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7+i t� ''�'4/�s- (7���`v�I,S�f hf F `��-i � <br /> =- - . � i y ;Fi tY. -:.. <br /> 5 , , , . ! ..-.. � <br /> i.k.t."�.w`.aa{0.�'f�R.1��.ti•.y:..J7..z�,..../�:.e.tbaluir"- h�ti�5llA:i.iM:t.s- . -__.._.......�..+��..u::_....._.�.•..- - _- <br /> �yments m�y na Inngu ta rcquirtd,at 6to op�lon of l.cndtr,it mong�gc huurance mv�go pn�9fittdAM#Hb�fnr�ho pedod <br /> tl�at I:ender rcqoircs)provlJM by an insoror npproved by I.onder rgaln buomes avilioble md Is obtnlnW.6orrower s1id1 p�y <br /> �ho promtums tequircd to melmiln mong+ge Insuranco!n ofRct,or to provlJe a loss�cstrve,umil �ho rcqniremcm fnr mong�Qo <br /> fncurenca cnds in aocorGnce with�ny wfltten ngrumcnt bra�vun l3orrower and Lender or�pp�icnUl�law. "-'--- <br /> 9.Itu�ecllom I.cnder or i�s agtnt mny mnka rr,�sonnL;o eNflcs upon�nd inspecllons of tho Propetly. i.cnder sliall givc us���•_. <br /> iiorrower nolico m tho time of or prlor to an Ins�clion spaifying rcrsonable cauu for�ho Inspec�lon. � �+;;,�-"-'- <br /> 30.Condann�lion.Tho proceeOs of nny nward or eiaim for damoges,dinx�or wnseqnemiol, in wnnu�ion vd�h any I, -f�.�;:_i;_;_• <br /> condemna�lon or dhe�ukin of an rt ot the Propeny,or for wnvc anco In Iiw ot rnndcmnntion,aro herc6y assigncd wd �'�;,=.:-- ' <br /> 8 Y P� y !U' ;s r <br /> clialll�p:ld ro LcnAcr. p <br /> In ttw event of a tdd�aking of�he Propeny,lho ptocads shall bo appllM to the snms securcd by�his 3ecarity Instrument, p.Y a?��T <br /> whether ur not�hen duo,wflh any exass pelA to Mrrowor. In tho avem of n parllat mking ot t6e Propeny In whlch tho fnlr ; x�:'��s r - <br /> nurkU vaiuo of tha Property immallntcly bcforu tho�nking is cqnnl to or graucr�han thc amoun�of�hc sums secur�by�lils -u a <br /> &adly Inslmment Immcdietcty bcfore tho InkinE,unless Dorrowcr end[.ender otl�enviso ngra:in wdting,�ho sums securcd by C'_�r ,S!�7y�°- <br /> rlrts Secur[ty Instmmcnt shall bo rcduxd by tho anraum of dio procccds multiplted by �he following frnc�ion: (a) the lotal �,<t;.�:'__`r-__. <br /> t2��of iL�s�ts suured Inmtallakly Ucfort t!e ta&Ing,dividcd by N)tho falr mnrkd value of iha Propeny Immcdiatefy �- ;;� .,, <br /> Rxfora tA:ta%dog. Any 6alacce shall bo pa`.d to 8orrowcr. In tho cvent of a parttxl taking of thc Propeny in wWch 3 .� st _ <br /> muket vatno of ttie Propeny iava�iatety hcfore Uw ta4tng is lus than thc anionnt oC tho sunu secund Immediately L�efore th� t�ti;��.a_4.'.'� <br />�� Saking,t!n`.rss{'.�.�:rower a:id I.erx!er aF.erwist agree ia writing or unlcss applicable Law othcnviso provides,thx Qcaceds xh�ll ';:�it�t�t� <br />_ �2 ry�r,!'r:cl yo•�:�a sums savrcd by�his Secudty Insttum.�at�vhUher or not tho sams ue�Een dua j_t�,�F - <br />�� ISthc Pra,Ytty Is abanAoned by 13otrowcr,or it,aRer no�ice by Lender to Borrosver that th:mndercu:or offers to mxke an ii.;�:,_,;.;;.. ��� <br /> , nwnrd or arx!4:a claim for dm�ages,IIorrower faits to mspond to Ler.dnr wtthin 30 d3ys aRer the date tAe notice is given, ,?,e;,?vy;;- <br /> - d�en3tr ia n:�P.ia+facd to collut and apply i��z-yzxtais,at its ap:eca,eitMr to rcs�er�ie.^.o�rc�Va et>.*.e Property or ln tha mm+ "'- �;_ <br />_ .- szcumd t�p shis Sxud�y Instmment,whetMr or not then Aua . �?"�t�`-<'=°-�� <br /> 11::"x'.'::; <br />- Un1uc Lender and Borcower othenvise agrte in �:dfing, eny epplication of preceeds 4�principa! 54a![ n.l¢tTnd N yJ,rSSc;,,,_ <br />- yusipors tha d�.�edam ot the moNhly paynxnu refcrred eo In paragrephs t and 2 or change�Et nremm�oi suc;+paynxnu. � °�••���""°• <br /> rn;.,:.;.,.-. <br />° SS.IIP1'a'��VK N01 RtIlaStflS FOIIIFAfi11AY BY LMIIC�N0�9 WiIVtR QXICIISIOII OI IIIC IFT:It(07 P7YR1¢i)10(11%IGI�C.T!i0a ':t;�z``kf✓�j�". <br />.' 'i-d��'n.�•t,,-.. <br />.- of entohi7atio:.ot�ho sums secured by thie Secnriry Insttunxm grented by Lendcr�o any sucasxor in inrerest of Oorrower shnii .�,s�._,,,r`__,; <br />� comm�enm ,roacde In s a!a[nsti n�suhacssor in'interest or refus�c to ext nd�me for payment or o�herwi.aamodify amonizalon �1�j%,��",�,,;•; <br /> - p B 8 Y ' <br /> e of thc snms ae�vred by Ihis Se�vdly insUUnxN by reason of any dcnund made by lhe odgtnal Dorrower or Rorro���er's :�,�+,:Yl4i��q`-,: <br /> = wrtessors irs iux�est. Any futlxarnnce by lender in exercising nny dght or renxdy shall not 1x a waiver of or prxl�3e ihe �-,cie%;"{,,.=:;:. <br />_- - �t, 53'�n.c' <br /> , axerciso of aay rigAt or rcmcdy. ��!•''�` <br />�. 72. oe..�.o :r� :,�lgrs L'cu::d: 3c9�!e:.� �xvve! !isrl:ty� ('n.cjgn!rc. The r�vc:an�s erd aerccnxnla of this _r.� �t'�#: �. <br />' Secudly Inslninxnt shnll b%.^.d end Mnefi� �he su».�s>:;e»d essigm of Lendar aad Eorroe�tr, subja� �m efic provSsions of �r�,�T�� t ,..� <br /> paregnph 17. Dorco�ver's co�er.ams nnd ngaenKms s5a11 be Jo1N nnd uvtrel. Anc Dorrovra�who arsigns iMs Sec�irny 1��F�j� _ <br /> insitunxnl but does nof exenne�ha Ke�a: (a)Is co-signing Ihls Secudty Inswmtnc only tn r.xongage,grent and mmroy n':o� �rf�`��,.'.. <br />��� 13orrowCr's Intecul In Iht Property Undtr IhC ICtms of lhls SecUtily InslNmen�:(b)is not persorv�lly obligatcd to pay�M1e sums �i�'t F'�a4t;y;_; <br />'- stturcd by thls Securily Ins�mmenr and(c)agrces Ihal LcirJer and any olher Oorrowcr may ngrcc w extcnJ, nwdify,tomwr or A:SE <br /> : make eny aecommodations widi rcgard�o�he temu of�his Security Insmimem or�he Note wiihom that Oorrower's consem. t�.'fi(�s <br /> - 13.I.oan Charges.If�he loan secured by this Security Instmmem Is subJec�ro a law whlch sets maxlmum loan charges. '��4�.��+'�;;°;-- <br /> _ and that law iz finally ir.terprcled so�ha�A�e imercst or other loan eharga mllected or to be eollce�al in rnnnecQon with the v��''�!���� - <br /> - loan exceal e4e pemilucd limits.Q�en:!a!any such loan charge shall 6e reduced by tM1c amount necessary to redua the charge �� �y ° <br />- to�he pem»*.kd linil�;and(b)any sur.s atceady collec�ed from IIorrmver which eRCCeded penr.ieted ifmi�s will be rePondui ro ,te<r�s� , ,i <br /> _ ilorrower. Lendar may choose ro m�ke ehis refund by reducing �he principa? owed under �he Noie or by rniking a diren i' N' ' ,,. <br /> = payn�cnt lo Borruwer. If n fefund redimes rinci �4 thc reclualon ��ill he aaa:ed as e panial prepa}:�acx withou� xny �''•.d � <br /> P P: � �.,.�. .,-`=-� <br /> � pmpaynxnl chsrge undcr ihe Note. c�F�rj `�-�� <br /> ': 14.NuPias.Any no�ice�o Bouowe�provided for In�his Securiry Inswmem shall be gicen bp deliveriug it or by nmlling j�t �t�"�� <br />`,v h by fint dus mafl unless applirabk lat.�ra�ulres use of anoiher meihod.'Ihe noiice shaU Ix ditcc�ed to the Propeny Address �����,;�5;,;,_, <br />--- or any o�hcr address 13ur��wer designata by noticc to Lcndcr. Any notfw to Lcndcr shall Ix givcn by flnl dass nuil to :-,_�....,...�;•=t <br /> f:=t+.t�-� <br />- <br />