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<br /> ' � paynients njay no tongcr bc rcquircd, �t thc optim�of Lcnder, if mangngc lnsurnncc covcrngc(ia thc nmount nnd for thc peri
<br /> ` , � that Lender nquires)pro�idcQ by an insurcr nppravcd by Lencter agnin becomes nvailnUle 1nd is obtaineci. Borrowe�• shaU pay
<br /> thc prcmiums�qulred to maintnin mongngc insurnncc in effcct,or to provtdo a loss rescrve,untll thc requirenxnt for mortgage
<br /> ,;,,,,,w�' insurance ends in�ccordence with nny�vdtten ngrccment bctwecn Uonocver and I...cnder or appllcable law.
<br /> . ,� .� 9. Insp�ctlon.l�ender ar its ngcnt may mnke rea��nabte enuies upon nnd inspc:ctions of the Propeny. Lendcr shnll give
<br /> Bonower notice at the time of or prior to nn inspcction specifying reasonabla c+'�uf.c for the inspection.
<br /> 10. Cond:�nnstton. The proceeds of any nwartl nr claim for dtuneges,direct c�r conscquential, in connection w(th aqy
<br /> condemnution or other teking of any part of the Propsrty.ur for conveyance in licu of condemnactnn, are tiereby assigncct and _
<br /> shall be paid to I.ender. -=-
<br /> ln the event ota totnl teking of the Propeny,thr praa�ds sha�l be applial to[he sums scx:uii�by this Security Instn�ment. ,,__
<br /> whether or not thea due,wlth any eacese P2id to Barro�vec. In the event of a partial toking of the Property in which the fair ;,_rt
<br /> market value of ttu Peopecty immediately befora the taldng is equnl to or sreater thttn the amount of the suzns secumd by this
<br /> • Securi�p�nstrument irnmediately before the taking,unless&�rrower and Lender otherwiu agree ia writing,tht sums secured by
<br /> this Securiry Instrument shall be reduoed by th;. amau�t �f the praceeds multipllcd by the foltowing fraction: (a) the total
<br /> amount of the sums secured 1mn►ediately beforo the ta4cing, divi.' ��by(b) the ftur market value of the Propecty immediately . _—
<br /> - � befare the taking.�1ny balance shall be paid to Borro�vec. In the event of a partial teking of the Property la which the fa�r
<br /> market value of the Property immediately before the t�.kin�is less d�an ihe amount of the sums sccured immediately before the
<br /> ' taking,unless Borrowcr and Lender othcnvise agree in wdtin� or unless applicable law otherwisc provides. the prosc�s sdall __.
<br /> be applied to the sums secured bY th[s Securiry Insuument whether or nat the sums are then due. �;'.
<br />� If the Property is abandonod by Borrower,or if.after aotice by I.ender to Borrower that tbe conetemaor offers to make an �_
<br /> aw�ard or settle a claim for damages, Bomnwcr fails to cBSpond ro Lender withtn 30 days aftsr th�:date We notice is geven, o,.,
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds.at its option,either to nstoration�s npair of tLa Propercy or to the sums
<br /> '' Insm►ment,whuher or not then duo. �"'
<br /> ��by�e�n� lication of roceods to priacipal she11 not extend or �;°_
<br /> , Unless Les3der aud Borrower othenvise agrce tn writing, any app' P
<br /> _ �• �.:•- poscponc inc du��te a�t�c�au',�l�Fa;:."�rt"pfP„+ed to in pamaraDhs 1 and 2 or change the aznount of such pa3�ments. ��:,
<br />-� 11.Borro�vd'Not Ftela►se�f�F°rlsearnncc By Lender Not a Walver.Extension of the time for payment ar modincaiioa F.,
<br /> of amortizadon of the sunns secured by thls Security Insuument grnnted by Leader to any successor in incemst of Borrower shall �,
<br />_ �� nat opsrate to releas� thc liability of the ori�Wal Borro�ver or Borrower's successors in interest.Lender shall not be rr.quired to =
<br /> i,� : commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse ro extend ame for payment or oth:nvise naodify amartizadon
<br />� •�� of the sums s,.cured by this Securiry Instrumen� bY reason of any demand made by the orig[nal Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> S'^.� .
<br />�£:;,_„,;;:; successors iu iatetesi.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any dBht or remedy shall not be a waivee of or pretlude the
<br /> ;; ": '.+}: exercise of any right ot remedy.
<br /> 1�. Succes.wry �nd AssiSns Bound; Joint and Severnl Ltabllity; Co-stgneas.The covenants and aga�oements of this
<br />-- on
<br /> g;.;.° �" Security In,gnument shdl bind and Uenefit the successor� and asaigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions o
<br />�� . ,.+<.: : p�g�py aZ, �orrower's covenanu and agreements shall bo joint and several. Any Borrov�er who co-signs this Security
<br /> T���+a��;;:' . Tn�uument riat does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instcument oNy to martgage.grant and convey that —
<br />:��:�.w�'�'"^ Borrower's interest ir,the Pcoperry under�he terms of this Securlry Insnument;(b) is aot pc�:�naliy obligated to pay thc sums
<br />�-�,�.
<br /> =`-=�,��-�� secured by this Securiry Ymstrumeat;and(c)agrees that Leadtr and any other Borrower nxay agree to extend,madify,forbEar or
<br />'=�x " make any accommalations with regazd to the tern�s of tt►is Security Insuument or tha Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> - 13.Lonn Charges. If the loan secured by this Security utstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, _
<br />�- --r-='i:�=` and that 1�►w is fiaally interpreted so that the interest or other loun��rges colleceed or to be wllected in connection with the
<br /> �_�.'s--::
<br /> �4y�..;,���: loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a) any such loan charge sha�l be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the chnrge �
<br /> -- to the pemutted limit;and(b) anY sums already wllected from Bornowcr which excceded peimitted limits wi11 be refunded to
<br /> =�'n Borrower. Leudec aoay choose to make thls refund by reducing the principal owed under ibe Note or by rmaking a direct r
<br /> '� '��.�y.� _
<br /> --;--" � payment to �Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction �vill bo ueate4 as a partlal prePaYment without any _
<br /> e..�s .s�.:��,� �
<br /> =;�,p��,:,n.,. prepayment ch�rge under the Note. �
<br />�-����• 14.Nottces.Any notice to Borrower provtded for in this Securiry Insnument sh�ll �e given by delivesing it or by w►�iling
<br /> '`�`N"",", it by first class mail unl�ss applicable law requires usc of another method. The noticc shall be directed to tY►e Properry Address e, _
<br /> "__ � or any other address Bono�ver designates by notice to Leader. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to E�-.
<br /> I,ender's ac3zUeas stated herein or any other address Lender designat�s by notice to Borrower. My notice pruvide�i for in this �_
<br /> ' ' gecurity Insi�ir�nent shall be deemed to havc been given to Borrotiver or Lender wben given as provided in tt�is paragraph. � �
<br /> 15.Govea ning La�v; Severabfllty. Th[s Security Instrument shall be govcrned by federal law and the la�v of the :
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Properry is located. In the event that�ay provision or clause of this Securiry Iastmment or the Note , '�_;
<br /> eonfliets with applicable law. such conflict suall aot affect ot@er provisions of this Sacurity Instrument or the 1��mte which can be Y,
<br /> . given effecd vritboue t6e conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and tfie i�lote aze declared � ,
<br /> . '��','� to be sevEra�le. ": I:.
<br /> �,c,;,_;,.
<br /> - •i.;,;.��•�.. ' 16.Borrower's Cog►y.Borrower shall be given one confonncd copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> Form 3028 iso
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