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. T/� h J'Y _ / 2 - . tR 1 " " t"1'�F� <br />., - '�' S� � i�t}>5h Pt ?r .fi�� . ,� i.- �e�}t � i�� S a <br /> t <br /> ..r�� t ,�ri� . r�j _ r[�� fl _ N" . . ° _: tt�t�i-.�.{. � /�. <br /> �.yr'.-.. ut��7.��fw'+w��w��..wM���•<�.1.Uii�.r,�w�a'I:::�GiP4WRiM'• ••,••:•••yLL•.cr_ ._.+«.w-wu.�..._..._..: :.. <br /> F. g2-�- �Ug�3� <br /> Thc Nnds shnll Le hcld in nn InsU�u�lon whox dcposiis arc insnnd by�Nfcderal .gcixy. Instnunemnll�y. or cntity <br /> (Including LenAer.If Ltndtr is such an Imiilution)ur In any 1'ateral Iionw luan Dank.LecWcr shail appiy tho 1'unds�o pry thu <br /> Fscrow Items.I.ender nwy�wt chargo Oorrox•er for ho:ding and applying ihe Funla,annuilly a�ulyr�ng tho escmw accour.6 or -�,—._ . <br /> --�- vedfytng�he Pscrow tums,unless[.cnder p9ys Rorro�cer iNCrcst on iho runds an�l a{. Ilrable taw permiis I.enJer to nukc such �� - <br /> a chargc.llottcvcr.I.cndcr nuy n�qniro tkrrox�cr�o p�y a onrtimo chnrgc for an ii�eµrdem rcal csw�e�ax rc�cttting urvkt <br /> � u�ai by l.ender in rnnntttinn �vitli this Inan, anless applla�blo Inw pmridas othcnvix. Untcss .n agrxmcm Is m:idc or ,,.•- <br /> appllenlde law r.quires inmresi�o Ix:palJ,Lender shall not I+e ru�ulral�o puy Ibrm�cet any interes�ar earnings on�he I'unds. �'"-��_�•-=- <br /> IIortowcr and Lcndcr may ngrcc in wdting. 6orvcvcr,ihat (NCrat sliall I�c palJ nn Ihe Punds. I.cndcr shall givc to Oormu•cr, �""`"' <br />. , wit6onl chargc, nn nnnual nccouming of thc�unds, showing cndf�s anJ dc6its�n �hc�nnds nnd tlw purpuse fnr which cach $u`��-��c::---- <br /> Acblt lo thc Funds was madc.Thc I'unds nre plcdgai asaddlilonal sccuriiy(or nll sums sorured 6y ihis Sccudty Insuumcm. - � ' -' - ' �`�� � <br /> If�6e�nnds held by I.ender axeeed tho nmonnts pemdtted io be hdd by nppIlcabie la�r, I.�nder shail accomu ta 6nrmwer � ��' <br /> - far the cxcess Punds in aceardanrc with thc rcqutrenums of appilcnble law. If the mnoum of thc Fundc helA By I.ender m any �`�'' . ___. <br /> = tlme is not sufficicm to pay We Cscrow I�ems�vl�en due.LenJer mny so noiify IIormwer in wd�ing,and,in sucl�case 6ortnwer ��_;`� - : <br />`•■ shall pay to I.ender tF.v an:ount necessary�o make up�he deficlency. Uorrower shall nwike up�he deticfency in no mnre�han z� x n'° -. <br />- = Iwclvo momhly payments,az[zndci s mic dt:crclion. �;�;: �r„c t?,'�w'=�. <br /> -_ Upon paymtnt in Cult of all smns ucured by �hfs Seeuriry insm�mcm, I.ender shall prompQy refund to Dnrm�ee�any � -., 3 .zT �- <br />.— �unds I�eld by Ler.der.If,urvler paragraph 2L I.ender shall aryuire or sell�he Propert�,I.cnder.priar tu thc xquisi�ion or s�le �:; v • � <br /> of qte Pro ny,shal!appty any iurAs held by Lender m tRe time of uquisi�ion nr c�c as a crcdit agairot thc sunu secur.J by - � . -��l�g..�,,#F�+�,=. <br /> g-- F� %'di:'j::;� - . <br /> this Sccunty Irtstrvment. ..<.� -.7:t.d�''r:`�. <br /> - 3.Anclirallon of N,a:yancais.Unless applicable law Qrovides othernix,all paymeNS nrei��ed by t.cnder wxler paragrnpM .-=+:�"rt��-.'rs,;,�f5,�:,- <br /> ��.�� I nr.d 2 sha71 be appliek�Gre.�o any pRpaqmcm chuFe.duc m:der�hc hotc: sccond,m ancoums payable un3cr paragraph 2: �V�tk� - - t i',r�'�"'�^?�i <br /> -`+ ihird,to ircerest dex;f'ovi+`�,toprin�ip�i dr;anJ las4 ro any latc ciurgcs duc undcr Ihc N�xr. �, }� `• <br /> = 4.Churf.�s;Ldr�_c.'�iorrowet siealr p3y all laxes,assessmen[s.charge�, fines and im��,i[ium aaat�na:+k co ihe Prnpcu�: hn1���ant�.���y1`"'�:: <br /> - which n�,�y xtain priaiu o�rr tliic Sa�uriry instrunxnt, and Ira..cLn'd paJ�mems or @round �rrtt.. i3 flar. L��rronCr sF.rJt p:n ��u. __ .._ <br /> _ �hesc obligationa in�ht menntr provldcd in paragraph?.vF if r;v p�iJ in�ha�manner, Oorrower sh�ll pr� �hem oa�inx A�naq� V „r <br /> [u ihe rsun m�n1 � axm.Aorro�rcr shall rom tt.furms`e an Isndtr all no�ims of r�imunts�o bc iiJ under ih�t �m r.� h. �"}�K �>>�r <br /> � p� PS P {� P• R F V ��a,,::= <br /> = tf ltorro���er nmkra�Itcu pa�nxms direclly,Oorm�vec>hJl prm�ptly fumish�a Lender rmipls evfJencing�h.p.�ym:r,h. q.,� <br /> -';3� Uotto�x«9:.11 tnm ti•disdiar e an lien whkh has naii�over this Scwrit Im�mmem milcxa i3nrro��cr v+F xm.t iu v t� f�A:.:.=-- <br /> P P > f Y P ' 2 Y "ti5p� <br /> = wri�ing ro�h:p:nirwN of the o6ligmivu sttund by thc licn in u mamer ncccp�xble to Lcnder. (6I mmesis in gn..d Yaah dw teen ;��-+?.:?'s 5-' <br />��- b , or Jefen.?s a ain.i eninrcemem nF�he lien in, le al rocctiAsa�•s �ehich in dm Lender's n inion o n�r io �hr ' c`;��+'t�.':=-_—- <br /> Y 8 R p � P {n P' ��f p� #•-- <br />-�; cnforccmcnl of the Iicp:ce f.)sctt�res(mm lhe holder of Ine lien nn agrcemcnt s;rtistSaory lo I.endcr suix�rd�Qa:ing�hc 6en m t,r <br /> ' this Stturity Instmmem. fi Lendcr de�erm(nex�ha1 any parl of ihe Pmpeny i� +oUjea tu a licn���hich ma}�o•ta�m prioriry m•er q {; �����'_ <br />'-��; �Ids Securi� Ins�mmem, l.vder ma n•e Dorrower a notice iJemif in Ihe IF;n. flortn�cer shall sa�isf Ihe�fen or�aAe one nr �j`i:��"i:'�ri-;'.-, <br /> Y Y B Y 8 Y �.`' ?fi•Stn}};c..:_ <br /> �,# morc of the actions se�fonh above within 10 days of�hc giving of noiice. (��; 1 � S- - <br /> r � y�r <br /> 5. HTia�d o� Pro(�Crly Insurunce. Ilorrower shall keep �he imp:orenunu now existin¢ or hereaf�er erccleJ nn Ihe �rX�? d , t`�' __.. <br />_ _�� Propcny fnsund against las by firc, h��ards includcd wilhin�hc ecnn 'e�cendrJ covcragc' .m<I xny o�6cr h�iards, incluJing yr,��r�qi�,��n,aa.�=: <br /> _ (I.wic nr�rvvline, fnr which Icnder rr tuiree insunnR.This ineura�ra atall Fe mainlainod in thr amnenc.m�d(ur Ihe periuJr u l�.H .."=�r. <br /> iha� l.cnder requires.The insumnee carner proviJinc ih.e incurar.r.shall M cLn>:n hy Qorco�ver suh�.M cn ie�er't npprocal ��nr t �_ <br /> which shall not bc unrc�sanably �viihhrlA. If Rnrto�c.r Liils In mmmain cnvcrage JeuriM1al niwr.. Lericr may. ai LenAer'x �� , tr..,,._— <br /> - �J� i/1 k <br /> opllon.nbiain corenge�o prolecl LeniE•c'c riphix in iFr Pro�tl� ia�r.o�Jance�rnh puagreph 7. �•'f �c r�{��_. <br /> AII IR IIf.lI1CC�IIfICS i111A Rlit`\\pI<.hall bc ncavp�nb c�o Lcndrr anJ shall incluJc a s�ardan! m,ngaF.dan�c. L.ce.l.�r t �1� < st s __ <br /> ;��j shall 6ave the right�o hoW�hc pnlicir.and r.ncwals. If LenJcr rcquLrs, f7nrrmcer ihall promp�iy ei�e tn L.nder all mripc, of �.tp�r r��L �y��i._.. <br /> paid prcmmms miJ nncwal nouccs.In ihc crcnt u(Iav.6orm�rcr.6all gi�c pmuryi notis�o�h�mtinrar,cc.:�rn:�and Lcrd.r. ��i�'-r�c�-t-��+ m,� -� <br /> `� LendCf m3y nlakC P�Mdo(Inss if nol m�JC pronfpily by 6o�ro�cc�. �: i� {�,�.j{t,�: <br /> `, Unless Lcnder nnd Ilurm�r.r aihcn��ise agrcc in�rriling,imumncr praceds shall b.applitd lo re�tor.iuon ar rcp,iir uf U�c �r.;a,:}`':. - <br /> y;:,1 Pto t1 Jama ed,i(thc rcstoniinn nr rc air is aonn�nic.dl�fc:nible;md Ixndrr'.uxurii�is nm Ics.ennl. I(the rotura�inn or � ..+;:..��.`;'t,F'�"'S�': <br /> P� Y 8 P - Y Y r 4{ StY��.. �- <br /> rcpatr Is nm�mnnmirally fr.isi6lc or I.enJcr's.ccuriq���nulJ Ix Ic+xncJ.dic inaur,mce pruravl+shall 6c applieJ lo�hc�ums ?''n � f y_>`.y��'r; <br />��}� srcu�cd by Ihis Sccuriiy In.ImmcnL ��firihcr or no� �L•rn Juc, witl�:np•cccc.. paiJ �o Ilarro�ccr. If 13orrmccr u6andunx th. �i� �'_:i,-+LL :lr.i�i.�:Ft� <br /> -�i Propcny,or docx nnt anmcr�viihin?4.l�ys a noiice fmm Ixndtr ihnl lh.inwr,mcc rarricr ha�uffend�o sculc a daim.�hen �� 3 ��'F°;::L. <br /> : Lendcr may eallal �6c imutancc pnxe.d.. I.cnder may usc Ihc pn�cads tn rcpair nr m�tnrc ihc Prupc«�• nr m pq• wms � <rr �� aNy> <br /> `�ti7 securcJ by Ihf�Secudty la.trmnem.xhr�hcr or nm thenJua'fhe}0•day perinJ��ill Ixgin�vhen�6e nolirc�•,_ncn. �+�j5�5 '1� � �.fi'���": <br /> V;� Unlcss IROJCf OIIII UOfIODU Ulhtt��1.0 �Qiff LI Nfllll�t. :111)' Nr(�Ilf�ilull O( r��KCtJ� �„ �r��„��.�i >hall r.ot calrnJ nr i'. 3 'y iy" F__ <br /> 7 pnslpnut tAc do:dalc of thc nx+mhh p.nnxms r.(crrzd lo m r�r,rr.iph. I :mJ : nr changc �hc mnounl ot thr �rym.n�.. I( LJf� i r+��gt�j(�,� .. <br /> -� unACr p:ttag:.r��:i:l Iht Prnpcii)•la;cqwrcJ h� Lcr.dct.No�mwti.nghl lu any inwra:�a pnliiits;utJ p�ocettl>rts�kaig (mm �7���,7�� � ;: <br /> }' dunagc lo Ih2 Pruperl7�pnn�lo Ihc�rcyni>nton sh:dl ry..ln Lcr.drr lo Ihc evcnl of Ihc+um..ccurtd 6� Oii.Snnrilc litammrni 1�.�� ��`�)!�f,y�'��r .' <br /> i-j immcdialely prinno Ilic:�.qui.i�lan. f: �d�� 5 ^���A`• s <br /> b.Occupancy.Presrnntlm�, 1lnintennn�e and i'rmec�ion uf the Prn{KVp: fanrrnaer's IAl'Jp AJ)N1ira<inu: I.en+cholds. iS�+i�*�Yr�it�l.5? t3'. <br /> 6urrowcr shall arupy,a�abli.h.and uce ihc 1'ro�rtn n�I3�urmcrr'>principal rc.ulrrnc�ulhiu.iV� day+aflrr Ihc cxc.Wion uf . f.r�F ii .�, <br /> -�-' �his Sc.uriiy Insuutnent anJ tihall coniin:�.io�rc�,�j m.• p�„�rq ...IA�rrm�cr'.prinapal n�.�.I.n.0 liir:u Ica�l onc)car aflcr `�: U�r -.�2=; - _ <br /> -� �hc da�e o(ckcupancy.unl.+.landcr�•th:�uix���riiin�. uhrch �hall not hr unrra.onahl�•�enhhclJ,ur mdt.. r°{"�y�It�� �if f. i <br /> ..-:� c�lcnualing Clrcun151a�ICCC Cx".l xhiCi� .ue ihtor.d Rnrtmtii a comrol. Ik�rrn«cr �hail nrn Jr.vny, it.rn�gc ��r impair �hc tl��, r k '��'i�' ' <br /> �� Properly. allmr Ihc Prnprny lo or a,ms::�w:ntc nn Ihe Pn+�+crt} I3orrm�.r�hall tx m J.:.uh d any fnrfcuurc ;; i ��� li� �•��:: <br /> ac�ion nr pr�ttJing. �nc�thcr.i�il or arimmal. i. Fr;aa that in Lcndrr'�good lai�h IcJgn:eN inuld rnulc m fmfeilurc af Ihr � � ��� i�- � <br /> - l r,��n.�„r o�i�r�„�.��„���r�.,nv��»�:���:r.•i�.•„«.,,�.�i,. �hi.tiarunn In.�mmtm nr I rndrr'..avunlr imrrol. flnrruacr mar �: ��F� '' <br /> n�ii rurc xmF..�.L•fauh anJ reiml.rtc.:n p�. �.�1'd in paragnpi� I8.6� c,�hc a�uan or pnw�n mg in br di.mi.xW wnh a rulmg ,`.� � -- - :. <br />(_�ii dwl. in Lcrdci s g�xal fai�h Jcicmm�.umn.�iiiln�t��I Iha lio�rout�� m;ut.l m IEc P�optrtr u� o0�c� ntatedal �t,d -'c t c.. <br /> .::� impaimicnl n(�hc licn:rr�ICJ hr �hi.Scauriir In.mnncm nr Lcnd�t'. .nunry mlerc.� Bartaucr .h�ll :d.,.be in Jclauli d ��,' ��` -_ <br /> iA+rroxcr.during Ihc 1._^ r,ph:.eion m:ucn.Jl� lah.or u:i.xmai�nn ur.ta�cmcm- �•I rndrr lur f.nlyd �i� . <br /> - _ m pm��ide lsndcn�it}.:a �ia:cti:J ininnnali��m m.unncruan��nL Ihr Innn c�f2tc:tJ M1�thc Snld. indr.dir.••.hul nnl Ifmil:d �•i:- . <br /> ' in.repre.em�uon.conac•rr:i3ort,�•.-c.:�cupanc} ol�hr Pnqv'm a.n pm�a ipe' rc.i.::nr 1!�4�.tic.unh In.vumrm n�+ti e }•� . <br /> : <br /> ..a Ica.chnlJ. 6urro�ur �h.C: .�� ��.�. .' 14: p�r�nw�h ri ILr Ica.c II 11�nnn.�•r .....�^.- G[ Ii14 I�+ Ih� Pmprl - IL: �" ' . <br /> -'z Imuhnld:mJ�hcfcc�itl:.::.i��r.:: �:-_:_l:..I.:nJrra�r:a�o�htmcr}:tmwm�cy �.i". �. . . <br />::-:r� 7.PmhrUnn of I.emlrt'.Kigh�,ne 7he Prop,tl).II Ii.�rm��r� Lul.i�,��.•�b•:.. '�:::.:::.r:n and ac:r.•��;at.o•:ae.�r.:m ../,- ��� <br /> 4: <br />-�2'3q �hi�Savnl� Inyrmum:. • ' Ihari ��a Itgai pb�.r.f-�; m.n .��mhamd� . ... :-:rla�. ngLi. m(": " rt�l� nu.-:.a. a �l ' <br />��.-3;.i r.�xa.r��k'�„�,:����.«���;,.��,�,.���•. ����..,��.i.•����,.���..�:,,� Ia�la�nrr a� tu cn4•.r ..�:r r:gul.ilu�n.L tl':: :. ..::m.r. �'. .. ._ .. <br />---li' p:n' fur xheltccr f. 10 prn�:a� Ihr..�iu.•al i4: i'��qrm enJ 1 ci::.�'. :)nl.m�hr Proprm :: ... .u��rn.• .. <br /> � <br /> ..� <br /> _ _ '_�" " .� �.. ..�.._�. i.. �i.. �,. [.. _ _ _ <br /> :.. 1. � ��._..�t �.... ....... ..� �.. 1._ ... . . ..� . . • .- : <br /> -����blr�llume�� Irc�:mdenirnnt.•n�h: Pn•Fvn�io ntde.rc�tnn �\Iqn.o[h•LcuJn,ma. t.d:a.�o•nund:i tiu.,p.��,et.iph . <br />_.�.� �.Lc�xl.r J�w.n,q h:nc�„J�..o . . <br /> Am anu�unh drhu[vvl 1+� I� u�w!.� �in,��r.ipii ' .6.Ji IRy.�m: .�2di�u.ui dch� ..I��;r .nurcJ h� ILn �. <br /> ;4� }�'Qryb I�NINphnl 1�11t.. ��•rr.•�a<f.nW 1-ifW:r .�ifC 10 Nl�tr I<fllt.ol fA��!'<Ilt. i}iY��� .I�.�i!%�trt rt�tiK.t Ilanl illC . <br /> dY.r.d d�yu�nxn! .�t eht \.�: ra�:�nd .h�i; h ��nh mrt��al. u(y•n m,u.t�•••n. l:iyer r..,.�er �� <br /> � i (�.IHIX(tt � <br /> r ��� 8.\1orlFngt Inw�r,mn. It Lrnd v rc4mrol mang.�gr unurau.i a..�umdNnu nl ni.d.im_ a�c 6�..•�-..��r J M Ihi.\.�uul� <br />".'y'S Inyrumtm. Rorro��cr .hall pa� Ihc p�anwnn rcywial la. m.nnlam ih. mangagi m.wan.r m clli.t U n.: . <br /> .nq ir.nn:�. �hc S. <br /> ; �➢OI11:J�1 IiM1Uldlll l�p[fJfP Ra�111fN Il\ LcnJcr Lq+v.,rt lu bt m clirit. Itntmv�ct .h.ili p.n ILi pr.mnmi,rcymial Io t <br /> ohlain nntrag.wF�lanualh cymr:drnt lu 16c w.nlgagr mwrarn: prc��o�.h m rlla.l..a.�i.�.t.ub.1�nl�alh n;m�.J.m 10�hc 1 <br />��'�r",r+ tu�l l0 13mrooct ol Ih[ ntotlgagt mwnnit pra�iou.l� in cilnl. Irom nn nmuia�a unntet appro�al b� 1 cud:� h f <br />'�+' 1 <br />..- "r � <br />--'t- . . ..r, .. Fo�m3070 990 <br />_ ` <br />,:(, , ; <br />.__, <br />