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vlp� :�..y,y.r��t .' _ 'f <br /> 3 jlrt -� � l N� n) t ' . ° . ' r . <br /> J�1 y� '��.��/�MII�iW�lXi-.,'___�...._...r.t�.�..:._...__ �..__ -....--_. ._ <br /> .._'�,-.�.., . . <br /> Vl..w. �VA'�17! - <br /> TOOCtlNEk Wt7ff dl th:i�prorrnxnts now a hercallcr ercc�cd on ila propeny.ard ali eucmems.a�w ncnnncc:, <br />- -- lnA�IIxtott�s nowotherce(kr e p!�i ot�La�+rqunp. All rtpl�ctmcros snd additions sh�ll also la covcted bY�h�s Secufl�y _ <br /> 1nslnmxn6 AlloftMfottgo[abisrcfarcdtointhisSauri�ylnsuumcmns�he'Propeny." <br /> IlQRROWRR COVf:NANfS th�t Borrowcr is Ixw(aliy scts�d of tho estne hercby conveye6 and N+s Uw dgh�ta grvu <br /> and convoy tUo Pm�city nnd U�a�tho Propeny is unrncamtwn:d,cxcept(or cncumbranc:s of rarord. Borrow•cr warranta nnd <br /> wtll deknd gontt�lly tho thlo 10 tho PmptBy agninst all clnhns nnd dcmnnds,subjece ta any encumlx+nees of ruord. <br /> T1115 SRCURITY INSTitUM(iNT mmbtnes unifomi covenants tor national use and non•unifam eovenants wi�h <br />- Ilmlitll vetiatlons by jndsdlctlon townsti�u�o n unifomi sccurity Ins�mnxN covcdns rcal�opcny. _ <br /> UNI(�ORrt COVQNANI'9. Ilortowor nn:l I.cndcrcovcnan�ond ngrco as follows: <br /> i. Peynirnt nt Pdncip�l end Inlerat�Prepoyment and L�Ie Cb.�r�s. Dorrowcr shall prompity pay whcn dno ihc _ <br /> i princf el of and(ntcrcst on tho dcbt cviduiccd by�I�o Noio�nd nny prcpaym�nt and tato ciu�cs d4�c vr�,5:r dio Noto. _ <br /> �. I1mAs for 7Yxcs end Insnrance. Sufijeti lo app11w6Ie law or to s wtittea waiver by l.rnder.9crmvrer shill pay to _ <br /> I i.cndcr on Q�o dny monttdy pnymr.nis uc duc under the tSae,vutit ttx Nae is paid N futt,a sum('Guafs")fcr:(a)yruty = <br />- tazcs nnd nssessmcnts which may attain prioriiy o�tr thls S�.vrity k>>uuzc�ra xs a i?xn en u`R Pto�;.zty:@)yrz�ty t�xs;P^'.,..d <br />� �eymen�s or qroimd rems on the Propeey. if sny: (c) yrarty Ruanf a Qccferty (nsurar.ce yram[ums; (d)yr,uty Rood = <br /> nsnranco premtnms,if eny: (e)yeuiy mortgage insur:ure�icrmiums,[F xny:a�d(�any sums payat[e by Barrower to <br /> Lcndr.r,fo aaordanco aith tLo provisions of p�ngraph 8,tn L'eu of iM.paym�nt of rr.origage insunnca yr.miixn,. 4i!�sc = <br /> items aro etdled"4'scrow Items." (.ender may,at any�im:,col(a:t and fioM Iimds in a1 amoum oot to exceed ihe r�rhEmum = <br /> amount a knder for e fedemlly�xNted mortgage loart may roquire for Rwrower§escruer acroum unEer the fedeal Real =.. <br /> Es�ote SeUlcment�Pmcedures Act of 1974 as am:nded ftcm timr ra time.l2 U.S.C.§260I a sr,7.('R�5P1'"),unless anoiher -. <br /> law Ihat�pplies 6a dre 3Uncis sets a lesset amavnt. if so.Lendrr map,al:ny rime,collttl end hofA Yands in:u�amo�nt not lo --- <br />- exca� Iha lesqer a w�rnl. L:.:.�hr m�y cstimnte tAc M c::^=e!Fun•?�d�.�on Ihe bad<of curcem daw and reasona6le _ <br /> estima�uofex�x`�7sss<:so!)..vac.ESCrowI[emsorotherwlseinixrordaocewithapplica:Ieimv. _ <br /> The Pun,�is stvb]fip helk in�n insq�uqon whou dcpo.�:s nm insu,-�1 by a kdcmi twency,inswnxn�ali�y,o�t�iiq -� <br /> pncluding I.e��r:i�l.ender 3s such a�InsUtmion)or in any Pedaral Ho:�.Loan IIank. Lender shell appty�he Ponds to pay _ <br /> �M Burow I�cas. Cender may not charge Dortowu for holding and apptl�8�e ILnds,annually aaalyzing the escrow <br /> account,or veriYgi�� tia Cscrow Uems,unieu Lendcr pays Borrower b.�zzes� on �he ('unds and ay�,li�:xble law permiis = <br /> l,ender to mako such a cM1arge. However,Lender may ree�uire Dorrmvet�o pay a one•tLne charge[or an independen[rcal =. <br /> u�aic tax rcponing urvlw used by Lendcr in conneciion wuh i*Js Ioan,unlcss appIlcabic law pmvidcs othcrviiu. Unless an = <br /> �grcenxnt fs maEe er applicabla law requlms Imercst to Ix pxi�.Lender shall not 6e requtred�o pay Borcower any'vn�n:st or = <br /> euntngs on Iiw Iimds. IIorrower and I.endcr may agnc in�+:c�:ag,howcvcr,iha�interes�sWll W paId on thc F�nds. Crnder R�__ <br /> sh�ll give lo Bortower,wi�hom charge,an annual accounBng of the t'vnds,showing c�edi.�3nJ debhs sr s'�a I'unds and�he - <br />-. purpox fot whlth each debll�o�he Mnds was made. 71ie @iMls aze pledgeJ as addi;Saaai sernrity En:a)I sums sccumd by ` <br /> �his Sccudty Insimment. ' =' <br /> If ihe!'untls I�eld by i.ee2`r exeeed the amaunisµarvarcd io& heid Ly uppii.:..`vic iuw, L'crua:sinll a:o:IDt Ic -� <br /> IIorrower for�he excess t�nds in attoNance wiih ihe rcqeice.-�ams of applicable law. Ir tho emoum of ihe Ponds held by C�,�: <br /> Lendcr a1 any Ume Is nnt suflidcnt ro pay the Cscrow Ilems whrn duc,I.ender may so nolity 6orcower in wri�ing,and,in :_. <br /> su::�ca;e Dorroxe�shall pay lo l.ender the amoum neceusry lo make np�he defictency. Dovower shall make up the •- <br /> Oa:icierwy in r.asna::than Iweivo monthiy payments,at Lenderk ro!e discreiion. „' <br />- � ll�at payroent in full of�II sums secured by lhit Securlty InsWmem,Lender sha11 pmmptty rePond to BoROwer any _ <br /> Tun.'S htld by Lender. If,unAer�+aregraph 21,Lender sh�U s.a7viro or sell�he Propcny,Lender,pdor to Uie acquisiilon or = <br /> saic of thc Propcny,shNl n}p11 any Mnds held by I.endxr:c�hc flmc of acquisition or sak as n credil ageins��hc sums '�-� <br /> ucumA by th�s Secudty Insm�mem. <br /> 3. Appliwtion ot Payments. Untes.r,�pl3cabie law providcs o�herwise, all paymems rcccived by Lender under _ <br /> - paragfaphs I and 2 shall be npplied:firsi,tu any�payment charges due under the hoee;second,to amounts payable under <br /> puegreph 2;third,to interes�Air.:tounh,to principal due:and laz6 to any late charges duc under�he Note. <br /> - A. CM1arges; Llens. �orevwer shall pay all taxes,assessmems, chargcs, fines and imposi�tons auributab!e to ihe - <br /> Pnpeny whtch may attnin prioricy over�his Saurity Instrumen4 Tnd Ieuehold paynxnts or ground reNS,if eu�y. SarroWrr - <br /> s6n14 yay thcsc obliga�ions in ihe mamkr provided in paregraph 2,or i!no�paid in tlia�manner,�orrower shall pay tian. on __ <br />_ �ime di�ec�ty to c`x gerson owed paynxm. IIortower shall promp�ly fumish m Lender all notices of smomu to be pei;t anler - <br /> �h(s p�regraph. 7F Dottower makes tliese paymems directly.Dorrower�al�yromptly fumtsh�o I.era'cr receipu ev�9encing <br /> thcpaymenls. :� <br />= 1lorrower shall promplly discUarge any licn which has priori�y over this Sauri�y Instrument unless Borrower.Ud a,�ms <br />= in«xi6ng to tho payment of the obligaiion seeurcd by�he Iicn In a manner aceepiabte a 4.ender,(b)coNCSts in gouel ti,nh the ��-�- <br /> lien by,or defends against enPorcemrn�of the Ilen In,Iegal proceedings which tn�he Lenderl opinion o�umte lo prcxem�he <br /> enforcement of t§e Ilen:or(c)sccures from the hoider of ihc lien nn agrcemrnt satisfactory�o icnier su6ordina�ing the lien - <br />" ro ihis Secudry lnsuumcnt. if Lcndor determina that any pan of�he PvQeny is subject to a lien a�hich may attain priority �;. <br /> over this Saudty InsW ment,Ler.�Hr may giv.6ortower a notice identifymg�hc lien. Rnao��er sh31)satlsfy the lien or�ake _- <br />_ cne or moro of Ihc xctlons sc�fo.:h abovc wilLin 10 days of thc giving of no�iec. <br />�= 3. tlazard or Properl+�7nsurente. 6orcower sha11 keep�he improvemems no�•:rais�ing or hercaficr cmctad on�he - <br />- Ikopetty insurcd agains�loss hy fire,harards included wi�hin die iemi"extended mverage'and any hazards,ir.dnding <br /> - Iloods or Oooding.for which Lendcr rcquirca insurancc. This insurancc sfiali bc mainlaincd in thc a:nounls a^J foi �Lc ;-. <br /> . Fom�bt8 9f90 lryxr:n's-uEnl <br /> y�rl �, x :r{1u�.i' st t7�71'�` r� ^ ttnnu*-�:v:r'^Tr•�r.�)1't'n`if::r':"! X'{c;.let t ��S�o((�sy�Fr ":rrc7 '- : �I'71 <br /> �31 �� Yl �� JL t . . 1 � N . / - � �'1'l l +f 1� - ��� � �i�� � <br /> �d�"� a l --7 . r, t 7. . �. l �<� -� i � ( a �111 � - t y . <br /> v �.-�..4! i , y. <br /> ,, , ..��'���— _r L��,�_ �_ . ,.'_,: s,,� .�5��.v�. ..�r. �, ��..� <br /> . r,� _— i �_ '-�! �r—�-- � <br /> J �r�� - -:ifr�YJ'���Y��� s�p+�!•- . � � �-__ � ._ � � . F <br /> 2 <br /> �� �-f(�'t�e�'��{jS.���{��t,��i���-�lr+tit '-� , , . . _ �- �t . <br /> �'�ldi�'C�i. �h t .vfi(`�i 5' n . -�� .l � , S <br /> 4i � � Y � . r �i �-. !,� �i � yr t ._ �Si ��. . fS..� _ � . . <br /> / rC_'�s� ' -��'i t4P f/ � �.� � - . - _ - " . . - <br /> � � -. � �t�- -, r , , <br /> '�- . -;,. i .,v - .tn c i [ r` ](�c _ -_. . _ .- ._ . <br /> � - l`* 7` _ i f . � �Y�Y\l��i�'�51 : • . - � . . <br /> i r�lt�f �i� Y �.hl � ._ .t55( � Y J f� \ t ` . <br /> �;�{t 1�y;t� { i.L Jl � j : � ��r` ' i_ s�\ / .. <br /> �� {?'t �.lFa� f � - .r I�� /r � n t �i� ' r i_ r ' �� .1�. -_ . ' <br /> +i, v i J yS�v1J� /, � -p C,. i <br /> 3- � s� fi rhf�F ' v�- - �� ir �l � ��. f " t - , �� - <br /> t � ; <br /> � _ __ ` ,- h � � rd � . } Y-. „ _ <br /> � �.�� u�i 3yla�tva 1,�`-��l�lrr�� it r. { � "' � � - r � rff 4�i1 . <br /> , : _ <br /> k .4,'F4t�' }�� �r).,�.�tt. . Jl / � , c -�, l . ,- ; ... <br /> .. . . . . ... Y� ��tr . . ._d4'." . . �: . . . � . . vf` .,� .. <br />