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. . I. ! �1 l �� iti -. l :' � ;i'__1./t 1 i <br /> f1 Si 1in�d G v ' s/� . ' " .-� � t-y,.f�i, „' <br /> � � r/r•'; iS1Ci 5'Gi7��{A �� �i.,�thf - - ._: <br /> - �s � r. ..Ja• <br />_ _ —,�,.FU.c+R:.�.L'A?k(wA:l'.•L.siwll� � , •i���' uiw noivai.uu'.awtauaw.�-- -'—........_.._._�_.----- i_ <br /> . . 92.�. �.G�►��� <br /> •S. IiRrervf or Pro�kriy Insun�xe. Horro�vor ahnli ker.�ti�o improvoments�now existing on c�rcaftcr crutcd on t6o <br /> � •ploperty IniurcA ngainst loss Uy 112, haiards InctuAal wllhln tlw tcrm 'oxlond�d covcngo' and eny o�hct I�amrds, induding <br /> .tl0ods ot flooding,for w1�IcU I.cndcr rtquires Insuranco.'Ihis Insurancc shall bc mnimalncd In Ihc arcAUms nnd far tLc pcdods <br /> Uu[J.leder rcqniru.Tho Insurencc cardcr providing the insunnca sh�ll bc choscn by Borrowcr subjcc��o I.cnAcr's apprnvat -°---�°-------� <br /> which sh¢II not Iw nnru�sonably wi�hheld. If Borcower Gils to mzlNain covcrago dcscribcd�bove, Lendcr may, n� I.cndcPs --" <br /> option,obtain coverogo�o pmtect I.endcr's rlgl�ts In the Propeny In accordance wllh parsgraph 7. - <br /> All Insurenw policics and renewnls shnll be accepiablo to Lender and shill Intlude n s�endard monsnge clause. I.ender =_ <br /> sLall hevo dio rlght to holA tho poticics and renmvats. If I.em�cr rcquircs,Horcnxcr shall prompdy givc to I.cndcr all rccclpis of �� <br /> paid premlums nnd renc�val noticcs.In thc cvcnt of Inss,1lorrower shall givc prmnpt noticc�n�hc insurnncc cardcr nnd Lcndcr. F'=� <br /> Lendcr mey mnko proof of Ioss If not mxdo prampily by Uorrowce =- <br /> Unlexs l.ender nnd Rotrower o�herwtso ngrce in wdting, Insurance procceds shnll I»npplted io res�orellos nr repalr of�ho �-�;.;.. <br /> F�p�¢y r3amxyeQ,if thr,rcvorstionor repalr la emnomlcally feasib[e ar.d Lcnder's sccurily Is nol Icsscncd. If ihc restamtion or ; - --�'— <br /> ttFair is e�c ecaeomicalty€eatibte or 2.etv'er's s�curity e�ouid h lesv.�3,tFa iasueance proceetls shall be a{qlled to�`a ywu L-. _ <br /> xcu[td Ly this S9c+�rity Qnstrunxa6�vhcther or iT.en duc,�viih any cxces.s paid to 6ortowcr. lf 0orro�xer abar.MaS tke �"� _ <br />- Ptqxny,os does r.N z^swe��vithin 30 days a notice from Ler�der�hal Ihe iawr.mcti:carrier hzs ollrrai to xtQe a clain,tP��n �,���_-__,---�_=:- <br /> 1.end:r mzY tvl�at ihe insurance pro;.e;ds. LenCer may ux2 t`•e �a�teds ia npalr or mvnre ttx Prcp:ny or to pay sums }:'''� <br /> secured Uy tOSs Securiry Irts�mmxm, or no�then drzx_Yh �:�dry pefiai will begin�vr,�rt tCe no:ice is given. }- ,?�,k„ <br /> Unlur Lender arrd 7tortox�er at:�envise agnro in tcri+.i:,;.a^; xFplicatlon of proceccls to principal <!a!1 rtat rm>a3 or �;'r ,� — <br /> postponc the duc datc of the nwn�6!7 pepm:nts��^d ta i-a pa:aFnphs I a�2 or chnngc thc amouet�K�4e-�iyr.ents. If �� t� <br /> undet p�ragnph 21�Ne Propeny is eocyvidA by 7.encbr.&.:r.uer'a right to any tnsurence policles and p:ao.�M rcw{tir.g from r f„F,_'. . <br /> d�m3ge to Ihe Property pdor to tho xec�ui;i�ion sh.l1�cc�o S.ender to the exlent of tice sums xztored by�his Securi�y 7�.m:ccnt .ry�iti�.:iz�,_ <br /> immcdlatcly prior m ihc acquispio�. '. x� -- <br /> 6.Otcupency�Presercallon�Aisiinimanee and P�roleciion vf tfie dtm,7er�Y;Borrower's Loan Applicalion;In.nsehNds. u�;�`""�.,,, <br /> Borrowershalloccupy,e.raSlish,andusethePro,cayncDorro«er'spriieNpolmsidencewithinsixlydaysa'nerthecxswionof ,���.y�}s}gy,--__ <br /> this Soeurily Inslmment�md shall mntinue to occupy �he Pro�a�ry az Oorro+��.+'s pdncfpal residrnct tor:r. ima one ywr alter '•`�v,,��':t.��,��^ <br /> Ihe deie of occu anc ,unless I.ender o�henvise agrxs in writiv, whieh rnnunt shell not be unrcasonably aiihhetd,or unless :R��'�fi(�{��,`=` <br /> P Y 1�'li';i�z�:._�.. <br /> extenuaitng circunutances exist which are beyond Aorrower',a�mrol. Oorrower shall not destroy, dnmiFc or in,�vir tl�e 5,�'��S�,�;w�:- <br /> Propcny, ellow�hc Propcny�o dUCdomtc, a•comm0 wutu oa :he Propeny. Dorrowcr shall 6o in dePauli i(any forfeimrc ;-;,:�,�}��,,.��� <br /> xtion or pramMing, wUe�her civil or criminal, Is hegun thal in Lxnder's good falih judgment could rcs+:h in forfeiNre of�he . �t j3 ;y; _, <br /> Property or oihenvise matedally Impair the Iien ereated hy th(s Securi�y Instremcnt or Lender's securi�y ia:�nYi.Dorrower may ,���..��,�Y�„_._: <br /> cure such a default�nd rcinstate,az provldW in paragraph I8,bp cnosln��he a:tion or proceed{ng lo tre clisankwd wl�h n�uling ,-f�.y�;FY�=�,n� <br /> Iha4 in Lender's good fallh dGCrmina�ion, prccludes fortciturc ol�hc Dotton�er's fmcresi in �hc Pro rt or other ma�criel ��i�52-?.�:�`:'". <br /> ee,. n r r ce ir i� e ec1_ Mr nwe chall Im be In defanll If tv:"+%ln;°f,7•_..=. <br /> ir��ps6��F��i af the Itu�cw;d b�thts...._�dt; lnstnenent r Lnd_r's tt �; Int r---- r. r F; �,�� :- <br /> Bonower,dudng ihe loan applica�ion praess,gavc ma�edally false or fnncc�z.r.:informa�fon or s�atcments m Lender(or taiicd ��ct�. �.��a. � <br /> lo provide Lender wf�h any material inPormaBon)in connectios with tho loan etidenced by the Note,inch:c?ing,but not limited i•;;?f4y%i`�"���•�- <br /> lo,rcpresentations conaming 6orrower s occupancy of�he Proyetly as e pdnripal raidenee.!f Ihis Securi�g lnswmem is on a -i�;�t,[���.t�,. <br /> Ieasehold, Oorrower shail wmply with all the provisions of the Iwse. t(Qorrower acqufres fec title �o�he Propeny, the �S{3��v,xhr� <br /> Ieaschold end Ihc ke tflle shall not mcrgc unless Lendcr agrces�o thc mcrgcr tn wd�ing. `?x�r���';+��;�- <br />- 9.Protectlon of l.ender's Rights In Ihe Properly.If Rorrower fails ro pedortn ihe covcnants anJ ape:�m�nts comained in �.r,;:r4 j:?.(;,�yr�. <br />- thls Security Inswment, or�here is a legal procavling�hal may sign(firnntly affect Lendei s righ�s in the ?ro�rry (such as a f;��,�:FS;,',`tTwiy�,�.:, <br />- proccedfng tn bank�uptcy,probate,(or mndemnation or forfe(mre or to enforce Inws or regulatfons), �hcn Ler.der may do end �i1 fd >� <br /> pay(or wha�ever Is necessary to protetl�he value of�he Property and f.ender's righ�s in tlie Property. i.ex'tt's ac�ions may j�t�`h�;r : <br />- Inchide paying eny sums ucurcd hy a Ilen which haz priority over this Security lnsuumen�, appeuring in eeun, piying ,1G`.� j;-.r,.:;. <br />�- reaso�ablc auomc s'fees and cntcrin on thc Pro n �o makc re airs. Althou h L.endcr ma tekc aclion air.det Ihis �ara ra h -+��,�`";,_-�- -- <br /> Y S P� Y P S Y 1 S P -i:i;e,e.��r.-lp:.,`�;,. <br />- �7, Lcndcr docs not hzrc to do so. ;it?�:; ��' <br /> y Y P 8 P Y 'c��-, �`'�. <br /> An anwunu r.isbursod 6 Lendcr undcr this ara ra h 7 shall Ixc�mr addiiional dcbt of xcurcd b this = •��> >�a ,-,. <br />_ Security�",nst�unxn�. Unless Rorrower and Lender agree�o o�her temis of payment,thae amoums shall bar iniercst trorn the �«i�����`y . <br />= datc of<lisburscnxnt a� thc Notc mtc xnd shall bc payablc, with in�ercs6 upon noiicc trom Lcndcr ro florrowcr rcqura�ing '``,�,�'�'��Y�-- <br />' paynxn�. �,��,k i,� ,. : <br />= 8.MoNgage Insurnncc.if Lender rcquircd nmrtgagc insumncc n:a con.ti�ion of making�hc loan seox<:d by this Saurily �,�-.° �y'r .3v�:- <br />= Instrument, Oorrower shall pay Ihe prcmiums required w maintein the mo:tgage insurence in effect. if, ;ar uny rtawn, �he N=i t�,i �, �;- <br />�- mohgagc insurence covcrage rcqufrcd by Lcndcr lapses or ecascs m 6e in cffcct. Uormwcr shall pay tlx premiums «quired lo �;;y ;.�.,F.,;�,,_; <br /> II Y 4 8 8 P ' Y� Y 9 ':�'�.�••••::,:.�- <br />= obtain covera c substamiall c uivalem�o�he nwn a c insursnce nvioust m effen,at a es1 substamiall c uivekn:m the zn ;::,_::. <br />�' ms�to 6orrower of t6e motlgage insunnee prcviously in effat. (rom an ahemate monge�c ins��rcr approved by Le�er. I( "f'�:.v?i;i�'r�: <br />= subs�amlelly equivalent mongage insurance core+c�ce is not ewilable,6ormAei shall pay m I.ender.ach rt:a.^.th a sum equal to '�""' -`f^^`.�. - <br /> `>'.Y;'-r-�s;:y. ;__ . <br />- one•/wel�h of�he yeady mortgage insurance pecr.xun 6cing paid 6y Uorrouc:�eF,en IhC insurance covcr.�g;lapsed of ttated to ,�� u <br />- be in cffttt.Lcndcr will acccpt,us.and retxin t`rsr payments x5 a Ioss ra.n�r in lieu o( mortgagc iniunnce. Loss racrvc �4�I yf�Yrjl �;- <br /> - Fo:m 302i llf0 ''�S,i �l �- <br />-_ r f�e•a ��i'y �dt <br /> s rir�... <br /> = nn�.<Af9•NE/3 ( - <br /> . P �. <br />.._------------- - � ... .... ' .'-""...... ._'—'-_...'-- . .im..:..-�.r. <br /> _-.:a�a-2�:�.�H:v...K4sNrn�aa..c,n-.x:n�.r.r.'.�...- .� - 1�:ir:..:y� _ .., ... . � ....c�! � �- �•� . <br /> .,� _ r.:.-,-- <br />_.,_,�_ . . , . .. <br /> ";zr- _ <br /> _ S,. . ' <br /> ��'�SN"„� • S�) . <br /> _ '•`1/il�`'� .. . . . <br /> �'R.� " . " . . - <br />�e ''. . . . . . <br /> - - - _. ') - ' . - . . <br /> .f �- �.P . . � � . �i::Ki v - T r . � :.Sn . <br /> . i � - �- -. . . <br /> 5 <br /> V �1 �. <br /> � �� � � -• �� � - .. � 17 <br /> . t�� -��.' . ' . _. . . . .. Ii. - . -. - ... . . . . .. . . ._._.. . �.' _.... ... ......._ <br />