. g2�- �.c��a�
<br /> condcmnailon or othenaktng of any p�n of�ho Propeny,or ta conrcynnco 1n Iicu of wndcmnatlnn,nm herchy nulDixvl eMf �
<br /> shall Uo paid tn i.cndcr.
<br /> in �he avent ni a totN takin,of flie I'ro�ny.ih�.�,rc-ceds shall IK eJmtied �o the sums �ecand hy �Llc 9undry .__
<br /> Insuumen6 whether or not then due,with any excas paUl io Borcower. In tha crcnt oF a{�nial titcing of�ho Pro�uity In
<br /> which�ho fair marka v�luo nf i6e 1'ropcny Immrdiatcty IiePoro thc taking Is a�ual�o or grcamr ihan d�e amoum of tho snms
<br /> securcd by this Secnri�y Tnsuumenl ImmeAtatcly betoru the tak(ng,uniess Oorco�ver nnd Lend:r mlicnvlse agree In�vriiing,
<br /> t6e snms ucured by this Security Ins�mment shall bc mducW by�ho nmount nf ihe pracceds multlplicd 6y�he fnllowin�
<br /> Gactton: (a)tho tmal amount of thc sums sccured Immcdl,tcly Ixforo�hc mktng,dividcd by N)tho fair ma�Ac�vaiuo nT iho
<br />' Pwpcny immcdiatoly luforo�ho�akfn}}. Any balancc shall 1�: patA to Rorcowcr. In�hc even� o!n pantal �akin y�ot tho _
<br />� Property(n whlch iho fnir market valuo of�ho Property Immcdlmciy befnro�he iaking Is Iess than the amoimi of tlte snms
<br /> unutd Immcdiatcly befose thr. taking, unlcss 6nrmwcr nnd 4cndcr od�cnvt:c agn:c in writin�or unicss npplicnbta law
<br />� ahmvise provfc'�s,the procecds shall Ce spplied�o iho snms secnrcd hy ihis Snwity Imwmcnt wUcihcr ur nui thc.ums nro �
<br /> dxndce.
<br /> lf 1he Pmperty ts at�rAennl by fSocrower,ar if,aQer rtottce by Eer.Jer a Qertower�iwt Ne condenu:or offerx to mako -.
<br />� ��award w setlla a ciaim fot d:m�ges,$ormwer fails ro responJ ro Lender within 36 days aftrr the date the naCce is giren,
<br /> Lrnder Is authoritui to cot[ect mtd apply ttn;p+oca-d;,at its o�tia4 eiUxr to rntaaticrt cr mpair of tfr.Pm�e�ty ot to die .
<br /> sums securcd by Uds 3cturity tnstrunxr.p wtirtPreres rrot U�cn duc.
<br /> Unlas Lende�and 6o7tower a.hznuise agrce in xri�ing,any apptication of pnn-cads to Qdr.cipat shail �t exlend or -
<br /> . poslpone lhe daa date of Ihe monthly paymcca rekmd to In parag�aphz[:xc<13 or change ttn:an•�urt oi such paymenls. _
<br />. Il. Sarowtr Not Rekastdi Fo76esrance By (.ender Hot a 615�her. Extenston of ihc tlme for paymrm or _
<br /> madificailon of amoniie�ion of Ih¢sums secnrtd by this Saurity lnswnxm gra�neA by Lender m mry successor in in;eresl =
<br /> � - pf[3orcower shall noi oyeraie m relwse the Ilabitity of tAo odglnai Aortower or P.oreo�rer4 zuccessor�in intercs�. l.ender -
<br /> •st�a�i:�v be rcquircd to ca�unence proceedings agninsl any suceesmr in interui or mfuse�o exrenA�ime for paymen�or _
<br /> •6:xn«�moAify anioqizntuonc•e:`S sums secared by this Sttarl�y Ins�mment by rtason of nny JenurA made 6y th¢odginal _
<br />� 11,rz•awn n�FSOrma.u.L savrsso:s In Inv:teu. Any Porbearancc by I.endzr In ezerctsing any riglu a«mcdy shall not be n °-
<br /> aaive■b;a�.:c�5iw�c 15z are:cisc o!aiy rt�3rt�-c remedy. _
<br /> 12. Suctessore unc!A�sc?gr.��locn^;hnirvt and Sersnl Llabili,n:E�asigners. TLe coveaams and agn:emems of tlds =
<br />- - S:YUrity Insuumcnt shall bin<i and-AP�`K f.ic sucm.'�ors and essigns of 4m:A:r md Bartox�cr,subject to ihe pmvisions of =
<br /> F.eagraph 17.Dorrower§coveaan�s ar.cl r.�recnkms sh:dt h Joim and:ae�cra!-Any 8ono���er who cosigns O�is Seeurily _.
<br /> drsltument bul does not excw�e ihe Notdr tr.�U co•signfng ihis Securily Inscrument oniy tn mongage,grant nnd roa�ey�h:�i
<br /> " IIortower�tntercs�in ihe Propctty unAcr tS�c�:mu of�hfs Sewd�y InstrumenC (b)is not personally obllga�cd�o pay 7?ie sunu
<br /> ttcurcd by�his Saurity Insvumom;and(c)agrces tha�l.ender and any other�orrower may ogrcc to extend,mndify,tcrbtar --
<br />- � a;make nny accommodallons with rcgard io tLe �emts of�his Securiiy Inswmenl or the No�e wi�hom �h:n 6ar.oner3 =
<br /> .unccm. =
<br />- 13. Loan CharR�• If ihe loan securcd by�his S.wriiy Inxtrument Is subject lo n law which u�s maximmn lo�n _
<br />� �!.�e�< z��h���,W t•�na!I�!nt�!rrc�rd..,�ha��hc imcrost or mher loan char@cs collcc�cd or�o bc c�liccad in conntt�ion -
<br /> wiih Ihe loan excced ihe pemiiucd limits,ih.n: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by ihe amoum ncmxsuy to rcducs -
<br />- ' �6e charge io ihe pemilucd Ilmi�;and(b)any snms elrcady collecled from 6ottower whlch exceedeAµmii�red Iimlis will Ix i;.'-
<br /> tefunded to 6orcower. Lender maychoose to make�his mfund by nducing�he principal owed under�he hote orFf nnaking a ��`�
<br /> <tcerl paymeN to 6ortowee If a refund rtduces pdncipal,the rcdue�fon will hz trea�:G us�panial prcpaymti2 n4�lecet any ��:-�.
<br /> �.cpa�roxm chuge under the Note. r��
<br /> � 1-0. idWlia. Any no�icc lo ffurtu��er pmviJed (m in ihis Sewrity Insttument�t.a:l Ir:gi•en 6y dclivning il m by
<br />- '" mailing h�;Frs�class mall uniess applic::4e law n�quircs ax of anoiher me�had.'ILe r.c�ice shall h•directed�o ihe Propeny =
<br />. � AAdress or nny o�her adAress Rorta�cr.5eagnates�y no�ire�o Lender. Any no�ice.�n 4ender sha11 Ue gfren by fln�class _
<br />� mail to I.cnder§addrcxs a.,ed?�e�riaor nny o�her nddmss Lender designates by natix a.flortower. Any no�ice provided(or =
<br /> in ihls Secutity InsWmenc shall be deemed lo have Ix.n given �o ISortower cu�Fz�er when giren ns pro��ided in thfs -
<br />. p.:iagraph. _-
<br />- 15. Corerning Lnw{ Severabitiy. This Securiiy Insvmnem sha11 be govemed by federal lau•anJ Ihe Inw o(�he _
<br /> judsdk�lon in which�he Propeny is Pe.a��9. ln�he evem�ha�nny proaisinn orclau+e of�his Securiq�(n�erumem or�he hote _
<br /> eonOkts wilh applicable I�w•.such rr.nflic�.hall not affce mher pruvisi�a�of ihis Securily Inslmmeixor th.Svom which can ':
<br /> tc givcn cffcc� wi�hont�hr mnflining provision. Tu�his cnd thc procisions of�his Sewri�y Instrumrn:n.:d ch: Nac are k._i
<br /> declared to be severobla �;;
<br /> !6. Dormxrr's Cop��. Snrro�rcr xhall bc givcn onc confomud copy of thc Nutc nnd of this Secud�y Inrtcar.r:ax. ;;-
<br /> 17, 7}s�nc{er of Ihe S�roperly or a 11enelieixl INCresl in Dorru»�cr, If all or any pan of�hc 1'ropeny or nny imercs�in e�.�
<br /> I�Ix solA er minsfetted(or i!a benef.irl imeresl in Ilortmver i.wki:r�r.msferrcJ and Dortowcr is noi a nawral person) �
<br />-- u-i:tom L.n3cr's prior�vriuen conun6 Lrndcr may,m ii.op�ton,reqnia imreedia�e paymcm in full of nll sums xeaved by _
<br /> �%s Sccurily Inslrumem. �3owrrer.�his opfion.hall noe he cxercised by Lcndcr iCrx��rricc i.prohibi�cd by fed:rai law ac of _
<br /> t'x da�c of thfs Sauri�y Ins�ruacm. _-
<br />- If LenCer exercises�his optfon,Lender shall give Dortower notice of nccelcr.ninn. 'ilie nmice sha11 pmvidr a period of =
<br />= not Iess than?�Jays from�he datc�hc no�ic•is dclircrcJ or mailcd�riihin which Uorrox�er mmi ry,�y,dl sums seaucd by this
<br /> Securily Invrumem. If Uortowcr fails to pay �hcce +unu prior m thc tvpiratinn of�his�xriud. I.ender may invokc any -
<br /> «rcedies permilted by this Securi�y In.�mmenl�rithom funher nmice or dem�nd nn 6urzou�cr. -
<br />,_ l6. Uorro»er's Htghf lu Rein+lnle. If 6uunxc� me.l. ..nain cunJition., lSOfroxer �hall hace Ihe F.ght lo ha�•c _
<br /> r�:iorcement uf Ihis Securily Insuumenl di�conlinurd at z��-lim.prior lo Ihe tarLcr�<: (al S day�(or such is!e: �xtiud as =
<br />- SinpkFi iy"'Fannie\tae/iYiddrc�lacL5lf�tNV1\sTNI\IF.\'1'-PminmCmevcu 9.'911 i iNr /, 1.��
<br /> !�+ 1 Nzr�i
<br /> Ar� .�.c 3+d�'2S t',YV��"3 .:> s t�{g�y rYY/iC171�(,?�NY���iSSr"is',4i�'���4r`.,'',i;�tT,'f;+tfi�`v' rr.�tS� °T����3} i%�(3�
<br /> � �(�r fa.-1 -. �}t��� t � � � i7 4� Y' r (. � _ �� �. r t j�'
<br /> � ti�f 1 ��, y ��1�� -. , i�.���, . ._. �R{ �f'a 'S� "V- ��s L:'�� r�,r . 1 �
<br /> i.� � �F� � / �) ' 1 1 t� . / . n
<br /> -�,. 5 i _...�ira�.{ —� . l:� .� 1P'fr'L. 1,�7 �: �!i .��rr_ ?57n:_-_ '
<br /> �,{_t l�f '4�S�L � s� 1 � V v ils �? - - �- � ' .
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<br /> f�f� i ����Hl }r, * . Isl . ' - -�i= } �ir . } 4I.FI_ t� a. t r .s ` -..f .
<br /> 3K ivni}*'�l�� � -., . _ . { . 4 4 . ,F
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