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....��fl St��ti�t����j11 t{ s <��i�i�i.r,yi� ' � .��� .'S�'T( '- r/ ', . <br /> � z� - -� lSS} -tfRt � 3 � . \a�1��``/?f�.. <br /> , <br /> ,. .. <br /> .".v.Tf.a i ,.-. �n;.6'+- - ... _ . .-.- <br /> - ._ - .,�•. .�.,.. <br />':...,.........�.,.......- �.-.���,a.....n--_-._....,._.�..�___._.: _ ______ .. ' '__l._-.-. <br /> . $�'�. a����8 <br /> substanUrJiy tqutvatrnt mottgnSo insurnntt rn�'crago Is not m•ailntile,Rnrrn�ccr shall�y to I.c�cr cad�month a sum equal to <br /> �,6ne•Id�alflh of�ha ptafly nwtlgagc insura�xc prcniium txing pald liy IMrron�or wlicn�ic insuran�:co�cr,go Inpscd or ccaud m <br /> bt In effec6 Lendar will ncoepl,uu And fq�altt thesepa)meMS as n Inss rcscrve in Ilcu nf mor�gage imumnce. I.ou rexn�e _ <br /> � �ymtMS n�ay no longcr iw nlnd,al tUe opllun of Lendce if mnnFr�e insumnm mvcragc On Ihc amn;mt and fur�hc pednd �� <br /> thm LcMct nquircs)pro��id hy an insutvr��+y�m�•cd by t.cadcr.galn bxnntCS availabic anJ Is o6laincd. 1lommer shall pay <br /> .._--..-=--�. <br /> tho praniums�cquind to mnintnin mongago tnsur.mro In ctfttv.or m pmvldo a inss rcxnc,umii�hc nquircnxm fnr mvngagc <br /> Irtsuranc�e¢rnis In ncrnrdnnro a•I�L any wrinen agrxmcnt i�el���cen Dorrmver and I.erxteror.ppllcabie law. <br /> 9�insptttlon.l.cndcr ur hs agcm m��ma{;c ra�sona6lc cmrics upnn nnA insperUons of thc Propc�ry. I.encicr sh;dl gi.•c - <br /> Dormu•er nntira at Wo�imc ot or pdnr ro an�nspccUon spcclfying rcmm�aM1lc causo for Uic InspY�lon. <br /> 10.Cmidmtnellon, Tl�c pmc�tds of any m�•ani or tlnim fnr dantages. dirm or antuqucmtal. fm m�n.�linn ��•i�h an�. <br /> condcmnaqon n[o1Lcr tnking of any p3n of�hc Prop:ny,ar tnr�ronreyance m licu of anxicmnuuon,am hcrehy a»ignrJ anJ _-.__.-__ - - _. <br /> shall lw pald to I.endcr. <br /> in�he crtm of a�oLrl taking of Arc Prop:ny.U�c pro:ads sl�all bc npplicd iu thc sums x�cund by tlds Sccuri�y Innmmcm. ��¢_�_.- <br /> whethcr or noi thrn duo.with any exerss paiJ io Rnrro�ver. In the evem of a pa�lfal�akfng of�he Pru�r•ny in�vhich die G�ir s;:��,:-n�,--��- . <br /> markct valuo of�hc Propcny Immali,telp 1+:(orc�hc�aking is cqnal�a or grc,ucr ihan thc amnunt nf thc snms ucurni by diis -,w;-;,=G,Q.,,_�,,. <br /> Sttndty Instmmcm imm:dlatcl>•bcfnru tlio taking,unlcss[Snrrowcr and l.cndcrolhenviso ngn�c fn writing,�I�c swns sceund by t^�-tif±=-_-,-�, <br /> ihis Sccud�y Instrumem shall bc radnttd by �hc nmounl of Ihc pra�atds mulUplled hy tho fMlowing fncUon: (a) thc �oWl C`r � <br /> .mnuN of Ihe sums secund Immtdlately befnre the �aking,divided by (b)Am fnir marke�value of�Ue Prnpeny Immeiliately� �, i -;n E � <br /> bcfom. �hc tnkfng. Any sh,II lx pafd to Oorrox�.r. In thc evcnl of a panial �aktng af dw Property in�vhich �hc fair ,i,fg;�,?�' ,•a._�; <br /> mvket ralue of the Propeny ircun�diately Ixforc the taking is tess�han the amount ot�he sums secund inunttliyely befurc the {u�?�".;�.,,s::_ <br /> taktn�.un[ess Borrox�er a�i6 Lender mLenvise agree in wnting or unless applicable Imv o�hern•ise pmciJes, the pruirais ahall . •��; <br /> bc apptied to the sums sccured by this Security Irotmmcnt w6nf�ar ar nm ihc sum�arc thcn duc. !,�.-`-'•�F,•f r�,.��--� <br /> :..i...;:'.,,cs,-� <br /> 1f lho An�pzrty is abandoncd by(7orro��•cr,or iG aRzr nu�i,ar 6y Lendcr lo IIorro�nr t6a�thc avndrmnor u1Tcn w makc an ,;� s } <br /> a�vard ar selde a ciaim for dainlees, Qorro���cr fails to nxp.vd ro Lender wnhin 70 days aR.r ihe Jrte the r,uticr is gicen. f� � '.,, <br />- 4ndcr is umhoriud io mllm ac�d apply tl�c promnl�,at its oftion,tidizr to reunratlon or repair of thc:arp:rty ur to thc suau �'-„-�_L ,_.., ' <br />. stturcJ M1y this Sccuri�y InstrmnenR.�vhether or noi then due. " -- <br /> � Unlas Lender and Uor�u�ex vhenvix agw in writine. any applitation of�Rxenls w principal shaii rtut ca�cnJ or r s(� �:- <br />- s� ne the due date of�he mu�mh ments refemd to iap�7`ra hs I and 2 or change the:mmum ot suc6 m.ah. �+�f°}t`i <br /> P� f�O NY b P wy� 1,FEf1�?,'�;?..::__ <br />- I I.RurraH�er Not Rdcaw.l;��vlxarance 0�•I.endxr 1ot n\5'al�•er.L•xicnsion oP�hc�imu for payntem or mudi�ication ,��,�_,��.,,,,,. <br />-� of amortivzlion of Ihe sums nrund Dy this Securi�y Inslrumem gran4d by Iwndcr lo any snwetso�in interst uf Oortu���cr ehall f,�:�,�;.�:F;_:_ <br />� nm opera�c�o relcase ihe Ilabiliq�of tha original Oorron�cr or florro�rrr's v�:nsson in intcrex�. I�cnd.r�hall nut tn�requind�o Sw;�j,.:.'.'y::,�=-_ <br /> rnmmenee proaedings againsi anT successor 6i inure�t or artuse to ex�erJ�ime for � mem or atl�eraise m��lif� ��aiaatira�imi c_:;.:�;t;: <br /> P Y S • i-'ert-;;'.-,- <br /> of Ihc wms sccurcd by ihis 5:avri�y Insimmem by rcasaxi of uny dcmand maJc by tlie origtnal 13orroi��er ur &x+o�vcr's �S.'._,--.:___ <br /> suttcswrs in fnterai. Any forl+.arnncc by l.ender in excrci>ing any righ�or remedy shall not be n a�aivcr nf or pn�lud��hz :z�`=;��r:�'}�"" <br /> �,,.;i1'.`,:-� <br /> cxcrcisc of nny dgh�or rcmcdy. �vV:.e,t'�'= . <br /> 12. Sucttssors and Assig�s 6ound: dnint nnd Sc�'cral I.I�billh� Co•slgnrrs. Thc cm•cnamc and agntmcnis of�hi� ;3�,,��;�:��ri�_: <br /> Securi�y InslmmeN shall bind and Uene(� �he s:e.cessors a�d asxigns o(I.cnder anJ t3orrower, sihjcrr �n �ht prv.�isiom of =.�y;f,:;�,,,,R,_.= <br /> nu,�eraeh 17. 6orroner's carenants and a�rc.nxms shill h joim onJ scvernl. Any Dnrro�rrr ��ho ,�-si�nc ihis Sccuriq• 4�sr�i.,;�;°C.� <br /> IlUttuaitnt 6W dOl:s nol exeCletc ih:Nnte: (a) i3 co�signict�thi:Securily InslNlnenl only lo n1Un^:_e. c:aN cnQ con�'ty Illal ---;»���::..__ <br /> Ilur:a��xr's imeres�in�he Prr r.�y unJer�he�enns of ihi.Sa�arii In��rwncnL• lb)ic no� rson:Jl nSle vtd�n a� 4e sums �i::x?+.i3:,;=� <br /> P Y P� )' £. • p _ :s, r - <br /> securcd by this Stcuri��Instra:mvx:vd(c)agrc.x tha�Lender orA nn o�hcr Oorroucr nw � rce w ea�cr,d.mexBf�,tSx•6car or 'j���"k�'-��- _ � <br /> Y )•8 tir.t.>;i^i�:- <br /> nuke ony necoaunndaumu�j�i:h reganl�n�Ire�min of�his S.cudty Inswurcnl ar�he Ko[e�eithow th�rz 6.�rta�cer's can.ent. -`���;;�:.p�:.=. <br /> :,;� - <br />�Chnrgrs.6Cafi;Inan sccurcd hc�his Sccurily Inclrwr..n� is vabJCCI !0 8 IAN'\¢IIICII 5f11 p1JC11110p1 I0211 CI1.1fECS. �:.�9.A I�� n� .: <br />- aid thal la�r is finally imrts<c�..!m Iha11Yc iNtresi or olhcr Inan cicvga:n1lcticJ or lo b.rollcaad in rnnncc�inn wiih d�z +;�;y,�s <br /> r�: v-.s..•---. <br /> Iwn cacteJ the permiu.d Ilmie.. rtwn: lal:my wch loan.h,ir.e shali M1c rcduicd Uy ihc:unount nncssap•lo n�lucc�he chargc r •r,,,�,�=rJ;_: <br /> .`YpP. �.J <br /> m the pennlu�d IimiC and l6)any�wns atr.ady collecteJ ainn Dnrrn+cer�ehidi exrad�d pnni�icJ limi�s n�ill be refundeJ �o i .A,:��Y �j r;_: <br />- �orro�cer. I.encler may chooie �o m�ke �his nfund by rcdcring ihr priini�:J o�ceJ under �he No�e or by maAing n Jirc.� ��:",v:=c-T{-::'.._ <br /> a ntem m Oorro�ccr. If :i refimd nvluca rinci il. �hc rcduciion �.�ill M1e Irca:cJ as a �ni�l c � ntrnt a�ithnw an +::(':,r=r':ir a;.,. <br /> P'Y r r• r• r� r r � > r:�:�='#�tliH,�?;!` <br />� prep,rymcm charge under�he Ko1c. -7�•'^' .: '.-- <br /> 14.Kntices.An nolice ln Onrrower rnridcd for in dii.F.�curii� 7n?mmenl+hall 6e •i�'cn b�delietrin it or b nnilin� �'�'��`.':'"�Y:`-'�;v+-. <br /> Y P k ) S Y b v S„��t7:tNf.'.:,...- <br /> it by firs�clacc mail unlcss applic�blc law requircs u.c of a«chcr m:�h.xl.7hc noiice.h:dl be Jimc��d�u�hc Vrapeny� AdJrc>s S'':n,^y.yU, :�•,:r�;•;.:- <br /> or any other address Oorm��c�dr„gnates hy nmice m I.rmirr. :�m rmice to I.cixler ahail 6e gi�en by tirsi cla,s mail �o �'t-�}l�ir�{�:;;';�;' <br /> I.enJer's aJJre.cs s�ated hercin nr nn� mher adJrc., l.ender d.•.aignan�..h? rv�iice to I3orro�ree Any mai.< proxid.J(nr in�hi� ���,;�.+�;�.r:,.'::::. <br /> <<•.ti.:. <br /> Securi�y Insuumen��hall Ix deem�d�.�lurvr hrrn given In Omrmreror LcnJ:r a�hcu given u pro��ided�a fhis pangreph. { �c;���;iiti==`=.. <br />- I5.Cmtrn(n [.mr: ticrernbilL}�. 'Clii. Sccuril In.lmmcm >hall Ik a�rrncJ 6� fnf.r.d laa and �hc law of �F.c �`-l�•l;rcro.ri._.,..: <br />. F Y 6 ) ����F.l4iL_ki;;F;!�;;. <br /> juriscllqion in a�hich Ihc Prn�kii) is Irca1rJ. In 16c crrnt U�at an)•proeisinn or rlamC ol Ihis Scruri�� in>trumanl nt 1LL Pin:r 7 q�3-ti� «;cu <br /> amtlicis wilh appllcaMe law,stmh conilicl•.hall nnl affetl mhrr�hi�Situriy Imvumem or iF.. tiop:v.hi:h rnn h r�� f<<}�,,j��� <br /> Fi�en.Rccl w�iihnut�hc mnllirung pru��i�mn.To�his ccd th:pro�i.inin nf ihi.S�vuriq� In.irumcm:mJ i6. M1v:r,re JrAnrcd Li-�lih1'"'Wi .. <br /> to bc se��crablc. K�,,7r��`�, ,� <br /> I6.IIormo�ci'x Copir,. 6nrro�.cr shalf h�gi�tn mi.�roninmicJ capy of ihe No�c:md of�his ticauric} In.mimcm. ,,i�:��.yt jx <br /> ISSOIAOITf.niti(CRCJInrei�81•alhfiil'JI'llltla`liinitortou`rt;n,ISItI11�51J'11��fRPII'JI,WRUfR\12�i11'�nol,e�naluml� conNr�cilhn�t tl�Fs��r'�'fpf��-- <br /> Iwnder's prior ���rillcn a��xer,:. I cr.der nt3y. a� i�s nT::an nyuire imm� p.qmenl in lidl nf nll enm. r�ar:.l h�� Ihi• �s�t)��r '�s .- <br /> Sccurily Inx�,�`�n��plinu ah:di nnt ht� hy IwnJrr d c�eru�a r.prohibitcJ hc feJar.J la��.�.of�hc J:u. ,����1�.t� 'trz fn�;_- <br />. nf�hia Sccuriry�Inqrmnem- �i i!�:�;�Pf;j'7::-.,.. <br /> If Iwndet exerai.c.Ihi�e�t:an. Lcndt:sh.dl �re 13nrrm�cr nolirc ol acalrr:afnn.Thc m,�i.e.i�.i' ra�ide a xri�Kl nf nnt �+� 'try''�+ ''"� . <br /> Icss Ihan ,10 Ja�. frnm Ihc d:nt thc r.ou:r i.d:L�.rtvl nr maileJ ��nhin xhid� Ilorro��cr nunt r �11 .umti.ceureJ b�� Ihf. `"'�*' •�+r`�7f'1:.:-�: <br /> � P• �;_ytY�_,���;,✓.:: <br /> Srrurily In.lrumcnl.if Borru��er kiii.�u�vn �hac vnn.pnnr 1,+ihr r�prt.niun ul�hi.�xn��.i.Lcndrr m.n imol.c:un rcmttlic. i•y t,5�,.9^. <br /> ;.t.� �.•.: :.. <br /> �c::r.:.•rJ b)•Ihi�Saurily In.v:.r.::m ui�hnm IurUicr m.�i::,a Jrmmxl an Narto��rr. }�:i t}5!..'�: _ <br /> 1<. l3orroneri Rlghl In Rcin.tnte. 1! Bnrrua.:: .r.rn .rn.un :nnJiW,n.. ISorrm�rr �hall h:nc Ih< n;r t., hcne .5:.: •, • t:, . .;. <br />-�:tnl n(Ihi�Saru�il�� Ir,svnm:m Ji.c� .m. umr pnnr ��� ihe auher.�L ��� s Ja�.�or w:h m`:� r.rurl :�. ' �.,,?_ ' <br /> S!d � .:}A -.i': <br /> sppiica?It l.n: r', qtcif� li�r rcir.qntu..rnt'. ` ..r: ..:: of dtc P:np:m punuam �o .m� p,n�cr �:' .air rnm:�.r:t� inrhn ����k.: �..E�..: <br />- ccuiinlntlmr,:.::rr�b�cnlrrrfaia!_ ::r :�r•r::•,�'•nSccum� lnymniem 'I'I:n.rarnd�tum. t 4,};liti:�p. ..__.. <br /> �': '.et Bn1lux¢r: 60 a.. �'�. L/x^- - <br /> . ti:c:'r'n Inymmrni cn:J ihi \nt:.n tl n.�.i.:r.r::-:nn I�:J.rcurnJ: �M1� i,'.'rvt�'!;I✓ ' <br />- Lrr..lcr a4 sum��ch�tL ihcn a,•c:.:ht..�..; �.::e:- ::': . .�u.;,,- <br /> c..::- .�r.p JCfaull u(an� �nbr c�.n:..r:. r:agrcc::�::�� . :o�..dl r�prn.a. urtutnv c�a�lon�ng ihn Saum� L�.tNincnl. ��� .• -_; - <br /> u.o.:,1:ig. hul nnl IimiLLtl tr. :r...•_.ibl:a::r.nn•' Iti•. .. . �d� I:At..uJ�a:tu�u a.LrnJ.� m.n tsnonaM1h t.yw.r In a..urc . .. <br /> Ihai th¢lidu of Ihi.Securiq La�.l::',n�h�.in tln� Pro�hm :mJ 8mm��cr'.ohLeatmn e.p:�� Ihe.cnn.r.ural P) �`� - <br /> � . � .- <br /> rht. C...�.:u. I�..�.ppy.�n .h�.11 ......:..... ..... -�..,I 1'n.m �rina.�tnu.•m h� Burrnorr. Ilu. \.�unh In.uumtnl :md Ihr �:.•� � .• <br /> OIlI1�8G00�4hlftti IIfICI�\aItAII 1:-ta:". f...; :1:CI1\d:n 11 �L�:IaCCICLIIIOtI II��i.w'.urtc.! Il�...,�:c. �lu.nghllo r.•unl.ilt.h.dl �-�_-- �' <br /> nol:�pplr in Ihc ca.c of acnlcr:t -i.n!::po�atraph 1 Z [ .• . <br /> 19. Salc nf 1nlc: C6un;:r ni Loan ticnkcr. Thr \01. o� a p:inial mtrrc.i �.� d�r ��ar �<.�_aha ..oh ibn l.zun•, C <br /> InqNm[nt)ma) F+c.u1J onc o-� :•c limc.��ilhnut pnor n�qi�c tu IAvtu��•t-.\ ..d:n��. n•.ult�n a.hmYc m�L::nnn .ln....n r ' <br /> a��Itc 'I.nan Scniacr'�Uw<�d.:cn m��mLh pa�nxm,Ju. unJ.r Ihr\otc cmJ�hi.4�unn In.rrun��r TI�.�.�:�•m�. h.•n: [� <br /> or nloftthan�c+.�f�ht I!un S.n'ittr unt?{.::_.'In nl Iht\uIC II Ihtrt n a dun_�.�1�ly�:'.�.cr_ &�:rv•� od� A ` <br /> giren xrit�en r.�uee o��h.ehange m a..or.:_'.-:x ilh paragraph li alw�e anJ appli..�htc i�a Tb:n.•u.:u dl qa::the in.� � <br /> aJJrc..of�hc nra Stnrccr�rd�hr s.::::..w uhi:h p.nmcnh J�ouW tw med: (h.m.ii..c ..dl ahn .um.un am o�Ln <br /> Infom�aiion m�uinvl M1r�pphciMt liu <br />. 20. Hma�douc tiutn•.xrs<s. &,rr.��tr .h�tl mn�rt �tnnn ih: prt.rn.. � L.N...�I. .tnrage. nt rclenc .�I cun <br /> IlaiafJoua Sub4amr. �+u �w m �hc Fn.�m &�rn.urr .hall n�n d... ��.�r allox .nq.•n.• cl.r lu Jo. au�llung alltilm� tla <br /> Pro{,cn� �ha�i. in �ml�uon uf am Ianvanmem�i Ln. TL[�.rtva�LnE I���..rm.n.c..h.dl m.l.q�pl� 1.��hr u.c nt <br /> 4oragC on Iht Pm�r�t� of�ntall yuanliln���1 fE.vard.nn$uh.�antt.Ih.n are}:n:ull� �av'.�Em/ai to It appn� 6. nntmal . <br /> rc.iJcnual u•c.:mJ lo mainicnan.t of tLc Pr,pern . <br /> .. • . a Foirn 3020 9�0 ' . <br />