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<br /> � h�ppenin�of an Even�of Uefault, Grantor hereby Irrovocobly�uthorizes and directa ach
<br /> Operatvr,if Any. each othor cenant�nd each euccessor, IP any,to the interast of nny Oper�toi
<br /> or tenant urtder each Operctin�Lease,If kny,or u�y ather A.ease, rospatively, to raly upon
<br /> A�
<br /> any notice of a cl�lmod Event of DefAUlt�ent by 8enoflcluy to�ny Ruch Oper�tor� !f tny,or , -
<br /> tennnt or any of th�ir successors In interest� uid thGreafter ta p�y Renta to Beneflciuyr without =
<br /> any obliQttion or ri�ht to inquire as to whEtheT an Cvent of Dcfault ectually aY!_ts end even if
<br /> some nottce to the cantrary is received frorn tlte Gr�ntor.wha sbnll havo no rfaht or clufm �^`�
<br /> against u►y such Operatvr,if any,or tenant ur successor in iatorest for wy such Rents so _
<br /> py.id eo Heneficiary. Each Opeeator� if any. or teaant or any of their succsssors in iutorest _ -
<br /> � fram whom Beneficiary or any afficer,egent, anorney or employee of Beaeficiary shall have =
<br /> �� � collected any Rents,ahall be authorized to pay Rents to Grantor only after such operator. if �
<br /> any, or tenant or any of their successors in interest shall have received wrttten notice from
<br /> Beneficiary that the Event of Default is no longer continuing.which notice Hanefictary shall __
<br /> �- ,� ' be obligated to give If Beneficiary agrees that such Event of Default is no longer continuing, Y_:,
<br /> . � unless aad until a further notice of an Event of Default is given by Beneficiary to such tenant �_
<br /> or any of their successors in interest. ��, .
<br /> �: �;��'�:.';'. {e) Ber�tficiary will not become a mortgagee in possession so lang as it does �
<br /> � "��'`��;�`�-� not enter or take actual possession of the Trust Property. In addidon,Beneficiary shall not be =
<br /> � responsible or liahle for pei�orming any of the obligations of the landlord under any
<br /> - � • ; Operating Lease or any other Lease,for any wasce by any Operator or any tananY,or others.
<br /> for any dangerous or defective conditions of any of the Trust Property,for negligence in the
<br /> _ - management, upkeep,repair or conuol of any of the Trust Property or any other act or -
<br /> T'�=�s� � • omission by any other person. -_
<br /> -^Y".r,:lf�4. � L{__
<br />_ `F'"t{.`"� .', (fl Grantor shall furnish to Beneficiary.within 30 days after a request by R_
<br /> �;�;.;^�;��,' ' Beneficiary to do so,a writtun statement containing the names of each Operator, if any, all
<br />-;3-.;:t�;�;�.�.;�: �,;, tenants,subtenants and concess iona ires o f t he P r e m i s e s o r Im provemenu. the terms of each
<br />•.-;;;�t�??;�s,: .� Operating Lease,if any,or any other Lease,the space occupied and the rentt�ls or license fees _
<br /> _,;.;�t....�, , . .': e
<br />-�-��„�� payable thereunder. _
<br /> �;.1�,�:;���,
<br /> �'��'� Section 1J0. Ractrir��p � ��Tr�ncferc�nd Enetmbrances. (a) Except as
<br />=m;'��::��"�.�.
<br /> ;�:.;;ti.�'.:.:' . permitted hereby, by che Credit Agreement or by the Tranche A�xcbange Note Purchase
<br />��z;�� ���� . Agreements, Grantor sha11 not directly or indlrectly sell,convey.alienate, esslgn,lease.
<br /> ��:M�°�• ' sublease, license, inortgage�pledge,encumber or othenvise trinsfer, create,consent to or
<br /> --`�"'`�` ' � suffer the creation of any lien, charges or any form of encumbrance upon any iaterest in or �
<br /> ,,��.'� . �' any part of the Trusc Property.or be divested of its tide to We Tnist Property or any interest i-
<br /> _ ,.:� � therein in any maruier or way,whother voluntatily or involuntarily(mthar than resulting from —
<br /> -�'"����._ . a t�kiag), or engage in any common, caoperative,joint,timesharing or other congregate �_
<br /> _:` '�.;{�""�}� ownership of a!I or part thereof,�s�l,ho�ltCYS�,�at Gxantor may ia the ordinary course -_
<br />_:,�.;2,:.";`i';t' -
<br /> ..��;;�..,�. . � of business within reasonable commercial standards,emer into easement or covenant �_,^
<br /> -��� `�'�'�' � agreements which relate to and/or benefit the operatIan of the Trust Pcoperty and which do
<br /> :,=�.'� �:.��:
<br /> � not nnatarIally or adversely sifffect the use and operation of the same (except for customary _
<br /> utility easemenu which service the Trust Property). �'�:
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