._."_� {-.tt 3J :�- r �' ;Y �� _ '! F' ?r,vr. . _ .�.� <t .- �:o� r�tY-.=
<br /> -'ithJ T «Y C� f .f� <_. -
<br /> � 1 r
<br /> � � I<j �1 I;��,rfc` 4P�'rf': � . - • _.A �� :.- .
<br /> . . r _
<br /> �_��Ls'lSz{.�.J{Sa*`wl4FY.YYYniMtl.�.3..`w....l..>..�i' �� Y• •r.•s•••�41E'A:t:6l6y�. -..� . •--�-->
<br /> � 9�'u� .i.11JY�F
<br /> . � �17.Tr�nsttr of 1ha I'ro yor a Htnttid�i IMtrest In Sorrotiw.if all or any p9n of iho Prnpcny or any idonat in It
<br /> 1s sold pr vnnsfcrad(or if a bc�nclicial lnkrcst in IIorrowcr Is sold or transforrcd und Rorrowa Is na�a nnmral percon)wlti�out _
<br /> �l.cndcr's pdor wrinom m�scnt, Lcndcr may, at i�s option, rcquira immcdlmc pnymcm In tull of nll sums saun� by �6Is = _
<br /> Stcud�y Inttninxnt.Howcvcr.Ihis oplion shall nol IsC ezCrcls�xl by l.endtr If cxcrcisc is pmhibl�eA 6y katerel law xs of iho dem _ _—._ .
<br /> of thfs SmirUy Ins�mmcnt. �:=`
<br /> if I.ender exercises Ihls opllon,LenJer shnll give Rnrrower no�ice otnectleraUnn.Tho no�ico s6a11 pmvida n pedod nf nol --�--_-__.
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notim Is deltvercd or malled wl�hln whlch Rorrower mus� pay nll sums saured by this g-G,t�,-.---- _
<br /> Suutity fnriiumc�t.If Hottowu falls to pay Ihcso sums pdor ro�he oxpirellon ot tiJs pedal,Lender mny Invnko any rcmalics (,y3 ..
<br /> perml�lcd by�his Sccuri�y tnsuumenl wiihow Nnher notico or demand on I3orrower.
<br />� 1D. ttorrowtr's 12ight to Relnstate. If Itormwer meels cenain ronditiuns, 6orrower shall hava �he dghi io hnvo ��J;� �� __
<br /> enPorccmcnt ot thfs Sccurity fnsimnxm diswminucd nt eny �imo prior to thc carlicr oC (a)S days(or such othcr pcdod es 1 � ' �
<br /> npplicablo law mny spoclfy for rcins�a�cmenq befaro snlo of tho Propony punupm m any powcr o(salc wntnlncd In �Ids �`�,�°��,�,r�r, .F .-
<br /> Sccvdry In�tv�r.ct;or @)emry of n judgm:ni cnforcing tAls Sxudty Inurt�m:m.Thosc condnion:arc�ha�Dorrowcr.(a)pays ��-_-; � �: �;
<br /> _ {T
<br /> Len�t ali sums wA!ch ttxn wcuW bo dee ar.d¢r this Secudty lnstmmeot a.nd tl�o Note es if no nceelerailon had otturnxl:(�) i�•s;_����,e;.�`��_;;._E;,-
<br /> cures any defaitt ot any otCer mve�tmts ot�n,3rumtnts;{c)pays alE expensFS incurrod in en[orcing ihis Saurily Instiun:ent, ��s y� f �� � ,, -;:
<br /> inctuding,bu!nct limitcd to,n,awNable.aker.:�ys' fees,a73(d)talces s�Yh znion u L.ereder n:�y masonably rcquiro ro assure ,;_?, v t _ Y�z.�v.
<br /> that tho ilcn of this Sceurity lnstn�n�N,L:c^^.t's righis in ZF.t Pro�xriy and 6ortowc�'s obligatiare to�ay�ho sums sxun.rt Ly ,�_�� �5...-`
<br /> thls Scturity Em+.ry•mcnl shali mntimi;�un�t+a:Rzd. Upon retnslat;anat by Oorrowcr, this Saaaei�y Insuvmcnt and the r,,�;;,f.-;_tivt;.?..`,<=-:.-�
<br /> .J .. .r..t:...i_�_='.
<br /> obligatlons sCCa:sc1 hcrcby shall rtmaln fiAl} effeCire s:6f r.o attar:.ra:ian had occurrcd. Howe�•tr.ihis right to reinsta:e sR.vU ��:,�3�,:;:,.�;,,'�J:
<br /> not�ry��y�; of Nol iBCA,nge o[ivan Sen9cir. Sre Nme or a panial ir.�icrcst in tho No�e pogc�hcr wi�h this S¢rnrity {.r Y{rE�t �,�:; +�_
<br /> tn:,n:mem)may he soid one or�ere iimes wi�hm�pria no�ira lo�orrower. A ule may resut�in a change in�6e emi�y(kne«�n i �������{�y�,�����_
<br /> es e?iz •I.a�n-Servicer•)that eollais momASy yaynxnls due nnda tha Nme and�his Secudty Ins�m^Mnt.There alm mey tx ont �.�. ;�� ,�_�
<br /> or morc cha:�,�s of ihc I.oan Scrvicer unrc%e�ed m a saleof ihe Noic. If�hcrc is a changc of�he I.o:e❑Servicer,Dorcower wIt!trc - °'=�'' `+��"��-'�
<br /> nxn wriuxn r.v»�ti of the chan o In acaxdsoce aith ��•ra h 14 etxwe and ap ilcable Iaw.it.r m�:iro will s�ate the nan�e nra `"���u"��n
<br /> ad7r.ss af ihc nc�v I,oan Scrvie T and iLc edd�ess t�lilch Pa ments aM1ould beP mnde. Thc mtice wiil also eontain any Otter �ij �T�i`�'��"M�%^�
<br /> c r �;s�.�!U3:�.��'.�':�'��.,
<br /> inFa-m.vion ttquircd by apphnbte Iaw. i/,,;�,�nv���,,,r;
<br /> 2D. }ty�9rtfouv Sutnhanrrs. Qorcnwcr ahall not camc er permi�the prarnce,ise, disposal.s�orage, ec m'r.au af nsy 4:;-.�.,_�iy,;.�,,,,�.....
<br /> Ha�ardouz Subsmr,ccs on ur in ihc Propenv. Oorrowcr shall not do, nor allow xnyonc clu to do, anythin uffwtfn [he �'"` '��'°?i�;rT"
<br /> G 8 r=:'?���.a:::.>;;; �_..
<br /> Properfq aha�is in vlolallon of any Cnviron�nental Law. Tho precalirsg nvo urterce.a shnll no�npply ro iho presenee,nxe,o: '1'�E'�;=.k��`��f;�:»,,,-
<br /> stot�^e on fie Pcopcny of smali quami�le.c of Ha�ardous Subs�anees t6:.r,nre gcnerolly Tecogniud to be appropriate to nonnnl � };��,�h�:t{`_:_._.
<br /> ratMreisl uce.a and to nufntcnance uf�hc Pmpcny. z >n `tz�� �
<br /> Elnrrower shall promp�l}�give Lender wntten no�f:e ol any inves�igation,clnim,demand,tawsuf�or aher action 6y eny ,�;..e�,� s -
<br /> n
<br /> gwcmntenlal or regulatory agency or privaie pany involving�he Propeny end any 4S��rardous Subs�ance nr Environmemal law � _�;t } ,c�,,.;jT�rs
<br /> of whlch Borrnww hu aauni kno.vlcdgc.1i Itorrowcr Icams,or is nmified by any�ovemmental or rcgutatory awhorii�, tl�� �f!,:f,i;��;bti���_r
<br /> an rertaval or o�her remediation of en�itzr.vdous Sub�ianco a!(enin eha Pro rt s necessa Qorcower shall rom t Inte -;;r-�{�r:�l�,_-�.^_
<br /> y > S P� Y ry� P P Y t;t -a.-
<br /> all ncccssary mmaiial acltons in xccotdanca wi�h Envtronnxmal Law. `!- 3'�,;+ �rt -,=,:
<br /> A5 usc�(in[nis p3rnFrdpS i"u, 'Hnurtu:wa Suoelan�lii uf6 Ihuid ocYi�iuiri25 d20�i:� :.+io�IC o7 ha:�tdnUS:`b=!EP.^-"-s b�' — .� ' _ �- -
<br /> EnvironmenL•J La�v anJ �In tollowin subs�ances: asolinc, keroune, other Oacamable or loxic trolcum roducts, Ioxic ` 1'�`�''"-`-�—_-
<br /> s e P� P 't.r>'4�;r�•i„o�_
<br /> yestieldes and hsrbicides,vola�ile soivenls,nmterials mmaining asbestos or forvn�ldehy�de,and radioaaive malenats.As used in ;��;-���.,,;.;�Si<<,�_.,_
<br /> this paragraph 20, '8nvlroamemal law' means fcAeral laws end lawa ot Ihejudsdictlon where the Properly Is laa�ed �hat y,ft",r;;,:??.';{fi,�;�t:`
<br /> i::�yT2ra;i` .
<br /> mlale ro hcal�h, safely or environnxnlal protenion. C"���°-°--
<br />� NON•UN1fORM COVIiNANTS.florrowcr and Lender funhr.t�r��tnant and agrce as Pollows: •"- .n:•�r�t���x�--
<br />� 21.Accclerallon;Remedics. l.entler shall glre nolice lo Barrowrr prlor to Acceleratlon Pollowing Borrow�er's brearh �::�}�,;s'��y]���"���•-�
<br /> pa �`,r;�Sr.: a i
<br /> a Iic 6��luwp�rovldesrolherxtcc)�The notice shall sun It� �()�ihc defaull��(b)he a Ilon r�ulrcd to eure tihc defaui�ti '�'t�-%`I��n�;��''F�'�'�=-
<br /> PP P� Y nt ,s ,,, rc•-•._n �3'':�,.�.
<br /> (c)a dnlc,not Icss than 30 days from�hc delc the noticc Is g(ren to Borrox�er, by which Ihe default must be curcd;and �,�s'.,+.,��;..�.���t-r,
<br /> (d)thnt fallure to curc the de[uult on or IxPore lhe dote specifled In the nolice may rcsult In accelero�lon of the sm:s �'�? �rf t��Y�� '-�
<br /> sceumci by fi2.Seeurfly 7nstramcnt and splc of�hc Pro�xrly.1fie nolim sAalt fudhcr Intmzn Uortowcr ot lhc rl hi ao k,{+�' �+';��h f,r;: _.�
<br /> retnstple atter actcierallon and thc right to bring a murt actlon to Rsscrl the non�exisfenec of e detault or ony otl:er t%`�Y��;;:»� ft'a'�-_,
<br /> defxixe of Iforroxer lo acccleratlon and saie. If the deim�}t is noi cured on or before tha i:ete s�eciflecf In 1he notire, (?�;;i, ,��,�l� �''�:�-.-
<br /> d.enekr,at Ils opllon, may rcc�uirc Immediete payment:n 2u11 05 ell sums se+:acavl by tht,Sernflly InctinmeN wlahout � : �lt�K ;%�..
<br /> fnnber dcmend and may invokc Ihcpower of saie and any othcr remedics percn�eied by ap,pllcablc law. �.ender shnll�be �++�!���1�x�r"xs 4_ __
<br />. mlilted lo wllttt aIt expenus incurred�n pursulng the rcmcdles proxidcd In Ihis paragroph 21.Including,Lut not ll�:.itetl �- ,� }r s��r.. :�
<br /> to,reasonable allorneys•fca and tnsls of tllic evidciuc. ' -_� �r�1�r�._ �
<br /> It�hepo wer ot sale Ls lurokttl,T�ucttt shali record n notice of defeult fn each munly In which any paH u11h.a �:;,y�f ,�z - _.
<br /> �'ropeHy Is tocaled and sfiall m�il mples of such nollce In the mannrr prescriUcd by appllcaLle�uw ro 13orrower and to �s,��±f s,���$ ;t",�,;.�
<br /> ahe olher persons prescritxd by appilcable law.After Ihc Iinm rcqulrtd by eppllcable Inw,Truslce shall girc publlc nolitt •;ti!;�:i+,''.;:}-Y"F.�`,�*'r";.
<br /> of saie lo the rsons nnd in the mam�er rescdbcd b a Ilcable Inw. 'IYustee, ithoul demand on Sorrower,shaii setl �fl"='��?`- �
<br /> Ik P Y PN N' ,�Ei;���r`�4�;f�'y-_""
<br /> the Pro d �t bllc auNion�o tM1e hl hest bldder at the tlme nre+l 'ace and under the lemu designated In Ihe nolice ot ! �• -� .1�?'::}:
<br /> P� Y� 9� 8 N• ,:-;a;3'S=S.��;--..>•;;
<br /> saie In one or more parccls and In eny order Trustec dctemilncs.Tresfee may postpone sale ot all or any parccl of ahe . _- �jy:�Y:�,r,,
<br /> Pro rt b ublk announcement et Ihe tlme nnd tace of nn ter3nu�ly uheduled s�le. Lender or f�s dalgnec may �i�`'+:t�;:�:;;-�#��•�i:�:-
<br /> P� Y Y A P Y i ••. . �..t;:{: ,; - -
<br /> yvirchautheF'roperlyxl:mp .rnie. ,:�;'a.:;ti;;.. '�:�*
<br /> p!: ' �`'-''',;.
<br /> :.�l�,,i.:-_.
<br />_ t;x'• ,��.' ;i�tci�� _.
<br />' Fam 30Y0 D 9Q - �
<br /> aYp5U4
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