iin»Is no�suffiden�i to p�y t�h Esaav Items whm due,Leada mey no r.ra��Ocrtower N writNg. entl. N such wsa 6crtcwa '�}}��;} ��� ��_. <br /> �� 1i-: shU pey lo Lenda lhe emount neceswy to m�ke up iha defidmcy. Qcr,rNe shel nuku up lhe defidmry N no more than - � <br /> ��i-. lvreMe monlhN pvyments.el Ldfder'e sole dsaetlon. S- r�tYf��?r���}�'`-- <br /> ' -`= L'� p;..=! !� h9 e! •_� s�!ms 5^n�IM by Ihls 6e�?i InswmmL LenCer N�aY cromnN� rHund to Oonc�mr eny =�'jd.' ...-. <br /> r � flrds hetd by lender. Ii, ur,�tt parsgroph 2i, L�v�dtt shaE ecqu!re or sell the Prcpe2Y.�enCx,pdor to 1he ecquisXiun ur sa!e }!-�7, <br /> 1'� °�• c1 Ae Properq.aNY�ppy r.r.r i�nds hNd by Lmdtt el tho lho ot auv's?!.�o+�+7•'az�Uedl�8�51�he sum.a searcd 4 }+Ef�(r�(�i <br /> 1 ; try tYS feerrty t�sllmmt. r <br /> � � �t. <br /> �i i��� 3./f��y�tCatiOn Ofi Payfiltl11t6.Ur.Ncss apF6ubie tew provides o:��w�e, a11 paymmis rau:r�s h/Lan�e� undtt � �� <br /> C'dlo�ry[pOhB 7 fl�3 P!}I11 b0 lpj4lfl: N61.10 eIry{Nlplm1CY11 cherges�ue wdei tha Nole: saond,to nrnonats p�ya6N uMtt y ,b <br /> �. �° _- pnmpmph Y;thYtl,lo hlerost dvz;fowlh,to D�aPal due:a.r,]ksl,to my N�e�huges due untltt the Note. <br /> p <br /> t _; 4. Chnrpoa; I.Ane.Oarowa ahel pay al Wces. �saessmmis. clu�qee. fines�nd NposiUons ntWUUY.+h7x �u Ce � �"'��7S� <br /> --�. s. Pruperry w"�ch m�y alleln pdoriry ova thls 9ewdly Inswmen: end Iensehob poymenis or ground rmts, II eny. .Br.ronu f1!4�r �t s , _, <br /> +;\� shd pey t"f:so cb4.5nlions N the menner Drovldcd in pa�9�eph 2, or il r.o�p3:d In Ihat mennn, 6ortowtt shall pay I�em tn ;+��"/�i�� - <br /> :�-�ii- �,; time dreCUJ ro the qnSOn owed paytnml. DortOwer sha11 promplly lumis4 lo tmdtt e11 notiees ol amoums lo bo peld '(P7!!,(��'.._„�,'. �_ <br /> ' '' Ihls pereprep+-u@ar.cwn makos these D+Ymmts SrecPy, Dortowa elat C���pW hmish lo Lendtt recNpts eriCenchg ����� �h, i � b- <br /> � �"- Ih0 P!)'lI1M�5. f� � �r;ny' r <br /> r -'� Oonown eTa➢ptorcQl:7 cf3cherge eny Cm which hes pdority ova Ifiis&wri,y InsWmenl unloss Oortower. (a{a;;res ���- ��. �� <br /> r -r h writ4ig lo the�y�n1 0:t�c ciGytlbn sea�ed by lho lien h a manner eccepleble to Lender; (b)eoMests In good 13i1h Iha /G _ �� M1 . <br /> ��,�'G fen by,or de��n+CS ac,eMO!<Na:cemenl of Ihe fim In. legsl pror,eedings whkh N Ihe Lmder'e opinion opereto lo povml , y R (1�` �� <br /> � -�� tha at t:+e Yen:cr(e) aewres f:an Iha holdtt W the :cn n�agrecmml eetlsladory to�suburdmalinq lho ; 1�r1�'{3'{�vr <br /> S s � Gm lo ihis Sxwi.y IneWm¢nl II Lcnda delemunes Ihal eny �ait U F.^o Pmycrty Is eubjttl to a Ben r.i::h may alt6ln plorily � f t`ti'� .' <br /> _ � --q; ova Ihia 6au:�.ry'ns7rumm:, tcodn may gke Oorrower n naCce k��uyr�me em. oo�rowM snee eausy mo Aen o�blee ,��'��r� ; <br /> ' : one tt more cP.7he aGbns ss^.1Mh ebore withN 10 deys of vhx 5t+'r•fl a noECO. �.r �+li. � � <br /> � S. Hx3nr�C1 M PlOP6�ty f11611M11GO.6ortaxer sha3 kaep tEe.'m}vaemcn�ca..cdsting or hneeRCr accted o�tho � �?^,�. - <br /> r- i <br /> ,�_�i (4pperty 4uvew a�lnsl loss by fue, heLVds htluded wNhln �ke temi 'e<:tndeJ cv�azn7i end eny olhtt herards, McLdng {- - '%r.: 5 s ,: <br /> > �� �1 floods a 1!so9iny.(Or whlch Lmdtt requYes insuranw. This L�surance sh�:l be r.^a'r.7incd In�ha omouNS end fof�ho pqlod5 ,r�:�%,f'_}:'i�;_-'� <br /> t--" ; that Lmdcr�tt1�'res. Tho Insurenw eertla proridmq�he insureneo sAetl he cr.oaen by Ocrtower sub�eet to Lrnda's cAP�o+'al ' - - �°.5 ��. - <br /> wNCh sha9 uot be unreasoniby wnhheld. If Oorcowtt la7s ro maY:ia!n eovtveyo descnSed abore, Lmdtt mey, et Lmder s .���Lf;f��, - <br /> __..".Ii' opyon.oblah covttega to prolccl lmdds d9his in tho ProPMry In accordance wNh para3n:�7. ',� - <br /> - M Nsuranw poiUes end rmcwals shn7 be accepfeble to Lmdn ond shn7 InuWde a ste�dard mod9ege dausa Lmder � '1 � ��'ti_';�- <br /> ��� shetl heve thn a�ght to ho:d the po�dM and renexals. 11 LenCx feGures. �ortowM sha�prorry�ty g!rc to Lendtt o�receipls ol �-- +�-�,� � <br /> :`-g pad prm�h:ms o�d rmrxal notltes. In ino ermt ol Ioss. Uortowtt shei giro prompl noGce lo Iho Nsurenw uinicr and - <br /> -=- ;� Lenticr.Lmdn may nuko p�ool ol loss X nol made promp0i by OonanH. - .�:,,�,� <br /> �',- •` UMess LrnCtt antl 6ortarer olhmvlso agreo In wntn9. ��iurar.ce y�oueds sha�be app5ed to restorellon or�epei of � <br /> �.5''��; C+e Propary dama3M• � Ue resloreGOn or repatr is ec<nor.;wLyr Ieas��:e and lendx's sewtlry Is nol lessmec. u t.:o �,�.'''�,� �� � - <br /> `.,,,�pl'!.�i ros7omUOn c� re�ai B nct economiwry leasi5ie or Lmders sea..�-�y wcold be kssmeG. lha Msurance proceed s�a➢ke � <br /> .- � eppGed b the s;rrs sm:r[d Ey this Searty Inslrumml. whe;ett u n:[ then Ne, nilh any excess paid to Drnc�x. Ii <br />��__i,,,�>;j OaTOwtt ataxs;�n IRe Prope1ly, or docs n01 U�Swtt wtlhYl�O d17s 2 nO:CP F.Om LM�CM lhdl U! i'+SU!2nCC cartkr has ' - <br /> '+1• O�:IXC� l0 Stl:s a tlaia t7un Lender mey GO:ICEI lh0 11114'fdrtCt �OCPPdS- LCI�C�M �l3'/YSt tT! P'KfEdS l0 IlpdY Of - <br /> �-�'�� restue the Ac�er.� tt t� pi� sums secureE by this Secumy Ins',rw..+mi n�e:nx a nl �hen 2ue. The 30-da�pMoA wil <br /> ptt�tt wTM I�e ntL'YC ls q`�m <br /> � Uniess IPnGCt entl f3<rttwcr olhmWSa egree h wn:'v�g. a+/ ayiw!itn W pweeds to q'ndpal sha7 not er,me or <br /> - � � p9i`��nt the d:e dete ol the mOnlhy poymmts re:Mred to n pr�qaphs 1 end 2 or chante the amo�r.l ol Ihe <br /> ya�z�v:s Y e�:.r paragraph 2I the Prope�ty Is acquued by len6� 3c�cwci s dghl to eny Ns�+sr,ce pofides and poceeGs <br /> :•'_ a .�._��.�r�.�� <br /> i.s ..1�n�nn oAml ee e}s s z Ev Ihls Sc(vn`� <br /> ' i4saTi.y mnn vnTnyc�v n.c r. r^^ .� :=� �-M+�'-=� �- �� ' ' ' �m- ' " <br /> ',--� ms nr...�s::melalBy pdor lo the ocq�!st,:on- <br /> �. Occupancy, Proservation. Malntona�cr and Pratoctlon of tho Prnpnr2y: Borrowora I.oan <br /> 'J.ppllCatlOtl; 1ea50hOtd5. Oonorrcr shal O[ary/- �rV.ibii�+. azd u5! Ih!WeyMJ as Barcntt's prindpa� �es�Gmm <br /> wnhh stAy days afttt the eFewtion of thls Seariy Ins:rurrtt:[s+4 arxt r�.•r.ue to ccwj7 e��Prn:�xty as DortowK s printipal <br /> � teSWmco(w el leasl one year atler the dale of oau�ry.u::n� la�2v eA�m!aq��i n�cGCg. which consmi shaY not <br /> � be unrcasonaby wnhhel0.a uNess extmuating d:wmstarwes e�ise w.`•:<N a'rt E�S•M:r.d Bn�.rowei s conUOt Dortowtt sha!no1 <br /> destroy. dam3ge or 4n�nk the Wopttry. Mow thc P�opttry to dM¢�•.a'ie.a�w�+���:r��nt:on the Propnry.BortowM shal be <br /> l� dc4sutl tl any/odcY.urc ccWn or prottcdmg, whdntt c+.i a Mmiui. is 6cgw l�at ti La�tltt's goc�l lanh tudgmml could <br /> �k�-,'• rr.uN h IalcLUre of tho PrupMy cv o�hmrise matMaT�tnaal the Gm aca!M by thls Scwriry�nsWmml or lmd�i sewriry <br /> . ,`� .�., IO:MC51. <br /> ' '�' FIp6 WO IIOAII Par]o�5 �_ �_ <br /> _ .F'? �, <br /> � <br /> 9}11}lM ` <br /> 1. <br />