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__.,,:: ...�. �______ ,, �. <br /> �y..�. ,.. _._....w..�...._.. . <br /> , <br /> 92�..:���4�.s <br /> condcmnntinn oraher taking of nny pr.n otme Ropcny,or Porconvcyancc in Ucu of condenmailon,nrc hercby nssigncd nnd <br /> shnll Ir.psld to i.trckr. <br />' In �ho evcnt oi a�otai taking of�ho Propeny,iho proacds shall be applicd w �hc sums sccurcJ by �hls Sceurlly <br /> lnstmmnnf,whNhct or not then duo,witli nny cxccss pald Io 13ottou�or. In�hc cvcnc of n p�nial mtdng of tho Propehy in <br /> �vhich tlw inlr marktt vnino of�hc Propctly immcdintcly ixforo�ha tnking Is equal to or grc:�ter ihm��he amount ot�he snms <br /> secund hy thls SCCUdIy lnxlniment immcdlntely betoro tho Iaking,unless Oom�x�tr nnd IAnAw mhcnvfse agrea in wri�ing. - <br /> �h6 sums etcurcd by this Sauri�y insirumcnt slmll Ye rccinced by the nmount ot thc proceeds multlplled by tho foilowing <br /> tractlon: (a)tl�c toinl nmount ot�ha snms Fecnnd immcdimely I�ePorc�he laking,divldcA 6y(b)�he fnir marke�value of�he <br /> Propcity ImmcAlmcly bo(oro iha�nkfng. Any balancc shall bo psid�o Dorcou•cr. In ihc evcm of n panial�aking of�hc __ <br /> Propeny in whidt�Ye fnir nmrket vniuo of t6c Propeny immcdiatcly beforo�he mking fs Icss thnn t6e amoum of the sums <br /> securzd fmmediatcly Ixforo iha tak{ng,unless Oorrox•cr and Lcndcr alunviao ngrce in wri�ing or unless applica6te law . <br /> oihenvisu provides,the proceeds shall be applled�n the sums secu�ed by thia Securi�y Ins�nimen�whcilier or no��he sums arc <br /> thcn dnc. <br /> If tl�e Propeny is nbandoned by 6ortowcr,or IL nficr r.otice by l.cnder�o florro�ver that the condemnor offen to mat. _ <br /> an alvud or settle n clatne Cor dxmages,Rorcon�u Potls m res�wnd io Lcndcr whhtn 30 days aRer�hc date�hc��en, <br /> Lender Is,uthodzod to mticet ud appty the procctds,nt hs optlan,ehher to rcsio�ation or rcpair ot the 34npeny m�a�h: _ <br /> snms sttuad by this Securiiy Instrumen6�vhether ar not Ihcn duo. - <br /> Unless 4ertder and Borto.��er��herwice agree in wri�ing.nny application of proceeds to princi�l�`.�il i5x er�znd or <br /> - �pas�pnne tho due date oi�he .ad+[y p�jmienis rcfemd to In pamgr,phs 1 ar.d 2 orchange the:�mount of s�:.h p�y�ncn:s. <br /> na. norrax�� noi .t�e�rnre1: 5'ur6earance IDy Lender Not a 1i'airer. Gztension o( �hc timc for payn�tm nr _ <br /> � modiGcr;ron of amortiz5+.ion of the.ums secund by this Security Instrument granted by I.ender to nny sucees.sor In im:m.a =. <br /> of�oltowcr shall mm�panie��rcleasq ihe liabiliry of the original Oono�ncr or Berrox•erk sueecsson In 6ttercst.Ltnder —� <br /> ahall no�be requircd�n comr.unce qoceedings ngatnst nny successor ir,i:u.mi or rtfuse lo ex�end iime Por pr.ymem nr -, <br /> olhernito modify amo�iimiinn vt the snnu securcd by�his Securily Ins�n�mam hyreayun of nny Jemand made 6y�he origiml �-_? <br /> • Oortoxer or fforcower�sucttsmu in interes�. Any forbeanr,ce Fy I.ender in e�enisi�_an9 nght or remcdy shall no�he a - <br /> waiver of or prcclnde�he exerciu oi any right or remedy. `. <br /> - 12. Successora nnd Assigns l)ound�Jolnt and 4eceml Unbill�y;Co•slgners. 7'h.covenams nnd agrcemems nf ihi� _ <br /> Security Insuument sh.ill bind aad benefit the ducessors and asxigns of Lender and 6orcower,xubJec�to�he provlslo:�s of -:!, <br /> paragreph 17.Rorro�wr4 wvenants and ngreemcras xhali h jn{m nnd several.Any Uortower«�ho co�signs �his Secutity Q'� <br /> Ins�mmenl bW ilas na execute ihe No�e. (n)Is casigning�his Securiiy Insimment only�o mongage,gr,m nnd convey�hal :_ <br /> �ortn�+crt intercst in the Propeny under ihe cem�s of ihis Sccuriry InstrumenC @)is no�personally obliga�cd�o pay�he sums _ <br /> securcd by Ihls Security Insm�menC and(c)ngrtes that Iwender and��y o�her portower may a6ree to exlend.modify,(nrlrar [,-. <br /> or make any accommala�lons wi�h rcgard m�he umis of this Secunty Insmiment or�he Note wflhout �hn1 6orrmver§ _ <br /> consem. <br />- 13. i.ann�iinr;,.es. If�he loan securcJ by �hts Securiry Inswmem is subjec� �o n law which ce�s m:uimum loan � <br /> eharges;and�hni imc i>Mnlly In�eryrcled so�ha�ihe Imera�or o�her loan ch:irgas cotk.icJ ui w`uc caL'eaz3 Ir mrr^:ioa _ <br /> ahh d:c lo:m ezcecd ihe penniued limhs,dicn: (a)nny such loan charge s1m110.rcductel b���he nmoum necessary w�ednce _ <br /> �6e cha�gc ro�he pennh�ed Iimir,nnJ�b),ny sums alnady ceticcied from Oorrmrer which e<ceeded{�em�itted Ilmi�>will be _ <br /> mfunded to 6orcower. Lendcr may choou lo makc this rcfimA 4y reductng�he pdncipnl owrJ undcr tl�a Note or by making a = <br /> dirtct paymeni to 6ottower. If a refund rcduces principal,�he mducdon a�il!!�t�rcated ns a panial prepayment withou�any - <br />- prcpaymcnl chnrgc unJer Ihe�otc. _ <br /> 14. Nollces. Any no�lce�0 6orrower provldcJ for in iliis Securi�y Immimcnl shall Ix given by dclivering it or by -.. <br /> malling It by firs�clxss mall unta�appltcable law requires usr of ano�her me�hod.The no�itt shall Ix dlrec�ed to�he Prq�ny _: <br /> Addrcss or any oiher address�orrc�w�rr designatcs by notice in l.ender. Any noiice�o Lender shall be gfven by firs�class �.: <br /> mail to Lenderk nJdress+�akd harcin or any o�her nddmss Ler.der desfgna�es by noiice�0 6orrowee Any no�ice provided for _ <br />._ In �his Security Insuunum shall tu Jecmed�o ha�-e lxen gi��rn m 6orta��rr or Lender when Eiven at provided fn �his _ <br />_ paragnph. = <br />�= I5. Co��ernlnp Ln+v; tiet�erobilily. Thi� Sciuriiy Inu<r.mtnl ahall be govemed 6y feJernl law and �he law of thc <br />` judsdic�ton In which the Propen?�is locded. In�he esent�h.a:u�}trovision ur clause o(thia Seeurity Inswment or�he No�e _ <br />= con0lc�s wi�h npplicab!e Imv,such cnn�ict sha11 nw�ffen o:i:cr p:ovisions of�hfs Securiq (muumem or the No�e which can '} <br />— M glven effec�wi�Nom�he con0lciing provi�ioa To�hi+vr.d�he provi�ions of�his Security Insmnnem nnd �he Noie ue !�'� <br />= dcclared to bc scvcra6!a ;r <br />° �6. Qorrower's Copy. 6onower shall h�:i��rn one confomied copy ohhe No�c nnd of this Securiry Insuumrn�. .- <br /> t7. 7Fnnsfer al lhe Properly or n ISeneficiel Interest In Uorrowee If all or uny pan of�he Propeny or nny intercs�in r�- <br />-- It h sold or vansRrtcJ(or if a benefreial intercsi in 6orro��er is sotd or�mnsfemd nnd Dorto���er is no�n nawni p.rcon) , <br />= wiihout Lender's prinr wtitten consein,Lender may,at iis op�ion,reyuim immediate paymem i+�full of all sums sanrnt by <br /> �his Sewrity Insvumcm. Hmce��er,ihis optinn zhall no�6c exercixJ by Lender if exercfse is prohibited 6y federal lau�us of ;- <br /> _ �hc da�c of�hls S.curity Insuumcnt. `�� <br />" If Lender exereix.this opiton.Lender shall give Donower nutice of accrlereiion. Tlie nolice sha11 pmvide a period of - <br />.= not Iess Ihan 30 dayslrom the da:r�he nmice h d.lirercd or maikd u'i�hin u'hich borro�-c+mucl p:ry all aum.secumd by Ihis _ <br /> * ' Stturity Inxlmntcni. I(Ro�ro•�rr Liils lo pay t6c�e aunn prior m�he expiraiion i+(thi.}�rriad. L.nder may incoka any - <br />-= rcmeAirc penniucA hy�his Secunn Incimmem wiihow funh.r nwice ur demanJ on Unne�e:c _ <br />-= 18. Qorro��cr's Rl�hl lo Rr.lnsinle. If R�xmwer mech cenain conAilinns, durto�err shall have �hc nFht m havc �� <br />-- • cnforccntau of�k:_ercurily Inaimmenl disrnnlim�cJ al any limc prior lo Ihc cadirr oL• lal 5 day�(nr��:ch othcr�rind as <br /> = $Er.P�f�'��I�--FanNeMa..VYlddk)la<1"�{FIIii\11]S1RC\IF.\T..l'r.annn<'n.enam� 9.90 ryaXN.,:nNtn) _ <br /> >r- �. _TN�rT .^_'�.Q}' _ ��1 �,y"'i�t� S .:Zi}.i.t.i � - ._ ..;�i'.ryiz'�'::'i� l�tzfd��b"S'��LFe� 'l��u-'lfl�i��\m�i���t4Qt 1`�'_, <br /> � - `�%.><y �V {�If�+;.� 1 r. Y• `� r i:i- } • !( �t <br /> a { �'� - f �,'S- . > ' _ _ S �C <br /> -;ttj, r `�. � . ��! � ' . . �$ ..t <br /> ._ ' : <br /> .. <br /> � +,,. t :1�}�:, 1 �,� ,,:_., � � ,4.t,,�, <br /> ,,- .. <br /> tjJ'r{ t ' - . }�`:. :- - . - — - .. ' `,. <br /> o�py�lATe•i�ir3�1s ` _ . . . . . .. a l_�. �; <br /> . i <br /> . r --r�. �r wq - • . - ._ .. � , . <br /> 2 3y. � Y� � - �. � - _ - -. ,. -' . . -- .... , . . . _ <br /> -,� - r , _. . _ _ � . �� . <br /> Y}�� ;�. � _ ;7 . _ . .. �i <br /> � � ' - . 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