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. ., _•r�5t - cy r _ �r���_ t ..y i S� ' �r: <br /> '!{t .�{� dh 7 �aY.w L tff Ir f r,. .: . ..'v 7'Si r�4:4a'ti . "' . <br /> - r� � `>�'e i�lt�.};d�h..f!. t,tj4.s 5�t� . , . , �..,. .l � � v.-:.. ,. _ <br /> -r s�. _ ._...,.. _. _ .. .�c �I�i�' 4;._�,_..�.._.._.__ :" ._ ' _ _ ._ .. <br /> (_ '"_'___ <br />.J <br /> , � 92�. �,c�9�a� <br /> a <br /> ' pedats thm 1.enderrcqulrcs. 'I1�o insur�nw enrcier provlding d�o insurnnac xhall be chosen 4y Ifnmowar subJen to t.enderk - <br /> � opprovnl which shail not Ue anroes�a6ly wl�hhclA. If IIotto�vcr tails�o maiotain covcrage descrilud above,Lender may,a1 - - <br /> � Lendcrl optioa,obiain wi�aia5o�a p:a.ce�l.cnAer�dgfiu in the Pro�ny in aao�mico�viih pamg�pL 7. - - <br /> All imumnca pollclrsaid rcnew�ls xhdl lw acceptatila to t.�n cr anA stiall inciude a stnndeni mongage ctause. I,ender ___ . <br /> � ahnll haro dro dgiu io hold thc pollcies and rcncwnls. if l.cndcr rcquircs,n�no,����n�n���n,�nY Si�•o�0 4cndcr all rcceipts = _--- <br /> of pold prrmin�ns nnA mnca•ai naitt�. In�hc ovem oi loss,fiorco«•er shnll gire prompi naiec to�im Insurv�ce earrier nnd �_ <br /> ' Lendsr. Lcndermnym�keproofotlossttnolmndoprmnpilyNyilorroi�•rr. <br /> • Unicss l.endcrand Onrmt�•¢r aherw�isa agrx in�vdtlng,insumoce eroceeds shnll Ue applicd to rtrara�ion ur rcpatr of - <br />� tho Pro7�ny damagal. it�ho rcqo:a�ion or mpair is xonomically &as�ble and Lenderh secumy is noi Icsscncd. If tl�c -_ --.�.A,_ � <br /> ��� rosloratlon or rcpntr is noi economirally feasNie or 1.enderY securfty xould be lesscned,the tnsunnco prcxeeds shall be =�- <br /> nppticd tn tLo sums sccurccl by Nis Sctnd�y InslrumrnL���hcihcr or na ilen duc, wi�h any cxccss paid m Dorrower. If a-�;_:a.;ay_ _ <br /> - � Dorrower abNdons tl�o Pmpeny,or does nol ans�rer wiihin 3D days n notics from Lender�ha�We insu�ncs emder tws ., �_ -_ <br /> ofkrcd to uttle a dafm,�hen LenAcr may collec�ihe inttvance procecds. 4cnder m�y use the procecJs to rcQalr a rcswre �3,, <br /> ihe Propc�ty or to pay sums sceurod 6y tLts Secnri�y Ins�mmrm,whet6cror no�thcn due. lhe 36day period w�lt Oegin w6en � }.A�, y�_ <br /> Uta noticc is gh�en. �_ <br /> �u �rf_'... <br />�� Unlcss I.ender anQ Oorrower in wri�ing,.ny application of Fcoweds ro prir,cipal shzf(na ext.�ad cr n�i»rr-�. .; <br /> postEoix rhe duc d,xe a€tlic muwtdy paymcNS m(emd to tn pangraplu I arA2 or ctwnge tf�am.ount of Ne paynxnts. [F '�+� -._ <br /> uri!<r ra 21 th: Cs a ufrcA 6 I.cnder. Damar[�i ri he to an msw:r.r.e iciec u±d rarzs6 rcwI' S'$'�-��y�' <br /> lru L'l�a7r�h Prope�tY c'1 Y � Y Fa� P �2 'Y,�=t?4..-...'�-.':F�;` <br /> from d,vr e to tFe Pm�ptry qte�r co tM ncquisnfon sh:it Qass ro�.e�v:er to d:e ezrent ef the secured Gy this Sxurity �_ • - __ <br /> � c��i t:__- <br /> Invtumr.n¢umr..�dixzly priorto�hcacqulsillort. .!•-;���r,e.:ni. <br /> �. Octy�punsF 8rcserv�lbn, Malnlmue¢ aai9 Prolc4rtUmn of 1l'ae Pr¢px�rt mDrron�er's lacav A9}�7lcation: (;F%=';=�,_�. <br /> - Ltuthoids. Uorr�wu shall acupy,esiabllsh,n�uv:ttr:Prnyrrsx rs IIorrdexr�princip¢I ttsid:ncc within sirty days:J�:r h'��'���--`�� <br /> ihe execution ot thls Sesurity lnstrununt and shall ca�ti:.xu tu us:cupy�he['m�:ny m 6a�+o�cerh pdncipal reside�fnr at �?f%i�='-z-_-,_ ._ _ <br />= Icut one yeat alter ihe daic of ocn�pancy. unless LclrJrr �:Carrx�lu agnes in N'ftlirtF, �+fitch conscro shall rm;v. 6e -�;� <br />-- unrexionably withhsid,or unless cxlenu��ing circumsinnws exiu��i�lch am hyond Qorroxer:cronirol. Dorrowcr shall nm !�{ b . <br /> deatroy,damngc ot impair ihe Propeny,allow ihe Pmpcny to dcieriorate,or commi�wasm oa�he Propeny. I3onvwer shall ,�;'y��_�i.t;.�;;:�._ <br /> Le in detault if�ny forfeiturc acflon or procreding,whether c(vil or edminai,is Ix:gun that in Lender�goad(atih jud�mem `-t�,crs.z=----- <br /> . coulA ruul� In fodtiturc of Ihe Propctty oi othe�rise mmedally (mpair the licn erca:ed by this Securi�y Instmment or i��-�•_-�_- - <br /> 1.enAar�ucurirylntehstQorcowermayeuresuchaA:fanhandrtinx�ate,asprovldedlnpana�rephlE,Lycausingtheactlon f�;:�'}`""'�_ <br /> ..rd_:,l:..,_;:_. <br /> � ar prumding w hc dismissed with a rvling that,in Lenderl gaod fafth de�erm(mtlon,prccic:in forkiturc of Ihe Dorroicer� ;,r;;�;�^;-- <br />= imerea in�he Proyeny or o�her nwverial impiimient ot the!'o:n ema�ed by this Security Fnswment or Lender�s smuity .'� ��`��'- <br />- �c�t 1' ' <br />- imerese Ro�rox�er sh�ll aiso 1x� in�l.faui� if Bortmver.A¢rtng the la�n applicaBon proccss, gave materially fahr or 1�.:�M1'-,?;s;_ - <br />� _ inaccnnrc infom�a�ion or s�atemems to Lender(or f�iled to pmviAe I.ender with any ma�erfal in(ortnatlon)in connec�ion�ri�h 7;Ey�,+.r;�.: <br />'- �he In:u�evidenced by the No�e, including, but rnx limitrd in, reprtsenwlions conteming Itorrowerl acuparxy of �he ii��F�:�:;-_-=---- . <br />.= Pro�eny u a principil rcsidcncc. If�hk Security tnsimmem is on a Icaschotd,Oorcower shall mmply wl�h nll�he Nvorisions r�`�y_.,'� <br /> - s(����;c:.x. if6o���rze:c�uir;'-r:,:cto�l:c::ro��n�.�Fx:ex�!�!de.^.dtMt��itic:hallr.etn::rgcun!:ssLc.^.dr.�^::: -'.• _-.- ._... <br />= tothemergerinwri�ing. s;��•'"r,^-'>�— <br />= 7. Protalbn of Lemler•s Rfahis tn �he Properly. if i3orm�ver fails to perfomi �he covenants and ngn�emems �E��f�?P4#"x�-: <br />= Properly(sucl asa��inreedl�gin�banknptcy,pmb�:'formndemnatianor1 udyceng�.�ori c�nforcclaws�ordrcgulalon5s),��hcn t4liJ�*V".,i: ,a��;.� <br /> i <br /> - Lender may Ao.nA pat tor wh:vcrrr is n.arx:an m pro�ec��he valuc of�ex ftvxnv and Lendcr�dR���s in thc Roperty, n�;:�y.��' - = <br /> - LendarL ac�ions may include paying:.iy sums serurcd by a licn whtch has priority over�h(s Secumy Insuumen4 eppearing �'�r u '-- <br /> a in wieti,paying revonable m�omeyi hes nnd emcring on�he Prepeny m nw�ke repairs.Alihough Lender may�ake ection i'`� '�r'� ��3 `II'� <br /> = undcr ihi��rognph 7,d.endcr docs na havc to do Eo. ��ti��i4�� '-': <br /> c Any nntounts di�;v.ncd by Lendcr undcr�hi>pangraph 7>ha:4 becura�addl�lonal dcU�of DorroH•cr sccurcd 6y ihis ._`i�,,}S -- ' <br /> Stturity Instrumm� CGrrssdorrowcrandLendera,r.ttamhencrmao(paymem,�hcseamoumsshallbcarinteraz�from�he ,-{s �l+�y'��K-a' <br /> date of disGurumem ar t`x Note rate mid shall Ix payable.��i:�a imeres�,npen notice troin Lender w 6onmver reques�ing �s��i� � v : - <br /> - a mem. '.b': i f stn %' <br />. ;�; P Y 8. Morlg�ge Insurance. If LerAcr nquircd monga�r inxrance as a condillon cd m:�kog lhe loan xecurcd by�hi> '�-:��t G��''7����-� <br /> °� Securrty Instmmem,�ortower shali p�y ihc premiums rcyaircd m malmatn iF.e mupgage inscrance in�fkci. If,for nqy ?.`�-; '"�"`b �`=__- <br />-�� reason, the mongage inwrance coverape rcquFrcd by LenAer lapms or ceu:s �a M in .ffce6 Dorrower shall pay ihe ,i:�;, '4�� -`-- <br /> . prcmiums tcquired to ob�aln covemge subsiAriiafl. eyufvalem �o the mocegn.� imurette prcvi�u�ly h�vrfu4 a� a eos� jf-f ��y�£r '�-? .�. <br /> subs�amlally eq�fva!nn m the cos�to Borrarrer ai ihe mongage insurance p:r�iordr in eftec4 from an r.:nmate mongage ��=�i�i� - " '-� <br /> ` insurcr npproved by Lender. I(v�6s�aii�lly equival�m mongage inwrence cmrrage i�a�z��a4lable.Dorrower shalF pay to 1i'�Kj����"�=:, <br /> ` Leuder each month a xum equal ta o��:•�u�clf�h of�he yec�dy mongage insurm�c.premicm heing paid by Oonm�•er uEce�he �%p!, ' Z'(`-y�- _. <br />�,-��� coversge I�psed or eea.eR ro be in effec�. Lender will acccp6 me and rciain�hese p.�;m:ems as a locc resene ia lieu -�'��3-�Vs;y{.ri,;4j;-L;'- <br /> b� of mongaFe insuraae. 4oss resenr paymmts may na longer bc rcyuired. n��he op�ion of Lender, if mnngage intc�ance �''t•'.n4 a rt?;`.?='7,-: <br /> - cme�xga iin the arta��nt t�d for tiie period�hai Lrnder myuircs)pro��ideJ by an ir.aurcr appro��ed by Lced�r again becoma �YM' �T� 5?�'�,' <br /> _ a�aila'�!e nnd Is obciir,cd.11orco���cr slull pay�hc prcmiums rcquircd to malnt:iin mongage insnrance in ei(en,or Io provide a '��'f�,-i�,,,.;R?1�,4F{.'G�. <br /> los:�rserve,umil�hc rcquircmem(re mongage insurance ends in xcordance with any��Tiurn agrremeN Mixeen 6arow�er .'2'? •s:j._�iy9'':';;'-- <br /> � ar.SLen:�:rorapplicablclaw. -..-.�:+:�.>..ti�:"-`�. <br />-.;��i �s. lnsptttlon. Lender or i:,.��enl may m:J:e rca<onable entria upnn and impeciin��.5 nf ih. Ropeuy. Lcnder>hali �;.'`�``"!:<<.":;-�";.� <br /> :v.`-,•:.:.z�.,_�._,_. <br /> give Dona:ver noiice al Ihe lim¢��(ot p+mt In an m��cliun a�td(ying rt:nunah!e tauae fut ihe impecl:an. �r- -� :;. <br /> 10. Condemnallon. The precerd,of any aw::rd or claim!nr damage�.direc�nr comeqvrr.�ial,ir.cnaneriion��iih nny ?-�-� � . Sr-:*r`� <br />�-.-::� :$i:.,-�1::�,-.,:-:l: <br />_: S�npleE.�r... -i'annie�fae?teddie\farlSlFoNNISSTHCNEST..In.• c. r...��nn 9N0 rpuAr!ynp�zm �•..•: �..':it< -.A .' <br /> _ rY:'� <br />��..� �n�mnaov�xrau..�x a ':�-s�.5r..��'- -- <br />�� . .,-,� IUWibAt9JOiA\8:5[n-ll�l ,;,3°,,a,. <br /> �;;(:..:. : �. .,�� <br /> s a� <br /> 4ae.. ,�lj'�=-I'j�;r.avs:n.x�r{17.�ri�.^a. v ,'.a{:.�f.:..`,—.r-.- .l:ncn[:r:::.+>:f. ��j`;iPr..ii---.,:n--� nl--.quf�nn:,:......�f5x' s. .. � ��})., <br /> r . ( I. �i: <br /> }-t ' I � i t -1% ' <br /> LSE'1�fA� -�� 1. • •1 yx 1.'�.�_ _:.rt_ . i. <br /> .k�. i-- ���' �.'� . :. ', - ' : . . . _ <br /> .- ..�r . - r .. - : - -, � - ' ' � . -. . . .. <br /> � 1(_._ �� . -_ _-- � - ' . - ' ... . . . <br /> r � �,` � , � , <br /> ��i� ' . . . . . . <br /> ` �4 `��� � �.r . . ' . - . .. . . � . - . . <br /> .� t� <br /> ..� �y. - �ti�' • _ <br /> �tl S��•i _ � .. ' . . . . � . � ' . • . <br /> � <br /> �, xr�'taya, ` i l, <br /> 1�4 `{ j�s� ' \ . . . . <br /> l <br /> r } `,�t /K�t �. . . <br /> ¢L t . j+ f 7 < < ' - ' I - �iA:f �_ .. <br /> L, � � Tl� - t . ' _ " q� a'S'^ h .. � . <br /> '•i�il�j3'F $�if l�� � . . . yt� . <br /> j • 1 ` S . - � . � �� 4 �� .. . . - !.'� .. <br /> _ . . .. . _ .._ , . , _ . ._ _ _ . _ . _ i.: ._ _ � <br />