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.� ::i.�- :� .. :.: . .... .. <br /> . . `�:v'h5�a. I+w- ir,:�` .. . - v�_._. - ..,.__ ; ' <br /> t�'�«»�.d9��.$ <br /> 70(IICI'HER WITN n�l thc Improvomrnis now a herca�racralul on tho prapcny,and all easanenls,appunrn+thtes, <br />- ancl fi:i�ves nnw or 6crcnlic��pnrt of thP p�Opcny. All�piaccmcros.nnd nddldani shntl aiso bo covercd by�tlds Secutliy ____ � <br /> Inslmmc6L AllohhotorcgoinglarotcRCAtoin�hisstcudtylnsmimemnst6a"Propcdy." -- � ��� ,:;�`----� <br /> ADRIlOMl:R CQVCNANi'9 that Oorrowcr is lawfully sclsul of iho csimo Lcrcby convcycd and has�tw flghl tn gtant <br /> and convcy tl�o Propcny and�hat�hc(hopeny is nnencumUcrcd,oxccpi for encumbrenccs of record. eorrower warraMS and <br /> willdbtcnA6encretlythetltlotothePrupertyag�lnstallciaimsnnddemands,subJect�onnycncum6rmicesofrccord ,' <br /> TIIIS 9f?CURiTY INSTRUMI':Nf combines unifomi covenams for na�lonal usc nnd non•unifomi covcnams witl� <br />- IlmitWvndallonsbyJudsdlctiontoeonsiiiuteaunlformsecnri�yinstmmemeovedngcealpropeny. _.___-_ ---- - <br /> UNI�ORMCOVGNANTS. DorrowcrnndLendereovenantnnd,grcensfoilows: <br /> 1. Pnyntcnt ot Pr6idpat nnA tntercsp Prepa}mcnt and i.nle Charga. ilorco�vsr shall prompdy pay�vhcn duo iha _ _ _ __ <br /> pdnclpaI otond Intercsi on tho dcbt eviAenced by�6a Noro and nny prepaymem nnd lato charges dne undcr tl�c Noto. <br /> 2. [tmds for 7Axee nnd Insurance. SubJect�o appIlcable Imv or�o n wdtten wniver by I.ender,Dorcower chall pay�o <br /> I.cndcr on d�o day nv3nVdY paYmcNS arc duo undcr�ho Notc,umll iho Note is palJ in NII,n sum('Tuncts")far.(a)yculy <br /> taxa artd asv:ssn�enu xhtch may ntlxin priorily over this Sccurity Insinmunt as fl Ilen on�hc!'roperty;(b)Yeariy Icosc6otd _ _ <br /> �aymertts a g:outtd rents on the Propeny, if any; (c) ycady taazazd or propcny insunnce premiums; (d) yearly tlood <br /> �nsvn.nce premiums,it any;(c)yeazly m.�ngaga insurartce premlvms. if any; and(p any sums payablo by 13orcowet lo <br /> Lender.irt rceor0.trsca with the grovidcns of paragraFh 8,in Ileu of tha{nyment of mongage insuranco prcmfums. Theso <br /> itenu are w1Eed'Pscrow 3tenu." LtLiSR i110}',ai�ny tim.e,coltect and hold�L�xis In an amouN not m excecd the rtwxtmum <br /> anwnm a Iznder for a fedsra!tY rr3a:�mongage Ioan may rcquirt:tor$onowerY escrow eccouM une5cr�.c federa! Real <br /> Estzte Setqcmem Arocedu+es Aw�of tS"r3 as amended from time to tim�e,12 U.S.C.y 2601 e xeq.("RGSPA').unless aroothcr <br /> � law that applies to thc Fca:�s se�s n Y:��amount. If so,Lender may,a�any time,collect,od t�.otd ILnds in an antant mot to <br />�� ex[CCd �i:Y iciS�Y An1W�%�• �n:loc:,ur estfmaro the amounl of[1+nds due wR the b.uis ut currrni Qata ard rruonaE:_ ,,,. ._�m:�,;: <br /> e�qma{esotvzµndiw[,urc�Eo.o�vitemsormhenviseinaccorclance�viihapplicablelsv. r��+� ;�- <br />- 7Lo I'vneis shall Cc tn=1d in nn ir.:iitu0on whosc depasfls arc insurcd by a x:deral agency, insimmentality,or cr,t?� {u ,-�„ <br /> (inciuding Lendcr,tf�.ier issu.h xa instim�lon)or tn any Rdenl liom,e d.oas Fank. Lendcr shall apply�t:e fands to}.U� 5!.x,SM^'fu.,.- <br /> the Cscrow llems. l.emt<r ria na char e Uorcower Por holdin anA a>� m �he f'unds,annuall annl Lin ihe escro�r U€�-'`"-=`-��- . <br /> Y 6 R Pb'� K Y Y S �.��:�.•�.::r <br /> account, or vedfying ihe Fscrorv Irm>,unless Lendc� paya Doicontr intercst on the Punds and appticable law pemuc> �i��ri.r:::_� <br /> I.ender�o make such a char a Hoa«�ar, l.cnder ma re uirc IIerro�ver to a a one•time char e for an fnde ndem rcal ��4�^"=�- <br /> g Y � P Y 8 P� �[r�s::. <br /> esteto tax reponing service used by[.tixlcr in connec�ion vmh this loan,unless applicable law provides mherwise. Unless an — <br />