; i:9 �d�A�.��{��ya� .rf-�%5 � - - t 'i -
<br /> -� l{{Y F),A'�ZF..v,-u `�Sl;�`�C.l, f.�/15"� ,"• _ ' .: .�3 S (url _.
<br /> f• � .
<br /> — EY�S�4�N1N�i1���Cbcy'.. , ._......�..�..�s�NrFw39.+. - �. . . .
<br /> Wr ��M"iV•
<br /> • oppllcabta Inw mny slmcify for rcinsiMCmenq bcforo suio of�tw i7opctly pununnt to nny��tr of xele cortancd in this
<br /> Sand�y Jnstrununk or N1 smry of n Jud�ment enforeing this Secudiy Jnstnnnem. Thoso caiditions arc that Aannwer (a)
<br /> p.yY Txnder all sums rrhich �Ixn would �d�rc ur.kr ehfs Secud�y• Instnimrn� and �he Nae ns If r.o zccelaetlon liad
<br /> occnrcul;p�)cnrcs+ny defmiR af nny mtier mven�nts or agrcemen�s;(c)pays nll expenses(ncumJ in enforcing�his Secufiy
<br /> lnstmmon4 Inclnding,bu1 noE Iimhed to,ttasoniWe mtonxys'fces; and(d)Inkes suth nc�lon as J.endee m•ry reasonpbly
<br /> rtqniro to nssnro th�t tla Ikn of�his Sccudty insUUmcm.I.cndcr4 dghls(n tl�o Pro�ity nnd UorrowcrS o611gatlon Io pay tl�o
<br /> sums ucnted by this SauBty Jns�n�ment shall cominue unchmged. U{wn rcinsmtemem by Borrower. �his Sccurit�
<br /> Instrument and Uiq oblig��ions securad l�erby shall rcmain Poliy efRctivo es if no 1ccclen�ion had occutted. Howcvcr,lh s
<br /> dghL to ninslate sIu11�iW ipply In tha cnso oteccelcration widcr paregrnph 17.
<br /> 1!. SYk o�No�e�Ch�ngo of anan Serv(cen Tiw No�e or a p;utta!intsrcse in thr Nou Oogc�her wi�h�his Sccud�y
<br /> �insuumCOt}muy bo sold ano or mun Umcs wtihoul prior no�ta to Rarrow�er. P.sx!e m�y rcs�R in a change in�ho emhy
<br /> (knowa as Ju"E.oan Servker")tha.t coltens moeihty payments due ixed:r dx Nwe ar✓1 this Sscurity lnswuua6 Theru�Iso
<br /> may be ace oa mon;chany,s oF t�a Loaa Smicer unrclated to s sL!e of thz Note. if th.re is a ctunge o[the Imn Servicer,
<br /> Aorco�uet wGt 6a giren wntten aoUee af�t:e etwnge tn accwdarse�vith pva$rzpl l4 abore aa1 agptic�Ie Gaw. '6t;e caice _
<br /> w11E<_���e lce eamo and address of tl!e n.xr i.oan Servicer.nd�Y:e a"itress to which pa}mwnts sF.ad!be m�. '[t�e rtaicz wdt -
<br /> aiso ccnra[n aqy other infamation reqvind by applicabio Iaw. �
<br /> � qS,^,nirdous SubsUnces. HaYOwcr shall r.a cause or p.rtnit thc pmscncc,usc,dispwal,storagc.w rcteazc of any ._
<br /> He�xe6an Sl�Mtances on or in the Progr.rly. SSwnoh�er shail na do,na aito��•anyvne eise lo do,anrhi��a(feciing�hz
<br /> Propeny alat is in vtolatlon of any xnrironmcmai law. 'the Fnecding nvo semrn�v.shall noc apply to�he pr.sence,use,or - ___
<br /> stora}v cn ttu;Property of small quuaities of Haam:cc�s Subswa�es U�a�are gemmny nrognizcd to be appmpriam a nomial
<br /> residcntia!u�ts artd to maimenancc of th.Propcny.
<br /> Boimxrrshall promply give l.ender writlen no�ico of any im�esUgation,clalm,demand,lawsuit or oiher actlon by:uy
<br /> go�•cmmcnxil or rcaulstory agcncy or pdvatc par�y involvinq th:Pr�ywny nnd any tla�ardous Subsiancc or Cnvironm.rTr•'.
<br /> Ww ot w•iiich IIocro��er has aclual knowkdge. If tSottowcr Irams, or Is notffied by any govemmemal or regularuy .:
<br /> authoriry,�ha�,ny�eraot;d or other rcmedla�ion of any Nn�ardous Substance affec�tng�he F'ropeny Is nhessary, Dorcu�wr --
<br /> sha�l promptly take a?d aa;rssary rcmedial anions In accorcianco�r,ih Bnvironmemai Law. '
<br /> As usal in this psxtvriph�0."Hazardous Subs�ances"are thnr:subsianms defined as toxie or huardous subsiances 6y
<br /> Environmcnlxl l..iw and ihc following snbstanccs: gasolfnc,kcros:na o�hcr(lammablc or toxic pctrolcum�Yalucts,tmii:
<br /> pesiicides and herbicides,volatile solvents,maieriats comaining nsbesros or fotmaldehyde,and nd�oactive maleriais. 1�.
<br /> used in�his pamgreple 20.'Environmenial I.aw"means federel laws and Inws o:rhe Judsdicdon wherc Ihe Rn:+,�eay is locn�ed
<br /> Ihat rciatu to hcateh,ssfcqor environmental protttlion. .
<br /> NON-UNIPORRI COV[iNANTS. Dorcox•er and Lender Ponhercovenanl MJaBrce ns follows:
<br /> 26 AaNreatlan�Rtmedks. l.endcr shall gire notlm to[iorrower pMor to atceterallon follawfng Itorro�rer's
<br /> bruch oY any eorenenl or agrecnxnt In this Sccurity Inslrument(Nut not dor lo ucccierotlan under paragraph 9%
<br /> unkssapplicablelawproridesolherwLu).ThenWiteshallapeciiy: (a)theSetaullt(b)Ihcaclionrequiredtocurcthc
<br /> ds:ull;ix)a t!at:,�?e�°:h^r.30 deys.*�en:!h�l�°_ew fRo nnllrw��o�rnn�u�Inrm�ve�,hy�deidi the detault must be
<br /> cured�anJ(A)ihnt fHilurt to cnre�he default on or before Ihe date specitieA in the nollce may result in accclero�lon of -
<br /> the sums secured by lhis Secwity Instrument and saie of Ihe Prn,gerSy. 'dhe notim sh�ll futlher Inforiu Borro}rrr ot r
<br /> the rlghl to relnslate sfter eccelerntion and ihe Aght to bring s mura aNion io asurt Ihe nomexistence of a defn�d7.cv �
<br /> any olh.e�dlztense of IIorrower to a«eieralion and saia lf thr drfnnit ia nol curtd on or Ixfore the date specih.�.F in
<br /> ihe nulfcq Lender at Itsopllom m��requlre Imm�diate payment In full of ull sums secured by thi.s Security lnslrun7ent
<br />� wllhoul furlhcr dcazaod and m�ry invoke the�wwer of salc and nny other remedies perntitted by appikabte law. --
<br /> Lender R!iail Ue c�tic4aP.to collttl all expenses Incurred In pursufng ihe remedies prorided in�hls poragraph 21, �
<br /> (ncluding,but not Ilmlled to,reasaiabie allorneys'fees nnd wsls of title evidence. -
<br /> I!e:��pox�er o(sais Is InvokeR.'9}uslee shell record n nceice of detault In each county In whkh any part of the _
<br /> Proper�tfilocatcdandshallmailcuyiesotsuchnollce6iihe,ixnnnerprescribedby applicablelnwtoBarox�erandtu
<br /> the olher persons prestri6ed by ap�llicaUie taw. After t6e Iime requlred by app11ca6ie law,7Yusix nhall glve publh -
<br /> nollcc otsaic to tiic�wwus and In the manncr�prescrlbcd by applicable Imr. 7Yustec,wi�M1out demand on Aorrox�er, -
<br /> shall scli lhe Property ai pnblic nuclion to the highe;t biddcr at�hc tlme aed plam and under tM1e terms dcsigrtated In .-_:
<br /> the nolice of snte in une ur more pnrcefs xnd In eny orAer 7Ynxiee de[erm6�es. 1Yiatee may peslpone saie ot all ar anv �-
<br /> parcel ot Ihe Properly by public mnnounmmenf et the tfine an9 pince of eny prev�ously scheduted sale. Lender or ILS =
<br /> daignte may pnrdiase Ihe Propeny as nn��snle. -
<br /> llpon recetpt oF p�ymenf o(18e prlce bid,Truslee shnll delh�er ro the purchaser 7Yustee•s deed conveying the =
<br /> Property. The recilnls in It�e'fYuslee's deed shali be primn focie eridence of the Iruth of the statements mude Iherc(n. -
<br /> 7tusfee s6ali appiy tLe praceds of Ihe sate In�he follox�ing order. (e)lo all costs nnd expenus of exercising the power =
<br /> 1'nm W}8 9S¢ �+�xr3�'IhNRril -
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