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, . � } 3 - ti11� X' - F f r- .� . {�- IyN .��.49'-F � -LV . ) )S5 . <br /> � � ' N _' I i -- � .- _ 4} 1 � - ._ <br /> � _ g��._`�.. _ ! - .f Sx}�y�i r-- ': f�i�.w(�.+`JR.'t�,I�J�iL.{3 i r(� �l t - � <br /> _.- -.�...4..�z..�..>wxb..�51,tii,�3a�:.�_»a_._.�tt�.un.wa.wsurr.r.o.w,,.rr.x.�... _r.... ., .,..,�r..,'hi�,<,,,iky}rytr_:{i f�y'i�iF� 7i.' <br /> r:u._,..x�. ..._ }. � <br /> m?sli?��r.�1f�tY�s�- <br /> i'r;::ui'y+�t. ��i r;:ay�`�yu..,g�... <br /> f, rnd ���} Yl� ��,5�. <br /> 4�tG, a� . 17. 7t+�nefmr af 1h�prcp�rty or e 8mefloinl Int�nN In�nrrow�r. u ee or any pnrt oi m� �rop«�y or r , !�����py?':. <br /> H <br />_s.������z�. • , �ny qlxaat N N It sMd a tmekttW(u M a 6eneGC41 Nixesl N tiottower Is aoW a tnntferced ud Dortaxr li noi�nuurW _. =:�i, �1 �;,`�a_ <br /> -a7�.� -� � prraon)wllNoul LendeYS qfa wikbn cmieel,Lmdx m►y.e1 Hs optl�n.ra7JYa NvnMale q}+mnt N fu!ol N iuma�wurW 6y � _;;fi!�N���`} -', <br /> `�11.�� this 8autlty In6Wm�nt Howww,IhA WUOn ahi�A not Uo exadeod by Landar M exadsa b ptohi�llad 6y fWrY hw as ot the : �� t� <br />-t ui s ((� L <br /> JIIB 0111116 SULUtI;y G�:L'��:.w I. '-y �` `� � - <br /> ; '�`�� tl Londx exerci�n tM�optlon, leedx eh�A pNO 6o�rower nollce oi�ccNer+UOn. The nmics shal provlde �palod ol�$ ,. � '` �_ ` <br /> . '*�a s?;' nol lo��thm 90 dry+irom th�dtl�Ihe noU¢e Is de�rxed or mNed wMhN whkh Borrovrer muet pry N�ums scarcd bY � � ` � . . � <br /> �� i Ihis 3ecwiry InsVUnxnl.H Bortcwa tds to pny those sums ptlor�o the erpin7on ol lhis pedod, Lmda mny hvoke nny . <br /> nt pe j+c � remM6e�pamNlM by lAls BatuMy Mtlntmenl wRhoul tailher notite or demmd on Oarower. M� � ' � t��r3 - <br />"' t � �� 18. RotfOWOPa RIpM to R�InetMD.II Dorcowa mrNs cndN cond0ons. Oortowa ahe0 heve Iho dphl to heve � , . _ <br />��'� JTJt(�� MIOfGEf,1EI11 OI Ih16 8ewdty InsWmenl dsconthued at erry Ime qlor to�he ee.ier ot: p)6 tl�ys(or auch mhw pniod as .•= fi rr..�: <br /> °?�i�Xtx� �ppFUble I�w mry apcsfy Por rdnatelemenq bNOro sele of the 14opnry pursu�nl to any powa of sMe eonl�neA N this � � ; - - <br />-�C't� '4 n� Securiry Inatrummt; a N) Mlry ol��udpmonl ontorcNp Ihis SearOy InsWment Thosa ccnd�icns rse thai Borrowr,. (aJ pays "- ' "``=' - <br /> �. �t�,3� Lmde a�anms whkh then wouid 6e due under lhls 8ecuiily InsWmmt anJ Ihe Nole ns N no h��occurteeL (b) � <br />��dY+�S}�� cures tny dehun o��ny olhn eovm�nl or eQreemmis: (e)yays aS e�mses hcivfn3 'n enbrc'M tl+[s S�++xY L�N%mm1 � � <br /> C ��'� Hcluu�ig, bul n6t Eryc-0!o,reasonabla attomsfi'k�s: a�!(cp txkrs scah scYni as tux3m miY w�soniAy rx�i'ra N as�i:r_ ' _ <br /> „� 638 �� ': <br /> �f�y� -�, ti:at the ian oi Ihis 6ea�lly InsWmonl,Le�dti's h�:�!n a:s Re�b!="•d 8�'ro'xer's c43px:�cn to QTy Shfl s�xm an.+:raf �._ _ <br /> �,�?ri_ s' by Ih[s SewrAy InstrumaN aMl eonUn:�u:cPa•-y�cl.irpea retun!v»ml LY 8a�cxM, ttJs ��.ry InsVUmenl anA the - : [�� _- : ` <br /> o� --�� 't eyiy�pons sewred hereby alul«mHn kM�ZY=as i!o� acrda.i.ivn T,ad aw�x4 Nowma,thts djM to reinstate sAa7 , <br /> l ' : not�ppy N m�use ot accNae�mn u.xsx yari�'s�.h t7. ' ' r <br /> ,;�l,`�tti., <br /> r i h 18. $�I� Of �70��; Ghang� oi Loxn Ssrul.o:.tna N,na rr a a px3M• Y/,ere31 N iho Note (togYntr wnh � � tk r , <br /> �,� �- �� this&curfy In¢WmmU mey re soM one or more ti:nus y:Lynut q�ic�nat:co lo Parrma: a�mle may rosull in a crtr�iga h tho „•;.+��.Fi�*7Ftn C;.;.: <br /> r -- -rt: MC'ly Qv�aae af Ih0'loT:°ietWCtt')Ih�t t01l�t6 mon111�Nymenis-QIB lTd2I ISa No1x and�h15 SoWidy InSNmra-7. ThetB I ''.�t�<< � f ti,��.'tt. <br /> ur7i - e4so ray L-a a;.a w mora ctan;FS ol c'.� loen&Mcer unre4ftM 3r n tab o�tha Neta.If thce is a chenge ot the Loan �S- tr aii :�.�� <br /> t' ,�j� ,jf� Smka, Ooaa,Fr x9 M{jnn wd:lcn x�vtra of tho change N acc:x7-r.��wAh pen9roph 14�6ove �nd appGable law. The � ;_;s i�'�i � 'zfi <br /> ` t fy*+� noUce wf1 avi�o tha n�ma an� ukYtea N'tro new Lwn Smioer�nd Y�>address lo whkh pymenls shouW ba rcyde. The ,- .�3 y-, <br />"#',._� �'�� noUu w�l also ConWN ony o)4zr hfmroUrn requYed 6Y ADPf�e61a kw. `� �} �� '�r3'i- <br /> . Ss.�t. :� «.�-�� T':.('i,;: <br /> .,c21 ��9.�r� 20. HKUdoui $ub�lonCaf.Oc*rowa s ha! ause a p e rt N f t he pres e n c e, u s e,d�s p o s a l, a t o w g e, a r e l a s e o t }. �f,+�_ '_: <br /> : Yry eny Ilwrdous QibsUnces on or N Ihe S+a;ay. Oamncr aha9 not do, nor�iow�nyone dse to do, enylhN9 eY.ecthg the ,.',j � ii nA�1E%_ <br /> ;� .'t�« P`operty fhet Is In No4Uon oi�ny Envir.�-mmtU l.�w. 'fhe praednp two cmlmces ah�t nol epp�y �o the pesmce, uae. -. ��f� r�f �. <br /> +� t-�?}, or slonpe on Ihe Propc*ty of srcHl quamtu� ol Huudous SuAstanas ln�� �ro gmHaP� reco9nhM lo be�ppropAale to i.-�' } ,��„_.; <br /> :�'��+ � nomiY rosldenllJ uses and to mahlemnce ol Ihe PropMy. -'; i +}Sf� �F,. <br /> , ,�{,`,3�i Barower aMi Pf01f{l:ly 9H0 LMd2f WnIIM noQce of�ny hves95aUOn, clelm, dmund, kwsuM or olhd ecllon by any s � f f ct <br /> S �) ' -'{ : govemmeMel a repulitory�genry or prM�le perly Nrokhg the Propevty ar,d any H�zard:us 6ubsWCe or EnrYonmenul L�w ol ��t 7.g�� �� � rv?� -; <br /> tIF �t.';�� whkh has�cNN kno»1ed9e. II Oortowa leuns.or Is nofiY.d�5 eny pove.mmenlol or «gu4lory aulhority, th�l�ny - t, � �GJ,.rf�..: <br /> (i1 f��.• fmi6rii ci a��a��i+Tmi��u'vwl L�ar,y H;s:::a:s°�b:�_n� eHecfr� °��?flY k-nf[^3e!7: �oROwn shn0 OfOTDiy IBkB el �1�f 1} Y�Xe � _ <br /> >b 4Y�i �:r;� necessery eem:d�l�cUons In eaordence v:?T Envkonmmid lew. -- Y�� �K2�`'r�';.. <br /> �-- �-_'Jy�� A1 U9ld h lhi5 pangroph 20,'Heardaa Substances'uo Ihose 6u65l�nas dx:nx�u toxJO or hazardous:utrsta+szs 2 �u! i} t r+s/v ' <br /> 1 em:onmmu�uw �nd the to0orM8 scbsle�.ea: EasaFno, knosme, ofher MmrmN� or lo�do peVOleum Drad.r�s. 7o:le � "t ��'�� �l`y <br /> a t: . <br /> Feitiddea or.d herblddes,vo4tde aoNenls,�Hterti!s eabeslos or fortne:dehyde, end redioeqko metMeis. A�.uaid b > �,� r` e: <br /> 3 , 4,t�'�"�S' penqaph 29.'EnvlronmmW Law' means f.;Je�ui qw5 und kws ol the�ni;C.CL'c� whMO lhs Preptvly Is locetcd ihet rdete lo ¢_ � r(i; _ <br /> �?:iir'/. . . r.. , a....{itef- <br /> r - �.{fi heaXh,seley a MrYOnmmiel prolectica .�+ �� � <br /> � . �cL i 4 .� �n fi� '� ` <br /> r i ,; NON�UNIFO{iM COVE(JANf9.Oortaxe�end Lmder tunhtt covmant�nd�gree�s foXOws: � �r� necff� `-. <br /> , , �,'�� Rt. Accdarriion; Remedlee. I.onder ahaii give notle� to 8orrowu pAor to aeeduatlon . '�j{ .. <br /> _ '�'i�;:�.; followinp 8oerowsr'e breach of any covonant or agreoment in this Sacurity InMrumant (bu[not � _*�',7}`�r?i ;: <br /> 'i„"«r,=, prlor to aeoeterrilon under para�nph 17 uniees appllcable qw providsa oth�rwia�). Tha notice ° , � �. - <br />_,_. �1 ,,:+!t sh�ll spnc��: (a) the daf�uli; tb) tho actlon required to curo lhe def�uH; (o) a dM�, not bas than --��- �d� "?���': <br /> ��' --� 30 dayn 8rom the dala 1he natico ie 9��on!o Horrowar, by which ih� d�t�uN must W cured; and �' '.i=' ` <br /> � �yti?�.� (tl)Ihnl ln3luro to curo !ho t)o9nult on oT �bolore lhe dtte spoeitimd In ths notice mary7 e9suR in �� ��r sY 'r 3� '• --- <br />;;,,�.;,-,, o->1�5� nccde�ntlon of tho numa aocurod by th�a Securiry Inatrument and sds of the Proparty.Ye+x notica .. •. �__. <br /> �,? - �t '¢�. aholl fi�rdhor Inform Aorrowor oY th� Aght to rainatats �kar accoi�ratlon �nd v+m r19ht to bring a ^�t •% -�� <br /> �' -_ �(`; coud nctlon to �saert tho amr,•oxistence af a d�fault or any Wher defans3 of Horrow�r to � ` �S`( A'';�. <br /> r � �_A� <br /> acalerotion and aale. If 1he da9ault is not curad on or boforo ths drie apeciflod (n th� notice, > '�_-,��° <br /> "��' '�`�a}1. Lender et Ile optlon maey roqutre fmmedirie p�ym�nt In tull of all auma s�curad by this Sscuri �,-;,���;-L.'�G;;1,:,_. <br /> - �45z.. ..r, �Y <br /> .,a{:; Insdumont wfihout furlher dem�nd and m�y Invoko lhe power af eo�e and �ny other nm�diea �r i4i_y,', <br /> y-•�._...�iL.! } i <br />_„_ ..r�, }4 permi.l2oc. by �pplioable law. Londer ahall hs antitled to collact all expenses incurnd In purwtng ,: , ,�;z'n,%: ;• <br />::yj:.�:f_,;.Y j the roaantftas provided In th?9 pangwph 27, Inctudho�, but not Ilmiied to, a�ahsonabte attorneys' ��_1._ _ - �_ :'�;,..,:::�� _ <br /> ��; _;;�,�. faes and coats of Utle evidenco. l� � <br /> � 4.. ' It ilw powor ot aalo Is invokud, Trustao shall �ocord n nollce of deteult in aaoh sounty in 1'• . <br /> _�}�•,;�7i;!�:,$ whlch any part of!ho Proporly Is located and ahall meil copias of auch notice In t:eo +nanner ��- . <br /> ?_�:--� -2•� prascadbo0 by appllcable law!o llorrowor and to the o:har porsons proacribocl by sppllcaDtn law. �=_ , <br /> �''.`�` - "� A1tof Y:ao ilme raquired by ap,plir.ahta taw, Trustae �h.=.'.t qive publlc nolico c" sole to tha poreons j � <br /> �J� . -'-�it mid M 1ho manner pmscrlboU by appllc�6lo iaw. Trustoo.withoul Bemand oie�Borrowor, aha11 aoll '� • • <br /> " � .:4 7he Proporiy at pub:ic aucllon lo the hlDt�est biddsr at tho timo and piace and undor tfio tarms �� � <br /> - _ doslgnated In tho no.ico of aato In ono or mmo parcoia and in any ordo�7rustoo tlotorminos. F — <br /> . Trustoo may postpone salo of atl or any parcol oS the Proporty by publ�c announcomonf at tho . <br /> �"�_ ' , timo an� placo of any proviously schoduiod sala Londor or Its dosignao may purehaso tho __ <br /> . Proporty at any sato. -- <br /> � � Upon mcoipt oS paymont ot tho pdee bid. Tmsloo ahall dotivor to tho purehasor T.ustoo'o � <br /> �__., __.....,.e....•�.., o.......N,. �he .ncvnfc 3n fhn 7matnn'a dmd shall bo orima (acto avi�znco oS <br /> - --- '� ....o.. ........,�...y ...� . .��.�..�' '_'_ _"____ '_""_ "____' _ _ - ' : <br /> tho tralh oi !hg statomonis mado thoroin. Tmstoo shnll ap�ty ihe pracoede ai tho saio (n tho <br /> followlnD order: {a) to all cos7s and exponsos of ozorcisinp Iho powr,r ot sofe, and tho sale. <br /> Including !he pnymant of the Trustoo's tees acWaliy Incurrod, not to oxtoed ehrr.c <br /> � . % of tho principai emount of the noto al <br /> � lhe time of the �'nclaration of dofault, and raasonabio altornoy'n foos as pormlttod by Ipw; (b) <br />���� to all sums socurad by lhis Socudty Instrumant; and (c) any oxcoss to th0 poreon or <br />-- 4;, i. pOr60ne IOpnlly entllted to It. <br /> ,. .. t•�;, k <br /> :�.,f�:�:>•V1..•� fu�cvnonomi c.x.o�s �_ 1�— <br /> :��)q <br /> � , • •� •� 9]]It VA I <br /> > <br />