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g;�..._ atos��2 <br /> '►YlOIiTJlI1R Wfilt�ll Qro lmprovoments now or hertaftu cro;,tat on the proptny,rnd nll aunxnts,�ppunennncas,a�M <br /> flRturos now ot huwfter � pen of�ho pn�peny. Ali rcpleanxnt� �nd addlllons st�nll also bc Nvued by chla ,4ccurlty <br /> Inftnimcni.All of the forcgoing is n;fcmal m In this Secudty ln:�mnxnt as�ho'Ptopci�y.' <br /> ' IfORROWRR COVliNANTS Ifm1 iinrrower!e I:wfutly uiud ot ttsc cstatc hcrcby conrayat and hns�ho rlg6�to 6mnt nnd <br /> aomoy thc Properry and�6at ttm Pro�rty Is uncncumbcrod,exttpt for cncum6ranas of nronrd.�orrowcr anrmn�s nnd wlll <br /> . ikfCnd aenenlly lho tltlo to iho Propttly ngalnst a�l clxlnu and denwnds,su6Jcct�a nny cmm�il�rances of rcmrd. _ <br /> TIlIS SRCURITY INSfRUM13NT wmbints uniform mvcnants for natVonnl uso nnd non•nnifomi covcnnnts whh Ilmitcd <br /> vedations 6y J�uisdlulon ta oonslitatc a unifomi savrity inswnxm covcdng n:al propcny. <br />. UNIFORAi COV[iNANTS.Oorrowcr and Icnder mvcnanl and ag�;o ns tollows: - <br /> 1. P�ymrnt ot Pdncip�l �nd Interatl Prquymml And [.�te Chery{cs� Ifotrower shnll prompily pay whcn duo tho <br /> pdncipat otand Inlcrcst on tho dc61 cvldcnad by tho Nolo and nny prepnymenl ond latc chargcs Auc undcr tho No�o. - <br /> 2. tLnds for Taxcs nnd InsnrAnca. SubJxl io npplicnblo low or�o n wriiten waiver by 4ender, Rortower shall pay to <br /> I.cnder oa th¢day nwmhty paymrnts aro due under iho Nota antll tho Nmo Is paid In full,�sum('Funds')for.(a)yeady taxes - <br /> md nssessmcros which mny nttat�pdo�iry over thls Secadty Instrumrnt ns n Iicn on the Property;@)yendy Icasel:oGE Q;vmcots <br />