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I..•���i�l�`�dJ+1�`r�Mi�1�M1i`'tiV/WA��N:��Hi1�ir�:✓.v.�a�r���ww��nemmw+n�.���-�� ._ __ __ ___._. . . . _ <br /> : 92�= atc����r <br /> 8orro�S�tt�hqt prompcty�Ivc I.endcr_wNilen nalca af any Inves�IgaAon,cl�im;'&nund,Ia��snH m aher ac�ion by any <br /> c <br /> govrmmontel ot irct��+��Y�dency or privNe pany involving tho PrAp:tly ru�d any lluardas Slihunixc or Iinvimanuma!taw <br /> of w�hicl�llorrog�Ct h►s xiu�i knowicdgo,lf 8orrowcr!cams,or is notillal6y any ovtmmcntai or rcgula�ory authori�'.�ha� <br /> any rm�vol at mh:r mr.afit�lon of�ny Nuan3m.0 Sutr.!:m ethcting�Iro PropenY�c nccextary•Onrromcr shall prompl�y takc <br /> all nectsmry rcroodlAl a�linns fn acmrdr,nca whh�'nvironm:n�al Law. <br /> As ussd!n tl�is�in,5apti 20, 9{aratvkws SWbst�mxs'att those subspnccs Celined ns loxk o�hn�nrdons subi�antts Uy <br /> Rnvlmnmemnl I.�w nnd Uto fnllowing substances: Sasoline. t.emseno, other tiamnubie or ioxic R°.trola�m prainas. �oxlc <br /> peaUcldes nnA ha6lcldc�.voloAlo solecnu.muted�ls mntainfng asira�os m fnrmaldch)•Aa,and ndloncilve materials. As asa!in <br /> Uds ti�nph 20, 'I:nvironmentnl Law' muns Rdoraf i�ws and larvs of the judsdlalon �vheru U�a Propeny Is loc.ned t6at <br /> mle�o to t�ca1�U,snfc�y or cnvironmrntnl protecllon. <br /> NON•UNi�ORTi COV[:NANT3.Ilorrowcr and l.cnder funhcrcovennm and agrm ns folluws: � - <br /> 21.Acedcrntloni Rttnedics.I�endcr shdl R��'c nMltt to Rorrowrr pdor to ecedrrntinn follmsing Borroxcr s brcach <br /> ot nny mvenant or eerc.�cut tn ihis Scc��rilY insi�umrnt Nnl ao1 prior to Acoelcration nndcr wsa,graph 17 w�iess _ <br /> rtipticaLle 1Rw rkics aCOr.xxtseJ.7'ba r.otiK sfieil s�xsltyi ta3 tpc dcfaidti (b)thc adlon mi�ul�to cun tNC iA:fnul�� _ <br /> (c)A�INk.IT/J��CD.ia�O d?$A ICORt LAR O,flI!tI1C IlO�ICC 14 2,IY2Q C4 IIOY�ON'CI'�IlY NIIICII lI1C tIC�7111I�fLtU.'L C4 SVRQQ;a�u! <br /> fd)tbat Sa�fnre Co eure t6re dei�avtt oa ar qaParr tGe Jate snac[PIacE€u the notla may� rccnll tn aeatrtaattna aP r.tra smix5 <br /> si�J:¢cZ uy 3„t3 S�+'.tity'..�tt�w^.:°.:E E.:K��:t£2�x 2:o;x.ty.'4:M�x"ri'e shall fuHher infonn Barc¢mqr o€C6n et?�e to _ <br /> eata,tats aRa rtteknt[ars acwE tAe rtgdt to lwtaQ�eau�t aeEta�e eo m�seet 6he nonKxisia�ce aB�dnP,�eult ar a�otCn.s -� <br /> �cftp9C 0`AWYOXN t0 aYtStItCAlWi!91f11�SfiM• I�iPM I�AN�7 I4 tl.0 [UCQS�OIE Oi LC�01'0 1�M A714R SQ4fFL'IS�I L'i P,PdB tY.'�G.'i, _ <br />� 1Rndcr,s!fts op4ton,may ncy.etre fmumliate pannent tn fef!oP a,tt svsns�murict b>•i1h Sxcu¢EtY CcntevsaTra eEtOnut <br /> fnHl1rr d�mand and mxy im�o*e i6e�sucr of swle and any oNrt�rcatt:ttFd�s�ectnittni kby apptiaatrk fis�w.I.�ndrr st�a[4 0e _ <br /> entltted to mikct atl exyenus ir.r.uarcci in pursutng ihe remcdirs 6rar.W'a!in r.Qh�w�sya9ph 2!.icaches'�img.Aut na7 Itra[E¢i! _ <br /> in,Fcawn�ble allor�x�Y•Pees and ecsc+irTtille evidence. _ <br /> �If!hcpo wc�ot sa4t!c ln�d;eA, }�y�sta shall rttord x nM6sc of detauk Fn each ccun�y i:� xkEcPe any pTri ot i!re <br />: Eaa,ytrty(s I�catal and si4mV mui:cw)+is ot such notice in thc a:anncr �mxcri:xJ bY apM'r.aQic 7ax to�orroi+cr arcJ!o =- <br />- u�e o1hSr"petsoes pracrl�l by'dc+v:a Ipw.Afler ihe timc r¢c,�ircd�q applkabie Ixx-,Ynuict shail gire p��b:`.c nullce = <br /> - ' 01'sak(u tl�c petson5 and In ihe waosrc preSCNbtd by appl:ca�ft R:�w.7Yusttt,xilhout demand on IIorroi+rr,sG�^Y:aetl _. <br /> . , llw Propla•�y�et publle nuctlon So i6P ts�.;5xst btdder et ihe iii�}e a;7t:pi�ce o�M under Ihe trmu daignotal in the c�:icr.d -. <br /> - 'rAfe In one or more p�rcris and in naa ivder Tn�slec JMems;:r:s. ?ntstce may postpone wle of all or aqv�a raA u.�'tko -� <br /> ' Moperty bypu blic annai::xrment at the Um..ud�ir.e af a��r prcrlousiy scheduicd snic. Lender ev t�dnfgnre s�hr = <br /> . purcLase the Properiy et nr�snlc. '.- <br /> ,.. Upon me(pt of payment of iHc pr:ce b34, +Prmtm sl;all dcllrer ro the purchaur Trustm's drea!rnm�cytng the _ ' <br /> d'ropeHy.The rccilab(n thc Tnutei's 9etd shall Ix pdma Cric cridencc of Ihe Irulh oF ihc Flatemcnts madc thercin. '--- <br /> Trustee shall apply the protteds nFe�e.nla tn the folloxing orArr.(a)to pli costs and ex�xnses of ezercising the poxxr of _ <br /> salc,And tht saic,Including thc pqvmem¢f the'I�s��ct•s ftts actualq•Incurrcd,not lo excced the Y of $50.00 or�/2X - <br /> ot the pdncipol amom�!ot tbe uo1F n7 uhe lhne ot c7�e declamtlon nt default, and reuonable attorne��s'Ptts as�ernilitM _ <br /> hv law�(Al lo a11 sums secureei br 1�ic Scc+;111y inttruNenl;nnd(c)any excecs ro Ihe person or perxons Prxally entilinl to = <br /> It. - <br /> 22. Reconrepance. Upon p�ymen: of all sums sttured by ihls Securily Iniwmen4 Lender shall rcquu� Truti.�c m <br /> taomey Ihc Ptopcny and shall surrmder this Sccuriiy Insuument nnd ell no�es cvidenctng deb� stturc� by this S�wv.eiry <br /> Ir�strunxm to Tmslce.Truslce shnll reconrey ihe Yn�e:ry wi�hout warcan�y and a�i�hout chargc to the pen�m or persons Icgally <br /> entiticd ro it.SLch perwn or persons shall p3y nnp�w�:d3iion msts. - <br />� 23.Sub511W1c 7Yus�ce. Lendcr,m Its op8oa, r,iar(roin�tmc ro umc rcmorc Trus�cc and appuint a surcessor vus�cc io - <br /> any Trush`e appolnled hereur.der by an ImmmxM remr�ed fn�he coumy in�diich this Stturiiy Gwmment Is rcmrded.Without = <br /> rnm•eyance of�he Propeny,thc succc++nr trustce shall succced to all �hc�itic,poucr anJ dniicz muPerrcd upon Trux�tt hercin __ <br /> end by appIicablc law. - <br /> 24. Requat for Nottces. IIorco�ver requcsts iha�cupies o(the no�ices of dr7imlt anJ s:de be sem�o Dorrox�cr's addrcs.+ _ <br /> whlch is thc Properly Acid�rss. '- <br /> 25� Ride�s to thls Sxrnrily h�.su•nmenL If nnc ar morc ddcn arc ezewicd h� porrou�cr and remNcd toge�her wi�h this _ <br /> Securily Insltument,�he covenanis anA.igreemen�s nf each such rider shall be huorpx:��td into nnd shall anxnd aid supplement - <br /> �he mvcnams and a6rcemrn�s of this Se.uciiy Inciniment as i(thc rideKs)were a pan uf�his Securi�y Inswmem. - <br /> (Chcck applicablc bnx(cs)J = <br /> O Adjux�ublc Ratc 2iCcr Co�i!ominium Ridcr .�Ld family RERCr <br /> Odradua�ed Paymcr.�Rider �Planned Uni�Uc��elnp:nem RiS:r �Oix�eckly Payuum Ridcr �: <br /> 0 6zlloon Ridcr Ratc Improvcmcn� RiJcr L_.i S.w�r.J Home Rfdcr <br /> �V.A.Ridcr �Oihcr(s)�spccify� �cknowledgetnenc o'c Yower of Snle <br />- OY SIGVINU OLI.OW.Oonourr::rccpls and agrcts lo Ihe�enm and mvenam�containnl in thi�Security Inslrun:cn:.�nA = <br /> In any rider(s)ez.rut<d hy Borrou�er nncl rceordcJ wuh n. /'�`� // _ <br /> Wimases: ��S '� �" �. <br /> X a-�-E l5tall <br /> Lestor E. Coraich -��.«,��.�� �� <br /> ------- ---- ----- ��i �J ' _.. <br /> x r�� .. c5C . G� �� -., <br /> ___'_—__'__"_"_-- .'" _ ._ P.CL[�' �.��7R301:.�_ -�n _. <br /> �Stal� ""__' _ _'— . " _'..__ -_ "' '_.d� " <br />.- —_—_—__ '_' i4.n..,�n B..iu...0 _. <br />.: STA'CEOF'tiESSRAS};A. Ilnll Cam�i} ss: -. <br />. Thc forc�m.=r.r..r:.�e'. x��:�.kmmicdgnl bcii,re mc�h�. 29th Js� nf OctobOx . .1992 - <br /> by Leatec �e.. ��a:a{aki and 6etty L. Corniah . _� <br />�: Wimcs�my 6znJ m:d ixttarial scal at Gcand IOlUrtd �� iq��id Cl\ppI\.Ull JdIC JG4fK11J. _. <br /> � � <br /> M��Commivion Expirex ����V.Iq1AlYStl'itHidqs}s —-� �L�i .. _ : <br /> YAMOR(p.iflVJ.DF.TIEFSEN �,+..nwnu. � ---� <br /> �ot9.13)f <br /> - • ' r.x�N� Form 3028 9:90 �. <br />