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<br /> �` • 5. MaP.ard or Pmp�rty In�urn�nse. Boaower shall kcep the improvemertts nuw existing on c�rcafter crectcd on ihe
<br /> • Ftnpor�y insured uguln�t l�ss t�y fise,hazarcls included witt�in the tetxn "extended covernge" pnd any Ather hazurds, includtng
<br /> " l fluaAt�or floodin�, far whicki I.ender requires insurance.This lnsurnnce shall be maintuined in d�c amounts and for the periads
<br /> ! thnt t�ender rr�quires.Th� insuc�tnce car.rier providing the InsurnnGC shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's approval
<br /> � whicli shall not be unrassan�LdY�vidihr,ld. If Borr�wer fai�s to mnintuin coverage described above, Lender may, nt l.ender's
<br /> � t optlan,ob[nin coveruga ta ptoSect I.endr.r's rights in the PrapeAy in accorda�►ce with ParagraPh 7. ,
<br /> ���� All insuranas polici�s amd ren�wols shall be acceptnble t� L.eader nnd shall inetude a standard mortgage clause. I.ender ,
<br /> ,,,_o..;,,�,,= shall hove tuc right to hc�Sd tt�4 policirs and renewals.If Lender requires,Bonower shall promptly give to Leader all receipts of
<br /> paid premiums and renewal nntices.in the event of loss,Bonower shall glve prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Leader.
<br /> Lender mny msllce proof af lnss if not nn.ade prompdy by Borcower. _
<br /> '� Unless Lender and florrrnver atl�eiwise a�ree in writing,insurance proc�ecls sball be applied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> Praperty dt►mabed, if�he restoration o�.�N�:::s�onomically feasible and Lender's security is aot lessened.If the restoratiaa or
<br /> y' rep�ir is nat economlcally fe.a.sible or I.ender's securiry would be lessened,che insuranee pr�ceeds shall be appli�l to the sums ��
<br /> s�curr.d by tl,is Security Instn►myr►t, r�hether or not then due. with any eacess paid to Borcower. If Borrower abandons the �,��
<br /> ' P:apeny, or does n�nt aas���:r�vithia 30 duys a notIce froui Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a cl�im,then `___-
<br /> ; Lendor may eollect tho insarc�nnr�e pcoceeds• 1-ender may use the proceeds to repair or restoce the Properry or to pay sums �
<br /> T
<br /> �� secuned by thas Security In<.tn.�ment,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will be�in when the notioe is given.
<br /> � � Uialess I.ender an�i Ao.rrowcr othenvise agrec In writiag. 1nY application of proceet�s to principal shall not cAsand or
<br /> � pastpona d�e due dnte of tha�nnthly payments referred to in paragrapbs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.Q?under =-
<br /> paraBraplt 21 the Pm}�:.rty is zcquired by Lender, BoROwet's right to any insurance palicies and proceeds resulting frorn `_
<br /> duma�o to th:.Praperty p+ior to thE acyuisitton shnil pass to Lender to the eatei�c of the sums securecl by this Security Insuvment
<br /> �. immcdintcly prior tv the anquisid�on. I,easeholds.
<br /> 6.Occu�nncy,Pres�rv�i3on, Mnintenance and Protectlon of the Property;Burrowea''s Los�►�#PD�icatlon;
<br /> Borrower shull cecupy, esteblish, and use the Propsrty as Botrower's principal t�esidence wianin slxty days after the eaecution af
<br /> d�it�3ecurity Instru.mem an� shall continue to occupy the ProPertp as B°�T°�+�'�'s pr�ncipal residencc for at least one year aher
<br /> ,* tha dt�te of accupancy, �2nSsss I.ender othenvise asrees!n wdtin8,which cons�nt shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> antonuntlna circumstances �xist v�hich are beyond Borrower's conuol. Borrow�eor��hWer shall L�e in�defaul gi any fmrfelture
<br /> gmgr�ry, alt�w the Fro�►erty to c�eteriorate,or commit waste on the PropertY. �,aa„n��p f t,
<br /> , aotion or proceeding,wfieth�r civ:l or cdminal. is begun ttiat in I.ender`s good iaiw judg�e�t r�ntd rrNztt in f�...,....._o.t._e _
<br /> Fcnparty or od�erwisa mF:txrially impuir the licn created by this Security Instrument or Leader's security int�rest.Borrower may
<br /> cum such a default and r•einsttue.��s pr�vided in paragraph 18,by causing tht action or pmcecding to be clisrn�ssed with a ruling
<br /> thnt, ia l.ender's good faith detarmination. precfudes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest In the Prnpeity or other matenal
<br /> ;,`�;;;: imp�►inmant of the 11en creaEed by this �udty Instrument or Lender's securtty interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> '.,-�,:�•,
<br /> � '. , ;;t� &mco�ver,during th�lc�an a,�Plictulon process,gave materlally false or inaccurate informatian or statemeacs to Lender(or failed
<br /> ",�'•f:!"' to pravldo Lender wi:h any matarial information)in connection with �he loan evidenced by the Note,including,but nat limited
<br /> "�� "" to,�pmscntutions coneeming fl�rnower's occupancy of the Prnperry as a princ1Pal residence.If this Secudty Instrument is o�e a
<br /> -',-`r.";'�A�;;� , lea!auol�l, I3orrower sh�ll comply with ail tha prov�sloas of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property, tTne
<br /> ;.;,�.;:''�,�.��� leasehold amd the fee titl�ski�ll not merge unless Lender agree�to the merger in writing.
<br />=w�:.�'�`�':� 7.Prcateolton of LentlEr's Itights in the Property.If Borrower falls to perform the covenants and ageements contained in
<br /> '�`a-'�'� this S�cvriry Instnua��E.oa thare is a legal procecdin8 that maY eignificantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> .-.,er,,r,.�r.
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