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<br /> - � c�7.• ��'���r '
<br /> Section 1.08. 5911.��111�2;^"�minPn�Domain. The Grantar sh.�tlt.in _
<br /> r� :t.�.
<br /> accardance with Section 9 of the Guatanxee Agreen►io d uoon obtainin�6rnowlc Qe af IIany �.;:_,�.
<br /> `" Note Purchase Agreements,notify the Beneficiary p P Y P a ;�;,,
<br /> '� Qending or threatened Condemnation of the Tn�st Property. All Condcmnatton Pmcaecle shnll �;=
<br /> be held on 8 Oli of he Tcans�he A Ezchsn,�Note Aurchase�Agreem n�,u�ranteo A��sea�ent ,L=
<br /> tnd Sect
<br /> . i ^+•
<br /> Section 1.09. (�) �r�ntor hareby =
<br /> Irravocat�ly and absolutaly grar►ts.transfers and assign�all of iu�riBbt titie ond intere8t in e�oh _
<br /> n
<br /> Operating Lease. lf any, end a11 other l.e�ses.togcther with my�nd all axtenafnnn�nd _ _—
<br /> conew�ls thereof for purposes of securing and discharging tho porfornl'+nco by dcantar of.thn _
<br /> Secured Obligatlons. Grantor has not assigned`n e L���y o�hQ�el�ase or thoir�l�6t _
<br /> assfgn or execute any assignment of�any Op S =:�___
<br /> respective Renu to anyoae other than Beneficiary. �;_�--
<br /> �; ;`_.•—.
<br /> (b) Wlthout Beneficiary's prioT written consent,Grantor will not(1)modify. -
<br /> .�_ ._:
<br /> �- amend. terminate or conse��i ¢o u�a c�.c�l:su�r^'-'s'!'-'''endor of anv OparatinQ Leasn ar anY _
<br /> other Lease if such modification, amendment, terminadon or consent would,i�►the rzuonaole ��,^_
<br /> �. jud�rnent of the Beneficiary, he adverse in any material respoct to tha Lendars. �a���E�t of �
<br /> �� the Trust Property or the lien created by this Deed of Trust or(2)consent to an assignrrn _
<br /> erating Lease or co a sublottinQ thereof covarinQ a material �:
<br /> any Operaror's interest in any Op __
<br /> portion of any Truckstop comprising a portion of the Tru�t Fropnrcy,except as may be
<br />'� • permitted by this Deed of Trust,th�Credit Agreement or tho Trancho A Exchifnge Note
<br />- Purchase Agreements.
<br />� (c) SubJect to para,�aph 1.09(d). Grantor hns assiBnad ancl aransfened to
<br /> ���, :,:;,�;, . Beneficiary all of Grantor's rlght,aitle and interest in and to tlte Rento now or hereaRer
<br />— azisin�from each Operating Lease. lf any, and all otiiar L.eases hnr�tafare or hereaRtr mado
<br />� °"^�'' or agreed to by Grancor.ic being inte�es�eA that this assiBnmant estnbliuh,su b ject to eradng
<br />=�,�:�`.��� .�: pazagraph 1.09(d), an absolute transfer and assignmant of all Renw and each s�uh Op
<br />-'�-T""•% ' ti Lease, if any�aad all other Leases to Beneficin�y and nat moroly crn grant a securtty Interest
<br /> �.r..:
<br /> �'"����, ��� � tharein. Svbject to paragraph 1.09(d), Beneficiary mny in(3rantar's name and stead(w or
<br /> ` '` w;thous first takin�possession of any of the Tcust Propot'cY Poraonally or by recol�er as
<br /> __ � � ;i rdon of any of
<br />�` � ;�,�� . provlded herein)operate the Tivst Property and rent.le.ase ar lat all or any po
<br /> ".-'" �`�' �,,., y:� the Tiust Property to any parcY or Part�es at such rental and upon such terms as BeneRciary
<br /> '==;,��;:,�;. � shall� in its sole discretlon. detamnine, and may co U�sc t un d h a v e t h e b e n e S t of all of said _
<br />'%'"':::�::`��"' � Rents aris[ng from or accruing�t pny tima theraaRer or tliut may thereafter become due under
<br /> � '�"" � " each Operadn�Lease or any otheT I.ease.
<br /> .,x�.�. .
<br /> yr.� • �
<br /> .'_N ,
<br /> - .. . ; � (d) Until an Event of Default occui�or after an Event of Default has -
<br /> occuned but is no longer continuing, Beneficlt�ry wa11�ot exereise eny of its rights under p .
<br /> � paragraph 1.09(c). and Grantor s�all receive and cfllluct tho Rents accruing uader any �:;�
<br /> � pperating Lease or any otber Lease;but aftor tUo hnpp�8 of�ny Evens of Default(but only � ,-
<br /> while such Event of Default continues),Beneficiflry mny,at its opdon,receive az►d collcct all ��;'�.
<br /> '' _r.�_-,
<br /> Rents and enter up�n the Premises and Improv�smonte through its officers,a�ents, employees
<br /> � „ "� �: or attorneys for such purpose and for tho oporation nnd maintenance thereof. Upon the
<br /> .. � (\l'CVRP:9M071.J:\�PCX�Q1'J2'P' 6:S)pm) .
<br /> � '. _ �: ..—...�_�_.�---'--
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