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�.�:_.�. s..i '[ ✓ . �F•: y - `. . ._____.__ __ .._ y- trf ;_� �� .. ^?i^ �� <br /> _ i t� ��r- ; � {'� °�- l� �' ,2 r <br /> 1£+if) S i+t; y;� 1 r.� t ' . . . . . . S r . <br /> _. .,...I.i9.1SJdfAH3N�`A�f/i�r35Y+A�L�f'v.�.a:C(CG-:k� MiY+ksi�MWikfFfiY.Wr,."n.:_. _..__ ' -. .t .:• ° _ <br /> 92�.�.«���.s <br /> p;riads�hat 4enckr rcquires. 7ho insnrance carrlcr providing ihc insumncu shall Ix choscn by tiorrowor subJccl�o Lendcrk <br /> npprovnt�Nd�h stall no[ba unraasonably wiiL•held. It Bortower fnl�s to maimxin wvcmgo descdbed nlwve,l.cnAer may,m �_ ___ <br /> ' [.endeik optlon,ubiain coveroge to proicc�Lenderk dghis In�he I'ropu�y In r.ccorAonco with p�ngnph Z �- <br /> All tnsurance policies and rencwais shall bn ncaWabic�o landcr nnd shall includc n standard mortgagc clnusc. I.cndcr <br /> shnll have tiw right�ohold thc pollcles nnd rcnewals. If i.ender rcqulrcs,Oorcowcr shall prompily girc to Lcndcr all reccip�s _ <br /> • of paid prcmlums and rcnewal noilees. (n�he ovene of loss.Dortou•er s6all givo promp�no8ce ta�he Insurance canler nnd �=� <br /> Lcndcr. Ltnder may malce proof of loss if not mado prompily by Borrowcr. <br />. Unless Lender anA Oorcower olhenvlco a&rce In writing,Insumnce pro:ecds shall ix npplicd io ros�omtion or repair of = __- . <br /> iha Propeny damaged, if�ho rcstontion or rcpair is economicnlly feasiblo and I.enderk secnri�y is not Iessened. If the =- <br /> restomtlon or repair Is nol economicalty fe�siblo or l.enderk secudly a�ould Iw Iessened,�he Insuranco procceJs shall be �:-_ <br /> n pliul to�ha sums securcd by�hfs Scrud�y Ins�mmen6 �rhether or ro!th.n due,wiUi any exmss pnid�o Dorrower. If --��-- ._- <br /> �OttOWCf R�MWOS thJ Y[OP2Hy.or does no�nnswer w[thin 30 days a n�tice from l.ertder�hat ir�e ensumnco cartier hu ��`"" � <br /> ollercd to setQe a elaim,tEen Leacler m:�r crt;ect�he insur�nce proceeds. Lender may use the pronrds ro rcpair or rnstorc ���,*r=- <br /> thePmpetlyortopaysunusecuteQtiy�F'.tsSecarilylnsteumer.t,whetAerorm:�'.�nc.�e_ TAe30-0ayperiodwi116cginwhen �+,.e:.-=�'- <br /> U:Faotitcisgiven. �- -a_" --- <br /> UNcss Lcndcr nnd Uorro�ret uC�e��4w•:gnc in wriUng,v�y nF�!ta:ion cS grncce�b lo princi�l shall not oxtcnd or � — <br /> � postpano the due daie of the momhlk payr.�eacc refeved to in par,g@pls t a�:7 E�cfi�n�e-�ie a.^.xc:�of�he payments. (f � <br /> u�x.r'.r para ra h 21 tho I'ro •n•ia n. ui:ed b Lender, 6oROwerS rigiv uu a:: isseraxe lici•x nr.d rocecds rcsultin ��''f`'�- --� <br /> S P R t '4 Y S t° P 8 ,+v,. a <br /> ' Gom damage ro�hc Propeey Xc�a r�tha-ac(rylsitlon shall pacs to Lcr.der�e�SC Txian:o�t thr evms securcd by lhis Sccurity f.;�;,, _ <br /> tmnumcnlimmedia:clypriovtoto�-nccuini�ioa ae,��`,��; : <br /> �S. Occupaneg Presenmeon, �1Aintmonce and Protection pt 1he -Proper�y; Ilurrox�ePs I.wn Applicatlon� S�,.S,;.t,--_,_,. <br />_ LEauholds. Dortowcr shall ottu,y,utablis'�,and usc�hc Roperty ns 8orrou�cr�princip�+l raidencc withln siz�y days eflcr !!��t�;!,';'�_--__ <br /> tho execullon of thls Secud�y)r_amm.n:a�:>ixil!rnminue to occupy i?:e Nopen as IIofrower§princip�l rcsideirce(or at ' --�` �_ <br />-- least one year aRer �he due a` eccnpaxy, unless Len3rr olherwise a�rees ,n writing, which conunt shnll no� Ae �!f.;!�,syr„�.=-: <br /> unnazonabiy whhheld,or untr.s.^x�enuatmg arcnmstarces erict which 3m beyond 6xrowerY eomroi. 6ortower shnl!uo� . - <br />. dcslroy,damnge or Impair ttc ProFcrty.a!lo�r�hc F7cR«} to detedomte,orcom�m��•a>�e on�hc Ropeny. Ctormwer shall ��¢4'Y a'� .-- <br /> be tn defaull If any forfef�ure;rv,,:n:ptxceding,whe�her civfl or criminal,is begun�hat In Lendert gaod falth ju�mem �,1!t,�h�?i,.__._-. <br /> couid rcsuit In fodetmre of thr 'fr.;ra� o: o�he�wiso mamdally Impnir �hc Ilen crcatcd by �his Sticurity Inotmmenl or i.'fiY,'� - <br /> 4ender�ucurity imercs�. Rorrowar mey c+�re.uch a defiul�and reinstate,aa provided in par�grnph 16,bycausing�he acflon �S �!�'t <br /> or proceeding to be dismisseA wllh a mling�h�t,ln Isnder�good taid�dctemilnatlon,precluJes fodeimre of the Amrowerk ��"�y � <br /> Intercs� In the Propeny or oihe ma�erial im�imient of xn:Ilen crca�td by ihis Security Ins�rument or 4enderk securiry , ,�.,..-.---' <br /> Interes�. �ortowcr shall nlso be in Aefanit if Dortowtr, during the loan applica�ion praess, gave materiolly lalse or 'o�''��t�„c'---' <br /> inazcumw InPomia�lon or s�ateme�us�o I.end�r(or failed to prnvide with any material InfonnatfoN in connecilon wi�h '�i��� -- <br /> �he loan evidrnced by �he Note, (nclnAtag,6n� not limiied to, rcprcsematlons rnneemfng Oortun�crk occupancy of ihe ���sv;:+��a ' <br />- Prop�ny xs a pdncfpal residence. If�his Sc.ucuy ins�mmem 4e on a IeaaehnW,Uovower shall comp4r�vi�h all ihe provislons _;ry.',.:.:`::�, <br /> Of IhC ICiSC. If UOROwCf aCQulrcs ICOlil�e 14 trte{7openy,e3e ieasehuiii anu 6�c iee iitle si�uii�iui�iicige U(i!eii�fider ngr�ros -';y��yi��r�.'.- : <br /> w t6e mcrger tn wri�ing. �%��'"`�:'�fi: <br /> 7. Pi•oteMlon of [.cnder`s RIgMs dn Ihc Property. If Oortower fails to perfomi �hc covenams anJ afrw.mems IS�•."�?;.;;;� <br /> comained in ihis Sacurl�y Insmimen6 or therc is a Iegal pro:ceding �ha� may slgnificamiy of(ec�Lcnder� dgh�s In the +i?5%;,'"%{, � <br />' Pro rt (such as a oceedin In Uankm tc�, robate,for rnndemnatton or fodeiWro or ro enforce laws or re ula�lons,�hen ?,•t`1''•i=;Y�»;-:' <br /> P� Y a s A 7P g � 9 � <br /> 4ender may do�mJ p.q for«fiatevcr ts nrassary�m ptotecl tl:e ralue of�he 1'rop:tiy and Lendeh dgh�s In�he Propeny. �-�•ls:���;�,;- <br /> Lender4 actions ma Include in a� sums sewrcd b e lien which has dori� over�his SecuBi inswment,a adn ,�;��%?;��'"'".. <br /> Y M>' 6 Y Y P Y Y PP� 8 , .,;.:v;!•.: <br /> in court,payhig reasonable attomeys'fecs and cncering on�he 1'ropeny�o make rcpairs. Alihough Lcnder mny lake aelfon -"�;�y�t..t,;,;s_. <br /> i1cP�r" <br /> undcr�his paragmph 7,Lcnder docx no�have�o do�o. lk��?,wY,:r:- <br /> G <br /> Any amounts disbuned by Lender under�his puagnph 7 shall Ixcome addi�ional deb�of Dorto�rtr securcd by�61s rt,'�r � ,� <br /> i k• 4 <br />�: Securi�y Insuumem. Unless Rorrowerand Lrr.der.grce m o�her�emis of payment.�hese amoums ihall beu imercs�from�he _>yi� 3 ; <br /> date of dlsburseRem m ihe Note mte and shall txe payable,�ri�h intercs�,upon nntice Rom Lendrr to Borrower rcquesiing �z,�V.�,,;.t,-;,�,.;; <br /> paymem. �;f�;r/{�� <br /> 9. Martgnge Insuraacr. If Lender requircd mongage insurm�ce as a eondi�ion of ma6ing�fir Iwn sensa�t by Ihis 7. f;}V,� ; <br />- Sac�.,ry Insuvmccl.I�artouer sh�)1 p�y the premiums rcyuircd lo maimain�he mongayr imum:�:e tn e(fec1. IL Yai nny "'d4jk F;Syii.,i':- <br />= te.ason, tLe nrx:cage insmance cuvemge requircd by I.ender lapus or ccases w be in etfec�, Rorroxxr shnli yay the ,�`,�qr•%�n='""--`''-� <br />` prcnilums mqui�ed�o obmin covcrage xutnt:uitialiy equivairnt �o �hc mongagc insunnce prmiou:l_v in effcc6 at a eos� •;�}�?y'��"A:'��`�� <br />- subs�amialiy equivr:tnt ro tb.e rws�to 6oiTUxror of�he mongage insurance previously in etfec6 trom nn aitemate motlgage ���'--�:n��;q��}-:j;i: <br /> Insurtr approved by Lendee 71 subswmlally equtvalent mungage(nsurance coverege is noi available,l3orcoe�er shall pay m .�;;t?�.r'::Y��':.`�.. <br /> Lender each month a smn e�µ�r.:m one•w�elfih of�he yearly mongage insurance premium being ptid by Ootto���er when ihe '`-�ri:s��'�i�3�.:__ <br /> insumnee coverage lapsed or ceaced�o be in e(fect. Lender aill aceep�,use and rc�ain�heu paymems as n loss mserve in lieu - •_ <br /> of mortgage Insurence. Loss reserve�aymems may no longer be rcquircd,a�the opiion of Lender,if nwngage insurance t �i� ���- �-�� <br /> $:`' -;�"";,i'. <br />- coverege(In lhe amount and(or tl�e penoA d�x Lender rcyuircs)providcd by an insurcr approred b�Lc:.der again becoma ��F(�_i#�j;�t:'__�� <br /> available and is ob�aincJ.6onowcr shall pay�ihe pmmimns required�o maimain mongagc insurann m ef(ce�,or to providc a %�;;rv�,,;.t•,F._ <br /> � loss rescrve.until thc rcquimment for mongage inwmr i�cds in acmrdancc witli any�vriucn agrcenen:ki���een Qorto�rer ��c��,?;t!�-,s;?,;: <br /> and Lenderor epplirable lau. �r i����� '- <br /> 9. Inspcction. Ler.i'cr or i�s agrnl m�y nmke ren<.,.uFlc cmnc����n�md im�clionc nf Ihr Prrprrn. i.exder shall a1-..�'n s`. <br />' give Dorrower notice m i:+e�imr o(or prinr to:n in>pec�iun.�teifping rcawnable eau.c for�he in.p-:i nn. ry1ig:;f���!�_:•'._;. <br /> i�..: S-�j.e i . <br />- 10. Condemnat)nn. Thr pracede�r.�ay�a�wrd m daim fnr damages.dimct or wilh any �� Y.' <br />- S:n.trF�m`v..}yn+:'x9nNRtdEieVacC\IFIIIt111S}TR1-NE\T -t"nifnnCo�rwnn 9.90 � ���5'�4:;�� <br />: � Ntr)Jh�vRn. .}.ry`��..�'_;:7. <br />.. rnw�.anll�vmR� ■ u:..: ,- <br /> 'e 4N�f!�D>�itl9Dl G f1U15191-Ipl <br /> �:3ti i�"�f%, <br /> ,z,..�a�::�' <br /> IE;�f;� <br /> -- F :v2a..�r:-f'N•x -'VI'•nr f- S� •�Cr`_.- :r:. _ . ....�,.� .:::-�-r'-"�'mrc�rtv +-.-�.�a•v .._ -�r.rvr.vv . . . <br /> _ �' 1 . _ _ . . . - . <br /> �- - < . . • . � .. .. . . . . _ . .. <br /> .P_�-, :. .'.. -. _. .- � . <br /> _�..r�.�:-.'.._"_--_..- . . :. ' : --. '. <br /> . _ _ __ —_ . ___ . . _ . .__. ._____1• <br /> ��.i - ••- - . . - ._ _ _ _ . ' <br /> -�S.Tf�.� . • . . " . i <br /> ,�.f�!., -��r-� . . . <br />��-2���i1? :.� ,;�,...���" . . . . .. - .. � . <br />-" �"i!.i. - ' . - . . . _ <br /> ,tl <br /> �- r • <br /> - �lJ.._ � .. . . - � . " . . <br /> ` ::U! - �'•4' ' . - . . <br />... .•; .., . <br /> . :. . <br /> . <br />_..t.-'. ' . _ . - <br /> . y . ' ' . . - � • . . . <br /> > " t ' _ - - :. - .. <br /> � - �f 'i � . .vltq <br /> �� -�ti_� <br /> v �tL._C . �:: at . ' . ' - . _ �.�.'� _ . <br /> t� ��' .F -.N( ti ! . _ I - � ! . � ' . . . . � . .y - - -5 . <br /> . • � .. -• ��. . , . <br /> . <br /> ` 5 <br />._.... .. . f . .. ...._ ��__1iL.�:zn a lr.� S ..�� . 1 ` . L Qa�.�, . ��_... ..- . <br />